#I tryth mine besths
Northern Lights
Demon King x Oc drabble
Do you remember when we met?
I was naught but a small fluctuation of energy roaming the sky, shadowed by the light of the glorious sun. I was content to stay as such, thinking it was my purpose in this life, to shine ever so slightly, and to dance alone. But then you walked into my life. Everyone feared you so, The Young Prince of Darkness, so beloved by Chaos, and so resented by light. You were sent towards our home to find a light of your own, so alone in your darkness, all you asked for was a small speck of light to guide you on your journey.
My siblings did not appreciate Chaos' decision.
“What was Chaos thinking, sending him here?” They would ask. “Whom do we send unto their death? We all know no light could survive the consuming nature of his darkness!” They ranted.
“How dare he come here!” They scream.
“Why does Chaos not let the miserable creature die!?” They raved.
So hated, the Young Prince of Darkness.
I tried to fear you, tried to despise you as my brothers and sisters did. I could not.
All I could do was pity, ‘What a poor creature,’ I would think, ‘How cruel must Chaos be, To make such a poor soul as one who would be forced to wander alone in his darkness for the rest of his days?’
While they argued over who would be sent to their doom, forced to die alone in your darkness, I decided to step forward.
All I wished to do was provide you with a small source of light, it was all I could do after all, my light did not feed the green, nor did it warm the earth, it barely showed at all, no matter how hard I tried to shine as bright as my sisters, or burn as fervently as my brothers, my light was forever dim and cold.
My sisters cried, saying they would take my place if I would just stay.
My brother's hearts were overtaken by fear, so they turned that fear to anger, saying they would kill you, put you to rest so you would never darken our homes again.
I dried my sister’s tears, embracing them until they could understand they must never leave the earth without their light.
I held onto my brother’s hands, all I wanted was to save one person, as they did, just once, even if my light would not illuminate the world, I hoped to at least light yours.
As I waited in my mother’s garden, I thought about what I would say to you when we met, or what you would say to me.
Would you be cruel? Only wanting my light, and not me?
Would you be kind? Tell me to go back to my home in the sky?
Or would you say nothing at all? Simply wait for me to step into your darkness, and surely disappear.
I never figured out what to say before I heard you, from behind me, I heard you sing.
Later you would tell me how you heard this song when your body was still forming, a small tune you would hum to yourself when you could no longer see out of your own power, a song that would calm even the most cruel of men, a song that was meant for the most beautiful being, and that when you saw me all you could think was that the song was meant for me.
But as I saw you singing to me from beyond the trees, all I could think was that the song was meant for you.
How beautiful you were, how serene and calm. How lucky was I, to have you be the last thing my eyes would gaze upon before my demise. 
Your hair was held in dark ringlets, your cloak hung off your shoulders, I couldn’t see your face, too covered by your darkness, but I could see your eyes, I had never seen such a soft deep brown in my life.
It seemed when I locked my gaze with yours it shocked you, as if you didn’t know you were singing in the first place. I stood and greeted you, you responded in kind.
You told me your name, and asked if I was sent for you, “No,” I responded “I came here on my own.”
“You’ll die,” You would tell me. “Maybe,” I said as I walked towards you, “But we don’t know for sure.”
“You do, that’s why you came here, to your mother’s garden, a suitable resting place.” You stood in front of me, as you looked into my eyes, and you frowned, like you were disappointed.
“I’ve made my choice, have you?”
Your grimace told me all I needed to know.
You said nothing at first, but then you held my hand, apologized for whatever may happen to me, and thanked me for my sacrifice.
I held out my arms, hoping for one last embrace, and you granted my wish. You were warm, you smelled of smoke and ash, of the winter chill, and crisp mountain air. 
I closed my eyes as I felt your darkness consume me, too afraid to look, too afraid to let go.
I expected pain, or the breathlessness of drowning, I expected to fight for my last breaths, to have the cold envelope my body.
But instead it seemed as if I could breathe easier than before, instead of drowning I felt as if my body was lighter than air, instead of cold all I felt was your warm embrace.
For a brief moment I wondered if this was heaven, but then I heard you singing your song once again, and I opened my eyes to see you, the real you, not just your deep brown eyes, but your face, illuminated by an unearthly glow.
I watched the light as it weaved in and out of your darkness, shining brighter than I had ever seen, swirling around in dancing lights of green and blue and violet, how magical it was.
I asked you were this light came from, and how had you managed to find it, I was so distracted I almost missed the way you looked at me as you said,
“The light? It came from you.” 
I was taken aback as you held up the hands you had taken into yours, my hands, I could hardly believe what I was seeing, my skin shone the same colors as the light surrounding us, lighting up your face with its soft pastels.
I asked how this was possible, I had never shown this bright before, neither of us could come up with an answer.
You looked at my skin, and gently kissed my palm before softly asking if I would still stay, knowing I could shine as bright as my siblings.
I thought about it, surely my siblings would be overjoyed, perhaps I could now warm the earth as they did, I could guide our warriors as they could. I missed my family.
But as I thought of your song, and your embrace, and your kind darkness, I knew I wanted to stay, for as long as you would have me. My sisters guided the day, my brothers, the night. All I wished to guide was you.
So I kissed your forehead as I responded, “I have made my choice, have you?”
Your smile told me all I needed to know.
You took me into your life, gave your hearts, your mind, and your soul, and was given mine in return.
I gave all of me, and mine, to you. 
I gave you our beautiful children, a warm bed, and my ever shining light to guide you home.
I used to smile When I thought back on how we first met that day, but now as I remember your song, and your soft brown eyes, all I can think now?
Is that I wished I had died in your darkness that day.
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