#I was exclusively late-night bingeing and primarily using spn as a means of mental escape from impending graduation™️
infinemmonstrum · 1 year
hi, happy wincest wednesday! what's the vibe that drew you to sam&dean?
me answering this ask four months (and two days) late? more likely than you think. wincest wednesday more like wincest everyday (lame joke sorry okay I'll carry on)
my answer is rooted in plain old horniness so I'll put that under the cut:
tbh I was hooked from 'easy, tiger', but what really caught my attention was the airplane scene in 1.04, where Dean hyperventilates and Sam just - orders him to calm down. and then calls him good when Dean does. just like me fr
but seriously I just found their push-pull power dynamic (at least in early seasons - I'm still only on s4) a) compelling and b) horny. honest to god that is why I started watching the show in earnest instead of keeping it as background noise!
without that dynamic, or indeed incest subtext in general (which I think is pretty blatant and requires rose-colored ray-bans to ignore) Supernatural would just be not-as-smart Buffy for straight white Texan men. thankfully it does feature those themes and brotherdomming to boot and thus it became a timeless cw staple upon which fandom's imagination has thrived, and for which we are all grateful (again I mean this sincerely, because omegaverse* has been one of my top fic genres since middle school)
*this is an aside, but back when I tried reading destiel (with only the knowledge that it had gone tenuously canon near the series finale and whatever insights I gleaned from heller gifsets) I was just completely unable to envision either of them topping. this changed when I witnessed Jomega Jackles in action and now I am completely unable to see top!dean unless it's a) weecest or b) deanna
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