#I wasn't gonna post this and just brain dump maybe share any nuggets ppl might feel but fuck it all I'm ready to flip tables
dramarants · 1 year
trying to come to terms with the bewildering final 10 minutes of tteotm:
first and foremost, undeniably, the technical and narrative execution this ep was choppy, weirdly paced, ambiguous (not in a cool OE way, just literally hard to follow - how are we in the tomb, why is she back in devil bride attire, where did the scale in the last shots come from, why did qingyu's fucking hair need to turn blond, pang yizhi what did you finally understand cuz I sure as hell don't??) and left a lot of loose threads. with all the build up to his sacrifice, you want some sort of twist or surprise but nothing comes. the ending is so abrupt and this is always and forever gonna leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
the last eps especially emphasized legacy and, with li susu returning as a goddess, I must assume the immortal realm learned the truth about ttj's sacrifices and believed it. ttj gets his roses.
I'm gonna pretend ttj explained the zhaoyou situation to her too
in fact if we're in imaginary land jiwu grew the fuck up and, upon realizing the depth of ttj's friendship in spite of everything, becomes riddled in guilt for a while and fiercely protects ttj's memory
a child!! literally how to carry a legacy and memories into future generations
ttj's destiny was to suffer and resent the world + give up his body and soul to carry out the devil god's will
instead, he embraced the light, learned to cherish the world, bore other's resentment in his final trial (strength that I sure as hell don't have! even saving jiwu from himself!) he remained in control of himself, choosing to sacrifice his body to stop the devil god's plans
the love was there and for once, to break a cycle of pain and sin, overcome the consequences in the mortal world, for ttj and lss, it was fucking enough!
by destroying the evil bone in his final moments he prevents the devil god from ever returning, truly the world's savior
his death was mostly on his own terms, with purpose he didn't have before
saving a part of his divine essence in the scale to continue to protect susu was a full circle moment
in fact ttj embodies mingye in a ridiculous number of ways by the end, from his actions to his values down to his clothes, yet another way to stick it to the devil god fate
he looks at peace in his last shot during the battle and in the scale
they had to cut scenes and therefore couldn't elaborate on the post all-in-distress world
or dedicate the 30s it takes to show him regrow from the scale or something lbfad style 🤧
it seems like he could hear susu when she was speaking to the kid? so he can follow his wife and daughter's lives knowing he's loved and respected until his return that I am headcanoning??
by being in the scale, he keeps his promise to stay by her side forever and accompany her in moving forward through parenthood and the ordinary life he dreamed of
in fact ttj never has to defend himself or put up with bs again, his fight is over and he gets to watch a harmonious world that he and susu made possible
susu my girl, having faith in him and understanding everything immediately and wishing to meet him again
bearing the cross of the only living god and continuing, again, their legacy, protecting their love and the world
she was ready to die with him!! like!! fuck till death do us part I'll share your burden let's embrace and face the end together!! a sparkle bathed version of ttj trying to die with her in ep 29!!
nothing can come between them anymore they fricking ensured that
plus them in the heavenly realm, the only two gods existing, removed from the world and basking in that moment where the devil god no longer exists and it isn't a dream 😭
the tomb scene was so heartbreaking in the good way
these characters have been on such an incredible, unhinged journey and looking back, there's so much more to unpack and appreciate
ugh it's not a bad ending cuz it's sad, I mean how many of us predicted he'd die for the greater good a long time back, it's just the way it ultimately played out was... somehow disappointing
but you know what I enjoyed the path here so much and can imagine their path ahead enough to forgive it and continue loving tantai jin and li susu and tteotm overall anyway
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