#I will say that they keep most of their og pronouns bc I’m a bit nervous to refer to them with anything else
nami-moittli · 5 months
Do you have any Appmon headcanons?
Headcanons is a broad term, so I’m just going guess sexuality/gender headcanons!
Haru- Transmasc, he/him. And I like to headcanon all the goggleheads as pan, but I’m also teetering on the edge of bi for him. Either work tho!
Eri- Transfem, she/her. She’s a lesbian to me
Astora- nonbinary, he/they. Also lesbian
Rei- Agender, he has no clue what pronouns he likes, so he sticks with plain ol’ simple he/him. Probably demiromantic/sexual, and bi
Yuujin- he/him, simple. Gay, maybe bi
Ai- demigirl, she/they, bi
Sorry if this wasn’t what you meant, but here’s some headcanons!
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slasher-sweetie · 2 years
hello ! it’s very nice to meet you ! i use they/she pronouns ! and i’d like to request a match up, please :]
let’s see,, my appearance,, (going off a list or else i’ll just start rambling!) i’m 5’3, and slender, i’ve been told my eyes are very doll-like in terms of their roundness and the size of my iris (and they’re super dark!) pfft. my hair is dark brown and styled into a wolfcut which is so fun bc i like to curl the side lengths inward ! my aesthetic varies from wearing an oversized horror movie shirt with some baggy pants w my doc martens) think street style or grunge ! ) but lately i’ve been gravitating more towards earth tones and whatnot ! that comforting grandpa aesthetic if that makes sense? but i still dress very much in corsets and grays and blacks from time to time ! a lot of layered necklaces and rings too !
my hobbies include consuming large amounts of media and just adoring the hell out of it. i adore literature and film, i love dissecting the hell out of them and seeing the layers that make it become one great big thing. no matter how small it is, i’ll find myself completely enamored without the idea of the book or film and get excited over that detail. i also really enjoy writing ! most of my writings are emotional pieces as i use them in order to vent out any emotions that i might be experiencing ! i also enjoy art, though i haven’t had much time for it lately ! i’ve been studying towards a sociology degree of lately and just finished my first year at college ! (yay!) i really enjoy things like eating in the garden, walks in woods, art museums, cafes, movie nights, and just in general very comforting and warm environments like those that these things provide! :]
for my personality, hm. i’ve always really connected with the description of infp and get it every time i get any sort of personality test, so let’s go with that ! i’m a very introverted person as well as sensitive, and i feel as though i feel strongly in tune with my emotions as well as others. i really enjoy doing stuff with my friends that doesn’t involve very large crowds, those make me very anxious, ah. i’d like to say that my humor is a bit on the more on the dry humor, or just me being on my general daily fuckery. if i was a genre i’d be something like The Yellow Wallpaper, Possession (1981), type of thing. unfiltered female emotion has never looked so sexy /j
random fact about me: today i will deny god’s will.
thank you so so much for doing this in advance ! i hope that you’re doing well !
So, just from your ask, I immediately knew who you'd be perfect for, and that is Stu Macher, otherwise known as ½ of the OG Ghost Face. Your brand of chaos matches his to perfection, and the two of you get along like a house on fire.
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You sat snuggled up with your boyfriend, watching the third horror movie of the night, The Thing. Every time a particularly gruesome death took place, the room was filled with Stu's laughter. It was hard not to enjoy the movie when you saw how happy it made him. It was why the two of you spent most of your nights like this, attached at the hip, snacking on popcorn and candy, and watching as many horror movies as possible before you could no longer keep your eyes open.
Just as the two of you were coming to the part of the movie where you knew the guy's chest was going to break open and chomp down on the hands of his unsuspecting coworker, Stu let out a cry of glee, thoroughly enjoying the gory imagery.
He turned to you, the dimples in his cheek popping with his signature grin, "Sorry babe, that's my favorite part."
You rolled your eyes affectionately, "Don't apologize, silly. I love your reactions. You're really cute."
"You're really cute, too," he told you, leaning forward to place a noisy kiss on the tip of your nose, "It's why we're perfect together."
He pulled you back against his chest, laughing as someone else met an untimely demise. In moments like this, you couldn't help but agree with him. The two of you were perfect together.
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eitelle · 3 years
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Pretty setter squad hcs pt 2
Includes: akaashi, atsumu Miya, and suga
Warnings: none just fluff
Note: idrk atsumu that much but I think I’ve read enough fanfics to get a good enough idea. Pls reblog and comment and like it rly helps me out :)
Pairings (sorta): TIMESKIP akaashi keji x Gn!reader, atsumu Miya x gn!reader, and sugawara koushi x gn!reader
A/n: sorry for the accidental hiatus I just like completely forgot I had to do this 💀💀 anyways can someone explain how to use tags 😀😀😀 ALSO WTF IS WRONG W ME IM WILLINGLY BY CHOICE LEARNING INTRO TO BIO ON KHAN ACADEMY AND IM LOWKEY LIKING IT????? 😀🧍🏻‍♀️ I- anyways on w the headcanons. Oh also idk why but I cant/don’t know how to make like a separation photo thingy but I’ll figure it out ig
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Akaashi Keji:
He’s insecure asf. Like idk why but he just is, so if u date him be prepared to have to reassure him that u love him all the time
He secretly loves being bokutos babysitter
I lowkey get like pan vibes from him?? Like not bi but pan or if he is bi then he isnt just attracted to women and men
He wants you to do his eyeliner
He makes playlists for the two of you 🥺
He doesn’t take no bs and is rly good at reading people
He loves cuddles and needs to be given physical affection but gives verbal affection best
He will give you anything you need if u ask for it
His ideal partner just needs to be energetic enough to keep him on his toes but has smth that grounds them and can stay focused when needed
In hs when going to the training camps, he would sneak into the kitchens at night bc he couldn’t sleep and that’s how he met you
Loves seeing you in his glasses
Touch. Deprived.
He is a pro fort builder
Lowkey he’s a bookworm and loves to read but he got bullied for it (in a loving way) by the volleyball team
In college he still plays a bit of volleyball w the rest of fukurodani at reunions
Def gets high but not often so when he does- 🥵
Donates money to charities that he gets from bonuses at work
When he sees you in his old jersey- ur ability to walk: gone.
I feel like he’s the type of person to chew on the back of pencils and pens when rly deep in thought
Straight a’s bby
Would 100% respect ur pronouns and/or sexuality
He gives me tea lover vibes
He didn’t rly like manga until he was assigned that at his work place but then he fell in love
Protective supportive bby 🥺🥺
Literally mans is so pretty istg- but he finally realized that when y’all started dating 😚😚
His fingers: GORGEOUS. I feel like his fingers are always cold but that might just be me
That’s it for pretty boy 😚😚
Atsumu Miya:
so his OG hair color isn’t his actually yellow since he dyes it and he has like a schedule for it
At the end of the day the most supportive person to osamu is atsumu
He loves to travel
He has an album in his phone just full of photos of people he loves
Is a fuck boy but treats his momma well
I feel like this man watches k dramas in secret 💀💀
He’s a messy roommate and cannot clean for shit
He’s an emotional drunk so when he gets drunk he’s like crying and clingy to you and asking you if u love him all the time
Wants to receive words of affection but actually shows his feelings with physical affection
Has temptations to shave his head fs
I feel like he crosses his legs no matter where he’s sitting he just HAS to cross them
Sits like a frog (SAME BYE-) and def kind L from death note (maybe I’m an atsumu kinnie...)
Has tried to dye his hair other colors. Did not work.
Ok so I feel like he grew up close w other people so he’s very touchy feely yk? So like he will have physical contact no matter what
Speaking on that, he expressed love by physical contact and touch but prefers to get words of affection to receive love bc he feels inferior to osamu sometimes lowkey
I just wanna say that atsumu has a piss kink. I don’t make the rules
ok anyways he’s def a frat boy or at least used to be one
Gets drunk a lot but like not wasted wasted just tipsy enough to be not safe to drive (it’s never safe to drink and drive tho)
When drunk he is lowkey just a koala and always by you, hanging off ur arm and everything
Loves to do that thing where y’all hold hands in a pocket if u know what I mean?
Will spray his hoodies w his cologne to mark dominance go alpha go ig
Mans is so possesive istfg
Fav color is orange. Idk why I just get those vibes yk?
Ok a lil bit of nsfw ish ones not full out tho
Hardcore dom
I feel like he’s down for anything EXCEPT for u pegging him. (#pegatsumu2021)
Ok that’s all idrk that much ab him tho 😭🤚
Sugawara Koushi:
chews his nails
He/they tbh
I get pan vibes from him but I feel like he rly won’t talk in love w anyone unless he has an emotional attachment to them so like a biromantic but will be sexually attracted to anyone
Writes poetry and love letters to you ‼️‼️
Has his wedding vows ready already
Gets white girl wasted 💀💀 but he doesn’t rly like getting drunk so it’s fine
Mostly the designated driver
The only one on the pretty setter squad that isn’t touch deprived
Will defend you no matter what. Unless ur in the wrong ofc
Has bailed people out of jail before 😐🧍🏻‍♀️
I feel like he’s a collector. So like he collects idk cards or smth? But he def collects smth
he doesn’t wear socks or shoes sometimes to feel more connected to earth
Spirit animal is a koala (just bc they radiate the same vibes in such a good way)
Def believes in the supernatural
K drama watcher and proud of it 😌😌
Also a huge k pop Stan
Ok some nsfw ones now
Has suggested a threesome w u him and daichi
Uses handcuffs sometimes ngl
but he’s soft either way
So when he’s dom he’s like akaashi and doesn’t do anything that will hurt you
Boob guy but also likes ur ass? Idk he basically just loves you in general
Will worship ur body
Ok now we done w that
He fts the karasuno team or keeps them all in touch and together over quarantine and in college
Him and akaashi are the second closest in the pretty setter squad (no 1 being Hinata and kenma duh)
Very much so a family man
Gets so protective over the smallest things
Someone laughs at u bc u fell? They’re gonna eat the floor and taste sugas fists
Calls his s/o sugar or honey, you call him glucose as a joke (pls if u don’t get that I AM concerned for ur health.)
Daichi and him still keep in contact
Suga has a gc w all of the simps of the team(s) and adds people whenever they simp for someone so they can all gush ab the person they simp for
Is friends w everyone on every team
Shy when u meet him so loud once ur close to him
Self conscious of his birthmark 😪👊
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