#I usually upload these first on th !! if anyone was curious
555bunnies · 1 year
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A couple of space themed eevee adopts I made the other day :D ! umbreon is still available for $20 (alien eevee and glaceon have been sold)
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): princess ahyoung, pageant queen, the next miss korea. INSPIRATION: she was inspired to become an idol due to a concert she attended as a child, and has never stopped dreaming about being on-stage ever since. SPECIAL TALENTS:
she can do a near perfect vocal impression of the pokémon pikachu and jigglypuff.
ahyoung often wins displays or competitions of aegyo or visuals on variety shows.
she’s great at makeup, and posts short tutorials on her instagram page sometimes.
if she could choose one place other than korea to live, she’d choose italy.
ahyoung is often the member that cheats on her diet, and gets in trouble for it.
she’s a terrible chef, and the other girls in honey don’t let her cook at all.
she loves eating spicy food, and doesn’t like most foods that aren’t spicy.
she aspires to be like all of the members of 99 entertainment’s heaven. 
within one year, min ahyoung hopes to reveal a sweet solo début to honey’s impressive audience, and in doing so, launch herself into stardom even more. all of this happened by chance, after all, and she’d be foolish not to take advantage of all of the perks that come with being an idol. her fanbase is growing a lot, and at a quick pace, so she wants to take advantage of this sooner rather than later. she simply wants to be seen as an individual that can stand on her own without using her other members as a crutch. to say she’s self-absorbed is a bit of an understatement, but it’s a dog eat dog world and she truly refuses to get bitten… even if she has to do the biting herself.
after a lofty career in honey, as a solo artist, and eventually a model, ahyoung plans to start her own cosmetics and fashion conglomerate. with the help of her parents’ connections and being a powerhouse name in all of asia, she’s confident that she’ll be a success. after all, by this point, she would’ve gathered high viewership on her personal youtube channel, and non-stop attention from being a member of honey. additionally, with all of this, she’d love to launch her own variety show similar to ‘get it beauty,’ but she’ll take things one step at a time; never wanting to keep her eyes off of the prize.
with one swipe through her aesthetically pleasant instagram account, ahyoung was direct messaged by casting executives from msg entertainment; her use of pastel color palettes, stunning high definition photography, and stunning selfies that resembled print ads instead of simple uploads to a social media platform drawing them into wanting to sign her to their company. their belief, at the time, was that she’d blossom into a young woman whose looks were almost otherworldly, and clad with an eye for detail and seamless beauty, they knew that the korean public, at large, would fall as head over heels for as they did. in their mind, she was the perfect candidate to make anyone — men, women, or whatever else — believe in love at first sight. so, when she signed to the company and began her trainee journey, it was clear that she would hold a bulk of the visuals within whatever girl-driven collective they planned on revealing next. so, when that time finally came, she was instructed to almost flirt with the cameras whenever they were pointed at her; long lashes batting their way, kisses blown towards the lens, and an almost effortless display of saccharine sweetness that only honey’s namesake could produce. she was golden, she was delightful, and people almost couldn’t get enough of her whenever the group performed on television or in concerts. many fans claims that, due to her charms, that she’s the camera man’s favorite, and that her fan-cams are always the best amongst her group, but their opinions are subjective. some criticism she has is that she showboats too often, and that she never lets the other’s have a center spotlight for themselves as she’s constantly thinking of ways to steal it from them.
in a lot of ways, the critiques she receives are factual, but she doesn’t have any plans to stop and correct them. what for fix what isn’t broken? if msg wants her to reveal just how extravagant she truly is, then she’s going to take every opportunity, large or small, to do so. however, now that honey’s direction seems to be leaning towards something that harbors a slight sex appeal to it, she wants to make sure that she keeps her stance in the group in a stronghold. so, she convinces stylists to let her don blouses with lower necklines, skirts that are a bit too high, and whatever else she can to show off the very facet of her personality that she’s been forced to suppress due to her group’s earlier concepts. now, she’s able to fully encompass, and captivatingly portray, the role of a woman whom all men want, and all women are envious of, and she’s never felt more like herself in her career. sure, playing coy and acting coquettish before male fans, cameras, and variety show hosts has worked in the past, but she looks forward to seeing how far she can take her feminine sexuality without besmirching msg entertainment’s reputation. after all, she’s got to keep in their good graces if her future goals rely on them, and their almost powerful control over her.
I. dark chocolate colored tresses cascaded down the length of a petite back, one leg crossed over the other beneath her desk as min ahyoung prepared herself for yet another day of class at the prestigious private academy that her parents decided upon sending her to. if it were up to her, she’d simply have stayed homeschooled and in the comfort of her own usual surroundings, but mother and father deemed it necessary that she become more social, that she make friends instead of tinkering around with clothes and cosmetics all day long. it hadn’t been as simple as they made it seem to create long-lasting relationships with people, but what she had managed to do was enchant most of those around her. there was a cadence to her voice that sounded like honey on warm toast, like soft wind chimes drifting in a delicate springtime breeze, and those around her were intimidated by how seamlessly ethereal she seemed. how on earth was a girl like her real? being treated like a living doll, at that time, didn’t please her, but she took all of the compliments thrown her way in stride; so many of them in awe of her s-line curvature that blossomed earlier than most, or how her the whorls that fell atop her head in a naturally waved fashion differed from other girls’, and truth be told, all of this was almost giving her a big head; her ego stroked so generously by her peers leading her to believe that, in a sense, she was untouchable; too good for friends. however, today was going to prove itself different, and all it took was the serendipitous drop of a pencil onto the ground; the pesky writing utensil rolling its way over to the floor beneath a boy seated diagonally behind her. pivoting around, she watched him pick it up, write a note down, then pass it back to her; a piece of paper attached to it. curious, she turned to face the front of the class again and opened up the letter, and within it read a sweet nothing that ended with a phone number. glancing back over to him, she smiled; simpering at how adorable his approach to dalliance was. maybe she wasn’t sacrosanct, after all? maybe she was doomed with the somewhat ‘painful curse’ of being beautiful? knowing that someone was brave enough to make the first move on her impressed her so, and after classes ended and she returned home for the remainder of her night, she sent him a text message; eager to interact with someone that wasn’t going to simply stutter nervous flattery toward her. II. vanity… what a deadly sin, and little-by-little, it was sinking its herculean claws into the quite fragile form of what was left of one min ahyoung’s humility. at the delicate age of fourteen, she had learned that she could use her physical form to enchant, use it as her siren song to attract people to the water before she drowned them, though up until this point, it had only been used to convince her smarter classmates to complete assignments for her, or to trick convenience store clerks into giving her free snacks every once in awhile, but now that she’s one year wiser, she’s mastered it to a degree, so her confidence has grown. back then she feared being ‘untouchable,’ but now, she’s learned to embrace it. after all, who would dare point their fingers at someone who resembled that of a seraph, who carried herself in an almost frail fashion whenever she needed to. her image mattered a lot to her, and she fought to make sure it was kept unstained, and she did so to many by curating a masterful instagram account. each photo was beautifully captured, and she made sure it she used the same filter, the same editing process, so each post was appetizing to the eyes, and it had gained somewhat of a following from those she had never met before. with a follower count that was quite high for its time, she knew that her appeal wasn’t only working on individuals she knew in person, but she was able to capture the hearts of those from a screen, too. it was then when she was approached, when none other than an entertainment company had fallen into her clutches, and for a brief moment, become trapped much like many others. had they known that she was the daughter to a wealthy family? were they only interested in her due to the riches that sat pretty in her mother’s account? there were so many queries, but she had the answer to none, and that made her all the more curious. with an invitation to a private audition held by them at a time where they weren’t actively seeking anyone via an open casting call, she found it peculiar, but fascinating all at once. would they be like the boy who picked up her pencil and beg her to be theirs, or will they play hard to get and make her work for it? with approval from her parents, she had a meeting with casting team and, like with most, her wit proved successful. sure, she didn’t have any polished talent, and sure, she never thought once about becoming an idol, but when life handed her a treat, she made sure to indulge in it, and this is one that she was happy to digest; one that seemed worth the risk. even after a subpar to pitiful display of vocal, dance, and rap, they decided to take her on as a project; to mold a girl so beautiful into one that didn’t only possess a diamond visual, but an affinity for various artistic talent. at the time, ahyoung thought she could simply skate on by with personality alone, but that was an ignorant fate to foresee. III. after only one year into her trainee experience, ahyoung started to regret making the choice to walk blindly into the fire; to teeter along the tightrope of what preparing for a début meant to many who chased this dream from the time they were born. having never had to work for a single day in her life, she was taught that in order to make it in life, a substantial amount of effort and drive was needed, and in the beginning, she lacked all of that. so, whenever her lot of instructors would become frustrated at her lack of progress, or would scold her for not taking any of this seriously, she would try to utilize her charm, or to play the victim so they’d take it easier on her, but many of them were relentless with their critiques, and it didn’t help that she had an audience of other girls whom were from similar walks of life as she; girls who were pretty, girls who had money. though, one thing that they had that she lacked was ambition, was talent. instead of making her scared or insure, it simply made her angry. why were they like that, and why was she so stubborn? gradually, she was beginning to lose every ounce of ego that had been borne within her, but in its place came an infernal need to win; to succeed in what she was tasked to do. despite earlier wonderings, she wasn’t going to let her mother’s name go down in vain, and with that, she surrendered to the motions of a typical trainee underneath the watchful eyes of msg entertainment, and she started to work. whether it be hours spent at a piano plucking away at keys of ivory and onyx until her voice matched pitch, or missing much-needed nights of sleep to learn choreography, she wanted to be the best; she wanted to earn that praise that she’d been given up until this point that she’s missed since agreeing to all of this. it was a long journey uphill, and it was one that drove her wild, but it left most around her flabbergasted. instead of slacking off in lessons, she actually applied herself, and that strong foundation was able to propel her forward into bigger, greater things. it didn’t happen overnight, of course, but as days turned into weeks, weeks to months, and months to years, she was able to convey a body of work at each evaluation that she felt proud of. she discovered that she adored to dance, and that it was the perfect release of suppressed stress from all of life’s woes. ahyoung also unveiled that earning praise was far more rewarding than expecting it from everyone, and when the sweet compliments that she longed for began to pour in again, she somehow felt whole. so much so that, in the end, when she was selected as a member of honey, she knew she deserved it. being able to stand on-stage and be admired by millions wasn’t a right, no… it was a privilege, and one that she could say she acquired with her own blood, sweat, and tears. IV. may 29th, 2015 came equipped with a landslide of emotions, both golden and grim. leading up to this point, ahyoung had hoped that she’d have been placed in the dance line of the all-girl collective she was selected for, but instead, she was made into a vocalist; the one beneath that of the main. befuddled at their decision, it took sometime for her to understand their reasoning behind it, and the truth of the matter was that she, out of the rest of them, had an easier time reaching high notes; the natural range of her voice extended upward with less tension. yes, the main vocalist was mostly in charge of belts, but whenever she wasn’t around to do so, or when her own voice failed her, they needed another they could fall back on for that support, and one min ahyoung fit the bill. she’d still be able to create beautiful lines with her body, yes, and she’d definitely still be able to show off her newly discovered passion, but it was disheartening knowing that they deemed her not good enough to add a second title after ‘lead vocal.’ just when she thought she would get a break from proving herself a formidable asset to honey, a new flame was lit within her, but now, she wanted to make sure she stole everyone’s attention on-stage; to show that her performance was just as valid as her ever-developing voice. so, when lights went up on the début stage of their first single, ‘like ooh-ahh,’ she took every opportunity necessary to milk her visuals, her skills, and the charms that she was introduced to only a few years into the past. they’re what got her here, after all, so why not use them to the absolute best of their ability? now, though, even after honey’s made quite the name for themselves in korea, and truly, all over the world, ahyoung is reveling in all of the attention that she’s been given; the group’s popularity something she didn’t expect completely, but welcomed in with a warm embrace as their star continued to rise higher and higher into the velvet sky of fame. apart from a few attitude scandals on variety shows, and possibly some small scale wardrobe malfunctions mid-performance, she’s managed to escape unscathed. of course, she’s subject to online hate, but she attributes that to status as opposed to those foul words having any basis. she and her group-mates are hot topics nowadays, so she’s gotten used to her name being tossed about in the press or on gossip blogs. not only that, but she’s opened herself up to even more criticism by starting a youtube channel in her name. though, all publicity is good to some degree, and she’s content with where she’s at now, but she can’t help but yearn for more, so all the while, her mind is constantly working to find new ways to call the spotlights to her. even if it sometimes annoys her friends, or brings negativity into her circle, ahyoung doesn’t feel fulfilled unless she’s being praised. like tinkerbell, she needs applause to live.
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arinomama · 6 years
Online Dating Tips - Make Dating Online Easier
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Yearly there tend to be 10s of hundreds of marriages that take place as any type of result of folks fulfilling via an online dating assistance. amolatina is truly a competitive market and also in order to boost your end results, it's important to improve your presence. Noted right here are 10 important online dating standards: Online Dating Guidelines: 1) Establish exactly what sort of aid is in fact greatest for you. There tend to be 5 various sorts of online dating Solutions that you need to select from. See to it you choose the ones that select with your targets. The very first are usually Typical Online Dating Providers. These are generally Services that supply you with the capability to consider everybody which has actually submitted any account and also are normally directed at dating. This kind of Solutions consist of: Match.org, LavaLife, as well as FriendFinder. The second have the tendency to be Connection Providers. These tend to be Services that opt for you with others based upon compatibility screening and also are typically for those extra severe in regards to a partnership or perhaps partnership. This kind of Services include eHarmony and also Biochemistry.org. The third tend to be Myspace or Facebook Solutions. These are generally cost-free websites that permit you to develop your base of chums together with most likely find someone to date at the same time. These kinds of Services include Myspace, Friendster along with Orkut. The 4th are usually Specialized particular niche Dating Provider. These are generally Providers targeted at bringing together people, to evening out, who cover any kind of particular common passion or dream. This type of Providers include Eco-friendly Buddies (non-meat eaters), Equestrian Cupid (moose fans), Millionaire Match up (abundant songs), Age Choose (Intergenerational Dating), along with Fully grown Suit (older singles). The 5th tend to be Combining Online Dating Providers. These Services combine online dating with offline applications. Determine which support(s) best accomplish your need, then follow it! 2) Comply with crucial online dating protection concepts. From the period you sign up for a service with the period you satisfy on the day, it's critical to be secure. Research Study Online Dating Magazine's Online Dating Basic safety guidelines blog post for specific points you have to as well as must not achieve. In the nutshell: in no way hand out excessive individual info; never ever offer a home contact number; regularly please in any type of open place for the first day; ask for an existing photo (or possibly the age of set up photos are); and trust your stomach instinct. Go through the blog post for a lot even more safety guidelines and complete summaries. 3) Create a winning account. Your account will certainly be just one of the 2 crucial elements that could identify if a new person e-mails you on an online dating service (the various other is actually photo - observe succeeding recommendation). Consequently it is essential to make sure that your profile will be vivid, satisfying, and also favorable. Prevent downsides (Currently i'm lonely, I was stunned that I am doing this) whatsoever costs. Take a look at other accounts as well as determine exactly what concerning it makes you additional interested or perhaps less interested. Research Online Dating Magazine's Account pointers article for a whole lot more advice. If anyone discovers your account interesting as well as never ever common then you have actually increased your chances of a person showing interest in you. Aid make yours intriguing! 4) Post excellent most recent pictures. Admit it-- whenever doing a search on an online dating support the first thing that interest your focus is actually the image. This is actually the solitary most important element to obtaining individuals to look at that fantastic profile you have actually created (notification last idea). Nowadays, common pictures will not minimize it. You have to have to determine what colours look best on you, clothing excellent, end up being thoroughly tidy reduce, and have a person take into consideration numerous photos of you that have the tendency to be enjoyable and also energetic. When i transformed my very own photo from your presented image to any kind of image of me personally with an Orangutan, the variety of individuals emailing us or revealing a passion quadrupled. It also provided an amazing snow crusher along with speaking point any time someone mailed myself. Review Online Dating Magazine's Developing any type of Much better Online Dating Image material for some superb pointers. 5) Find out efficient communication methods. Your initial electronic mail to a person you have an interest in is actually the most important one you'll in fact compose since it will help figure out whether and even not always they compose back once more. It's crucial to individualize your introductory electronic mail in addition to take even more time asking questions (based upon the various other person's account) when compared to offering information worrying on your own. Throwing any supplement in does not harmed either (my partner and i.elizabeth. "I enjoy your smile" or "your account can be one of the greatest We have reviewed"). 6) Constantly be honest of others. By merely discovering how to worth others, you improve your character. Being well intentioned shows not being raunchy (in communicating with others) as well as never ever "handing over the handle of the earth" while you go on. Among the greatest problems all of us get is coming from people who mention the individual they were communicating with just "vanished" in addition to stopped connecting. It's very rude while you do not upload any type of respectful message allowing other people understand that you have the tendency to be carrying on. 7) Prevent trivial untruths. On the planet of online dating, trivial untruths hop on many kinds, including: uploading a new photo greater than nine months matured; existing concerning your age group; lying concerning your earnings; lying worrying your job. The basic reality is in fact that you are usually more than likely looking for your true love, therefore at some point in the dating relationship, these lies may return again to bother you. Constantly be sincere and also trustworthy in everything you explain and submit. By always telling the truth, you'll in no way have to remember what you discussed! 8) Find out the best ways to much much better recognized and steer clear of hitched people. It's the regrettable reality that almost 1/4th of individuals who get involved in online dating are typically hitched. All points thought about, they don't need a family member or close friend to come throughout their account! Obtain much more details concepts simply by reading Online Dating Publication's Exactly how to Remain Clear of Hitched Men article. 9) Make the first night out unforgettable. The idea of accomplishment with online dating will certainly not completed with obtaining the night out. Your real date will be going to create the other person's opinion more than anything different to this day. Consequently it's important that you make an outstanding impression. As the claiming will certainly go, you in no other way get yourself a second opportunity in order to help make an exceptional impression. Come to be confident on your evening out. Self-confidence is just one of the most substantial tourist attractions you could have. Learn some great opening night out ideas merely by reviewing the adhering to Online Dating Magazine material: 10 ideas to obtaining the 2nd night out together with Beyond 10 Vital Dating standards for Guys First day Do's and also Do n'ts. 10) Steer clear of from coming to be any kind of professional online dater. Online Dating Magazine created the term "expert online dater" to explain the expanding number of people becoming addicted to online dating. The addiction is unattractive adequate that it results relationships as well as prospective connections, whilst hurting others at the same time. In addition to injuring others should end up being the last thing you intend to perform. A brand-new expert online dater will be one who gets on several dating Solutions, going out there on several days regularly, as well as constantly assuming "the up coming one could be better". If he/she makes its means into into a brand-new partnership, they simply conceal their account (rather than erasing it) as well as at the initial subscribe difficulty in any partnership, they normally return to the online dating world as opposed to working out there the concerns. A brand-new expert online dater typically just "drops off the confront of the planet" as opposed to informing you he/she is actually no longer curious about communicating. For extra info, reviewed the Online Dating Magazine blog post, Stay clear of Coming to be the Expert Online Dater.
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