#I understand that this is a new and diffrent Spock
star-trekster · 1 year
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Rules: List ten of your favourite characters in ten diffrent fandoms and then tag ten other victims to do the same!
Why the hell not? I need to procrastinate. I was tagged by @rebelsfromstars. This list actually took me a bit because I don’t actually consume a wide variety of fandoms. I usually chose one then obsess over it for years. I cheated a bit by splitting out the various Star Wars fandoms.
1) Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Angel/Spike
Angel is my favorite while he’s around, then Spike became my favorite. I love my emotionally conflicted brooding men. Angel continues to be my favorite in his spin-off show. And of course, his and Spike’s relationship in season 5 is to die for.
2) Firefly - Simon Tam
Simon is a beautiful human being who would do anything for his little sister and it warms my heart every time. 
3) Star Trek - Spock
No character in any of the Star Trek series/movies has ever overcome my love for Spock. When I watched Wrath of Khan, I cried for like an hour afterward. Thank goodness this was years after the movies came out so I was able to watch the next movie almost immediately. 
4) Supernatural - Sam Winchester
I like my tall, dark, brooding, emotionally conflicted men. Even if he is an idiot/asshole/bitch on a regular basis. 
5) Avatar: The Last Airbender - Prince Zuko
Um... have I mentioned I have a thing for conflicted characters? Zuko 100% fits that bill. And of course, his entire story arc is probably one of the best ever written. 
6) Star Wars: The Original Trilogy - Luke Skywalker
Honestly, I think this is just spillover from my childhood. I watched this trilogy a million times as a small child, and I desperately wanted to be a Jedi. I don’t know if he’d still be my favorite if I didn’t watch the trilogy until I was an adult. Luke is pretty whiny for the first two movies. I would have probably preferred Leia just for her sheer level of competence and the fact that she takes crap from no one.
7) Star Wars: The Current Trilogy - Kylo Ren
Again, dark and conflicted (though I think less conflicted since the end of TLJ). I know he’s basically evil and twisted, and at this point, I’m not looking for a redemption arc. I just find him to be by far the most interesting character in the new trilogy. 
8) Star Wars: The Prequels - Obi Wan Kenobi
This is probably because he’s one of the best actors (of the main characters) on the screen and has the best story line overall, but the snark definitely helps. 
9) Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Anakin Skywalker
This was a hard one, and I almost picked Ahsoka. But as much as she’s a badass and I love her, I just don’t quite have the same level of affection for her as I do Anakin, despite his flaws. TCW really fleshed him out in all the right ways and made me love him. His pain and struggles when dealing with his past, when Obi Wan ‘died’, when Ahsoka leaves... it gave him context that made Prequel-Anakin not only more understandable but more enjoyable to watch.
10) Star Wars: Rebels - Caleb Dume AKA Kanan Jarrus 
It’s funny because I usually latch on to characters who are emotionally conflicted (obviously), so I initially thought I was going to love Ezra. I do, but not as much as I do Kanan.
Frankly, he’s probably one of my favorite fictional characters ever. Definitely in the entire Star Wars universe. He is the self-made Jedi, and in a way, one of the best examples of a Jedi we have. He has been tempted by the dark side once in his entire life. When he was fourteen at the Third Battle of Mygeeto, he watched a dear friend die and let the dark side take over as he tried to avenge him. But even though he wasn’t able to put a name to what he was feeling, he realized that it was wrong and it would only be a pyrrhic victory. He is able to have a family and attachments without ever letting them consume him. He takes a traumatized child off the streets and helps guide him to becoming a true Jedi in just a few years. 
Also, never have I cried so hard for a character. I cried over Spock for an hour? Try every day for almost two weeks for Kanan... (Probably because he never comes back... T^T)
I could honestly go on for pages and pages, but I think I’ve made my opinions on Kanan very clear on this blog :P
I really don’t feel like tagging ten people... just do it if you want! It’s fun :D
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