#I think yukio has read orv
frobby · 2 months
the fact that yukio reads shounen jump is lowkey funny to me cuz like outwardly he seems like the kinda guy who is above shounen like when u ask him what hes fave manga is he would tell you to get back to studying or something but no he diligently reads jump every month
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
Highlights of today’s writing:
—edited the nendousai wip! and added like two words. mmmh. still BLERGH on this one. which I mean, I love it. and got ideas on it! but! it’s disjointed and not really coming together.
—edited the yukishima something new wip :D not much. just little things, but it’s progress. yukio and renzou make me m e l t.
—whoo hoo! 🎉 +39 words to the hankim theyre children wip! and i think!! i finally!!! Got!!! An idea to where to go with this one. Am soooo happyyyyy. might become hankimsangah. or. yoohankimsangah. I already sangah & yjh sort in mind when writing this so. yeah. it’s a mess where I left it. but it’s something where I can built on. I really love this wip. hankim interactions were so, so fun to write about
—I was rereading and writing a comment to this KHR fic, and rereading the manga of the KHR when it hit me. about tsuna’s character, and his early characterisations. which make me rethink on that KHR/ORV wip. because it’s not early!tsuna I had in mind. and this made me think more about it...and I got an idea on where to go with it. changes to make. haha, I don’t if it will go with this way. but, omg! I will be much fun. :D I think I finally found the spark I needed. ✨
—and oh yeah! the sanghee fic! I cut out this part where I was planning to write in (indirect messages from uriel) but didn’t know what to do write. just vague, vague ideas. but while I was rereading it, I felt it was unnecessary and just went. chomp. it felt nice (also. yikes. so want to desperately to edit this. but. i feel like it would be better to first get something down. if I fall that rabbit hole, I won’t be able get out...and everything would become much messy) also! just random thing: really love sangah. I never expect to have this fun when I started to write her :D
—for the reborn/nana wip. There’s this...part I know I don’t need. Or could do with, but want to have it in. just. because I can. I took it for now. And the wip did feel way lighter! by do without, I meant. it felt chunky in it. and felt it disrupted everything. might add it again afterwards...
also this might be a little funny, but this part that I really liked to write is a scene with iemitsu/nana. I don’t like iemitsu at all. but...there’s something about these two. that I do love. their interaction was really interesting and much fun to write. and oof, this separate is going in angsty, and so much hurt, and I can’t!! Wait!! 🤩 I laid down the start, already. And there’s a lot of satisfaction here in this part—because it’s Nana who has the upper hand, she is the one that knows while Iemitsu doesn’t. And I love that a lot.
Also, played with Nana and flames in this wip. Wondering about what sort of flames she’d have. And. Haven’t decided yet—sky & rain so far but I don’t think it would fit in this au. It’s super fun anyways
Have a little reborn & Nana interaction too! Which I LOVE SO MUCH. and by the way, when I said nana/reborn. Their relationship is going to be very slowwww burn, so I doubt I will be able to slide it in. But who knows?
Also! I feel like tsuna gonna to be more and more in this wip. so far, he’s not here much. but—I have ideas. Well. I don’t think you can call it ideas but feeling about tsuna and how he will fit in. his place in all of this, and want to explore.
just. Aaaaaa. I have SO MUCH for this wip. and so!!! excited!!! to do it.
—all the shiemi talked, reminded me of her wip. so I went back. read it, and wow I really like it! added 6 words. it’s a bit disjointed in places, but there’s something about this wip that shines out to me. maybe, I will go back to it tomorrow and fiddled with it
—started a new khr wip! Okay for this one... it’s focused on 8027. I love this two so much, and am so fascinated by their relationship. Yamamoto is a hard character for me to get down. I don’t really understand him, but anyways, I really love the ambiguous of him. And his relationship with Tsuna. I wanted to write something. Just. Anything. On them, but didn’t feel like I could tackle it. So I went with much smaller. The plan with this wip is to have little snippet about this two, like small small and play around. Something easy, no pressure, and just fun. See what unfolds
It’s going well so far :D
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