#I will use the block button liberally and without mercy
gillytweed · 11 months
we all know the rules lawyers are gonna come out and start screaming, and someone will complain about how Tal broke the trust of the table, or some other bullshit that has already been argued about in this fandom, and we're all gonna ignore it right?
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aerynwrites · 5 years
Liberation - V
Chapter 5: The Moral Dilemma
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Author’s Note: Yay, here’s part 5! I’m so sorry for the wait on this chapter, I was just really really motivated to write requests and stuff so i was busy with those and I’m not back in college so unfortunately that takes some precedent over my writing (boooo). So, just to keep y’all in the know I am probably going to only be updating Liberation once a week with a couple request thrown in there between chapter postings! I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience at all, I just feel like this is what will work best. Thank you for understanding and i hope you enjoy the new chapter! as usual i love hearing from you all! <3
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: mentions of death, battle, cursing.
Chapters: Prologue, One, Two, Three, Four, Five (here), Six, Seven, Eight
You and Mando entered the Nevarro cantina, immediately drawing the attention of every patron in the establishment. You were still not used to the attention of running around with a Mandalorian, let alone the attention you received from being with a Mandalorian covered in beskar. You both received many glares and stares of awe as a deafening hush fell over the room as you and Mando headed for Greef, who was sat in his usual booth.
He seemed to finally notice the shift in the atmosphere and looked up from his drink, a wide smile adorning his face when he saw the two of you approaching.
“Ah, Mando, (Y/N)!” he lets out a low chuckle as you both finally come to stand next to the table, “They all hate you because you both are legends!” he boasts proudly.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest as Mando speaks, “How many of them had tracking fobs?”
He scoffs and gestures around the bar, “All of them. All of them! But not one of them closed the deal. Only you guys, only you.”
“yeah?” you bite, “At what cost?”
Greef looks to you and gestures to you and Mando, “Well it seems the cost was not so great, as you both are standing here with the richest reward the parsec has ever seen.” He points to the seats across from him and sit back in his seat slightly, “Please sit, my friends.”
Mando unclips his rifle from his back and sits, motioning for you to do the same. You follow his lead and sit, rather snuggly, in the booth with him. You see Greef look at Mando momentarily before Side eyeing the other patrons.
“They’re weighing all that beskar in their minds, but not me. No. I, for one, celebrate your success. Because it is my success as well. Hell, even I’m rich!” he proceeds to flash you both three bars of beskar before hiding them once more, “Now, how can I show my gratitude to my most valuable partners?”
Your mouth tugs into a frown at his words. Just a few days ago he hated you, and now you were one of his most valuable partners? You have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
“I want my next job.” Mando deadpans.
You look over to him in shock, “Mando what the hell I thought-“
A quick jab in your side and a quick tilt of his helmet shuts you up, mouth snapping shut so hard your teeth click. So, this was part of his plan it seems.
“Next job?” Greef asks incredulously, “Take some time off. Enjoy yourself!” Greef gestures behind him vaguely, “I’ll take you to the Twi’lek healing baths,” he says suggestively.
Your face twists up in disgust, “You know I’m still here right? Ew.”
Greef casts you a somewhat annoyed look but Mando speaks up before he can say anything, “We want out next job.” He reiterates.
“Sure. Fine.” Greef relents, “You hunter’s like to keep busy. Right?” he pulls a sack from beside him and dumps out some pucks, “Well, these are all far away.”
“The further the better,” Mando says.
“Well take your pick, you’ve earned it.” Greef responds, crossing his arms.
You watch as Mando picks up a puck and sets it on the table watching as it flickers to life.
“Ahh,” Greef sighs, “That’s the best of the lot. A nobleman’s son skipped bail,” he chuckles, “Looks like you’re headed to the ocean dunes of Karnac.”
Mando swiped the puck from the table, turning it off, and nudges you slightly, motioning you out of the booth. You do as he says and stand wait for him to grab his rifle before he stands as well, turning to leave. You go to follow but almost run into him as he stops short.
“Any idea what they’re gonna do with it?” He asks.
“With what?” Greef asks.
Mando finally turns back to face Karga, and you move out of his way to stand beside him, “The kid,” you clarify.
Greef sighs, “I didn’t ask. It’s against the guild code.”
“They work for the empire,” Mando’s voices is a bit more convicted now, “What are they doing here?”
“The empire is gone Mando.” he stands straighter at this, “All that are left, are mercenaries and warlords. But, if it bothers you, go back to the core and report it to the New Republic.”
You huff, “That’s a joke.”
Greef ignores your comment and looks to Mando again, “Mando, enjoy your rewards. Buy a camtono of spice,” he suggests, “By the time you come out of hyper drive, you will have forgotten all about it.”
Mando says nothing as he turns and walks to the door, you follow behind him. you continue to follow him but are increasingly confused as you see the razor crest come into view.
“What are we doing?” you ask as you both reach the ship and board it, “I thought we were going to get the kid.” You argued as Mando sits in the pilot’s seat and fires up the ship, ignoring you.
“Hey, hey!” you grasp his shoulder roughly and force him to face you, “you said we were going to get the kid, so what the hell is going on!” you demand.
Mando shrugs your hand from his shoulder and turns to face the front once more, “Karga was right. It’s against guild code. We can’t do anything.”
You watch in stunned silence as he continues to fiddle with the controls and you feel a small lump form in your throat as you see him reach for a lever, only to see that the small silver ball is missing. And memories of the small child playing with said silver ball flash through your mind. You shake your head as you see Mando hesitant slightly before screwing the ball back on slowly.
“Well, I’m not going to sit here and do nothing,” you said, “I’m going to go and try and do something to make this right. With or without you.”
You turn on you heel, your cloak fluttering behind you, frustration boiling up in as you move to exit the ship. But before you can even press the button to lower the ramp you hear the engines whine to a stop and the ramp opens before you. your eyes widen slightly, and you look to your left seeing Mando step to stand beside you.
“Let’s go make this right.”
You feel the corner of your mouth tug up in a half smile as you both walk down the ramp towards your new mission.
* * *
You follow Mando as you approach the alley the clients building is situated in. As you both walk down the alley, you see Mando slow to a stop next to a dumpster and peer in. you peak a glance over his shoulder and you feel your heart sink as you spot the all too familiar bassinet laying discarded in the trash. Mando stares at the object for a moment, before straightening up and you can almost feel the resolve and anger roll off of him. The next thing you know you both are perched on a rooftop adjacent to the client’s hideout and Mando as scanning the building. You sit in silence next to him as he adjusts various things in his helmet and gun before standing once more and walking back down to the ground.
“Did you find anything?” you asked curiously as you followed behind him.
“They want something from the kid, not sure what. And it sounds like they are running out of time.” He explains simply.
“Well we won’t let them take him.” You say firmly as you both approached the client’s door.
You watch as Mando knocks firmly on the door before stepping back. A small camera mechanism burst from a small hatch in the wall and you immediately grab in in your hand and rip it off before swiftly following Mando and taking cover behind the corner.
You hear a pair of Storm troopers exit the building, “Search the perimeter,” one of them orders.
You stay in your place and watch from the corner of your eye as Mando places a small explosive device on the wall and returns to you to take cover as a deafening explosion grant you both access to the facility. You quickly move towards the gaping hole in the wall and enter the building before taking cover behind some crates.
Another set of troopers enter the room and hastily search the area, not seeing either of you as they pass your hiding spot to observe the damage. Then, as their backs are to you, you and Mando each fire a blaster shot into the troopers, killing them.
“’The empire’s dead’, my ass,” you mutter as you both exit the room and move deeper into the building.
You come upon another guard, and Mando quickly dispatches of him with his grappling hook, driving his blade into his neck. You move over to a locked door and shoot the panel to the left of the door, opening it. You just barley manage to block a blaster shot from the trooper within, by raising your beskar clad arm in front of your face. You quickly shoot him before looking at your arm guard an impressed look on your face and cast a quick glance to Mando.
“This stuff is the shit!” you exclaim excitedly.
Mando just nods and moves past you to the next door, “Don’t mention it.”
He shoots the next panel and you both enter the next room, and you immediately recognize Doctor Pershing, as he cowers against the medical bed hands held in front of his face.
“No, no, no, please!” he cries, “Please, no no!” he cowers even further as Mando points his blaster in his direction before shooting an advancing security droid from the air.
You both have your blasters pointed at the flustered doctor, but he continues to block the medical bed, “No please, please don’t hurt him. it’s just a child.” He pleads.
Mando ignores his cries for mercy and steps forward shoving him to the side as you move to look at the child. He was in some sort of machine, various monitors displaying different symbols and numbers. The child seemed to be unconscious. You saw Mando look over the child as well, before you moved around him, pointing your blaster furiously at the Doctor now lying on the floor.
“What did you do to him?” you spit, “What did you do?” you wanted to shoot him right then and there.
But the doctor held up his hand, “I protected him! I protected him. if it wasn’t for me, he’d already be dead!” he defended, “Please, please.”
You lowered your blaster and took a step back looking from the whimpering man back to Mando. He just nods to you and you take that as you’re cue. You move to grab the child, gently cradling him in your arms and follow Mando out of the room, leaving the doctor behind.
You have your blaster raised ready to fire of necessary, and you watch carefully as Mando too has his blaster ready. You enter another room and quickly duck behind a pile of crates as two troopers enter the room. You wait until they leave through the other door and leave your hiding place continuing your path to the exit. You enter the next room and see two more imps enter through the door and you try to hide once more but you must’ve hit something electrical because it causes a spark to ring out in the room and alerted them to your presence.
“Look there!” one of them called, firing a few blaster shots in your direction.
You both ducked to the side dodging them and moving further into the room to hide.
“split up,” one of the troopers command, “We’ll flush ‘em out.” As they start to approach your position you both move silently a few more feet away.
“Give it up! there’s nowhere to-“ Before the trooper can finish Mando bursts from the shadows and dispatches him quickly before moving to the next just as fast. It was over in the millisecond it took you to blink and you were moving out of the room and into the next once more.
You spot a trooper coming out of a door to your left and you turn to fire a blaster shot at him, landing the shot squarely in the chest. You hear Mando turn to attack a different trooper who had entered the room and cringe slightly at the immense heat that comes from the flames of his bracer. You hear the agonizing screams of the trooper only momentarily before he too falls to the ground. A small coo coming from the bundle in your arms causes you to finally look at the child. And you smile when you see his large bright eyes looks up at you. You don’t have time to dwell on the fact before Mando motions to you.
“Come on, we need to move.”
You nod your head curtly and swallow thickly. You had a bad feeling about how this whole thing was going to end. You follow behind him as you enter a rather large room and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. But before you can warn Mando the doors on each wall open and four troopers enter the room, blasters aimed directly at you.
“Freeze!” one of them commands, “Don’t move!”
“Hands up and drop the blasters!” another one yells.
“Wait!” Mando says, raising his blaster in a surrendering manner, “What she’s holding is very valuable,” Mando informs, crouching lower to the ground, “Here.” He sets his blaster on the ground and stays crouching.
“Mando what the hell?” you whisper, blaster still raised.
“Just do it.”
You cast him a questioning glance, but you relent and slowly move to crouch next to him, setting your blaster and the child on the ground in front of you. The troopers bite out another command, but you can’t hear it over the blood rushing in your ears. You cast a glance at Mando and see a mechanism on his arm guard open up revealing several small blue glowing lights. Before you could figure out what they were Mando pressed a button and four of them shot from his forearm and soared through the air, hitting and killing the troopers around you.
You look over to him, shock clear on your face, “What were those?? Have you always had those?” you question.
“New upgrade.” He says simply.
And before you can question him further, he is grabbing his blaster and standing to his feet. You follow his lead and scoop up the child and your weapon and follow him out of the base and into the evening air of Nevarro. You both walk quickly, but calmly towards the front of the town, you are whispering quiet reassurances to yourself.
“Just stay calm, act calm, and no one will notice anything,” you whisper, “Just act natural. And everything will be fine.”
“What are you doing?” Mando asked, annoyance dripping from his words.
You glance up at him before looking back down to the child rubbing a finger along his forehead gently, “I’m speaking our success into existence,” you say, “and also trying to calm myself down.” You explain nervously, pushing past the lump in your throat.
But as you come closer and closer to the town square you are increasingly aware of the several bodies following you, then finally surrounding you as you both step foot into the large empty area of the town. The incessant beeping of tracking fobs filling the night air.
“You were saying?” Mando says bitterly.
You glance from all of the bounty hunters surrounding you to the front of the square and narrow your eyes as you see Greef Karga step out from behind a crate hand on his weapon.
“Welcome back, you two!” he greets with fake enthusiasm, “Now put the package down.”
Mando’s hand hovers over his weapon, and so does your as he speaks, “Step aside. We’re going to my ship.”
Greef lets out a quiet chuckle, “Put the bounty down, and perhaps I’ll let you pass.”
“The kid’s coming with us.” You say, taking a threatening step forward.
“If you really care about the kid, then you’ll put it on the speeder,” He points to the droid run speeder and you and Mando glance at it quickly, “Then we’ll discuss terms.”
“How do we know we can trust you?” you ask skeptically.
Greef scoffs, “Because I’m your only hope.”
You look to Mando for guidance on what to do. Was he going to make you give the child up? after all you had done to save him? he doesn’t do anything for a moment before he jerks his head in the direction of the speeder. You nod curtly, and you both walk over to the speeder with the child. You both still as you reach the machine and you cast a glance at the child in your arms, eyes closed and blissfully unaware of the danger you all were in. You cast another glance to the Mandalorian next to you before glancing discreetly at the bounty hunters close to you then to the speeder. Mando tilted his head slightly, seemingly confused. You sighed inwardly, for a bounty hunter he was really bad at reading cues. So, you glanced at the hunters nearest to you again and then pointed minutely to the empty space in the speeder. He seemed to understand what you were saying and nodded. Before anyone realized what was happening, Mando fire off two shots, killing the two hunters closest two you and then the both of you flipped over the side of the speeder and behind cover. Blaster fire filled the air as they fired back at you. Mando had landed slightly on top of you in your hasty attempt for cover and you struggled against him.
“Mando-“ you gasped, “You’re crushing me.”
You hear him mutter an apology before rolling off you and you fire back at the other bounty hunters wile Mando threatens the droid into driving the speeder out of the chaos. You keep the child tucked under you safe from any stray blaster bolts and continue to fire back against them alongside Mando as the speeder moved through the square. You and Mando both landed many successful hits against them but were suddenly thrown forward as a well-aimed hit from Greef made the speeder come crashing to a halt. Silence filled the air and you saw the remaining hunters close in on the speeder. You looked down at the child who, was now awake, and cast a worried glance to Mando.
“What are we going to do?” you whisper, fear lacing your words.
Mando says nothing as he pulls his rifle from his back and aims carefully. He pulls the trigger, the sound of the gun going off deafening in the silent square. He manages to take out four more hunters before they are all behind cover, and Greef speaks up once more.
“That’s one impressive weapon,” he calls out.
Mando lowers his weapon slightly, “Here’s what I’m going to do,” he begins, “We’re going to walk to my ship, with the kid, and you’re going to let it happen.”
“No,” Greef responds, “How about this? We take the kid, and if you try to stop us, we kill you and strip your body for parts.”
As Karga stops his spiel, you notice a figure sneaking up on the speeder. You quickly kick a barrel close to you, stunning the figure before raising up and firing your blaster. Your action causes all hell to break loose as everyone in the square opens fire onto you and Mando. You instinctively curl back around the child and try to fire shots off. You hear the tell-tale sound of Mando’s flames erupt beside you followed by exclamations of surprise around you. you feel your heart sink as the machine splutters to a stop and blaster fire continues to rain down upon you. You see Mando drop down next to you and he stares at you and the child, and he seems to deflate. In that moment you realize that he doesn’t have annoy other ideas. You watch as he stares down at the child between the both of you, and a little coo erupts from his mouth. You feel your hand tighten around the small bundle and you look at Mando, a defeated look in your eyes.
“We tried,” you said, voice loud to be heard over the blaster fire, “That’s all we could do.”
Mando doesn’t respond so you continue, “Thank you, for going back for him.”
You can feel tears burn at the back of your vision at the hopelessness of the situation, and you have to blink them away. You see Mando reach a hand out for the child pulling the cloth down to look at him. you thought he was going to say something, but before you could find out for sure, a high-pitched whistling accompanied by a bright light caught everyone’s attention. You watch as a projectile flew over your heads and into a figure standing on a roof several yards away. You look to Mando, eyes wide, before casting your eyes back to the sky only to see a large group of Mandalorians flying into the square and firing on your attacker. You watch in complete awe as the Mandalorians proceed to almost completely wipe out the threat. Mando also returns fire, and so do you before a Heavy Infantry Mandalorian lands a few feet from you, gun firing rapidly.
“Go, get out of here!” he instructs, “We’ll hold them off.”
Mando stops shooting to look at his comrade, “You’re going to have to relocate the covert.” He calls back.
“This is The Way.” Is all he offers.
“This is The Way.” Mando repeats, before grabbing your arm and hauling you off the speeder and to your feet.
He takes the child from your arms and you offer no complaint as you both sprint towards the razor crest, the sounds of battle fading behind you. You see Mando slow to a job in front of you and followed his lead, a few paces behind him as he enters the ship. You both failed to notice the figure climbing down the ladder behind you. You were only aware of it when their boots hit the ground and you whirled around drawing your blaster. But before you can fire off a shot a rough hit to your temple sends you crumpling to the ground, and Mando quickly turns to face your attacker.
“Hold it, Mando.” Greef’s voice fills the hull of the ship, and you groan as you try to sit up right.
“I didn’t want it to come to this,” Karga says, “But then you broke the code. And you-“ he gestures to you now, still on the ground trying to get your vision to stop swimming, “I knew you were trouble from the start. And I told you to stay away, but you didn’t listen.” He seethes.
Mando says nothing, his head just tilts down slightly to look at you before he raises his arm in front of him. Greef tenses at the movement but cannot react before Mando’s grappling device fires into a nearby panel and fills the room with steam. You cover your eyes instinctively and Greef fires blindly into the ship. He stops firing, looking for the Mandalorian, but a well-aimed blaster bolt hits him in the chest and sends him stumbling from the ship and falling onto the ground. Mando closes the ship doors as you stand up slowly, stumbling slightly.
“Are you alright?” Mando’s voice cuts through the silence and he lays a steadying hand on your upper arm.
You nod your head and give him a warm smile, rubbing your temple, “Yeah I’ll be fine. He just surprised me is all.” You reassure.
Mando just nods, and climb up the ladder to the cockpit, you follow closely behind. You take the child from his grasp as he takes the pilots chair, and you sit in the chair to his right, the child in your lap.
The ship lifts off the ground in into the air, past the clouds. You look out the window, watching the setting sun and let out a quiet gasp when the figure of a Mandalorian pull sup next to your ship.
“Mando look!” you slap his arm frantically while waving at the Mandalorian out the window, a silent way of saying thank you.
The Mandalorian gives you and Mando a two fingered salute before pulling away and back to the ground. You let out an amused chuckle and sat back in your chair.
“I have got to get one of those,” Mando murmurs.
You let out a loud laugh at this and nod your head, arms wrapping securely around the child in your lap, “Yes you do. That would so cool!”
You look down at the child as he wriggles in your grasp, reaching his little three-digit hand out in front of him. you follow his line of sight and a smile tugs at the corner of your lips when you see what he wants.
“Uh Mando.”
He hums in response, and you just hold out the child in front of you, so he is closer to the lever, “I think the little guy wants something.” You say amusedly.
Mando’s helmet turns to the side until he is looking at the child, grasping for the small metal ball on the lever. You watch curiously as the usually stoic and seemingly uncaring Mandalorian unscrews the little ball and carefully drops it into the child’s hand. The kid lets out a happy giggle and turns the ball over in his hand, as you pull him back into your lap.
“I think the kid’s making you soft Mando,” you tease as you leave the planet’s atmosphere.
Mando just shook his head as he continued looking forward, fully aware that it wasn’t just the kid who had an impact on his life. You did too. 
Liberation Tag: @therobinathome @lirinchi​ @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8​ @fucking-dip-shit​ @maryan028​ @s0yboy69 @c1996 @notmyspaghetti​ @humbleseame​ @peter-psrker​ @riddlersfate​ @fandoms-equal-my-life​ @kaialisonflame​ @goth-pigeon​ @hollybee0987​ @izdevett @witheringblooddemon​ @katelicon​ @sparrows-books​ @twofacedbassy​ @hnerals @crazy-obsessed-fangirl​ @eternallyvenus​ @lewismerryweather​
Mandalorian Tag: @tryn25​ @igotmadskills​ @dizzydazed​ @theforceofdisney​ @jeepangel​ @maryan028​ @Mandalorian-theway
Permanent Tag: @fleurdemiel145​ @lord-wolfgen @petalduck​
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lillotte17 · 4 years
The Sword
Next part of the SPOP AU!! It didn’t end where I wanted it to, but this got real big REAL quick, and this was a good place for a break. 
Uthvir, Tasallir, and Venavisimi belong to @feynites
Elana belongs to @lycheejellytea
More than ten years pass, and in that time the Horde grows, and Aili grows, and yet somehow the war keeps dragging on. No matter how hard their soldiers push the rebels back, the Princesses keep finding ways to stir up trouble. Harassing their outposts, destroying supply lines, and instigating fights in territories already under the protection of Lord Dirthamen.
Disturbing the peace.
But not for much longer.
Aili is a senior cadet, and her team is an exemplary unit. Her squad is fast and efficient, and once they graduate and start getting real assignments, they are going to turn the tide. Monstrous amounts of magical firepower against them or no, they are going to wipe those Princesses off of Etheria once and for all.
And at last, the world will be safe.
For now, though, it is just another day of fighting drills.  
She pulls her hair back into its customary ponytail as she trots out of the locker room and down the hall to the simulator that her team has been assigned today. The rest of them are already geared up and in position. Elana is focused, fiddling with the specs on her training goggles. Venavisimi is eager, shifting on the balls of his feet. Tasallir looks…like he does not want to be here, which is typical. And, of course, her best friend is…
Aili groans internally.
"Pst," she whispers at Ana, "Have you seen Uthvir?"  
The redhead shrugs.
"They're your shadow, aren't they?" Vena snorts.
Aili runs a hand over her face in exasperation. Uthvir has dealt with a lot of trials and tribulations growing up in the Horde. Not least of which was trying to live down the moniker 'Applesauce', once they had realized that it was, in fact, a ridiculous name for a child. She gets that they feel a need to press boundaries now and again. Not in rebellion, precisely, but as a means to test the limits of how far they can reach in any particular direction before someone shoves them back in line. She gets it. Maybe better than anyone else.
But she still wishes they would try to show up to training on time.  
"Uthvir is missing again?" the drill sergeant frowns is disapproval, scribbling something down on the clipboard in their hands.
"They're just running a little behind," Aili assures them hastily, "They'll be here any second now, I'm sure of it."
The officer hums in disbelief, rolling their eyes.
"Alright cadets," they continue a moment later, "Today you'll be on a stealth mission through the treacherous Whispering Woods that surround the Rebel fortress Bright Moon. Keep your guard up! The terrain shifts at random intervals, and the Princesses will attack you without warning or mercy. Your mission is defeat the Queen, and liberate Bright Moon in Lord Dirthamen's name."
They turn to press a few buttons on the keypad behind them, sending the door to the simulator open with a hiss.
The team moves into the room the same way the always do. Aili rushes ahead to take point. Vena and Ana slide into their usual positions behind her, each one covering a flank. Taz brings up the rear, a ranged fighter by both preference and necessity. A rare mage in the Horde. Typically, Uthvir is her right hand. Scouting ahead so that Aili can safely lead the others through their intended course.
But today it looks as though she is going to have to do without.
She grips the staff in her hands. Annoyed.
Still, things move along smoothly enough. They have all done this before. Her squad sticks to the relative safety provided by the cover of 'trees', keeping a sharp eye out for the bots designed to play the part of rebel insurgents. A bit of the scenery shifts, but nothing too drastic. Vena steps on a floor tile that blinks red and falls away, but Ana catches hold of his arm and yanks him back to safety. No harm done.
And then everything goes quiet.
Aili holds up a hand to halt the rest, sensing something shifting above them in the shadows. It does not seem like a bot. Or at least, not like any bot they have encountered before. She narrows her eyes at the fake metallic canopy, weighing her options. There is something oddly familiar about the way the thing following them moves. If she could just-
A laser blast fires behind her, followed by a loud shriek.
"Tasallir!" Vena exclaims, exasperation and worry mingling in his voice. "Why are you always the first one down?"
"It is hardly my fault we were just standing around waiting to get shot!" Tasallir protests, glaring down at the blinking red X on his chest plate.
"Oh yeah?" Venavisimi grins as Ana helps their comrade back to his feet, ever careful to only touch him where his skin is covered by armor, "And what was your excuse the last three times it happened?"
"I do not-" Taz begins before Aili cuts him off, her eyes still fixed on the trees.
"Guys! This is really not the time for-"
The laser fires again, and Aili barely manages to raise her shield in time to block it. The others turn to see a swarm of spider-like bots descending from the branches, each one projecting the twisted snarl of a feral princess. There is a general outcry of dismay.
"Run!" Aili shouts, leading them further into the room and away from the barrage of gunfire.
Ana turns and tosses a grenade at their pursuers. Vena manages to get a grappling hook around the leg of one bot and tug it down out of the trees at Aili's feet. Their de facto leader promptly jams the end of her staff into its core processor before kicking the wreckage to one side.
"We're almost there!" Ana pants out.
Sure enough, a clearing opens up a few moments later and a huge robot descends from the ceiling, the cackling face of the wicked Queen of Bright Moon leering down at them.
"Don’t let her pin you down!" Aili commands, leaping into the bot's direct line of sight in order to distract it from her squadmates. As instructed, the other two fan out, doing their best to flank it. However, the bots from the fake forest burst into the clearing behind them shortly afterwards, drawing Ana and Vena away.
Aili grits her teeth. Right. Up to her, then.
She targets the bot's numerous spindly legs, ever the weak point on this model, and continues to dance just beyond where its turret lasers can fire on her. Several of the tiles beneath her feet begin blinking a warning that they are about to fall away. Darting past them, she quickly uses her staff to vault up on top of the robot's head.
With all her strength, Aili kicks the turret closest to her, snapping it off from the rest of the bot's body and sending to crashing to the floor below. Then she turns and jams her staff into the groove where the head pivots from, prying away armor and wiring as she goes. The robot falters. Sways. Makes a few sputtering beeps as though it might be in its death throes.
And then a spear comes flying out of nowhere and hits the robot dead-on in its optic's unit.
There is an angry crackle, followed closely by an explosion that tosses Aili halfway back towards the trees, yelling and cursing all the way.
She hits the ground hard as the bot crumples in on itself. A dozen of the tiles on the floor beneath it begin flashing red. Gasping and sore, Aili scrabbles away from them on her hands and knees as they begin to fall away, taking the 'Queen of Bright Moon' with them. Her hand tightens one her staff.
The bot might be down, but she still has some butt to kick.
"Uthvir!" Aili growls in irritation as a figure in red jumps lightly down from the simulated canopy, "You dirty cheat! That was a cheap trick and you know it!"
The dirty cheat in question saunters over to her with a smirk that speaks of anything but contrition.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Aili demands, struggling to get back to her feet.
Uthvir merely grins wider, revealing a mouth full of very sharp teeth, and points at the tile she is standing on.
Aili looks down just in time to see the lighting flashing beneath her feet right before it vanishes. She turns her staff at the last second, propping it against the edges of the pit to catch herself, but it is a near thing. She curses under her breath.
Uthvir laughs. Delighted. Coming to the edge of the hole she has fallen into and peering down at her with an expression of unabashed amusement.
"Aw, look at you hanging down there like a little bat," they snicker, leaning over the edge and looming over her. "Hey Aili."
"Hey yourself," she grunts. "And just how long were you lurking in the shadows while we did all the real work?"
"The entire time, naturally," they smirk, inspecting the sharp points of their nails. Nonchalant.
"Hmph. Typical." Aili frowns.
"Always such a sore loser," Uthvir tuts, still smirking unrepentantly.
"I didn't lose," Aili insists loudly, "You cheated. You waited until I had it on its knees, and then you stole the kill shot!"
"The ends justify the means," Uthvir shrugs, "Isn't that what they're always teaching us? It doesn't matter how I got the shot, only that I did."
"It was supposed to be a team effort, Uthvir," Aili rolls her eyes.
"And you all played your part as my distraction marvelously," they commend with a chuckle, extending a hand to pull her up, "Now come on and get out of there. You look absolutely ridiculous hanging down in that hole trying to scold me."
Aili snorts.
Back in the locker room, Aili puts away her gear and wipes away traces of sweat with a damp towel. Uthvir tosses her jacket at her face, and she catches it with one hand. Still frowning at them in disapproval.
"How long are you going to sulk?" Uthvir wonders smilingly, walking over and playfully poking at her cheek. "If it is any consolation, I was prepared to step in and assist you all, if the situation had called for it."
"Oh yeah?" Aili says, folding her arms across her chest, "You mean like when Taz got shot?"
"Tasallir is always getting shot," they reply with a dismissive wave of their hand.
"You can't just throw people away like that!" Aili insists.
"It was just another dumb training exercise," Uthvir says with a roll of their eyes, their amusement draining away at her tone, "Besides, some people are expendable. Others are not. That's just how the world works."
Aili sighs.
"You're right," she concedes, "I shouldn't get so worked up about a drill. I know you wouldn't abandon us in a real fight."
She lightly shoves them in the shoulder.
 "Don't start quoting things the Commander says, though," she sticks her tongue out in mock disgust, "It's creepy."
"Maybe I want to be creepy," Uthvir grins.
She laughs, and they join her.
"Well, Creeper, the shot you landed on that bot was awesome," Aili beams at them, "Your aim just keeps getting better all the time."
Their chest puffs up a bit. Clearly pleased by the praise, but not quite willing to admit it.
"Well, of course it is," they say with a proud tilt of their chin, "Someone around here has to carry this team."
"Psh, good luck carrying us when you're hiding in the treetops," Aili snorts, throwing an arm around their shoulders and mussing their hair a bit, "Besides, we both know that in a fair fight, I'd totally beat you."
"Perhaps," Uthvir hums, their expression verging on mischievous as they lightly push her away, "But if that were true, it would hardly be an incentive for me to fight fairly, would it?"
Aili takes note of the gleam in their eye and preemptively begins backing away from them.
"No," she tells them firmly, "No, no, no. Uthvir, don't you dare-"
But it is too late, they have already surged forward, grabbing her about the middle and tossing her over one shoulder like a bag of flour. Aili squeals in protest. Uthvir laughs, running the length of the locker room with their prize as she attempts to wriggle her way to freedom.
"Argh, when are you going to stop doing this to me?!" Aili complains, reaching down and pinching their waist. Uthvir jerks slightly, but only tightens their hold on her. They start another loop around the locker room benches.
"Maybe I will stop toting you places when you stop being so absurdly small," they snicker.
"You're only two inches taller than I am!" Aili reminds them hotly.
"Two whole inches!" Uthvir agrees happily.  
"Aili," a soft cool voice calls from the door.
Uthvir immediately drops her on the floor and goes rigid.
"Ow!" Aili grouses. Then she sees the person who has come through the door and leaps to her feet, right hand automatically rising in a crisp salute. "Commander Ghinan'nain!"
"You are a senior cadet now," Ghilan'nain reminds her, gliding further into the room, "You did well today. I heard you completed your course in record time. But you should curb your penchant for indulging Uthvir's childish antics."
"Thank you, Commander," Aili replies with a nervous grin, face flushing with pride, "But you know, I can't take all the credit. My team worked really hard, and Uthvir landed the kill shot on the Queen!"
"Oh yes," Ghilan'nain drawls narrowing her eyes at them, "Believe me, I was informed of the way they neglected to arrive on time for their training session and then proceeded to disrupt your team's entire battle plan in some misguided attempt to earn themselves some shred of glory. Pathetic."
"That was not my intention," Uthvir insists in a low voice, eyes on the ground, "I was just thinking that maybe if we implemented a different strategy, we could-"
"Silence!" Ghilan'nain hisses, the dark coil of her magic curling around Uthvir's wrist and twisting painfully, "You were doing what you are always doing- impeding Aili's progress! I have been generous up until now, but do not be so foolish as to think that my patience with your floundering is without limits."  
They wince as the magic tightens further and they begin to lose the feeling in their fingers, but they know better than to cry out.
"…I apologize, Commander Ghilan'nain," Uthvir says, bowing their head, "It will not happen again."
"See that it does not, little thing."
The magic recedes and they stumble a half step away.
"Aili, walk with me," the Commander beckons, turning to head back out the door.
Aili looks uncertainly between her mentor and her friend for a moment. Uthvir shrugs. Despondent. She reaches out and takes hold of their uninjured hand, squeezing briefly in apology and commiseration before trotting out the door after their commanding officer.
"You wanted to speak with me, Commander?" Aili asks once she has managed to catch up.
"Lord Dirthamen has been watching you," Ghilan'nain informs her with an air of cool pleasure as she continues down the hallway, "He sees what I have always seen; that you are an exceptional cadet with great promise. A perfect candidate for Force Captain."
"Force Captain?" Aili gasps in surprise and delight.
"That's right," Ghilan'nain replies, golden eyes crinkling in what might even be a smile, contorting the odd star-shapes of her pupils in a most unpleasant way, "He has decided to grant you the honor of leading the attack on the Rebel fortress of Haven."
"You mean…my team is finally going to see real action?" Aili presses eagerly, grinning from ear to ear. "That's so great! I know they're all going to be so excited. Just you wait, Commander, you won't regret giving us this chance to-"
"Aili," the Commander cuts off her chattering, "The chance is for you. Not your team."
"But…I have been training with them my entire life," Aili frowns, caught off guard by the revelation, "With all due respect, Commander, how can I be expected to lead a squadron full of soldiers I barely know?"
"You will adapt," the Commander shrugs, "Your team is not ready. Hardly a training session goes by where Tasallir is not incapacitated in some fashion. Elana and Venavisimi are loyal, but sloppy. And Uthvir… Well, their litany of deficiencies are hardly worth listing."
"I know Uthvir could do well in the field," Aili assures her, "They just want a chance to prove themselves. I think it's just that they're just so smart, and they get bored doing the same drills all the time, so…"
"If they were really so clever, they would have worked harder and proven that they were capable of following orders," Ghilan'nain says dismissively.  
"But…" Aili frowns.
"Is this promotion not what you have always wanted?" Ghilan'nain asks, reaching out and carefully brushing a few stray curls back from Aili's face. "Have you not been striving to reach these heights for as long as you can remember?"
"Yes," Aili admits with a long exhale of breath.
"You have earned this, my child, " the Commander coos, pulling a badge with the symbol of the Horde on it from one of the many pockets in her robe and holding it out for her to take, "Do not allow Uthvir, or anyone else, to stand in the way of reaching your full potential. If you hold on to a sinking ship, it will pull you down to the depths with it. Do you want to drown?"
For a moment, Aili wavers. Her face blanches slightly with uncertainty. But then she glances out of a nearby window, taking in the twisting maze of smoke and hulking buildings of the Fright Zone. Her home.
Her expression hardens with resolve.
"No," she says, taking the badge in her hand and gripping it tightly, "I will not drown. I'm going to become a force captain, and help Lord Dirthamen save Etheria."
"Good girl," Ghilan'nain nods in approval, "I knew you were special from the moment I took you in as a baby. I knew you would be the one to rise up through the ranks. I knew you would make me proud."
Aili smiles, still a little unsure, but some of her earlier excitement beginning to bleed back through.
"Report to force captain orientation tomorrow morning to be briefed on the details of your mission," Ghilan'nain orders, starting off down the hall again. Heading back in the direction of her labs. "And do not disappoint me."
Aili salutes her retreating form.
"Yes, ma'am!"
A half an hour or so later, Uthvir finds her out on one of the numerous balconies. One of their favorite haunts. She is leaning out over the railing and into the wind, blonde curls blowing gently about her face. Pensive and silent.
"So…what did the Commander want to see you for?" they wonder.
Aili starts a little, but turns to flash a grin at them, looking a bit sheepish.
"Well, it's kind of crazy but-"
"Is that a force captain's badge?" Uthvir cuts her off, plucking the item in question off of her jacket and holding it up to the light. Their eyebrows shoot up towards their hairline. "Did you get promoted?"
The guilt on Aili's face seems to increase.
"Well, yeah. I guess…but-"
"This is so great!" they exclaim, taking her by the shoulders, "We are finally going to leave the Fright Zone! See the world! Beat the shit out of all those Rebel Assholes!"
Aili hangs her head a bit, not meeting their eyes.
"Commander Ghilan'nain says…I'm the only one moving up," she confesses.
"What?" Uthvir balks.
"She told me that the rest of you still need more training," Aili says, her expression apologetic.
"More training?" Uthvir scoffs, "I could train for a hundred years, and she would still insist I was not good enough. My time was just as good as yours today, and I even got the kill shot. But it just wasn't enough. …It will never be enough for her. She hates me."
"She's…hard on all of us," Aili tries, reaching out and putting a hand on their shoulder, "She wants us all to be the best that we can be. She just expects a lot from you because-"
"She wants me to be you," they snap, swatting her hand away, "She does not want me to be my best, she wants me to be your best! Little miss perfect!"
Without another word, they turn on their heel and beat a hasty retreat, carving a long sweep of claw marks across the walls in their wake.  
"Uthvir!" Aili calls after them, "Come on, you know that's not fair!"
There is no answer. She wraps her arms around herself and sighs. She knew they would take this badly, but she had not expected them to lash out like that.
The Commander has always singled them out for punishment and criticism. Aili knows that they deserve more credit than they get. They might not be suited for a command position, but they are certainly a capable fighter. It is no wonder they got so frustrated.
They always expected that they would get their first assignment together. They always do everything together. Ever since they were little.
Aili is just as disappointed by the prospect as Uthvir is, but…
She cannot give up this chance.
She will impress Lord Dirthamen and Commander Ghilan'nain. She will earn the right to ask to use her own squad on future missions. And then she and Uthvir can fight together again. Run the Horde. Save the world.
Just like they always dreamed.
But for now, the best she can do is try to think of a way to ease the sting of unavoidable separation and upset.
She smiles to herself as an idea strikes her, turning and heading out to one of the garages.
This time, it is Aili who comes looking for Uthvir. Climbing up to one of the highest perches in the Fright Zone, were the city sprawls out below in every direction. The sickly red and yellow lights from the buildings blink through the ever-present haze of smog like fireflies.
Not that either of them have ever seen a firefly.
Still. It is about as scenic a view as one is likely to find in the Horde. And hard to get to besides.
It has always been one of Uthvir's favorite hiding places.
Aili looks at them for a moment. Sitting out on a ledge with their bare feet swinging in the open air. Curled in on themselves. Miserable.
Not so different from how they looked when she first met them.
"Hey," Aili calls out to them softly, "Mind if I join you?"
"I suppose there is not much I could do to stop you," they reply, still sounding bitter, "After all, you are my superior officer."
"Look," she begins, walking over to sit beside them, "I agree with you. It sucks that I'm the only one who got a promotion. I wanted to move up with all of you. Really. But…this is what I've been working for my whole life. I can't just turn it down. I understand why you're upset, but…I was hoping you could try to be happy for me, too?"
Uthvir glances over at her, brows furrowed. Considering.
Then they sigh.
"Fine," they grumble, shoving the badge they stole earlier back at her, "It is not as though I was really gunning for promotion, anyway. I don't care about that stuff. It would just be nice to get out of this miserable dump for once in my life."
"And you will!" Aili exclaims, "This is a setback for our plan, but it's not too bad. I'll just have to move up by myself for a little while, and once I've earned some clout, I'll request you on my team specifically. Then it'll be you and me against the world, just like we always planned."  
She leans over and playfully nudges her shoulder against theirs.
"Think you can live with that?" She smiles.
"Well. I guess it's not the worst idea you've ever had," Uthvir smirks, still not looking completely happy.
"Oh, I can come up with a much worse idea than that," Aili laughs, holding up the keys to a skiff, "See?"
Uthvir blinks.
"Are you crazy?" they wonder, "You want to bust out of here after they just made you an officer?"
"Oh, come on," Aili shrugs, "One little joyride is hardly a reason to demote me. Besides, we'll only get in trouble if we get caught."
Uthvir snorts.
"Okay," they agree, "But I get to drive."
Uthvir is a terrible driver.
It isn't even that they are particularly bad at handling the skiff. Aili almost thinks she could deal with that. They are just moving unbearably slow.
"Come on!" Aili complains, "Open up the throttle on this thing or we're not even going to make it half a mile outside the Fright Zone before daybreak."
"I will go faster once there is nothing around for us to hit," they promise.
"There's nothing around us right now!" Aili points out, gesturing to the badlands surrounding them, "There's just sand and rocks! And more sand! It's not a joyride if you're not having any fun!"
"I am having plenty of fun!" Uthvir retorts sourly.
"Yeah, well, if I'm getting demoted for this, I'm going to at least take this thing faster than five miles an hour," she declares, snatching the steering rudder away from them and pressing down on the accelerator.
Aili screams in delight as the skiff speeds off across the deserted landscape.
Uthvir screams for a very different reason.
"What are you doing?" they demand, trying to grab the rudder back from her.
"I'm living my best life!" Aili replies with a manic sort of giddiness, still struggling to keep control of the skiff to herself.
"You are going to get us both killed!" Uthvir hisses, finally wrenching the helm back from her.
"Uh…Uthvir?" Aili says, sounding suddenly nervous.
"What now?" they snap.
"TREES!" Aili shouts, ducking down to avoid getting hit full in the face with a branch.
Uthvir curses, just managing to turn the skiff in time to keep it from running headlong into what seems to be an enormous forest.
"What is this place?" they wonder aloud.
"It must be the Whispering Woods," Aili gasps, sounding just the slightest bit afraid, "No Horde Patrol that has gone in there has ever come back out again…"
"The what now?" Uthvir frowns.
"Oh, come on, Uthvir," Aili hisses out in exasperation, "This is why you shouldn't skip out on the orientation before the drills. We just had a review on this place this morning."
"Well, who knows what all they make up for those stupid things," they retort defensively, "All those Princess names sound way too dumb to be real. Sparkle Palace and La-la Land. Right."
"Dumb name or not, we should probably stay out of this place," Aili says.
Uthvir shoots her a grin.
"I thought you wanted to have fun?" they ask, grabbing hold of the controls again and steering the skiff into the trees.
"And I thought you wanted to stay alive!" Aili shrieks back at them, trying to wrestle the steering rod back under her control.
The skiff veers wildly back and forth through the trees as the two of them squabble and try to get the other to yield their hold on the driving mechanism.
It is, perhaps, less than surprising when the skiff makes a sharp turn to avoid one especially large tree trunk, and Aili catches a vine across her throat that tugs her violently from the relative safety of their vehicle and sends her plunging down into the dark shadows of the foliage below with a terrified scream.
"Aili!" Uthvir yells back to her in a panic, still trying to get control of the skiff as it rushes through the woods haphazardly.
She does not know how much time has passed when she opens her eyes again on the forest floor, but the soreness in her limbs and a egg-sized lump on her head would suggest that she likely hit several objects on her way down.  
She groans as she sits up, spitting out a few leaves. There is no sign of Uthvir, and the trees all look more or less the same to her eyes. She can barely see the light from the moons down here, let alone use them to figure out which direction she should start walking in.
Well. This is not good.
There is another light, though. A blue-white brightness shining through the leaves up ahead.
Aili moves quietly towards it. It does not seem to be making any noise, so the light is most likely not emanating from some huge magic beast or something, but this is still enemy territory. For all she knows, it could be one of those murderous princesses.
Further investigation reveals no rebels or monsters, however. The light leads to a small clearing. For a moment, its radiance is almost to blinding to endure. But then it subsides, and Aili sees the object that must have been emitting the light.
A sword.
A broadsword by the looks of it. An intricate golden handle with a strangely wide crystalline blade. A single gemstone at the base of the hilt the same bright blue as Uthvir's right eye. It is stuck in deep into the ground and overgrown with vines.
"Cool," Aili grins, already thinking about the numerous ways she is going to rub it in Uthvir's face that their stupid prank nearly killed her AND got her an awesome weapon that she has no intention of sharing.
Well. Maybe. If they ask really nicely.
She reaches out a hand to pull the sword from the vegetation that has encased it.
And the world goes white around her.
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myfanficwonderland · 6 years
I Want To Feel Your Cock In Me
Tags: Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Summary:  The day had been full of teasing and unwanted boners at inappropriate places and times, their workplace being one of them. By the time they had arrived back home from work, they had both just about reached their limit.
Eren and Levi forced their way into their bedroom after having opened the door blocking their way to the bed violently. Their pants and moans filled the small bedroom, hands on each others bodies, tearing off each others clothes and their lips refused to part from each other for even the second it took from the bedroom’s doorway to the bed.
The day had been full of teasing and unwanted boners at inappropriate places and times, their workplace being one of them. By the time they had arrived back home from work, they had both just about reached their limit.
While keeping their lips connected, Levi pushed Eren towards the bed, shoving him roughly onto it once they reached it.
He watched as the younger man sat up from the lying position the shove had placed him in. 
Levi unbuckled his own belt as Eren reached his hand towards Levi’s clothed hardon and massaged it slowly before bringing his lips to the front of Levi’s pants, using his teeth to pull down the zipper as Levi took care of the button. Once that was taken care of, Eren placed his fingers at the hem of both Levi’s pants and boxers and pulled them down in one smooth downward pull of his wrist. 
As soon as no more clothing stood between him and Levi’s dick, he took hold of the delicious looking cock and gave it a lick, tonguing the slit once his tongue reached the tip, his gaze fixed onto the older man’s face as he pumped the underside of Levi’s cock with his hand while the other reached towards his own pants and proceeded to take them off, listening to Levi’s low moan.
Once his own trousers and underwear were off, he grabbed his own cock, pumping it slowly as he took Levi’s dick into his mouth, bobbing his head and letting out a loud moan as Levi’s cock hit the back of his throat.
Levi placed his hand on Eren’s hair, stroking it gently as he thrust into the brunet’s willing mouth. After a few thrusts, he pulled out of Eren’s mouth before pushing the younger man properly on to the bed, straddling him as he took hold of Eren’s hands and placed them above his head. He ground his hard cock against Eren’s moaning low in his throat at the pleasure shooting through his body that the friction provided. 
Levi lowered his head and gave Eren’s nipple a lick, eliciting a high pitched moan from the younger male as he continued to grind his dick against Eren agonizingly slowly.
It didn’t take long for Eren to start begging Levi for more, begging the older man to just prepare and fuck him already. ‘’ I want to feel your cock in me,’’ Eren grunted, words fading into a moan.
Levi, being too horny to complain, reached towards the nightstand and grabbed a condom and a bottle of lube from the drawer before turning his attention to the young man writhing impatiently beneath him. 
He took hold of one of Eren’s legs as he placed his leg between Eren’s slightly parted ones and parted them even further until he could get between them comfortably. He gave Eren’s cock a couple of pumps and licks as he uncapped the bottle of lubricant before he lifted his head up from between Eren’s legs and poured a liberal amount of lube onto his fingers, rubbing them together thoroughly to distribute the lube onto them evenly. 
He brought his finger to Eren’s entrance, slowly running his finger around it, pushing against the puckered hole before pulling back and running his finger around the entrance again and watching as the young man tried to push his hips down onto Levi’s finger to take it in every time and failing.
 As Eren’s started getting vocal with his needs again, Levi decided to have mercy on him for once since he was just as impatient and slowly pushed his finger into Eren’s warm body, feeling the puckered hole twitch around his finger and pull it in even deeper. He pulled his finger out until only the tip remained before pushing it back in, listening to Eren’s melodious moans getting louder with every push of his finger.
 It didn’t take long before he added a second finger, pulling and pushing them in before parting his fingers and scissoring the young man, before long he added the third finger and knew he found Eren’s prostate when the younger man let out a particularly loud moan and arched his back off the bed, grinding his hips against Levi’s fingers.
He gave the brunet few more thrusts of his fingers before he pulled them out and grabbed the condom off the bed, ripping the packet with his teeth before taking out it’s content and pulling the condom onto his cock, lathering his condom covered dick with lube before he took hold of Eren’s legs and placing them over his shoulder as he positioned his cock against the younger male’s entrance and slowly pushing into Eren’s warmth, both of them letting out a loud moan at the sensation. 
Once his dick was fully sheathed inside Eren, he waited until the young man adjusted, only moving after the brunet ground his hips down onto his cock and told him to move.
Levi started out slow. Pulling his dick out slowly before pushing it back in just as slow and listening to Eren’s moans get louder and louder at the feeling of Levi’s dick pushing in deeper and deeper with every thrust. Levi picked up the pace of his thrusts once he hit Eren’s prostate, knowing he had when Eren’s nails ran down his back, making him hiss at the little bit of pain that mixed with the pleasure.
He pulled out until only the tip remained inside his lover before ramming his dick in with one smooth move of his hips. By now the pace had become almost animalistic as they moved against each other with frenzy, wanting to reach that point would tip them off the edge and into a hot, blinding pleasure.
Levi took hold of Eren’s dick, pumping it in time with his thrust. It didn’t take long for Eren to cum with a shout of Levi’s name on his lips, tightening around the older man deliciously so, bringing him to his own release as his cum shot out and landed both Levi’s and his abdomen. Levi pumped Eren through his orgasm as he kept thrusting into Eren, nudging his prostate with every thrust as he rode out his own orgasm.
Before long, their movement came to a halt, both breathing heavily as Levi pulled his cock out of Eren, removing the condom and tying it before he threw it into the waste bin they had next to the bed.
Levi got off the bed and headed to the bathroom, cleaning the cum off his abdomen before grabbing a clean towel from the closet and dampening it at the faucet, he left the bathroom, walking back to the bed towards his lover and cleaning him off before he tucked him under the covers and throwing the dirty towel into the laundry hamper before he climbed onto the bed next to his lover, pulling the already dozing off young man to his chest, smiling at the young man’s slurred ‘I love you’
He felt himself relax as he answered Eren, using the same precious three words, placing a chaste kiss on his lover’s forehead as he let sleep take over him. Before long they were both asleep in each other's arms. Both feeling peaceful and content.
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