#I wish I could put this much passion and craziness back into TUA and my TUA fics but unfortunately I don't know if I can
feralnumberfive · 1 year
How I feel after writing 11,100+ words on just the outlines of 5 unfinished chapters of a fic with even more chapters I haven't put on the doc yet along with two 2,000+ word outlines for two other fics all for a kids show that has 115 episodes and I'm only on episode 12
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
The honeymoon; Jack Kline x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this can either go really good or really bad. Some of you may not know but I have actually written smut before (it’s just been awhile if anyones curious about a certain contest I once had with a friend of mine, fill free to send me a message) now I want to warn everyone under 18 SMUT IS MENTIONED. SO DO NOT READ THAT SECTION I WILL NOT GO TO JAIL FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!! So I apologize that the boys aren’t in this chapter but I needed a chapter like this for Jack and Rock Angel to have their private time together. But I hope you all enjoy it either way.
Warnings: SMUT!!! (protected, always wrap it before you tap it you crazy cats out there), fluff, romance. 
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*3rd Person POV*
It was now sunrise over the island of Capri. Jack was up against the railings of the Villa they had for the entire honeymoon (curtesy of Roger Taylor himself). It looked over the entire island almost and out into the sea where you could see the sunrise and set every morning and evening.  There was a calming breeze in the air as a new summer’s day was ready to come up.
“Well hello stranger.” Jack grinned as he heard a very familiar voice.  He turned and there wearing only her black and white night robe was his beautiful wife (Y/n) Kline.
Her once long (h/c) had now been cut up to her shoulders all because of yesterday when they ran into a small little beauty salon and the lady working there was offering free haircuts for the day.  Even though her once mid-back length hair was now up to her shoulders and was bedhead styled now, Jack still looked at her in awe like she was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
“Would you happen to know where my husband is?” she teased.  Jack grinned as (y/n) walked towards him and she continued, “I wake up and he’s—” Jack softly shushed her pressing a finger to his lips.
“Give me your hand.” (Y/n) looked at her husband but extended her hand into his.  He gently pulled her close to him, the two of them locking eyes with each other. “Now close your eyes, go on.” She arched a brow skeptically at him but he silently urged her to close her eyes and she obeyed.
Jack came behind but kept hold of his wife’s hand as he told her to step up onto the main patio of the balcony telling her to keep her eyes closed.  He walked them up onto the railings and said to her.
“Step up onto the railing.” Slowly she put on foot on the railing before getting her other foot onto it as she held on.  “Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes close, no peeking.” (y/n) laughed softly as Jack spoke as he got behind her.  “Do you trust me?”
“With my life, my love.” She then felt her hands being released from the railing as Jack brought them outward, extending her arms out like they were wings.  He wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist and leaned against her shoulder.  He kissed her neck before whispering into her ear, “Alright my angel; open your eyes.”  And the moment she did, she was greeted by a beautiful sight.
The sun was just rising over the ocean giving the sky that beautiful blue and goldish-orange color of the early dawn. The clouds almost a shape of lavender as they rolled by to make way for the sun coming up to greet the island. And with the wind blowing against them as it was, it almost made her feel like she was truly flying as she looked down at the entire island and out to the sea.
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“I’m flying. Jack….” She said bewildered.  The two young lovers stood there in silence as Jack now took his hands from her waist and intertwined them with his own as his head rested against her own.  He then began to whisper the lyrics for ‘Spread your wings’.
Much like Deacy, Jack said that he couldn’t sing and when he tried to, he always opted for speaking as he sang cause he knew if he did, he’d just sound like a cat in a blender.  (Y/n) smiled at the lyrics as she felt his hands glide underneath her palm before switching from holding her palms to holding the top the top of her hands.
She turned toward him and he looked down at her. He brought their arms came down around her waist and they leaned toward each other until their lips met in soft yet passionate kiss.  Her right arm coming up and stroking underneath his chin up his jawline till finally she cupped the back of his head.
The two of them lost in the passion of their kiss.
*My POV*
It had only been three days since the wedding and since Jack and I had arrived here at Capri and already it felt like an eternity.  Capri was a nice honeymoon choice, not really anyone bothered us, no press to hound us as we were trying to relax, because now with the news of my wedding, everywhere worldwide knew that the Rock Angel was no longer a single gal anymore.
Only a handful of the locals knew who I was and that was a good thing, it saved me the stress of looking over my shoulder from being stalked by cameras or crazed fans wanting me to sign various things or body parts (much like what happened in Munich, but I’d rather not get into that).
Jack and I were cuddled up along one of the patio chaise lounge chairs with a bottle of champagne in our hands.
“I can’t believe it’s only been three days since we came here.” Said Jack.
“I know. But these have been the best three days of my life.” I said as I looked up at him.  He looked down at me smiling softly as he kissed my forehead and said.
“And to think we still have seven more weeks of this.”
“So Mr. Kline, what shall we do today?”
“Whatever you desire, Mrs. Kline.” We clanged our glasses together and doused down our champagne.
In the end we got dressed and decided to walk around the island for a bit.  Already the fish marketer was out and about selling his catch for the day, the flower cart was on the move and young children were playing soccer outside the church.
Jack and I were hooked arm to arm with each other and that’s when the flower cart owner said.
“Signor, compra fiori per la tua bella ragazza, no?” We stopped and there stood a senior Italian man dropping his cart and getting Jack’s attention.  We stopped and Jack said.
“I’m sorry?”
“Ahh American man. Flowers for your pretty girl, no?” Jack looked to me and tilted my head at him telling him it was his call. Jack trotted up to the cart and said.
“How much?”
“Roses and daisies are 5 Euros, carnations are 6.50 euros each, the sunflowers 8, and the lilacs and lilies 10.”
“Then I’ll take one white rose please.” The man nodded and handed Jack the white rose and Jack paid him the 5 euros.
“Enjoy and take Toni’s advice and settle down with that one eh?” the old man laughed which made Jack blush and I laughed behind my hand.
“Grazie signor.” I said as I wrapped my arms around Jack’s and the two of us walked ahead.  As we left the flower cart, Jack stopped and broke the stem off the rose, being careful of the thorns and tucked the rose behind my ear.
“There, a rose for my rose.” I laughed and said.
“That was so bad.”
“Can’t blame me right?”
“No, I suppose not. Good thing you’re cute.” I pecked his nose and we continued to walk around the small town.
All the while Deacy took pictures of the sights and of course me (most of them when I wasn’t looking, I even tried to push the camera away so some of the pictures were of the palm of my hand).  Although he did try to get in some pictures of us two together by holding the camera outward.
“It won’t work Jack.”
“Trust me just get in here.”
“I’m telling you it won’t work; you’re holding it to high.”
“I am not now just hold still.” He leaned his chin against my shoulder as he tried to adjust the camera once more and just before he clicked the button to take the photo, he kissed my cheek surprising me and he pushed the button and the picture began to develop.  He brought the camera down and shook the picture out and we saw the image come up.
“See I told you, you held it too low.”
“You said I was doing it too high.”
“Well I was right to a degree.” Jack pouted and I just awed at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and said, “Don’t worry love. Maybe one day they will make cameras available to do a ‘self-picture’ frame, but until then never trust you with a camera for that purpose.” He tickled my waist making me shriek so I raced off with him chasing after me.
After spending time in the town, we were now back at the villa in the bedroom.  The two of us lying on the bed together just staring at each other as the wind gently blew the white satin curtains since we decided to leave the backdoors open for the cool summer air to come in the house.
“Now what do you wish to do?” I asked him.
“Dance with me.” He whispered as he took my hand and kissed the back of it.
“Okay, what shall the song be? Our wedding song?”
“Nope, not this time.” He stood up and went over to the suitcase where I had put some of my records from home for us to listen to while we were here.  “Truthfully; you can thank Deacy for this song choice. He—told me during one of our bass lessons that he dances to this song with Veronica.”
He kept the record hidden from my eyes as he went over to the record player and set it in place before turning it on and he lifted the needle up.  However instead of placing it at the beginning of it, he placed the needle over a certain part of the record and soon the song began playing.
It was The Beatles “Something”.  I giggled and he walked up to me and extended his hand out silently.  I looked up at him and graciously took his hand and he helped me up to the center of the room and the two of us began swaying as the first verse came up.
Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover Something in the way she woos me
I don't want to leave her now You know I believe and how
From going to formal dance position with our hands together and one arm around the other’s body, I transitioned my hands to wrap around his neck.  My fingers gently stroking through the back of his hair while his arms wrapped around my waist.  The two of us leaning our foreheads together.
Somewhere in her smile she knows That I don't need no other lover Something in her style that shows me
Don't want to leave her now You know I believe and how
You're asking me will my love grow I don't know, I don't know You stick around now it may show I don't know, I don't know
Our noses brushed against one another’s very gently as Jack leaned in and captured my lips in a tender kiss.  But then he slowly kissed the corner of my mouth, my jaw until he began kissing down my neck.
Even though Adam and I never really made out during our relationship, with Jack something just felt right as he kissed down my neck.  I exhaled breathlessly as I wove my hand through his hair and kept him there for a bit longer.  God never have I ever experienced pleasure such as this, it was all very new to me.
I liked it.
Something in the way she knows And all I have to do is think of her Something in the things she shows me
Don't want to leave her now You know I believe and how
I could hear him softly hum the last verse as his forehead rested on my shoulder, his lips still brushing against the joint of where my neck and shoulder met until by the end of the song he looked right up into my eyes.
As the next song began, I took his hand and lifted it up to my cheek and kissed the back of his hand.  We looked into each other’s eyes and he said.
“Are you sure?” I smiled at him and whispered.
“Yes.”  He then went over to the record player and turned it off before sitting down on the bed. He held out his hand and I took it and he gently set me down close beside him, the two of us sitting hip to hip staring at each other as our hands intertwined with each other’s once more.
“You nervous?” Truthfully I was.  I slightly nodded and whimpered out.
“A little.”
“I’ll be gentle, I promise. Promise me you’ll tell me if I go too far. I may be your husband but your body doesn’t belong to me.” I nodded in understandment before taking his fingers and I pressed kisses to his index, tall and ring finger.  I stared up at Jack and he stared down at me before he gently brushed some of the hair out of my face before leaning forward and captured my lips with his.
As we kissed, he lowered me onto the bed not once breaking our passionate kiss.  I felt both his hands cup the side of my face before trailing down my neck, across my shoulders and down my arms.  I wrapped both my arms around his neck and shoulders bringing him closer to me in order to deepen our kiss.
I felt his tongue asking for entrance so I immediately granted it to him and soon our tongues met in a passionate dance with one another.
My heart was racing so fast, that I felt like it would just explode right out of my chest.  The butterflies had evolved into flaming hot mad moths as my stomach twisted and churned far more than any other time than I had either kissed any previous boys or even my first kiss with Jack.
Finally air became such a burden as Jack fiddled with the buttons of my blouse.  He looked at me and I nodded to him and he proceeded to unbutton my shirt, slowly. Button by button.  When the last button was done and my upper body was exposed to the cool air.  I turned away but I felt Jack turn my face back toward him as he said.
“Don’t. You’re beautiful.” He leaned down and softly kissed me as he slowly pushed the shirt off of me.  The kiss slowly became more passionate as the two of us worked off his own shirt off.  Jack’s eyes drifted from my face down to my chest before he looked back up at me.  I took his hand and said as I stared right at him.
“Put your hands on me Jack.” I then guided his hand on top of my right breast which was still covered by my bra.
“Lift yourself up baby girl.” He whispered.  I arched my back and I felt him unhook my bra then slowly inch by inch as it gave me goosebumps, he slide the straps off my shoulders till my bra was off.
I felt his hand come back onto my breast as he kissed me softly, all the while his hand gently massaged my breast.  I moaned in the kiss as he gently squeezed and massaged it, and the while his other one was slowly sliding up my side toward my other breast.  Soon both of his hands were massaging my breasts.
I threw my head back exhaling a sigh mixed with a moan as I felt him kiss down my neck.
“That’s my Rock angel, tell me where’s your weak spot? Hmm?” He began searching around my neck for that one sweet spot that would make me go weak at the knees.  Since Roger the boys were always around us and eyeing us like hawks, we couldn’t get far beyond just a small make-out session.
It was then when he got to halfway up the right side of my neck that I let out a gasp.  At that sound Jack began to nip and suck that one spot.  As I felt his teeth nip at that spot I let out a squeak but then his tongue licked over it, like a cat licking a wound.
“God you’re so beautiful, I can’t believe you’re my wife.”
“I can’t believe—I’ve found someone like you….Jack.” I panted.  He soon hovered over me, our noses touching each other’s.
“I know I’ve said it before, I’m really glad I went to that club.” He kissed me softly and said, “Do you want to continue?” I nodded.  He kissed me deeply before moving down my neck slowly, across my collarbone and down to my chest.
He lifted his head and I felt him latch his mouth over my right breast.  Oh god! Never have I felt such pleasure as I felt his tongue peek out and tease around and at the tip of my nipple.  I buried my hands into his hair gently pulling on it, eliciting out a moan from him.
As he sucked and teased my right breast, his hand came up to my left breast and he fondled and tweaked my left nipple.  I arched my back and threw me back exhaling and moaning.  My feet digging into the sheets as I felt the wetness pool between my legs.  After what felt like an eternity, he switched his attention to my left breast and gave it the same affection and attention.
“Oh Jack…Jack….” I moaned out as I slowly scratched the back of my husband’s back urging moans out of him.  After he was done I suddenly had this urge of strength as I now had him pinned to his back.
“Whoa, where did this come from?”
“Inner lioness strength?” We both laughed softly and I kissed him and whispered against his lips.
“My turn my love.” I faintly kissed his lips before heading towards his ear and lightly bit his earlobe.  He hissed out a moan as I sucked on his earlobe all the while whispering in both English and French. “Oh mon amour; tu es si beau. My handsome American man. L'esprit si je revendique l’une des colonies au nom de l'Angleterre?” I kissed down his neck before reaching his chest.
I took his chin between my thumb and index finger so that he could look at me.  Then with my free hand, I used my manicured nails to lightly claw from his neck, to his collar bone, down his chest and his stomach.  His moans were mixed with chuckles as he muttered.
“That—that tickles.” I smirked and whispered.
“My little ticklish American. Now I know what to do when you tickle me.” I then lay myself out along his lower body so that my head was over his torso.
I kissed around his chest and much like he did with me, I used my tongue to gently flick and tease around his nipple. He groaned and moaned as he arched himself into me, wanting more.  And to even amp it up a notch, I began humming lowly and seductively as I would now circle around his nipple after licking them, sending more pleasure into him.
“God you—you truly are a siren.”
“And you are my jolly sailor boy.” I kissed his lips.  His arms wrapped around my back before I was once again back on my back.
“I don’t think I can hold back anymore; I need you (y/n).”
“I need you too Jack.” The two of us then struggled to get out of our jeans but once we were finally free, through his boxers I could see his bulge wanting to come out.  He took the waistline of my underwear and slowly slide them off my legs leaving me now naked as a wee baby before him.
“Goddamn…..so beautiful, so angelic. You truly are an angel.”
“But I am nothing compared to you, my angel.” I said as I cupped the side of his face, staring up into his eyes.  He then slowly took off his boxers and like I thought, his erection sprung out almost touching his stomach.
Suddenly my heart races and my nerves came back in full force.  We were actually about to do this.
“If you want to stop, we can. I won’t get offended.” He cupped both sides of my face.  “You sure you want to continue?”
“Yeah, just….will it hurt?”
“I remember it does the first time. But if you’re relaxed it hurts less. At least that’s what Jensen taught me.” I nodded. “I promise darling, I’ll be gentle. I won’t move until you say it’s okay.”
God Jack was just unreal.  He was willing to let me take control of the situation and go by my rules since I was the virgin out of the two of us (he had confessed that he had only slept with one other girl back in high school when he was 16, but it was a drug-sex situation and they never talked again).
“I’m gonna help prepare you first, so do I have your permission to touch you down there?” He said as he looked straight into my eyes.
“No one’s ever touched me there Jack.”
“I would be honored to be the first.” God with that cute head tilt he just did as he spoke that, how could I say no? I nodded but he said, “I need a verbal answer baby.”
“Yes Jack.” He took his hands away from my face and placed them on my thighs.  Slowly his fingers worked their way up towards the place where I longed to be touched. I let out a gasp as I felt his index finger slip inside.  “Oh god!”
“Well not quite.” I glared down at him and he smiled cheekily up at me.
“You love me though.” Slowly he began to pump his finger in and out, stroking it along my walls and folds.  I gripped the sheets tightly until my knuckles were white. His free hand continued to just stroke my thigh as he kissed up and down my other one.
It was a slow as his finger kept pumping into me, then he added another finger inside of me making me throw my head back even more as I bit my lip to suppress my moans.
“Don’t hold back, sing for me my angel.” As I felt him pump his two fingers in and out fucking me with his fingers I let out a loud moan.
“Oh god….Jack. Jack I’m….ahh!” suddenly his fingers were replaced with his tongue.  And oh god did that send shivers up my spine.  “Please Jack….please.”
“Please what?” he said as he looked up at me with hooded eyes full-blown with lust.  My breathing became labored and heavy as I begged to him,
“As my queen commands.” He continued to lick all around my pussy.  But the second I felt his tongue circle around my clit, jolts of electricity shot through me as I had felt pleasure unlike anything before.
“Jesus Christ Jack!” I felt a buildup in my lower stomach.  “Jack…Jack I-I think I’m…..” but before I could finish my statement he stopped and I let out a whine.
“Patience my love, I know something that’ll give you more pleasure.” I then saw him go into the dresser by his side of the bed and took out a package of condoms.  “You ready?”
“If you plan to leave me on the edge like this, I’ll kill you right here and now.” He chuckled before he took one out from the box and he placed the condom over his penis.  He crawled over me, his face hovering over mine and he asked me again.
“You sure you’re ready?”
“Yes my love.”
“Okay, this’ll hurt for a moment. Take a few deep breaths with me for a second.” We both breathed in through our noses before exhaling softly through our mouths.  After a couple of deep breaths, Jack kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer before I felt him enter inside me.  I let out a groan and he whispered, “Just look at me, relax baby. I’ve got you.” He stopped for a moment allowing me to adjust.  I breathed in before exhaling and we looked into each other’s eyes before I said.
“Okay, you can move Jack.” Slowly and with time and patience just a Jack said; after the pain there was just this absolute pleasure as we both gently rocked together.  “Oh Jack, Jack, Jack.” I moaned out as he not only rocked his hips sensually against mine burying his cock deeper into me, but he also kissed up and down my neck.
“God (y/n). Oh Mrs. Kline—you’re so beautiful. So t—tight. Oh god.” He would growl lustfully as he kept kissing my neck leaving hickies along my neck.
“Jack I……I think I’m….I’m g-gonna…..”
“I know, me too. Let’s cum together. Cum with me my rock angel. Please cum with me.” He went faster up against my G-spot and almost like a bolt of lightning I felt myself cum as I let go and just felt the orgasm wash over me.
Exhausted and in post-orgasmic relief, Jack and I remained chest to chest with each other as we looked at each other.  I felt him trembling and his skin was clammy with sweat just like mine.  His breathing was shallow and raspy as he refused to look away from me.
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“You’re trembling.” I said as I cupped his face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be alright.” He exhaled out a breath before he leaned down and kissed me as I felt him pull himself out of me. I whimpered from the loss which made him chuckle.
He disposed of the condom before rolling onto his back and brought me to his chest.  I rested my head over his heart to feel it beating so fast and so loud I thought it was one of Roger’s drums.
“Thank god Roger’s not here to just bust in and catch us in the middle of it.” I looked up at him and sighed heavily and said. “Sorry. The first thing I say and I have to make it about the guys.”
“Just be lucky you didn’t mention or cry out the wrong name while we were doing it.”
“Oh god, that I can assure you would never happen. I’d rather jump off a cliff than say one of their names during sex with you.” We both laughed softly before looking at each other. “I mean I love those guys but, sometimes they can just be….” Jack kissed my forehead and he said.
“I know babe. I know.” He kissed my forehead once more before continuing, “You okay though? I didn’t hurt you right?”
“Jack you…..you did everything but hurt me.” I looked up at him smiling softly and I said as I softly drew random patterns along his chest, “Think we could go for round 2?” He smirked down at me and all that could be heard was the ruffling of sheets and my giggles.
For the next few weeks it was pretty much the same routine; Get up, go out on the town, romantic lunches/dinners, beach time, dances under the stars and then midnight sex.
At week five Jack and I were down at the beach and as I turned around I saw Jack with the video camera.
“And there she is, smile my lovely wife.”
“Ohh Jack turn it off!” I proclaimed.
“It is off.”
“No it is not what’s with the red light?”
“It’s the off light.” I looked at him with a ‘yeah right’ face.  “The beautiful island of Capri is nothing compared to this goddess right here.” I playfully flipped him off before heading to the water and splashing some water in is direction and he squealed out. “Oh that’s how you wanna play it? C’mere you!” I ran off and Jack set the camera down and chased after me.
I felt his arms wrap around me waist and the two of us spun around as I tried to escape but he soon held me chest to chest with him.  We smiled and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders burying my fingers through his sandy blonde hair before leaning in and kissed each other.
Some days when we weren’t out on the beach as we would be out on the town, some of the children would be playing hopscotch and they would urge us to come and play.  Of course I immediately jumped at the chance but Jack offered to just watch.
As I hopped along the square-block trail trying to pick up my rock, I looked to Jack to see him with this warm smile on his face and I winked at him as I picked up my rock and finished my run through. We’d take a walk through the gardens where famous painters and authors once sat to gain inspiration and just lay there and looked up at the sky and made art out of the clouds.
Unfortunately it soon came time for reality to set in as we came to our last night in Capri.  Our ferry would come to pick us up at 8am sharp so as Jack and I were packing up our luggage I said.
“I can’t believe it’s already been 8 weeks.”
“I know, sometimes I wish that time would just stop. That way I’d have a little more time with you.” Jack said as he reached over and took my hand.  I gave it a squeeze and said.
“I know how you feel. But hey maybe I can pull a Deacy and we can just screw my schedule and fly off to Bali for vacation if work gets to be too much.”
“Now are you sure you’re making the right decision?” Lately Jack and I had been discussing something very important.  We had talked and talked and really talked about this upcoming decision and I assured him.
“Yes. I’ve made it clear. I want this to happen, I just hope the guys will understand.”
“I’m sure they will.” He came over to me and gently wrapped his arms around me, my back pressed against his chest as we gently swayed with each other.  “I love you (y/n).”
“I love you too Jack.” I felt him press a kiss to my temple and he squeezed me a bit tighter as he whispered.
“May I have this last moonlight dance, my angel?” I smiled and said.
“Of course my love.” He then escorted me out to the balcony and underneath the half moon and the stars, Jack and I danced together. I hummed ‘Something’ and it brought me back to that night and I’m sure it did the same for Jack.
“I think that will forever be my favorite song. It reminds me of the best moment of my life.” Jack whispered.
“Me too.” We softly kissed each other and continued to sway under the stars.
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