#I was being Really Weird about cells and raving about an animated ship online
In my hometown right now and catching up with people I’ve been close to my whole life but don’t talk as much anymore and it’s INSANE. Friend x will off-handedly remark having pulled 40 people at college while friend y will recount the most convoluted story of a guy trying to get her attention across multiple social events. And then they ask me what I’ve been up to and I’m just like welp. You would Not Believe the amount of fanfiction I’ve written these past few months. Posted on every day of Sketchbook Week and everything. I lead a wild life, if you even care
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chibidarkness1111 · 5 years
3, 4, 7, 19, 23, 29, 35, 39 :D
  3 - Which anime made you laugh the hardest?Hmmm, this is a bit of a tough one! I honestly think that I lack a sense of humor because most things that are supposed to be funny don’t make me laugh! The last example I can think of is that one Angel Beats episode, but my Mom’s reaction to Cells at Work, One Punch Man, and Mob Psycho 100 were pretty funny, so hope that counts XD  4 - If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be?Ooooohh! Honestly, Diamond is Unbreakable! I’d love to see exactly how Kira got his Stand and just how far his…hand obsession really went… is that weird? (The me wanting to make a Alive!Kira spin-off, not Kira’s hand thing… that’s weird) XD  7 - Have you ever watched an entire anime in one sitting? Yes! Kubikiri Cycle! It’s a mystery anime from the same guy that made the Monogatari series, and KC happens to be his first published work! Ii-chan was creepily relatable, even if I did graduate, and everyone’s outlook on a murder mystery happening in front of them was so surreal and interesting! It IS a Nisio Isin work so loads of dialogue may turn some people off, but I love Monogatari and I love Kubikiri Cycle.  19 -  What is your favorite slice of life anime?[It’s a tie between Hyouka and Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai, with Non-Non Biyori as a close second. Hyouka is another mystery (and you know I love those XD) but everything is so down-to-earth and believable that I in Hotarou’s view of school life, I was surprised with how relatable it was (again!), plus Chitanda’s endless curiosity is so endearing. And Chuunibyou is all about imagination and daydreams, though I never was a Chuuni myself, I did know a couple, and it was fun to see how the characters were so embarrased with their “dark pasts” as raving lunatics XD  23 - What is the most times you’ve re-watched an anime?6 or 7 with Baccano. I watched it alone the first time, showed it to a friend the second, showed it to my cousin’s not-yet-girlfriend the third, showed it to my Mom the fifth, and two more times alone. That show has some replay value! XD  29 - Has an anime’s fanbase ever made you hesitant to watch an anime? Honestly Jojo. Nothing I saw from the screenshots, memes, and anime clips made sense and it’s like the whole fandom alienates potential watchers from getting into the show by refusing or being unable to explain what JJBA is about and where to begin. I held off for a long time before Glass Reflection’s review of Phantom Blood finally offered some clarity and I was able to start. Glad I made it in though!  35 - Have you ever dropped an anime, if so why? Back when the Sword Art Online craze was beginning to take off I was smitten with it’s (then) new premise of being trapped inside a video/MMO game. The game itself looked amazing, the players seemed to be having fun, Kirito was okay I guess, and the mystery of why the game designer did this was very intriguing! Finding out that the answer would lie at the top of this 100 floor boss tower seemed like this show was going to be a long and enduring adventure, with Kirito slowly building a party as they struggle through the game’s perma-death system and working through the pitfalls of being in a Party to begin with. With team arguments, the overworked healer, possible internet issues literally threatening someone’s life, stuff like that! …but then Kirito made it to level 50 in episode 2 BY HIMSELF and I was like “NOPE. I’M JUMPING SHIP.” ….glad I did before everyone else XD 
 39 - Is there an anime you wish was more popular? Oh my God, TONS. Kubikiri Cycle, Medaka Box (call me a Nisino Isin fan ;w;), Non-Non Biyori, Acchi Kocchi, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Ghost Hound (I learned what lucid dreaming was through Ghost Hound), just.. so many…
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