#I want to draw and sew and woodwork and garden and what do you MEAN I have to LEARN why can’t I JSUT KNOW
mommalosthermind · 7 months
I want to draw. i do not know how to draw. I did draw that bird one time and it took like four days and wasn’t like. Awful. And then promptly refused to touch the sketchbook for like three years... which puts me back at How. Do you draw.
I say like I don’t have the internet and that random masterclass video, which will point out, correctly mind you, that step one is ‘put pencil to paper and move it around’
So. I guess I should pick a character to get really really weird about. Y’know. Outside of writing.
3 notes · View notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
45 Fun Inexpensive Hobbies to Try this Year
What are some of the best fun inexpensive hobbies out there right now that won’t break the wallet.
I get it: hobbies can be expensive. A quick Google search for hobbies will pull up things like ballroom dancing, auto racing, parachuting, boating, aviation, scuba diving and rock climbing.
The one thing all of these things have in common: they are expensive.
But what about other hobbies that aren’t going to break the bank each month?
Best Fun Inexpensive Hobbies Right Now
This list is for you. Yes, there are hobbies out there that aren’t going to cost you an arm and a leg. Actually, we found some fun little hobbies that actually help you make money!
In fact, this very blog you are reading right now started as an online hobby for me before turning into a blogging business. With that said, let’s start off with fun inexpensive online hobbies.
Online Hobbies
We start with online hobbies since you’re actually online right now. These are hobbies you can start today from the same device you are reading this right now.
1. Start a Blog
Since my hobby was and still is blogging, I’m going to open up with blogging to start.
Do you happen to love writing? If so, wouldn’t it be cool to start your own blog where you are free to write about whatever you want and put it out there for the world to see?
Here’s the secret to blogging as a hobby: write about whatever makes you happy. 
Your mind is swirling with ideas and things you want to say, so say them through a blog.
Do you love being a mom? Then blog about it.
Do you love woodworking? Then you should blog about it.
Do you love coaching your kid’s sports? Then start a blog about it.
Or, do you love something no one has ever heard of? Then yes, you should definitely blog about that as well.
If you are ready (and I hope you are) to start you very own blog, I have personally put together a step-by-step guide so you can easily get started writing today for about $5 per month. I even included screenshots of the process to walk you through it step-by-step so you don’t have to worry about any of the tech issues.
In fact, if you can post something to social media or even ask Siri to call Grandma, then you can definitely start a blog.
Okay, I’m ready to start my blog now.
  2. Fill Out Online Surveys
There are dozens of these sites popping up that claim to pay you money for taking surveys online. Some of them are sketchy, however some of them are legitimate and will actually pay you in cash via PayPal or in gift cards. You can see our full review of all the different survey sites we have researched here Best Online Surveys right now.
Survey Junkie has been around since 2005 and is the most trusted in the survey industry with a Trustpilot Rating of 4.4/5. 
If you’re going to spend your time on a free hobby, start out with Survey Junkie and they will send you cash to your PayPal, Amazon or Target gift card for taking surveys on your time!
  3. Buy and Re-sell Things Online
There are so many re-selling websites to choose from these days, which can help you get the best prices for your “treasures”. OfferuUp, eBay, Craigslist, Facebook buy/sell/trade groups, Facebook Marketplace and Poshmark more are just a few that I’ve used to sell stuff in the past.
We have a full list of the 21 best apps to sell stuff online here.
  4. Listen to a New Podcast
There are podcasts about every topic under the sun. Surely you can find one that interests you.
You can start listening to the Money Peach Podcast in your car, at the gym, or on the go right here.
    5. Watch Cat Videos
There are some pretty funny cat videos on YouTube that can keep you entertained for hours. (Or maybe that’s just me?)
Let the record show that Peach does NOT watch cat videos on YouTube.
    6. Play Free Games Online
You may be surprised to learn that there are health benefits to be had from playing video games. There are so many websites where you can play games online and there are tons of different kinds of games to choose from too. There are even some sites that will actually pay you to play their online games.
Financial Hobbies
What’s better than making money? How about a hobby that actually pays from extra pocket money all the way to full-time income.
7. Become a landlord
You can start renting out a portion of your house on a site like Airbnb. If you find out you like being a landlord, you could always expand into owning rental properties.
  8. Investing
Learning about investing and then actually doing it are two things that could almost be separate hobbies in and of themselves. Investing is a smart hobby to take up once you have a little extra income to put toward your investments. If you are already there and want to get started, here is our updated investing for beginners guide..
  9. Thrift Shopping and Garage Sale-ing
When I lived in a bigger community I loved going to thrift stores and garage sales on the weekend. This is a fun activity, especially if you go with a friend. You can also save money as long as you avoid buying things you don’t really need.
  10. Couponing
Again, couponing can be fun but you might end up spending more than you planned on if you aren’t careful with your purchases. One of our favorite couponing tricks is using the Honey App. Instead of searching the internet for promo codes, Honey searches for you in real time and automatically applies the promo code for you at checkout.
  11. Volunteering
That’s kind of financial since time is money, right? Give some of your time to your favorite charities, or join a group or board in your town to give back to civic organizations.
  12. Start a Business
I’ve kind of touched on this before, but almost anything on this list can actually be turned into some kind of a money-making business or money-making side hustle. Starting a business is fun and it’s a good way to make some extra money.
  13. Budgeting Cash Flow Planning (that sounds better)
How to Start a Cash Flow Plan
What list of hobbies on a personal finance blog would be complete without listing budgeting? It may not sound fun at first, but I actually love working on my projected budgets for future months now that I’ve gotten good at budgeting.
And if you would like to get started with your own budget, you can get started with the Cash Flow Formula for FREE.
The Cash Flow Formula is the #1 tool to start saving more money and stop overspending each month…and it’s a GREAT hobby!
Bonus: If you like the idea of making money as a hobby, then check out 39 other ways to make money right now.
Outside Hobbies
Let’s move our fun inexpensive hobbies away from the computer and out inside the fresh air. Here’s a list of the top (and often free) hobbies that get you outside.
14. Gardening
Depending on how you go about it, gardening can be a pretty inexpensive hobby to try. If you get good enough at it, you might even be able to lower your grocery bill by growing more of your own food.
  15. Camping
Camping is another hobby than be just as expensive, or frugal, as you make it. I truly enjoy camping and waking up to a brisk morning. It’s almost like a vacation, only cheaper. 🙂 Also, camping should be FREE and we have the best ways to find free camping here.
  16. Hiking
I consider just about any walking around off the beaten path to be a “hike”. In that sense, hiking is a pretty cheap hobby to take up. A bonus is that hiking is a good way to stay in shape, which might be one of your New Year’s resolutions.
  17. Become a Master BBQer
There are actually whole weekends devoted to BBQ competitions in my neck of the woods. If you are good with a grill, this might be a fun hobby to consider.
  18. Geocaching
Geocaching is basically a high-tech treasure hunt. Find out how to get started here.
  19. Rock Collecting
Pick up all those shiny things. If you call it a “collection” no one will judge you for bringing home random rocks anymore. 😉
  20. Bird Watching
Just don’t become a crazy bird lady (or guy)!
  21. Hunting
The equipment can be expensive if you don’t already own it, but you may also be able to borrow from a friend or family member to try out this hobby if you’re a beginner. Most hunters enjoy sharing their hobby with newbies to keep the sport alive.
  22. Fishing
Same goes here! Most avid fishermen are more than willing to take along new people who don’t have their own equipment. Just don’t wear out your welcome if you fall in love with this hobby.
Intellectual Hobbies
After exercising your body in the fresh air, here are the best fun inexpensive hobbies that only require brain power.
23. Reading
This is pretty much the ultimate frugal hobby. Almost every community has a library you can use for free as long as you follow the rules and return your books on time. You can also start a book club, or swap books with friends to find more reading material.
  24. Writing
Writing can be a fun hobby and it doesn’t have to turn into more than that. You can write in a diary, write short stories for fun, or write even write to make money like I mentioned earlier. If you love writing and actually want to get paid for it, there’s currently a shortage of freelance writers. If this interests you, check out this post on getting paid to be a freelance writer.
  25. Drawing
A pencil and paper is all you need to get started with this frugal hobby. Even if you expand your artist supplies later on, this hobby shouldn’t be too costly.
  26. Learn a New Language
Is there a language you’ve been dying to learn? There are lots of resources online and books at your library that you can use to learn a new language.
  27. Learn to Play an Instrument
Learning to play a musical instrument doesn’t mean you have to take expensive lessons. Many instruments can be self-taught, especially now that you can learn almost everything you need to know on YouTube.
  28. Learn to Sew
Learning basic sewing skills is a good idea. Knowing how to sew has actually saved me money. For example, my sewing skills have helped me save my clothes from being thrown in the rag bin a few times when they only needed minor repairs.
  29. Learn a New Game
Playing games is one of my family’s favorite hobbies, especially is the weather is crappy outside. We don’t discriminate, we like to play board games and card games. They can also be a good way to meet new people if you go to community game nights. You might be able to find some at your local library, churches, or on meetup.com.
  30. Read the News
Doesn’t sound very exciting, but you might be surprised what you can learn when you start reading the news regularly. Don’t just keep up on local news either, the world is bigger than that. Make sure you find out what’s going on elsewhere in the world too.
  31. Explore Your Genealogy
Ask your family members for help with this project, or start looking online. When I put together my family genealogy, I was surprised at how much information I could find online.
Exercise Hobbies
First we started online, then we started making money with your hobby, then we moved outside and after that we started using our brain power for our hobbies. This next list is the best fun inexpensive hobbies that will also burn a few calories.
32. Biking
Most people have a bike sitting in their garage or storage shed. If you have an old unused bike, it won’t cost you much to give it a tune-up so you can start riding it again. Biking around your neighborhood is free.
  33. Running
Running is probably the cheapest form of exercise out there. All you need to get started is a decent pair of shoes.
  34. Get in Shape with Body Weight Exercises
Some you know that Peach is a Crossfit enthusiast. I’m a former Crossfiter myself, but I cut it from my budget to pay off my debt faster. One good habit I picked up from there that I still continue in my home workouts is doing bodyweight exercises. Like running, all you need for bodyweight exercises are good shoes and maybe a few standard household items. You can do things like air squats, pushups, situps, lunges, etc. without spending money.
  35. Dance
I’m not talking about paying money and going to a dance studio – those things can be very expensive. Instead I’m talking about turning on your favorite music and using it to make up your own workout routine.
  36. Swimming
If you live near a public beach, lake, etc. you can probably swim there for free. Swimming is a great cardiovascular exercise and it’s fun!
  37. Join a Club Sports Team
Most communities have a Recreation Department that hosts sports leagues for kids and adults. They’re usually fairly inexpensive to join and offer lots of different sports to choose from.
  38. Try Yoga
There are lots of free yoga video on YouTube. All you need to get started is a mat.
  39. Practice Meditation
Exercise for your brain. 🙂
Skilled Hobbies
Lastly, it’s time to apply your skills to your hobby list. From cooking, to home-brewing, and even woodworking, we have you covered with this last bunch of fun inexpensive hobbies.
40. Cooking
For some cooking is truly a hobby. Even if you don’t love to cook, it’s definitely a good skill to have because cooking and eating at home is way cheaper than going out to eat. If you need some ideas for cooking, try out Erin Chase’s $5 Dinners – the site dedicated to helping you make each meal a $5 total…not five dollars per person.
  41. Canning and Food Preservation
This old-fashioned skill can actually help you save money, especially if you are preserving food from your garden bounty to eat later on.
  42. Furniture Restoration
I know several people who’ve taken up furniture restoration as a frugal hobby and they’ve also managed to furnish their homes with one-of-a-kind pieces they re-did themselves. You can also sell your restored furniture as a great side hustle hobby!
  43. Home Brewing
There are lots of online resources that can teach you how to get started brewing your own beer, wine, or cider at home. It might a little equipment to get started, but if you regularly enjoy these beverages instead of buying them at the liquor store you’ll definitely save money in the long run.
  44. Animal Husbandry
Growing up we raised many different kinds of animals on my parents’ farm. I still love animals and taking care of them today and it’s definitely a good skill to have.
  45. Carpentry
Even if you don’t learn how to make fancy things, basic carpentry skills can be good to have as they can save you money when you know how to fix things around the house.
  Next time you can’t think of something to do besides spending the day on the couch watching Netflix, check out this list instead.
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  45 Fun Inexpensive Hobbies to Try this Year published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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darcyfarber · 5 years
45 Fun Inexpensive Hobbies to Try this Year
What are some of the best fun inexpensive hobbies out there right now that won’t break the wallet.
I get it: hobbies can be expensive. A quick Google search for hobbies will pull up things like ballroom dancing, auto racing, parachuting, boating, aviation, scuba diving and rock climbing.
The one thing all of these things have in common: they are expensive.
But what about other hobbies that aren’t going to break the bank each month?
Best Fun Inexpensive Hobbies Right Now
This list is for you. Yes, there are hobbies out there that aren’t going to cost you an arm and a leg. Actually, we found some fun little hobbies that actually help you make money!
In fact, this very blog you are reading right now started as an online hobby for me before turning into a blogging business. With that said, let’s start off with fun inexpensive online hobbies.
Online Hobbies
We start with online hobbies since you’re actually online right now. These are hobbies you can start today from the same device you are reading this right now.
1. Start a Blog
Since my hobby was and still is blogging, I’m going to open up with blogging to start.
Do you happen to love writing? If so, wouldn’t it be cool to start your own blog where you are free to write about whatever you want and put it out there for the world to see?
Here’s the secret to blogging as a hobby: write about whatever makes you happy. 
Your mind is swirling with ideas and things you want to say, so say them through a blog.
Do you love being a mom? Then blog about it.
Do you love woodworking? Then you should blog about it.
Do you love coaching your kid’s sports? Then start a blog about it.
Or, do you love something no one has ever heard of? Then yes, you should definitely blog about that as well.
If you are ready (and I hope you are) to start you very own blog, I have personally put together a step-by-step guide so you can easily get started writing today for about $5 per month. I even included screenshots of the process to walk you through it step-by-step so you don’t have to worry about any of the tech issues.
In fact, if you can post something to social media or even ask Siri to call Grandma, then you can definitely start a blog.
Okay, I’m ready to start my blog now.
  2. Fill Out Online Surveys
There are dozens of these sites popping up that claim to pay you money for taking surveys online. Some of them are sketchy, however some of them are legitimate and will actually pay you in cash via PayPal or in gift cards. You can see our full review of all the different survey sites we have researched here Best Online Surveys right now.
Survey Junkie has been around since 2005 and is the most trusted in the survey industry with a Trustpilot Rating of 4.4/5. 
If you’re going to spend your time on a free hobby, start out with Survey Junkie and they will send you cash to your PayPal, Amazon or Target gift card for taking surveys on your time!
  3. Buy and Re-sell Things Online
There are so many re-selling websites to choose from these days, which can help you get the best prices for your “treasures”. OfferuUp, eBay, Craigslist, Facebook buy/sell/trade groups, Facebook Marketplace and Poshmark more are just a few that I’ve used to sell stuff in the past.
We have a full list of the 21 best apps to sell stuff online here.
  4. Listen to a New Podcast
There are podcasts about every topic under the sun. Surely you can find one that interests you.
You can start listening to the Money Peach Podcast in your car, at the gym, or on the go right here.
    5. Watch Cat Videos
There are some pretty funny cat videos on YouTube that can keep you entertained for hours. (Or maybe that’s just me?)
Let the record show that Peach does NOT watch cat videos on YouTube.
    6. Play Free Games Online
You may be surprised to learn that there are health benefits to be had from playing video games. There are so many websites where you can play games online and there are tons of different kinds of games to choose from too. There are even some sites that will actually pay you to play their online games.
Financial Hobbies
What’s better than making money? How about a hobby that actually pays from extra pocket money all the way to full-time income.
7. Become a landlord
You can start renting out a portion of your house on a site like Airbnb. If you find out you like being a landlord, you could always expand into owning rental properties.
  8. Investing
Learning about investing and then actually doing it are two things that could almost be separate hobbies in and of themselves. Investing is a smart hobby to take up once you have a little extra income to put toward your investments. If you are already there and want to get started, here is our updated investing for beginners guide..
  9. Thrift Shopping and Garage Sale-ing
When I lived in a bigger community I loved going to thrift stores and garage sales on the weekend. This is a fun activity, especially if you go with a friend. You can also save money as long as you avoid buying things you don’t really need.
  10. Couponing
Again, couponing can be fun but you might end up spending more than you planned on if you aren’t careful with your purchases. One of our favorite couponing tricks is using the Honey App. Instead of searching the internet for promo codes, Honey searches for you in real time and automatically applies the promo code for you at checkout.
  11. Volunteering
That’s kind of financial since time is money, right? Give some of your time to your favorite charities, or join a group or board in your town to give back to civic organizations.
  12. Start a Business
I’ve kind of touched on this before, but almost anything on this list can actually be turned into some kind of a money-making business or money-making side hustle. Starting a business is fun and it’s a good way to make some extra money.
  13. Budgeting Cash Flow Planning (that sounds better)
How to Start a Cash Flow Plan
What list of hobbies on a personal finance blog would be complete without listing budgeting? It may not sound fun at first, but I actually love working on my projected budgets for future months now that I’ve gotten good at budgeting.
And if you would like to get started with your own budget, you can get started with the Cash Flow Formula for FREE.
The Cash Flow Formula is the #1 tool to start saving more money and stop overspending each month…and it’s a GREAT hobby!
Bonus: If you like the idea of making money as a hobby, then check out 39 other ways to make money right now.
Outside Hobbies
Let’s move our fun inexpensive hobbies away from the computer and out inside the fresh air. Here’s a list of the top (and often free) hobbies that get you outside.
14. Gardening
Depending on how you go about it, gardening can be a pretty inexpensive hobby to try. If you get good enough at it, you might even be able to lower your grocery bill by growing more of your own food.
  15. Camping
Camping is another hobby than be just as expensive, or frugal, as you make it. I truly enjoy camping and waking up to a brisk morning. It’s almost like a vacation, only cheaper. 🙂 Also, camping should be FREE and we have the best ways to find free camping here.
  16. Hiking
I consider just about any walking around off the beaten path to be a “hike”. In that sense, hiking is a pretty cheap hobby to take up. A bonus is that hiking is a good way to stay in shape, which might be one of your New Year’s resolutions.
  17. Become a Master BBQer
There are actually whole weekends devoted to BBQ competitions in my neck of the woods. If you are good with a grill, this might be a fun hobby to consider.
  18. Geocaching
Geocaching is basically a high-tech treasure hunt. Find out how to get started here.
  19. Rock Collecting
Pick up all those shiny things. If you call it a “collection” no one will judge you for bringing home random rocks anymore. 😉
  20. Bird Watching
Just don’t become a crazy bird lady (or guy)!
  21. Hunting
The equipment can be expensive if you don’t already own it, but you may also be able to borrow from a friend or family member to try out this hobby if you’re a beginner. Most hunters enjoy sharing their hobby with newbies to keep the sport alive.
  22. Fishing
Same goes here! Most avid fishermen are more than willing to take along new people who don’t have their own equipment. Just don’t wear out your welcome if you fall in love with this hobby.
Intellectual Hobbies
After exercising your body in the fresh air, here are the best fun inexpensive hobbies that only require brain power.
23. Reading
This is pretty much the ultimate frugal hobby. Almost every community has a library you can use for free as long as you follow the rules and return your books on time. You can also start a book club, or swap books with friends to find more reading material.
  24. Writing
Writing can be a fun hobby and it doesn’t have to turn into more than that. You can write in a diary, write short stories for fun, or write even write to make money like I mentioned earlier. If you love writing and actually want to get paid for it, there’s currently a shortage of freelance writers. If this interests you, check out this post on getting paid to be a freelance writer.
  25. Drawing
A pencil and paper is all you need to get started with this frugal hobby. Even if you expand your artist supplies later on, this hobby shouldn’t be too costly.
  26. Learn a New Language
Is there a language you’ve been dying to learn? There are lots of resources online and books at your library that you can use to learn a new language.
  27. Learn to Play an Instrument
Learning to play a musical instrument doesn’t mean you have to take expensive lessons. Many instruments can be self-taught, especially now that you can learn almost everything you need to know on YouTube.
  28. Learn to Sew
Learning basic sewing skills is a good idea. Knowing how to sew has actually saved me money. For example, my sewing skills have helped me save my clothes from being thrown in the rag bin a few times when they only needed minor repairs.
  29. Learn a New Game
Playing games is one of my family’s favorite hobbies, especially is the weather is crappy outside. We don’t discriminate, we like to play board games and card games. They can also be a good way to meet new people if you go to community game nights. You might be able to find some at your local library, churches, or on meetup.com.
  30. Read the News
Doesn’t sound very exciting, but you might be surprised what you can learn when you start reading the news regularly. Don’t just keep up on local news either, the world is bigger than that. Make sure you find out what’s going on elsewhere in the world too.
  31. Explore Your Genealogy
Ask your family members for help with this project, or start looking online. When I put together my family genealogy, I was surprised at how much information I could find online.
Exercise Hobbies
First we started online, then we started making money with your hobby, then we moved outside and after that we started using our brain power for our hobbies. This next list is the best fun inexpensive hobbies that will also burn a few calories.
32. Biking
Most people have a bike sitting in their garage or storage shed. If you have an old unused bike, it won’t cost you much to give it a tune-up so you can start riding it again. Biking around your neighborhood is free.
  33. Running
Running is probably the cheapest form of exercise out there. All you need to get started is a decent pair of shoes.
  34. Get in Shape with Body Weight Exercises
Some you know that Peach is a Crossfit enthusiast. I’m a former Crossfiter myself, but I cut it from my budget to pay off my debt faster. One good habit I picked up from there that I still continue in my home workouts is doing bodyweight exercises. Like running, all you need for bodyweight exercises are good shoes and maybe a few standard household items. You can do things like air squats, pushups, situps, lunges, etc. without spending money.
  35. Dance
I’m not talking about paying money and going to a dance studio – those things can be very expensive. Instead I’m talking about turning on your favorite music and using it to make up your own workout routine.
  36. Swimming
If you live near a public beach, lake, etc. you can probably swim there for free. Swimming is a great cardiovascular exercise and it’s fun!
  37. Join a Club Sports Team
Most communities have a Recreation Department that hosts sports leagues for kids and adults. They’re usually fairly inexpensive to join and offer lots of different sports to choose from.
  38. Try Yoga
There are lots of free yoga video on YouTube. All you need to get started is a mat.
  39. Practice Meditation
Exercise for your brain. 🙂
Skilled Hobbies
Lastly, it’s time to apply your skills to your hobby list. From cooking, to home-brewing, and even woodworking, we have you covered with this last bunch of fun inexpensive hobbies.
40. Cooking
For some cooking is truly a hobby. Even if you don’t love to cook, it’s definitely a good skill to have because cooking and eating at home is way cheaper than going out to eat. If you need some ideas for cooking, try out Erin Chase’s $5 Dinners – the site dedicated to helping you make each meal a $5 total…not five dollars per person.
  41. Canning and Food Preservation
This old-fashioned skill can actually help you save money, especially if you are preserving food from your garden bounty to eat later on.
  42. Furniture Restoration
I know several people who’ve taken up furniture restoration as a frugal hobby and they’ve also managed to furnish their homes with one-of-a-kind pieces they re-did themselves. You can also sell your restored furniture as a great side hustle hobby!
  43. Home Brewing
There are lots of online resources that can teach you how to get started brewing your own beer, wine, or cider at home. It might a little equipment to get started, but if you regularly enjoy these beverages instead of buying them at the liquor store you’ll definitely save money in the long run.
  44. Animal Husbandry
Growing up we raised many different kinds of animals on my parents’ farm. I still love animals and taking care of them today and it’s definitely a good skill to have.
  45. Carpentry
Even if you don’t learn how to make fancy things, basic carpentry skills can be good to have as they can save you money when you know how to fix things around the house.
  Next time you can’t think of something to do besides spending the day on the couch watching Netflix, check out this list instead.
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  45 Fun Inexpensive Hobbies to Try this Year published first on https://mysingaporepools.weebly.com/
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simonhopes · 6 years
What to Blog About: The Ultimate List Of 144 Blog Topic Ideas
So, you’ve decided you want to start a blog, but you’re not sure what to blog about.
The good news is, deciding what you want to blog about doesn’t have to be hard or take a lot of time. However, choosing the right topic to blog about is important, so you will want to make sure you put enough thought in.
But what should you be thinking about, and how do you decide what the best topic for your blog will be? There are a number of things that you should take into consideration including your potential audience and your own goals.
This guide will help you decide what to blog about by looking at some important factors. For a list of 144 actionable blog post ideas to help you get started.
The topic you choose can mean success or failure for your blog, so take the time to thoroughly understand these points and do some research.
Without further delay, let’s look at how to choose a good blog topic.
Part 1: Finding A Topic To Blog About
To find a suitable topic for you, there are a number of things that should be taken into consideration.
First, you should look at your own interest and experience to help you choose a topic. A blog topic that you are knowledgeable and passionate about will help you not only create better content but enjoy what you are doing.
You should also look at the popularity, audience, and competition for your topic. You want to choose a topic that will allow you to attract and grow a readership.
Another important factor that you should consider is whether you will be able to produce content for your specific topic. If your topic is too specific you may have trouble coming up with things to write about.
Let’s take a look.
1. Self-Analysis
The first thing you should be looking at when looking for a blog topic is your own interests.
Blogging about something that you are knowledgeable about will be easier than starting a topic you know nothing about. That being said, blogging is also about learning. If you have an interest in a particular topic you can always learn about it and become an expert.
Here are some things you can ask yourself:
What am I passionate about?
What are my hobbies?
What interests or intrigues me?
What am I knowledgeable about?
Do I know more than the average person about a particular     topic?
These are all things you can ask yourself to help you come up with blog topics.
Brainstorm a list of ideas that come to mind and write them down. If some ideas are similar, group them together or try to find a general topic they fit under. Once you find a broader category, use it to come up with even more ideas.
Ask yourself, can you be an authority on do you have the experience or can you gain it? Readers will be looking for answers and information. Do you have the knowledge to be able to answer their questions? Are you or can you become an expert on your subject?
Having a general idea of your skills and knowledge is a good place to start when trying to find what to blog about.
The next important thing you should look at is your potential audience.
2. Your Potential Audience
You want to make sure your topic has a big enough audience so you can get enough traffic.
There are a number of things you can do to determine if your topic has enough people interested in it. You can look at searches, social media statistics, and around the web to judge traffic and get ideas.
What exactly are people looking for?
Looking at what other people are looking for can help you find out if your topic will be popular or not.
A useful way to do this is to look at what people are searching for on search engines. You can use Google’s keyword planner tool to look at what is being searched for and get other ideas.
Sign in and then enter some keywords related to your topic.
You will now be able to look at the number of searched that keyword received and suggestions for other topics.
You will also see the competition level for that topic. This will tell you how hard it will be to compete for those keywords. You should try to find a topic that ins’t over saturated, this will be covered further on in this post.
What Is Popular?
Another way to get a feel for what is popular is to look at the social media reception for a topic.
If you are seeing posts from other blogs getting a high number of shares, there is a better chance there is a good audience.
A useful tool for researching social shares is BuzzSumo.
To get social statistics, type your topic into the search bar.
You will now see the top posts arranges by the number of total shares. You can also see the number of shares for each individual social platform.
Looking at the number of social shares will give you a good indication on how large your target audience is. If it looks like there isn’t much social share activity, either your topic hasn’t been covered or it isn’t popular.
What Questions Need Answering?
You can also what topics are in demand by looking at what people are asking.
Use sites like Quora to find these questions.
Do a search for your topic and find questions people are answering.
Also, you can find questions that people are asking in forums.
To find forums for your topic, you can do a search on Google. Here are two searches you can use. One uses a search operator to look for the word “forum” in the site URL.
“Your Topic” forum
“Your Topic” inurl:forum
Notice that the word forum appears in the link.
Once you find a good forum to look at, you can start looking for questions or topics that people might be asking.
3. Topic Competition
Looking at existing blogs and websites will not only help inspire ideas for topics, but also give you an idea of the competition for that topic.
Do a search for your topic to see how many blogs are on that topic. If your topic is over saturated, it may not be the best choice.
However, if you have found that there is a good enough audience and there are only a few blogs on your topic, you may have something.
To be surer, you can look again at Google’s keyword planner tool. Do another search for your topic and this time look at both the number of searches and the competition. Look for keywords with a relatively high amount of traffic, and a low or medium amount of traffic.
This is a good way to get ideas for topics with lower competition. As a blogger just starting out, it can be easier to focus on a narrow topic with less competition. Usually the broader the topic, the more competition. If you can narrow your topic down, you may be able to drive more traffic.
4. Can you produce content for your blog?
After you’ve come up with some topics to blog about, you will want to ask yourself if you will be able to create content for that topic.
Try to brainstorm a list of blog posts ideas. If you find yourself struggling to do this, perhaps your topic will be too hard to produce content for.
Your blog topic should focus on something, but it shouldn’t be so narrow that you can’t write about it. Finding a balance will help you in the long run.
Will Your Topic Last?
You should also ask yourself if your topic will stay popular for a long time.
Try to stay away from topics that come quickly and go quickly. You don’t want to build up your blog only to see your audience fading away.
5. Narrow It Down and Decide
Once you have a few topics in mind, decide what topics you don’t want to cover.
Eliminate the ones that are don’t have enough traffic or have too much competition.
You may also decide that the topic just isn’t right for you. If you have to, go back through this process with your topics to see if they are a good fit.
If you are having trouble deciding, take a break and come back. Let your ideas sit and give them some thought before making a final decisions. You might come up with other topics in this time also.
Also, you can look at the list below to see where your ideas fit in.
144 Topic Ideas to Help You Get Started
If you haven’t come up with some ideas on what to blog about already, here is a list to get started with.
Not everyone may be for you, but you may just find one that you realize is a perfect fit.
Relationships and advice
Sports or a specific sport
General food blog: Could be a type of food or food from a     certain culture.
Question and answer
Health and fitness
Nutrition and eating healthy
Web design
Martial arts
Organic foods
Fashion blog
Travel blog
Location specific: A blog focusing on a certain place or city.
Social media: General social media discussion or focus on a     specific platform.
Board games
Real estate
Card games
Cars: You could also focus on a specific make or type of car,     like antiques.
Home decor
Smoothies / nutritional shakes
Juicing for health
Web tutorials
Learning languages
Hosting a party
Vegan or vegetarian food
Men’s/women’s lifestyle
Computer parts
Dance or a specific type of dancing
Performing Arts
Wireless systems
Stained glass
Living naturally
Product reviews
Cell phones / smart phones
Interior design/architecture
DIY (do it yourself)
Personal finance
Green lifestyle
Arts and crafts
Weight lifting
Makeup / cosmetics
Kitchen design
Mountain climbing
Cross country skiing
Kids apparel
Coding languages
Tourist destinations
Dream interpretation
Myth busting
Table tennis
Hopefully, this list has given you some ideas for what to blog about.
There are many topics you can choose from, and it might be hard to decide. Write down some that interest you and then narrow your choice through elimination.
When you have a topic you like, research and evaluate the topic with some of the methods we covered in the first section.
With so many options available, it can at times be hard to decide what to blog about.
With the methods we discussed, it should be easier to narrow down your choice.
Look at your passions and skills to see what you might be interested in blogging about. If you like your topic, it should be that much easier to spend time researching and blogging about.
Make sure you do enough market research when choosing a topic to blog about. You want there to be a big enough audience so you can get enough blog traffic.
A perfect example would be the Onlinefoodblog. We blog about food and how to make food.  
Also, look to see that your topic is not over saturated. If there are too many existing blogs on your topic already, it might be more difficult to compete for the same subjects.
There is always room for great, unique content that helps people answer their questions. Whatever topic you choose, make sure you focus on providing quality material and you will be on the road to successful blogging.
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