#I want to return here but I’m also too dedicated to insta and Twitter atm
moonlight-technofield · 11 months
I’m gonna maybe start flooding this account with art hold on
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finally i got to watch SJ Returns and whoa, memories...
Since mamacita I kind of stopped following them as I used to (hardcore fan) mainly because I was going through some personal issues so I lost interest in SJ and kpop in general (not like I’m that into it anyway) and enlistments were around the corner, some started doing individual promotions and for me it was hard to keep up, the sungmin and kangin thing happened, also the few sj tumblrs i followed went on hiatus, left for another fandom or just quit so I didn’t have another source besides twitter but ofc it’s not the same. I just diverted and started to get interested in other stuff and my tumblr changed, the sj reblogs slowly faded until I was just rb’ing abt tv shows and other stuff. Aaaaaanddd on twitter the few mutuals I have (had?) got into other groups, and/or got busy with uni/work so they weren’t as active as when we started following each other (which it’s still happening but real life happens) so yeah a lot of factors influenced me to stop.
But very deep down I ‘missed them’ and all the things around like twitter, the mass voting, waiting for teasers, their twitter/insta updates... but it was gone... more groups debuted, more fandoms appeared, and since I was only into kpop because of SJ I didn’t really get interested in other groups to ‘’fill the void’’ , until I decided to ~stan~ red velvet, but my stanning (?) is limited to watch their MVs, fancams, listening to their songs, and here on tumblr, but nothing compared to what i did with SJ (and i dont think im doing that again, it was nice while it lasted and im very thankful for those amazing moments, anywayyyyy) and then got into blackpink but same thing like red velvet, not too deep, and also i gave exo a chance after five years lmaoooooo just because but not too deep (thewarisanamazingalbumktnhxbye) so yeah i may seem like a newbie but i’ve in this thing for almost 7 years, but around 5 years were only dedicated to SJ and only SJ, likeee, I barely listened to other groups music *shrugs*
So Kyu and Ryeo left but EunSiHae discharged from the military 
SJ comeback~~~~
I wasn’t expecting that much about their comeback, I mean last time wasn’t that great and memorable but whoa a variety show... ON VLIVE!!!! the trend atm whoaaaa!!! As an ‘old’ group they do have to keep up with the trends. As fans of whatever group we’ve noticed that for some time now charts have become more important and determines how famous a group (which is actually quite subjective but netz and fans eat that so = war), and how volatile the industry has become: more fanwars, more competitiveness, more hardwork, less sleep for groups (and fans?), more overseas schedules, etc.
Ok, so vlive wow, amazing. 
They’re worried about what’s left of ELF, they dont want to delay/wait anymore because they’re afraid that fans will leave for good. They know what people say about them, about their popularity (which only applies in sk???). They know that variety can do good as can do harm, they know that charts have become important, they know that probably the wont break their sales record and get awards on popularity shows, but they wanna go on for ELF, to enjoy as much as they can. Yesung cried because his album didnt do well, but it wasnt just that, but the weight of feeling not enough, not living up to SJ legacy. 
And I know they have said and done shit that have damaged their image and of course I’m against that and I know people have called them out but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s up to them to take the hint or not  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i wanna enjoy this comeback as much as uni allows me haha, im a bit better than two years ago but also i had to changed my priorities a bit...
My point is if you’re still in the fandom and have the opportunity to support them do it! Enjoy this comeback, we should leave fanwars behind, I think we’re past that point, we should focus on us, SJ+ELF, if other people/fans from other groups support ok, thank you very much, if they talk shit well  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  
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