#I tried looking up lyrics about caves but they were all so emo lmao
flyboytracy · 4 years
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Scott Tracy + Cave
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tmsbrainrot · 6 years
Daydreamer (Version 1)
Summary: You were perfectly happy to pine after your study buddy, Kim Junmyeon, quietly and without expectation. That was until his roommate, Park Chanyeol, got involved. Appointing himself as your wingman, Chanyeol makes it his mission to get the two of you together. Do you dare get your hopes up? Will Chanyeol’s plan be a success, or will it end in heartbreak?
Genre: College!AU, DrummerYeol!AU, fluff, angst
Word count: 1,879
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | ?
The 20 minute drive to Chanyeol and Junmyeon’s apartment was the most fun you’d had in months. Your nights usually consisted of reading at the park, going home and studying, sleeping, getting woken up by your roommates, yelling at your roommates, then going back to sleep. You were fully aware of how sad that sounded so you didn’t mention it to Chanyeol. Not that you’d had the chance to mention anything to him. He’d talked the entire journey.
First, he’d spent five minutes calling you old for storing your music on CD’s. Apparently you needed to “get with the times” and “stop living in the past”. When he’d accused people like you of destroying iPod and MP3 sales you’d seriously considered pulling over and shoving him out of the car. He had then spent another five minutes lamenting your, quote, “emo 13-year-old” music taste.
“My Chemical Romance broke up in 2013. Get over it already!”
That had been the last straw. You’d exploded and told him to put his music on seeing as though you clearly needed educating on acceptable music. He had completely ignored the sarcasm dripping from your words and had produced a ridiculously tiny MP3 player from his voluminous hoodie pocket. He had also ignored your comment about how the MP3 player looked like a tic tac in his giant hands.
The following ten minutes had consisted of Chanyeol playing a variety of songs and explaining to you in a deadly serious voice that each song held the key to happiness within its melody. He’d explained, in great detail, the meaning of the lyrics for each song. He’d even explained how the instruments came together to produce different sounds and the affect the sounds produced had on the mind and body. It was all very interesting, although you didn’t understand a lot of the jargon he’d used. Still, listening to him speak with such passion was inspiring and left you with a warm feeling deep in your chest.
You’d been strangely saddened when you’d pulled up to his apartment block. The two of you had successfully removed Junmyeon’s bike from where it was crammed in the back seat and Chanyeol had turned to you with a sigh. “I guess this is goodbye.”
You’d laughed. “God, you’re so dramatic.”
“Please,” he’d said, covering his eyes with his hand and sniffling, “don’t make this any harder than it already is.”
Rolling your eyes, you’d got back into the driver’s seat and rolled down your window. “I’ll see you around, you giant baby,” you’d called out, pulling away.
“Miss you already!” he’d shouted back, waving enthusiastically and smiling that toothy smile that you couldn’t help but copy.
It wasn’t until you’d got to your apartment that you realised he had left his MP3 player in the passenger seat. Probably fell out of the cave that he calls a pocket, you thought wryly. Seriously, why does he wear a hoodie two sizes too big? Someone that tall has no business looking so small. Besides, if he’s going for the soft boyfriend look it’s not like he needs help from oversized clothes. Not with those sparkling eyes or adorable ears. Not to mention his fluffy hair and contagious smile... You felt your lips stretch into a grin as you unlocked the door to your apartment, MP3 player tucked into your jacket pocket.
Despite the fact that you had to be up in five hours for work you were filled with excitement. What had started off as an ordinary week was now a week of possibilities. Thanks to Chanyeol your flame of hope was now a raging fire, demanding that action be taken before it consumed you. Your study session with Junmyeon was scheduled for Sunday, giving you six days to come up with a plan of action. Plenty of time.
You’d dreamt up various versions of your confession, however being faced with the opportunity to make those daydreams reality shed light on how outlandish and embarrassing they actually were. You sifted through imagined scenarios as you got ready for bed, discarding the majority of them outright and picking apart the ones you sort of liked until you began to hate them. When you realised you’d been brushing your teeth for a good twenty minutes you decided to give up and tackle the problem again tomorrow.
Junmyeonie ❤ [sent at 10:32am] : morning study buddy! sorry to disturb you when you’re working but my roommate chanyeol told me you helped him out last night with the whole bike thing. can you believe that punk tried to convince me that he bandaged his own hands then rode home by himself? he’s always been a shitty liar. don’t worry, i didn’t beat him up that bad... haha! anyway, i just wanted to say thanks for looking after the kid. if you hadn’t been there he probably would’ve done something stupid and ended up getting seriously hurt. i owe you one!
Junmyeonie ❤ [sent at 10:34am] : btw he keeps asking for your number. says he left something in your car? you mind if i give him your number?
Me [sent at 11:00am] : no worries, i’m on break now anyway :) i couldn’t ignore a person in need. i’m too much of a saint for that. jk lol. you don’t owe me anything. yeah, he left his mp3 player in my car. you can give him my number
Me [sent at 11:01am] : also i didn’t think you were the type to beat up an injured man dr junmyeon! wow, chanyeol was right about you...
Junmyeonie ❤ [sent at 11:02am] : a saint? pfff
Junmyeonie ❤ [sent at 11:02am] : wait, what slander has chanyeol been spreading about me????
Me [sent at 11:03am] : i couldn’t possibly say
Junmyeonie ❤ [sent at 11:03am] : you’ve changed. the daydreamer i know would never keep secrets from their favourite study buddy
Me [sent at 11:04am] :  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Junmyeonie ❤ [sent at 11:06am] : i don’t want to give him your number now. he’s clearly a bad influence
Me [sent at 11:06am] : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Junmyeonie ❤ [sent at 11:09am] : meanie :(
Unknown [sent at 1:43pm] : y did jun send me a text with this number saying ‘you two deserve each other’???
Me [sent at 3:15pm] : chanyeol?
Unknown [sent at 3:16pm] : doc???
Me [sent at 3:17pm] : yeah lol
Chanyeol [sent at 3:17pm] : oh shit waddup
Me [sent at 3:19pm] : lmao he actually gave you my number
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:20pm] : was he not supposed to??
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:20pm] : y??
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:20pm] : do u not like me??? :’(
Me [sent at 3:21pm] : dude chill. he said he wasn’t going to that’s all
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:22pm] : so u do like me????????
Me [sent at 3:23pm] : you can’t see me right now but i’m rolling my eyes
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:23pm] : i’ll take that as a yes
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:40pm] : what r u doing?
Me [sent at 3:43pm] : i’m at work
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:44pm] : shit, my bad. i’ll stop bothering u
Me [sent at 3:47pm] : it’s cool. i’ll text you when i’m off
Meme boi Chanyeol [sent at 3:47pm] : :)
Once your shift ended you gathered your things from the staff locker, pulling on your jacket and patting the pocket to make sure Chanyeol’s MP3 player was still there, safe and sound. You’d messaged him as soon as you’d clocked out and he’d messaged you back immediately. The speed at which he replied was both endearing and a little worrying. He must be pretty attached to his phone if he can reply so quickly, you thought.
You’d arranged to meet at the park before heading to class so you could return his belonging. When you pulled up to the car park you saw him sitting on the curb, his long legs folded awkwardly and his hands on his knees. He was wearing the same black cap and hoodie, although he had traded the skinny jeans for sweatpants and the sneakers for the ugliest white shoes you’d ever seen. His head snapped up as you parked and he unfolded his limbs with visible difficulty, pushing himself up from his sitting position and loping over to you.
“Hey there,” he said, beaming at you. You grinned back, looking up at him and noticing a dimple had appeared on his left cheek. Your gaze rose to meet his sparkling eyes and you felt a sudden surge of affection. Before you knew it you had wrapped your arms around him in a quick hug. He let out a small gasp, stiffening at your touch.
Stepping back hastily you felt your cheeks begin to heat up. “I, ah, sorry,” you said falteringly. “I don’t know why I did that.”
Chanyeol didn’t answer, he just chuckled and patted your head. “No worries, doc. I was just surprised. Usually I’m the one initiating the hug.”
You laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, I bet. You seem like the touchy feely type.”
“Is that a compliment?” he asked, head tilting to the side and smirk clear on his face.
“Sure,” you said, his laid-back attitude easing your awkwardness. “It’s cute. You’re like a golden retriever.”
He pursed his lips and furrowed his brow. “You know, I feel like you’re making fun of me, but at the same time you’re saying things that make me all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s confusing.”
“My apologies,” you said, grinning. “I’ll try to speak plainly so you can understand.”
“Ah,” he said, raising a finger, “now I know you’re making fun of me.”
“You’re welcome.”
Chanyeol’s eyes narrowed and the ghost of a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Daydreamer.”
You shrugged airily. “Yeah yeah. Do you want your portable music device or not. I got a class to go to.”
“Portable music device? Are you trying to hurt me?” Drama queen Chanyeol had returned.
Rolling your eyes you pulled the MP3 out of your pocket and held it out to him. As he reached out to take it you notice his hands. “I see you changed the bandages. Do they hurt?”
He shook his head. “Junmyeon helped me. He said you did a really good job of fixing them up. Very professional.”
Your heartbeat quickened and once again a blush spread to your cheeks. “Oh,” was all you managed to reply.
A strange look passed over Chanyeol’s face, too quickly for you to make out the meaning behind it before it was replaced with his usual half-grin.
You cleared your throat meaningfully. “Well then, I’ve got to go. Don’t want to be late to immunology.” You turned to leave, opening the driver’s side door.
“Wait,” Chanyeol said, grabbing your arm. He seemed to be debating something. He kept opening his mouth to speak then closing it, frowning.
“What is it?” you asked, becoming increasingly nervous.
Chanyeol huffed, pulled his cap off, ran his fingers through his hair, placed the cap back on his head, then nodded to himself.
“Are you in love with Junmyeon?”
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