#I was blind but now I see-- 🤣 I am touched that you came bursting into MY inbox with this information you just KNEW I was HERE for it!!!!
xbraveheartx · 11 months
OMGOMGOMGOMG I came running here when I saw this post on reddit.
"The loading screens are Paracelsus' report on Krat
Also makes sense that the loading screens were updating to new visuals as you progressed - Paracelsus was making his notes on you as you went through the story"
Therefore, the discrepancies between what we know and the loading screens.
Therefore, the Lies of P. :D
Oh HELLO????? 👀 That's actually... such an excellent theory? And I feel like it really makes sense, it's all collections of observations-- not to mention the picture of Alidoro? Is... upstairs where we never see him? Y'know. Angled more so from the direction where our dear "Giangio" is chilling, close to the Gold Coin Fruit Tree?
Saying that now actually made me gasp like holy shit that's RIGHT the image IS from that direction-- I ALWAYS thought it was WEIRD!
This is wild, oh my gosh, I think I'm sold on this! Lies of P-- More like The Misinformation of Philippus Paracelsus LMAO
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