#I thought I wouldn’t be into BJD too much but I am rapidly falling into this rabbit hole help
lovedrac · 11 months
So if any y’all haven’t caught on, I am brand new to the world of doll-collecting and the hobby.
Like, brand-spanking new, and loving it.
But is anyone else brand new to the hobby and wildly oscillating between new doll interests and hyperfixations??? It’s like you can’t get enough, it’s a literal fever? 😂😭
I was so obsessed with American Girl for WEEKS; now I’m finding myself really into VOLKS/Dollfie Dream and a bit of BJD (I’m really holding back though, as BJD is a wildly expensive hobby. I’m gonna stick with my fashion and play line as much as possible).
Most doll-related things I can get my little hands on, I’ve found the hyperfixation devours it whole and my heart is 110% into it. 💞
I just love dolls so much!!!! 💖💕💖💕💖
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