#I totally didn't forget this nuhuh
atreyu-posts · 7 years
Have any cool Cybertronian headcanons? Of course you do! Share them here! It can be about a character, Cybertron itself, Cybertronian biology, etc.! Whatever floats your boat!
Well, the majority of my head cannons involve either mechpreg (yup, there’s that) and the gladiatorial arenas and the laws and rules that surround that. And some Cybertronian sicknesses and drugs. I don’t know, those all are pretty fun to write. Oh and their biology, that’s cool too!
To begin with, mechpreg, one of the tags I’ll look at most often on AO3, and star player in at least one of my fanfictions. Personally, I’ve always thought that depending on the situation, two (or more, you’re so inclined) could copulate.
Firstly, I have always had the thought that mecha would have to be Conjunx Endura (or Amica Endura) to be able to copulate. I don’t know why really, I think I like the idea better of certified best friend™ fragging the other mecha and making them carry. I just think that’s hilarious!
Secondly, Cybertronians are a genderless race that adopts pronouns to fit their personality/frame. Just with that, there is so much that could be covered biologically wise.
Also, just to carry on the first topic, I do like to think that asexual reproduction is a completely doable situation. I like to think of the babes created that way are hatchlings, while those created the *cough* normal way are sparklings.
So, with the Gladiatorial combat scene, I actually like to think of the angst that could be created for only the writing side of things. For example, gonna be using my OC Nightbalde for this, she’s an ex-gladiator. I like to think that gladiators did not have a choice in whether of not to go in the arena as a possible death wish. I also like to think that those who are made gladiators were originally uneducated slaves.
It’s easier to take over someone if they are stupid, or oblivious to the situation, right? That’s my thought.
It’s also my thought that if a mecha graduated from some sort of institution somewhere on Cybertron (or one of its territories) you were already considered a higher caste than that of a gladiatorial slave/miner. It’s kind of rough way to think of things but slaves (in my universes) can be used in any form or fashion.
Now, for the actual arenas and the combat that took place, hell, I don’t know if it’s cannon, but, betting fees. Like, if mecha throws a fight intentionally, the owner would have to reimburse those who had placed bets. (It’s not like it would matter that much, they make good money just being in a higher caste. All they’d do next is sell that mecha and get a new one. Or keep that one and get another and have the two fight to the death. Who ever lived would, well, that one would take the place of the other. But that bit depends on the owner.)
Okay, though when I was talking about sicknesses, I like to make up little diseases that kill the party slowly. Sometimes, the party doesn’t notice, not even a chunk of medical staff, except for those who’ve dealt with it. That tends to make something a little bit more troubling. *evil smiles*
I’m only going to name maybe two that I’ve made recently (though I might get really lazy because it’s late and do only one. Don’t be disappointed.) which is a Spark Flutter. It sounds normal right? Kind of sounds like a good thing, a thing you’d find while reading that happy, fluffy stuff. Nope. Wrong. Think of it like a heart attack, where instead of a clogged artery, the party’s spark gives a painful pulse and causes the entire frame to go stiff. Now, if enough come in one shot, it will take the spark’s energy, the plasma, and fry all the circuitry throughout. The processor being the last to be completely damaged. This making them very much aware that they are dying, and feel everything. A very painful, drawn out death. And it’s all caused by A) not merging with Conjunx/Amica in a long time. And or B) that mecha is old and the spark wants to be free to join the Well to start over anew.
And… haha… no I shouldn’t be laughing. Drugs. Well, Syk is already bad on its own, I’ve made a few more! (Yay me, I’m Cybertronian drug dealer! (I should delete that, but I probs won’t.))
Smashpipe (AKA Smash) is one idea I had. Where it looks kind of like Red Energon, the same slag that made Starscream, my trash son, go freaking fast. This stuff though, is an aphrodisiac. But not all aphrodisiacs should be made or consumed. This stuff makes the frame basically numb BUTT the valve and spike. It primarily tells the processor to redirect the flow of Energon to only (ONLY) those organs.
So yeah, it feels good. Okay. Be ready to fucking die after that third overload. Say hello to Primus! (I don’t get why I enjoy writing this stuff but whatever. It’s too late for me…) Since Smash redirects ALL the Energon in the frame to go right there, in that transfluid, it will have a lot more Energon than normal. Majority of those that take it do not survive.
Seriously I could go on and on about all this stuff. It’s fun! I just sometimes need a little push to think more about it, that’s all. Bye and thanks if you made it this far!
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