#I wasn't kidding when I said that I'm in 2012 rn
guhfis 10 months
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just boys being bros
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alectricblue 1 year
馃幍 Last song you listened to?馃惏 What do you think says the most about a person?馃尲 What鈥檚 the last thing you said out loud?馃檭 What鈥檚 a weird fact that you know?馃Ц Favorite place to nap?馃 Describe yourself in three words.馃А A color you can鈥檛 stand?馃拵 What鈥檚 your most prized possession?馃 Favorite extinct animal?馃寵 How long have you been on tumblr?馃惛 Describe your aesthetic.馃尶 Describe your favorite outfit. Suffer /lh
lmaoo, this is gonna be a long one /pos
jokes on you, I like answering questions /lh
馃幍 - 'Astral Train' from Night in the Woods, it's sooo good
馃惏 - hmm, I might need to think more about this one, but rn I'm thinking: how they react to criticism
馃尲 - probably "good night", but I might have said some expression out loud too that I can't remember lol
馃檭 - I'm blanking out on this one lol sorry, I can't think of anything weird rn
馃Ц - on the sofa in the sunlight like a cat 鈽猴笍
馃 - passionate, creative, perseverant
馃А - not actually sure if the name is salmon, but that weird mix between pink and orange 馃槚
馃拵 - my VR headset. the idea of going inside virtual reality has always fascinated me and, even tho I don't have the best of the best, I feel so lucky to be able to experience it and I wish everyone was able to
馃 - the velociraptor. it's been my favorite dinosaur since I saw The Land Before Time when I was a kid. they look way different now, but I love the feathers
馃寵 - since.... the first half of 2012? so about 11 years lol, but there were some months/years in between that I wasn't as active or deleted my prev blogs
馃惛 - blacksmith. carpenter. just, yeah. anything to do with making things, building things. dirty work shop, tools, projects, blueprints, sawdust. I don't always follow that aesthetic, but I love it. I recently got a one of those things to hang all the tools on the wall of my room and I'm so happy 馃榿
馃尶 - bright colored shirt + black suit pants + black boots with some heel
I think that was all of them lol
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kagesdumpsterfire 3 years
Listen, I'm not mad as a shipper, I'm used to having shipping questions shut down at cons at this point. It's been like that for years. I explained as much in an earlier post.
I'm mad as a queer person.
I don't hate Jared. I reserve hate for people I know and people I know for a fact are vile little piss ants. I wouldn't even go so far as to call myself an anti. Up until recently I was more of a neutral. Because you see, I watched the show long before I joined the fandom. I was in the fandom a while before I became a shipper. I was a fan of all the actors before joining the fandom. Followed all of them. Then, Jared started posting about service workers. I stopped following him after that. Just another privileged person complaining. I didn't hate him, just lost a little respect. I found out about the PSH tweet (made about a month before I joined the fandom) a little while later and lost more. Because addiction is a disease, not a choice and what he said (hours after the man's death) was disrespectful as hell. The things he has said and done since the finale have slid me firmly into "not a huge fan, but whatever" territory. His answer on the Destiel queston, that btw, was not asked of him, has me sitting in "don't really like your personality bro, thanks for the character you gave and all, but...yikes. No thanks."
Why? Is it because I'm a "bitter Heller who is just throwing a fit because my ship wasn't validated"? Naw, dude. Like I said, I'm used to disappointment. I've been a Doctor Who fan since 2006. I'm a queer who grew up with Harry Potter, the books, not the movies. I was excited for the first Sucide Squad movie. Disappointment and I are old friends.
It's because Jared sat there, on a stage, infront of a bunch of people, and equated romantic love to sex. He answered a question, (again that he had no reason to because it didn't involve him) that had nothing to do with sex, at all, and made it about sex. He sexulized LGBTQ+ community, like thats not one of the biggest stereotypes we have to defend against Every. Single. Day. I'm the B in that category, and the amount of times people have taken advantage of that...the amount of times I've been called a "whore"... the amount of times someone has assumed I will sleep with anybody just because I'm not picky about what is between someone's legs....it's exhausting. I've been in a monogamous relationship since 2012 and people still assume I'm loose. Also, the fact that people wouldn't consider it cheating if I slept with a woman...disgusting. And thats just me. Don't get me started on the fetishization of the queer community. A super hetero dude bro has no problem watching p*rn with two girls going at it, but god forbid they hold hands, or buy a house and adopt a kid. It's "funny" for a dude to act like a girl but the second that dude kisses another dude it's gross. Just, ugh.
Literally no one said romantic love is about sex. Literally no one said saying "I love you" means "lets fuck". Jared did. He brought his children into it. A mother, speaking about her queer children, asked when Dean found out Castiel's love was romantic and Jared replied with "saying I love you to my son doesn't mean I want to touch him." Dude, NO ONE SAID THAT! He said Castiel couldn't feel romantic love because he was junkless. Again Love is not equal to sex. Castiel had sex with April (which btw, means he wasn't junkless) doesn't mean he loved her. Castiel said he loves Jack. We know that doesn't mean he's trying to do him cuz...ew...that's his son. Again, nobody said sex equals love. But he did.
He sat there and said "LGBTQIA" and completely invalidated the "A" part of it. There is a whole spectrum of people who have no sexual feelings and still feel romantic love. There is a spectrum of people who don't even feel sexual feelings until they feel romantic love. There is a whole spectrum of people who do not eqaute love to sex AT ALL. There are nonbinary folks that feel sexual attraction without regards to gender and there are those who just straight up don't feel sexual attraction at all, but still feel love. And that man sat there and, with his whole chest, made a question about another character's love, about sex.
He brought i*cest into it. No one else did. No one said the show was about love and sex. He brought it up. No one said love couldn't be platonic, he's the one who went off on a tangent about it and AGAIN, on a question (say it with me this time) that WAS NOT FOR HIM! I'm not saying the man doesn't have a say in a show that he was on for 15 years, but Jared and Sam had no involvement in that scene at all. It was not about him. He had no place to answer that question and the way he did was....not good at all.
Now, dont get me wrong, Jensen has no place to speak on Castiel's behalf either. He absolutely has the right to talk about Dean, how Dean interpreted it, and how he played Dean's reaction, because Dean is his character. Castiel is Misha's. Misha doesn't speak on Dean's feelings as if he knows because it isn't his place to say. Jensen should do the same. And the thing is, he was actually doing a decent job answering it, until Jared interrupted. He was interrupted and backed into a corner of a PR nightmare, and backpedaled. That's it.
Like I said, not suprised it was tiptoed around. The show isn't about shipping, I get it. Being angry about it solves nothing. It will just make me bitter.
I am pissed that Jared went on a long rant about things he has no business speaking about. I am pissed that Jared invalidated an entire spectrum of people. If you are queer and have no problem with what he said, that's on you, but I, and I know many others, are not okay with it. He made a question into something it wasn't and I'm allowed to be mad about it for reasons that aren't about my ship.
I think I'm done for now, but who knows. Either way I hope everyone has a good day today.
You are loved, you are worthy and you are VALID!
That is all.
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