#I was gonna go more into blocking and filtering and curating ur own experience on this post
squuote · 9 months
tbh I always wanna just say this at random but like, sometimes a fandom can just be you and your mutuals and maybe a handful of other chill people. and you can just block out the rest because sometimes that can be enough, especially in bigger fandoms or fandoms that are growing
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twinkinspector · 1 year
hey asking for a friend but how do you stop feeling weird about something you accidentally stumbled on on here lol asking you because ur always so nice and approachable and i feel like you’d give really good advice on how to make the weird stop, if that makes sense?
hi hi hi! thank you for asking me, that actually means a lot <3
SO i'm not necessarily sure what ~flavor~ of weird you've stumbled upon, so i'll give you a few different things you could do
let's say you're reading fics and stumble upon a kink you really don't like. number one is that you don't have to say something ab it to the author, that's for sure. i'm not saying you would, i just feel it needs to be said! some kinks aren't for everyone, and that's totally okay! if you're on this side of tumblr, then hopefully the author understands that. but one thing you can do to stop seeing that kink is to filter tags related to it! i think that's in settings? but don't hold me to that. i just know it's possible lmao
maybe you're reading and stumble upon a kink that you actually really like but you think it's weird. this is a personal thing that you'd have to work through yourself. why do you think it's weird? the author that wrote it probably doesn't think it's weird per se. it's all about perspective! you could do what i suggested for a kink you don't like and filter the tags so you don't see it at all if you're that uncomfortable OR you could read more of it and lean into it shrug
NOW let's say you think you've found an irl on tumblr dot com. i'm coming at this from the angle of "what would i want someone to do if they found me on here?" and that is NOTHING. i wouldn't want anyone to acknowledge me skskaf;jewo UNLESS UR GONNA BE COOL ABOUT IT!! because remember – you found them on this side of tumblr because you were on this side of tumblr too!!
FINALLY, maybe you're just uncomfy that this part of tumblr exists – and that's also okay! but if what we're doing over here doesn't hurt anyone (and is actually very cathartic for some people – read: me), then i don't think there's anything wrong with it. you can always always always block and filter tags! i personally don't get offended when i'm blocked bc i know people are just ~curating their experience~ which is something everyone is within their own right to do. you've got to protect your personal peace <3
i hope this helped a little bit! if not, feel free to swing back by and tell me what flavor of weird you're struggling with! i consider myself a bit of a Weird Expert <3 i'm not going to pry of course – just letting you know you're always welcome here!
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