#I will die for everyone’s right to write terrible rpf and you can’t stop me!
thatsmistertoyou · 5 months
not to be that guy about it but people have always used dan and phil as like a Prime Example of RPF Ruining Lives as if they haven’t said it’s fine for over a decade, participated in it, and said that the queerness of the community made them feel more comfortable coming out. it was never about being invasive or fetishy it was about self recognition through the other and having fun and being cringe for sport and winning the gold fucking medal
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chronotopes · 7 years
tagged by @benjameme-sisko; answers and questions (?!) under the cut
1. which starfleet uniform is your favorite? 
it’s a close race between the later-season ds9 ones that were introduced for first contact and the red-and-white wrath of khan uniforms. i think both of them reflect the tone of the works they’re in very well and also they look damn cool. i know a lot of people on here don’t like the gray ones but they’ve grown on me big time. 
2. do you create any fanworks of your own?
my m.o. before this has been “make fun text posts and call it a day, feat. occasional art”, but yeah for ds9 i’ve written two fanfics and .... WANT to write more, but who fucking knows am i right. in a true-to-brand fun fact, they both involve Jezri Hell in some way. 
3. if you could have a holodeck program of your own, what would it be?
if this is assuming i already live in the star trek universe, i think it’d be, like... definitely one of the #historical #rpf ones that all the NERDS on the shows are so fond of. maybe one that lets u hang out with byron and the shelleys for geneva ‘16. or maybe i could do one that’s themed after a dumas novel, that’s the right mix of romanticism and fun adventure  
4. your favorite tacky costume in star trek
ooh um it’s a tie between a) the mauve shirt jim kirk is wearing in the search for spock / the voyage home, which makes me Very Angry but is also funny, b) julian bashir’s asymmetrical v-neck, because garak so obviously made it, and c) quark’s vacation look. (GOD i’m so mad at that episode for being bad. i’ve said this like three times now but it SHOULD have been gold.) 
5. your favorite character in all of star trek; you’re allowed to choose only one
kiraaaaaa. she was my introduction to ‘women in star trek that are written like actual fucking people’ and i would die for her. 
6. if you could change any plot line in any trek media, what would it be? 
oh god. um i feel like the objective answer is to fix either a) the maquis storylines on voyager, or b) the development/’mentorship’ of seven, also on voyager, but i haven’t SEEN voyager so i can’t exactly be a #1 source on this. so.... i think i’d change ziyal’s arc so that a) she isn’t used as a convenient resource to straightwash garak, and b) she lives to see the end of the war. waltz still happens tho, i guess she fakes her death or something. dukat’s arc post-waltz is another thing that i think needs fixing (summoning bajoran satan kind of seemed to come out of the left field) but right now i don’t have any good ideas as to how. 
7. wackiest crackship pairing? 
quark/grantaire from les miserables. they don’t even fuck, they sit in the bar and tell one another all the ways in which they’re terrible people and this gives them sexual gratification. yes i’m aware that i’m the only person who finds this concept funny, am i going to stop bringing it up? hell no. dril voice “i will never log off”. anyway this relationship would be something that’s detrimental for them both and validates their worst aspects, which means it’s an in-character enterprise. 
8. favorite rarepair? 
kira/cretak!! i like kiradax but after the early seasons they REALLY don’t interact a great deal, and i guess kira/cretak creates lots of exciting post-canon possibilities. that jumja stick conversation? yeah, they need to fuck. 
9. episodic storytelling, or serialized storylines? 
hmm i mean. this is just in application to star trek (everyone knows the episodic x-files eps are the best ones) but i think i’ll go for serialized; there’s a reason ds9 is my fave, and i’ve been a lot more into dsc lately. that said i like the way ds9 does serialization more than dsc sometimes, in that i wish (i know this isn’t in line with today’s conception of television) that dsc had more in the cards-style episodes, where serialized plots are still happening in the background but the characters get a chance to slow down and relax and have nice things happen to them. we kind of had that with magic to make the sanest man go mad, which i think was one of the strongest early-season dsc episodes; i think we could do with more of that.  
10. which is your favorite title theme? 
it’s a tie between ds9 (which i am the most emotionally attached to, and which i think sets the tone for the series so well, and it’s ALSO absolutely beautiful) and tng (which is just.... A Fucking Banger)
11. give us an episode that never fails to make you happy, and an episode that never fails to make you sad. 
happy: in the cards (jake! nice things happening in times of war!), sad: what you leave behind (jezri! everyone saying goodbye to everyone they love!) 
okay uhh i don’t have that many star trek mutuals that i know for sure enjoy doing these things, but i’m going to tag @ensignhoshisato and @little-vulcan (SORRY, i know you were already tagged in the prev. one, you Really don’t have to do these), @bajroan, and @twentyeightghosts (idk if you do these but i like hearing your Thoughts on things so it’s worth a try.) yes anyway none of you have to obviously, and if you’re someone who wants to but wasn’t tagged then please do it. do you guys see why i don’t tend to tag people in these things. 
you’re called in to make a new season for the star trek series of your choice; which do you pick, and what are some things you plan to do? 
similarly, you’re called in to create a series bible for an entirely new star trek show; are there any characters/settings/timelines/gimmicks/central themes that you’re drawn to?
you get to make any recurring star trek character a regular, but to do this you have to demote an existing regular on that show to recurring. whom do you swap?
if you had to swap fashion senses with a star trek character for a year, who would it be?
what’s your stance on the mirror universe?
this link takes you to a random memory alpha page; what did you get, and do you have any opinion you’d like to express on this thing?
do you care about any kind of star trek Lore(tm) in terms of like, years, names of dominion war battles, runabout types, conlangs, etc, or are you like “fuck the lore this is my town now”?
do you read star trek novels? if so, what’s your favorite one, and if not, what would convince you to read one? 
which star trek show was your first, and is that one your favorite? 
what’s your ideal endgame for your Favorite Star Trek Ship Of All Time Ever? (i mean ‘pairing’ here but if you’d rather answer for a literal ship then go ahead) 
if you served on a starfleet ship, what would you like its name to be?
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