#I think this also shows how correct Erwin was to say these things abt Claude. seeing Sylvain so angry about them
dmclemblems · 2 years
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u know it’s bonkers when u live in a world where count gloucester was right all along
#Three Hopes#Three Hopes Spoilers#it's such a stark contrast bc in Houses Lorenz admits he was wary and stuff abt Claude by his father's suggestion#but came to the conclusion on his own that Claude was a good leader#and then you have this game where the entire game even tho Lorenz follows his lead#he's constantly questioning what he does and bringing up points to him that are valid arguments#in Houses his arguments at first were very based on his father's suspicions in the Academy phase#it's kind of a give and take that I'm not sure how I feel about LOL bc I LOVE that Lorenz was treated significantly more in this game as#the morally conscious one who always voices his thoughts when he thinks things aren't acceptable#it's not as obvious in Houses that he cares about ALL civilians and seems more like he's more tunnel visioned abt#the civilians in the Alliance rather than everywhere. in this game it's more obvious he cares about all commoners equally#and that he just has a more direct duty to the Alliance and to Gloucester territory#also Sylvain bringing up hating them for invading is SUCH a good touch to this bc Sylvain is so strong about peace#and he even wants peace with Sreng and think it's possible! I think that says a LOT about how much he hates the Alliance now bc they#killed his father and like... Sreng has done some shit but it's never directly affected Sylvain. this did and it shows#I love how Sylvain would take peace with another nation entirely over peace with another Fodlan country in this situation#bc the Alliance just came in and invaded and killed his father and for NOTHING. like Sreng is after more fertile land#so he at least UNDERSTANDS why Sreng attacks and wants to find another way for them to survive without attacking Faerghus#I think this also shows how correct Erwin was to say these things abt Claude. seeing Sylvain so angry about them#really drives it home and it's a very interesting thing to see him outright express hatred for the Alliance for invading#I think it's totally valid but also like... on top of that he has to worry about the Empire's attacks to the west#so it's like great the Alliance just killed his dad and now he has to worry that the Empire might kill his brother#at least the joke is on the Empire bc Miklan doesn't go down that easy#I feel so bad for Sylvain tho in this route and he's totally justified to hate the Empire#and now he's totally justified to hate the Alliance too#I kinda wish we had more interaction with him and Claude where he could rly drive it home to Claude that this was unacceptable#the fact that Claude literally invaded and then told his people that they'd ''see what Dimitri would SAY when they go there''#just proves he never had any intention of doing this peacefully. his intention all along was to FORCE a surrender or he'd keep killing#Claude goes on and on abt how he doesn't /want/ to kill more ppl but the implication is that he WILL if there's no surrender#someone get Erwin Gloucester in here bc we need a man who knows wtf is up and what he's talking about
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