#I want Canada off that podium just so james/radford don't get a medal - sorry romsky
kittyprincessofcats · 2 years
Olympic Team Event - Men SP
Some (mostly angry) rambles from someone who hasn’t watched FS in a while and just watched this^ lol. Not NC friendly.
- First of all: Obligatory reminder about the human rights violations and concentration camps in China and that the Olympics absolutely should NOT be held there. (Is there any news on Peng Shuai yet, btw?)
- Secondly: Reminder that the Team Event in figure skating is a scam in the first place, doesn’t have fair rules, doesn’t give athletes from smaller feds the chance to win a medal, was literally just invented by the big feds to be able to call even more of their athletes Olympic champions/medalists because they’re literally guaranteed to win them and they’ve been abusing that to hell and back. REMINDER THAT TEAM MEDALS DON’T COUNT. (I’m already vomiting at the thought of Russia calling all their athletes Olympic champions after this...)
- Speaking of Russia... They’re allowed to be here why again? Like, what’s the point of letting them compete and just giving their team a different name? That name even has “Russia” in it so like... And they even have the flag colors right there on their oufits?? How is this any different from Russia literally just being there?? How does this help with the doping problem in any way? Why won’t anyone make that country face actual consequences???
- I want to punch James/Radford in the face every time I see them. I hate how the German commentator praised them while completely leaving out... that story, and how viewers who only tune in for the Olympics won’t know. (Dear Olympics-only viewers: Vanessa James is an abuse apologist (her previous partner sexually abused a 13-year-old and she knew about it), Eric Radford betrayed his previous partner by not telling her he teamed up with someone new, and the two of them didn’t even fairly qualify for these Olympics but got the spot anyway over the pair that actually shoud have gotten it (Walsh/Michaud) - and, if rumors are to be believed, Vanessa James then even taunted Evelyn Walsh about it. So yeah - don’t support James/Radford please.
- I really can’t deal with this German commentator’s hard-on for NC. He literally praises him right before going on a rant about how important artistry is... As we Germans would say: Genau mein Humor.
- “Brilliant from the first second to the last; he’s in shape of being an Olympic Champion.” Shut the actual hell up, that program was boring af, I literally wanted to skip it the whole time. How the actual HELL does anyone watch this with their own two eyes and think it’s anywhere close to being on the same level as Yuzu? HOW?? I’m literally done being polite about this. There should be no compeition here. If you think NC is anywhere close to being in Yuzu’s league, I just have to believe you’re lying on purpose at this point.
- “It’s not possible to skate better than this?” ARE YOU DUMB OR SOMETHING?? YES IT IS?? HAVE YOU SEEN SHOMA RIGHT BEFORE THIS? And I don’t even like Shoma that much anymore (his misogynistic opinions kinda ruined his skating for me, tbh), but freaking come on.
- “For me, he would get a 10 in 3 out of 5 PCS categories” … Are you kidding me? Yes, this is still the commentator talking about NC. At this point I seriously think these commentators are all getting paid off for saying this or they’re in on some elaborate scheme we don’t know about. I really don’t get it.
- (I’d switch to somewhere where I can watch without commentary, but I don’t want to spend money on these Olympics – human rights violations in china and all that.)
- How the hell did freaking Grassl become No. 1 in world standings again? I’ve been out of the loop for too long lol
- “I don’t know why Daniel doesn’t get higher component scores, I don’t think he’s that far off from Nathan Chen.” Who’s… who’s gonna tell him?
- Morisi’s half-assed cartwheel hurt my eyes and once again made me super depressed that Rika isn’t there to do a proper one – this world isn’t fair.
- The ironic thing is, I actually enjoyed watching this during the first group. I was all… aww, this is nice, I’ve missed skating… and then NC stepped on the ice and it’s like… oh, nevermind, the fun is gone. It’s just the same feeling as with the Russian girls: I know he’s going to be overscored af and that dread of how bad it’ll be just sucks the joy out of the competition.
- At least Yuzu’s WR is safe – I literally had to frantically check lol
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