#I wanted to say Siegfr and Brynn for the shipping thing but that feels like cheating
nobuverse · 1 year
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@tiredstudents said: Fate questions 9, 12, 13
Fate Questions! ll Selectively Accepting
9. Favourite servant/servant ship?
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Uuuh- Hm. Tough one. Not because I have a lot of choices, but because I'm not that big of a shippy person tbh? I think Ryoma and Oryou have the best chemistry between servants, but I'm still confused as to whether it's supposed to be a romantic ship.
I'm gonna with -! Astolfo and Sieg from Fate/ Apocrypha ! Because no matter how much the show wants to push Sieg and Jeanne, I feel like he just has way better chemistry with Astolfo in the anime at least? They legit feel like partners that bring out the best in each other.
12. Name your notp.
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...You know what I've never gotten in any fandom?
Hate shipping.
Maybe I'm just a traditionalist or whatever, but I like to see my ships built on a good relationship dynamic with a huge amount of trust between the two parties.
Nobunaga and Okita.
Just....why. These two could not have more separate ideals. The bickering is fun to watch in FGO, but...that's as far as it goes.
13. Name a part of fate/ that makes you salty.
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I'll say it once!! And I'll say it again!!! Jeanne in Fate/Apocrypha makes no!!! Sense !!!
I'm just not sure why they chose that historical figure if they were gonna write a character who's ideals run contradictory to her own religion when she's a freaking saint?!!
"The living should not follow the orders of the dead" she says ( or something akin idr) like woman! You are supposed to be under the ideals of Jesus Christ! WHo is very much dead!
Honestly though the worst crime is how many amazing story bits they had to potentially fix that problem.
Like girl. You fail at every level when you legit make Shirou look like the GOOD GUY. In fact, I'm still not convinced he's the villain because you legit gave us 0 zero to why his plan is a bad thing.
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