#I wanna spread some hope esp for radfems in uk/canada/usa
brutal-feminist · 4 years
You know that there will be better times when you see even aces turn into gc radfems.
More and more lesbian and bi asexuals are joining in, I'm seeing it mostly on twitter.
Actual SSA people, esp women, are tired of this bs.
In the end being asexual changes only *how* you experience your attraction (if you're not aroace), but can't turn a homosexual into something else. This means that het aces have more in common with non-ace het people than gay aces.
Asexuality isn't a modifier only when it is accompanied by aromanticism and I could notice the differences between the various experiences of asexual people back when I used to be a libfem.
On twitter I'm now friends with a lesbian ace, a bi ace and a black het ace (she doesn't claim to be lgbt) who are all radfems.
Asexuality is back to its original purpose as a label for lack of attraction and not as a prop for transactivism.
This is also what's happening with many homosexual/bisexual trans men: most of them don't share all of the gc/radfem views but are starting to address the misogyny of the movement that claims to fight for their rights and recognize the many fallacies in what the qu*er theory is claiming.
Things are changing, many of the people who are being discriminated against on the basis of biology (women and gay/bi people because of their SSA) aren't in denial anymore.
The brainwash isn't working as better as before.
So please, my dear sisters, keep fighting! Your efforts aren't vain. Keep spreading information and fighting against misogyny and homophobia! ❤️
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