#I watched the scene where Eileen runs at the demon named Dermott and I was struck by Eileen's expression when she ran at him
see-aperfecttree · 2 months
Hunting is all about instinct. Sam knows this. He knows how to use each second he has; how to react to a incoming blow, how to position for a fall he's already taking. When Sam rushes a monster he knows he has one second before he makes contact, and in that moment his instinct is always to wince.
Hunting is all about instinct. Eileen knows this. She was trained rather than raised. She knows how to move so each second is functional, knows how to deflect an incoming blow. When Eileen rushes a monster she knows she has only one moment before they collide, and in that moment her instinct is always to smile.
One of the reasons Sam loves Eileen is that she smiles.
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