#I wish real life had a sensor like in botw
sege-h · 6 years
Man it feels like everything around me, site-wise, is burning And I’m here screaming about pokemon
But like
You guys dont understand ive been going nuts for like 3 weeks now?
It doesn’t even have anything to do with the Let’s GO! games comin out or the detective pikachu trailer
Because I was goin nuts some days before that
Like listen my love for pokemon is always there. But like yknow when you already like something, but sometimes that love hits you like a train and ur like I LOVE THIS THING to borderline obsessive levels.
I think its smth like hyperfocusing but not like...on a task. Just. On an interest? Idk
BUT since I live here, I have no outlet for it. I cant just be like ‘ok lemmie just go to the store and buy a pikachu plush’ THERE IS NO SUCH THING
I cant even be like ‘hey I’ve wanted to play Omega Ruby since it came out, now that I’m Like This maybe I should finally get it with my next paycheck’
With my next paychesk I might see if the board/card game store has Pokemon cards. Word is that they have them again, but just full on decks now, and not booster packs too like they used to.
(a couple months ago I posted on here that I found Pokemon cards that didn’t seem like a bootlegs, but forgot to do a follow up post like a dingus. Turns out they were bootlegs, but very good ones. The cut of the cards is only SLIGHTLY off, the names and moves are good. But the flavor text reads like something outta the Vietnamese Pokemon Hack (my fave is the one for Nosepas. The other ones at least have words and a bit of effort. Nosepas gets ‘A Pokemon. aaaaaaaaaaa’ SHDGSH) AND some of the cards are ones that haven’t been released outside of Japan so far as far as I know. And some cards are meant to be holo-cards but arent. BUT, oddly enough, I’m p sure the box does come from a legit set. AND one of the cards inside seems to have slipped under the radar because it had the shine it was meant to have, the cut was right, and the flavor text was the only one that wasn’t near jibberish. Weird )
This weekend I was so desperate to have something Pokemon related to do, that I took my cards, alphabetized them, and also had each letter be sorted by gen.
This weekend I also decided I wanna look thru my pokemon sticker albums, of which I have two. And I cant find them anywhere????
Mom n me looked everywhere possible. In a box we found EVERY single sticker album I’ve ever had, including a Digimon one.
And I can tell exactly what happened when we were cleaning up and initially put those albums in that box.
I was probably like ‘I love these Pokemon albums the most, and will be likely that I’d wanna look thru them sometime. I’d rather they be somewhere more accessible than a box under a bunch of other stuff’
Some part of me is paranoid that maybe we made them TOO accessible, and while I was out, some kid came here and found them and liked them and my grandma was like ‘sURE, TAKE THEM, I’M SURE TEA WOULDN’T WANT THOSE ANYMORE 8)’ and now years after it’s like her last ‘fuck you’ from beyond the grave.
But that’s not the case, or at least I hope it isn’t
It is possible that I took this scenario into consideration years ago, and put them somewhere I thought would be easy to remember/accessible for me, and yet hidden for others.
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pastelsandpining · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe
The eleventh prompt in 12 Days of Christmas by @zelink-prompts​
Prompt List
Words: 2195
Summary: Zelda decides to try her hand at the mistletoe tradition, and it doesn’t go as planned.
BotW pre-calamity
Zelink-mas 2020  l  Masterlist
For once, all inhabitants of the castle were worried about something other than the impending Calamity. It was still in the background and hovering over the kingdom like a storm cloud, but even her father had let up on his strict insistence of her training now that the holidays were edging closer. Zelda always favored this time of year. Seeing the halls of the castle decorated with holly and glittering fairies made her heart swell. It always gave her the impression that things were going to be okay. The staff putting up a tree the size of a pyre in the Great Hall made her smile. Everything about the holidays reminded her of her mother and of the fun they had when they took the time to decorate.
It was just a shame she couldn’t marvel at the décor today, because she had a plan in mind. Well, it was more of an impulsive decision than anything. It took less than a year, when she really paid attention, for her to catch on to the maidens and their habits. She wasn’t sure where they’d gotten it from, but she saw bundles of mistletoe tucked into doorways and corners as if they were trying to catch a knight under one. She heard their quiet giggles as she passed them, and she even caught a pair one year, proving that some still held to the tradition. Zelda managed to snag a bit for herself, and now she was walking through the halls as fast as her feet could carry her without looking suspicious. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and her hands were shaking, but she’d already committed to her idea. She couldn’t just give up now. What would she do with the mistletoe then? Return it? She had no idea how she managed to get it in the first place, and she wasn’t stealthy enough to sneak it back.
Zelda shut the doors of her bedroom behind her and leaned back against them, eyeing the green bundle of leaves and white berries in her hand. It began to dawn on her then just how incredibly stupid and inappropriate this was. 
A wave of nervous nausea hit her and she held the plant tighter. This was never going to work. For the mistletoe tradition to be effective, both parties had to give consent. She really had nothing to go off of that made her think Link would want to kiss her. Why in Hylia’s sake did she grab this?
A knock on the door startled her out of her mental scolding and she jumped away from it with very warm cheeks.
“Yes?” she called out, though she dreaded the voice that would answer. Link always came by around this time--she’d memorized it to the nearest second and sure enough, his voice carried through the oak doors back to her. 
“It’s me, Princess.” Of course it was. 
Zelda quickly tossed the plant onto her vanity, but she had nothing to cover it with. The best she could do was stuff it between the mirror and the top of the table, and hope he didn’t see it. She nearly tripped trying to get back to her chair--where she wouldn’t look so suspicious. 
“Come in,” she called, dropping into the seat just as her door swung open.
“I-- are you alright?” Link crossed the room in seconds so that he could crouch before her with furrowed eyebrows. “Your face is red.” His hands, far gentler than they should’ve been with how calloused they were, held her cheeks, and then her forehead. Goddesses, did he have to be so stupid?
“I’m fine,” she assured, but she made no effort to bat his hands away. “It’s just a little warm.”
“Are you sure you don’t have a fever?” he asked. It took all of her willpower but this time, she took his hands and pulled them away from her face in the hopes that he stopped asking so many questions.
“I think I would know if I were sick, but thank you for the concern.”
Link still looked skeptical, but he dropped the subject and sat himself on the floor as if there wasn’t a chair behind him. A chair she’d brought into her room specifically for him. 
“Delivery from Purah,” he said at last and extended the Sheikah Slate to her. Zelda snatched it eagerly and activated it, tapping away so she could discover whatever the little genius had uncovered. 
“The Sheikah Sensor?” she asked, looking up at him. 
“Purah said there’s a compendium programmed into the Slate. You can register anything into it from plants to monsters by using that ruin there--it creates real time images, and the sensor will track whatever you set it to.”
“Brilliant,” Zelda mused. “This could be incredibly useful in finding rare herbs for medicine, or perhaps even other Sheikah relics! If we captured, say, a guardian, do you think it would help us uncover more? Did Purah mention anything about it?” 
“I’m just the messenger,” Link replied with his hands up in defense. “Technology is your thing, Princess.”
“Some use you are,” she joked as she searched for whatever rune would allow her to capture her surroundings in real time. She wasn’t quite sure how it worked, but she lifted the Slate to find Link on the screen as if it were a reflection. “Smile.”
He blinked, but she snapped the image before he could do anything else. A smaller image popped up over the picture, zoomed in on the handle peeking out over his shoulder. In small text read the words ‘Master Sword’. She handed it over eagerly, itching to know how it knew the name of something so specific. It was programmed in without a doubt, but how had the Sheikah managed such an impressive feat?
“So if I captured you on the Slate, do you think it would say ‘goddess blood’?” he asked, panning the device to her. Zelda raised her hands in front of her face.
“I highly doubt it,” she replied. “I don’t think it would be that specific.”
“I wonder.. how far can it capture?” 
Before she could think to stop him, Link was on his feet and adventuring around the room, pointing the Slate at anything he could find. Zelda stumbled after him, nearly tripping on the hem of her skirt. 
“I thought technology was my thing,” she accused, reaching for the relic.
“It’s not detecting much,” he replied with a shrug, spinning to face her. “But it catches the bow.”
Ah, right. The royal guard’s bow that sat on the mantle of her fireplace. The same bow that Link had once gifted her, but she never thought to hide it until he was already in her room, and he never said a thing about it to make her want to take it down.
“Register it,” she said with a shrug. “But I believe it’ll be quite impossible to fill. There are thousands of things across Hyrule that it may recognize.”
“We could do it,” he answered, glancing over to her before doing a double take back to the Slate. It wasn’t until he started walking towards her vanity that she realized what it might’ve picked up. All previous color drained from her face and she resisted the urge to curl up and hide. Could she fake innocence? 
“What is it?” she asked, but her voice was hardly as convincing as she would’ve liked it to be. 
“Mistletoe..?” He pulled it from its pathetic hiding spot and lifted it so he could get a better look. Zelda took a shaky breath.
“It’s odd how mistletoe and holly get mixed up to this day,” she rambled, fiddling with the sleeves of her dress. “One incorrect depiction led to the red berries being associated with mistletoe. I thought perhaps I could study both plants and see what further differences exist so we might correct that misconception.”
Link looked—well, she wasn’t quite sure how he looked. He could be impossible to read when he wanted to be, and it made her hate how much of an open book she was by comparison. He probably saw right through her, could read every twitch of her hands and every movement of her eyes. He crossed over to her, setting him close enough to press the bundle into her hands.
“Your business is your business, Princess,” he said at last as he took a step back. “But for your research, it’s more effective to hang it up.”
“Link, I-“ Zelda stepped forwards, reaching a hand out to him before letting it fall back to her side. There would really be no going back from this, no matter what she said or did. Her impulsivity got her into this mess, and she had no idea if it would get her out. She’d never flirted a day in her life. But she took a breath and lifted the mistletoe high above her head. “Care to prove your hypothesis?”
Link’s cheeks flushed, but he didn’t move. He was as quiet as ever, and she was starting to lose her nerve. Should she laugh and say that she was joking? Should she pretend a maid had left it behind? 
“I-“ But she didn’t get much more out before she was interrupted.
“Princess, I-.. you’re not serious.” But he sounded unsure of himself. 
“I am,” she stuttered and lowered her arm, holding the plant piece to her chest. “But it’s a silly tradition, and it’s never stated that you have to partake in it. You’re free to decline if you so wish and if I have caused any discomfort, I offer my sincerest apologies.”
“Zelda.” Her heart stopped in her chest. He never addressed her without the formalities attached. “If you wanted to kiss me, I’m in no position to deny you.”
“No,” she said immediately, resisting the urge to drop and stomp on the mistletoe. “You have every right to refuse.”
“I don’t want to.”
Zelda blinked and wondered if she’d really heard him right, or if she’d wake up to find herself alone at late hours in the morning. Of all the ways she realistically saw this going, it was not like this.
“I..” But she didn’t know what else to say.
Link enveloped her hand and gently pried the plant from it. With a faint smile that could only be described as sheepish, he held it above their heads.
“I want to prove my hypothesis. It’s important to the research of the princess,” he said. 
Zelda searched his eyes, but there was nothing betraying any thoughts or feelings he might’ve had. In a way, she was getting what she wanted, but it wasn’t worth it if he felt pressured or...
He took another small step forward, leaving little space between them. There was enough wait time for her to pull away, but instead her free hand came up and she brushed her fingers hesitantly over his cheek. His skin was so soft and warm. She wondered if his lips were the same. The thought sent her head spinning and her heart pounding and she decided she couldn’t take it anymore. His eyes were too blue and too pretty, and his breath on her lips made her shiver, and Zelda closed the space between them with a quick and hesitant kiss. 
“I’m sorry,” she stuttered, averting her gaze. 
Link’s fingers grabbed her chin and gently lifted her head. 
“I don’t think it was sufficient evidence,” he stated simply. “You always say a thorough experiment includes multiple trials.”
Her cheeks were burning hotter than they’d ever been before and she wondered for a moment if she did have a fever, because she was weak in her knees and the room felt very warm. 
Instead of replying however, she grabbed the front of his champion’s tunic and pulled him into another kiss—this one far longer than the first. She let herself indulge a little, relishing in the fact that his lips indeed were as soft and warm as they looked. His arms hugged her waist, pressing her to him, and she let her fingers play with the hair in his little ponytail. 
If anyone had told her that her ridiculous plan would work, Zelda would’ve laughed in their face.
When they finally parted, she dissolved into a fit of giggles and buried her face in his shoulder, because he was smiling at her and she felt like her heart was just going to burst. 
“Was that sufficient evidence to back up your claim?” she asked. Link hummed in response.
“I don’t know. We might need to test it further,” he replied. Zelda squeaked out another laugh and lifted her head. 
“You are insufferable.”
“And I’m keeping this,” Link replied as he waved the mistletoe in front of her face. She swatted at it with a huff.
“I thought I was using that for research. Steal your own.”
“Isn’t that what I just did?”
She rolled her eyes hard, but Link lifted the bundle above their heads with a cheeky grin, and she was in no place to deny him another kiss. A very Happy Hylia’s Day to her.
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