#I tried to get peppers picture while she was sniffing it but my camera was too slow and that’s all I got lol
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Flower shaped mushroom spotted on my walk with my dog today. For the cottagecore girlies 💕
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sanchoyo · 5 years
(Ask and you shall receive) 6 + 15, Kaede & Tsumugi
Bookshop AU + Criminal AU
BOYY HOWDY I AM LATE WITH THIS basically I tried to make a modern au where things are more..realistic (as much as dr can be?) but the premise isn’t too different :”) this is a good ship and tsumugi is the most underrated girl 
Kaede tapped her fingers on the table rhythmically; It was a song, one note against the wood, but the pace was solid and steady. Tsumugi loved the sound, and smiled to herself from the front desk. A notebook was laid out in front of her, copying notes from a music book into it. Kaede caught her eye and smiled; Tsumugi smiled back and looked away, eyes casted down.
The first week Kaede had come in, she’d informed the other girl they had a copy machine, and Kaede had told her writing the notes down by hand helped her memorize them. She was going to college nearby, with the goal of becoming a concert pianist. 
Tsumugi had seen a few local shows after Kaede had told her to come; And Tsumugi had fallen quickly: for her music, beautiful stories unraveling with swells and lows swooping through the air of an auditorium, and the gentle smile Kaede wore while her fingers danced. There was never a stumbling, never a mistake in those steady notes.
Tsumugi had steady hands too, so she could admire it; when she sewed, when she put books back in their homes, when she…
She caught Kaede’s eye and smiled again. Kaede abruptly put her books down, shoving the notebook into her bag and approached the front door.
“Tsumugi! Do you work a full shift today? I’m so stiff; we should go out and walk a while!”
Bold as always- it was so cute. Tsumugi tucked a stray strand hair behind her ear.
“Really, it’s not good to sit indoors all day!”
“I think I’ve mentioned, I work at a bar after I leave here, Akamatsu-san. I’m afraid I can’t.” She shrugged, and her Kaede’s entire body visibly slumped. So cute. “Mmm, maybe tomorrow?”
Kaede perked up. “Yeah, for sure! I don’t really drink a lot but maybe I could stop by the bar or something if you want?”
“Oh, I don’t know if that’s a great idea. It’s not really a bar for a girl like you.”
“A girl like me?! C’mon, I’ve been to a few parties in my time!” Kaede’s cheeks puffed out. “Is it safe for you? Is it like,” Kaede leaned in, as if sharing a secret, “really sketchy or something?”
She leaned towards Kaede, so close she could smell her flowery perfume. 
“I’m able to handle myself well enough, but thank you for your concern. I have pepper spray.” She could laugh; but it was truth enough that she could handle herself- no need to give the blonde unnecessary need to worry. 
“Okay, if you’re sure! But I should give you my number in case of emergencies, okay? Call me in a pinch! Or, y’know, if you just wanna chat!”
She opened her mouth in faux surprise, and accepted the scrap of paper; Kaede had signed it with a heart. 
“If you really want, tomorrow night...”
“Yeah! I really do wanna go out, what time?”
So they chatted, set a time and place for the next day, and Tsumugi’s hand clenched the scrap of paper tightly.
And she held it close when Kaede smiled and walked away, her perfume lingered.
“Oh dear,” She whispered to herself. This was bad! Kaede really was beautiful! And strong-willed enough...how beautiful would she look under glowing lights in full costume, how hard would her delicate hands hit if faced with adversaries?
She wanted her; more than she’d wanted anyone, in a long, long time. 
She turned open her own book, a manga murder mystery. She’d already guessed the killer from the first time she’d read it, the pretty, strawberry girl that the main character had already forgotten about after she faked her death; but for some reason, it held her attention anyway, even if she’d read it at least ten dozen times. 
Did the girl, Junko, feel remorse at all? Or did she feel glee, euphoria, and more love when she saw the impassioned fight her friends was giving? Tsumugi smiled, closing her favorite book and setting it on the counter.
She had a date to get ready for tomorrow night.
“You’ve never read the Dangan Ronpa Murder series?”
“I dunno, it’s a little gory for me.” Kaede’s laugh was light and airy. “I know it’s just books, but I get so grossed out! I know they’re huge right now, but…”
“Mhm, they aren’t for everyone. But the main character is so noble! So willing to sacrifice everything for their friends. They remind me of you.”
“Of me?” Kaede looked up from her fries, mid-bite. “No way! I could never do that kind of stuff, I’d freak out!”
“I’ve seen you with your friends, Akamatsu-san. I think if it really came down to it, you’d try and help them however you could.”
Kaede looked like she was considering it carefully. “Yeah, when I think of them, I’d wanna try, but…” She grinned, changing the subject. “So, anyway, since you like the series, what do you think about who they’re casting for the live-actions?”
“It should’ve been animated,” Tsumugi sniffed, and she was a little bitter. “I’m not a fan of who they casted for Junko. She’s not- The wig looks too cheap! And- I have so many complaints!” She huffed, and Kaede laughed.
“You should send them your cosplay pictures to convince them to let you style her! Yours looks way better anyway,” Tsumugi felt her cheeks warm. 
“Thank you for the thought, but with all the retcons they’re doing...but oh! We should get you in a cosplay sometime! There’s a con soon!”
“That’d be fun! Even if I don’t really know the characters, it makes me really excited to think about wearing one of your costumes and hanging out all day!” Kaede propped her head on her hand, smiling. “You look so pretty when you get all excited about this, y’know?”
“You know, I think I’ve said you can call me Kaede.” Kaede slipped her hands over Tsumugi’s.
“I’m excited just being with you, Kaede.” She admitted softly. “And I’d be really happy if you want to meet me again next week?”
Kaede’s smile was like the sun. “It’s a date!”
Kaede looked even more beautiful than Tsumugi could have imagined, done up in purple and black lace, a masquerade mask over her eyes, hair pinned back.
“How does it look?”
“It still needs something.” Tsumugi circled her, checking over her own handiwork. “Maybe a hairpiece…” 
“Oh! How about a flower or something?”
She stared for a minute, considering it, trying to visualize, and Kaede ducked her head. 
“Honestly, with you staring so much I’m a little embarrassed. You don’t think it’s too much?”
“I could’ve gone more detailed with it! You wanted something simple, this is about as simple as I can do! I didn’t even put any anime references on the design!” She frowned. “I don’t know, maybe I could change your makeup a bit; something darker to show on camera more…”
“On camera? Will you be filming my performance?”
“Of course I will be! You’ll be the star of the show!” 
Kaede grinned, and gave her a quick peck on the lips. Tsumugi saw stars behind her eyes, and couldn’t stop glowing; Kaede really was perfect for this, the other girl’s attitude just made her even more sure; if she loved her so much, surely, everyone else would also-!
“I don’t understand what’s going on,” Kaede muttered to the boy beside her; he was going to the same college, studying to be a detective. Tsumugi had been careful to pick students with varying fields, to make it more interesting- she hadn’t expected the boy to cling to Kaede so hard, and it was irritating to watch. 
Kaede held her dress up off the floor, so careful not to get it dirty (and wasn’t that sweet? She was by far the best dressed here, and the cameras were trained on her as the center, as they should be.) Her eyes glanced at Tsumugi, full of worry. “Where are we?”
“I don’t know,” She lied. “Weren’t we just on the way to your concert? We’ll be late…”
“Are you guys idiots? You don’t know what this is?” A short boy with purple-tinted hair laughed. “C’mon, there’s like, what, fifteen people here, none of you follow the news?”
“Don’t be fuckin’ stupid, there’s no way this is that scary-ass game show shit! No, no fuckin’ way, I don’t have time for this!” A blonde girl snapped, but her expression gave away her true feelings of panic. 
“What game show?” Kaede asked.
“It’s on the dark web. A bunch of sickos kidnap students and make them kill each other. The police haven’t made any real discoveries about it, not a single lead about who runs it or where.” Shuichi muttered. “I’ve been looking into it myself, but…”
“That’s impossible! How do they not know anything?!” An astrophysics student, Kaito, blurted out. “Seriously, they gotta be close and just not telling the public, right?”
“That’s right!” Kaede agreed. Everyone was looking at her; just as Tsumugi thought, she was a natural leader, so positive… “They’ll be here soon, until then, we all have to live and look out for each other! Right?” She looked at Tsumugi. Then softly, she murmured. “Don’t worry, okay? I seriously won’t let anyone die!”
And that would be a problem; it wasn’t like Kaede could really prevent it, but if she intended to really try… She would be a beautiful star, and an inspiring martyr. 
“Thank you, Kaede.” she squeezed her hand. “I know you’ll do great.” She knew that, because she knew Kaede, and she loved her. Still, she wished she had the foresight to put a piano around here, because she’d miss that sweet melody.
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