#I would love a Danger Moth Plushie
sharenadraculea · 3 months
The primarchs having a sleepover, or having a smoke sesh?
Also I love these sm <3
The Primarchs having a sleepover!
Thank you so much! So here is a primarch-sleepover-thing! It was Big Es idea, so they can bond a little.
Lion: He is a bit on edge. His instincts tell him that sleeping in a room with so many people is dangerous. They later play Truth or dare and he ends up getting dared to kiss his crush (depending on my mood Sang, Rob, Leman or Konrad). Insert Gay Panic. Also showed up in his regular sleeping-shirt, which… it‘s a bit short. And has a bit of a deep neckline. Fulgrim: He has the most fancy, ruffliest nightgown ever. Brought make-up, hairstyling stuff and drugs for everyone. He‘s having a great time, except when he and Ferrus are told to stop making out in front of everyone. Proceeds to explain that they are in a open relationship and that he‘s willing to share. Perty: He has no idea what to do. Showed up in full armour, because he usually sleeps in armour. Promptly got dressed up by like half the others. Then built a pillowfort, Magnus falls asleep in it. Starting to think this might be fun. Jagh: One of the ones more used to sleeping in a room with a lot of other people, so he is pretty chill about this. Teaches the other how to braid, Leman is very happy to serve as guinea pig. Ends up cuddeling with Magnus, which is very comfy. Somehow manages to sleep through the whole night and be rested the next morning. Leman: Very happy to have a sleepover (tough he is still confused why this is special, sleeping alone is kind of rare on Fenris). Brought his wolves along. And alcohol, lot’s of alcohol. Somehow he manages to get drunk, and thus very cuddly. Flirts with everyone and tries to smooch most. Ends up sleeping on the floor, in a position that must be uncomfortable. Also barks in his sleep. Does sleep naked (or in his underwear) Rogal: He tries his best, but sleeping in a room with so many people is sensory hell and he wants his own bed again and also sleep at a reasonable time. Rob realizes that Rogal isn‘t doing well too, so the two end up in Rogals room and facetime their brothers so they can still participate in the sleepover while also beeing in a calmer enviroment. Konrad: Fulgrim forced him to take a bath. He is still grumpy because of that and tries to hide in the vents. Then get‘s coaxed out with the power of snacks and spends the rest of the evening parked in someones lap (most likely Fulgrim, Sang or Vulkan) so he doesn’t run away. It‘s very comfy. Refuses to sleep surrounded by so many people. His Sleeping-shirt hasn‘t been washed in years. Sang: Wearing a matching nightgown to Fulgrim. Just with a lowercut back. He is having a very good time and probally ends up kissing everyone at least once. Ends up stealing half the blankets to build a nest. There nearly is a battle royale abput who get‘s to sleep next to him.
Ferrus: Fulgrim is very unhappy that he didn‘t match with him. He and Fulgrim are very cuddly the whole time. Happy to serve as Fulgrims pillow, very good at it. Angron: Not quite sure what‘s going on, but Lorgar put him into a fluffy pijama-sweater and dragged him along and now he keeps getting handed plushies and snacks. It is acceptable. Then he just falls asleeps and doesn‘t move for the next few hours. Roboute: He also tries his best, but this is a total mess that has been organized really badly! Ends up leaving with Rogal and they read some books and infodump on each other, which is very nice. Morty: He‘s very overwhelmed at first and has no idea what to do. Just kind of sits in the corner at first, but then Vulkan comes over and asks if he would like to do something. They end up playing cardgames together and in the end he uses Vulkan as a giant teddybear. Also wears a pijama with cute little moths on it. Magnus: He suggests summoning demons as a fun actinity for the whole family! The others barely manage to stop him. Sulks for a while but then Perturabo shows him his pillowfort, which cheers him up again. Then makes up with everyone from his harem. Clothes that actually cover something? Never heard of that. Horus: Also tries to flirt with literally everyone and get‘s some really hard wingslaps from Sang. Then goes to take Fulgrims drugs and drink Lemans alcohol. Somehow still capable of calling Emps and Malc and assuring them that everything is fine. Horribly hungover the next day. Also sleeps either naked or only in his underwear. Lorgar: Is it fine to sleep in the same room as other people if you are not married? Doesn‘t matter, Angron won‘t let him go anyways. Definetly wearing a sleeping bonnet, he can‘t sleep with cold ears. Vulkan: He remembers to bring actual snacks! Very excited to spend time with his siblings and needs to hug everyone at least ten times. He kind of imagined something diffrent under „playing games“, but this is fun too! Corvus: Kind of staying on the side until Vulkan convices them to play cards with him and Morty. And then they and Morty get pulled into also playing stuff like spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven. Which is fun! Sleeps on the closet (not in the closet, that‘s where Lion is). Also wearing a crow-onesie, it‘s absolutly adorable Alpharius Omegon: This was probally their idea. They are having such a good time with all the chaos. Refuse to explain why there are suddenly two of them.
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Like I literally collect plushies and am obsessed with precious moments and minions and watch babies as my day job and volunteer at the cat cafe when I’m not too tired on the weekend, I was a Girl Scout through 12th grade, my daily life and job require me to be so Disney-fied and happy and like a birthday clown, let me enjoy adult media in my adult free time. And it’s not even like I watch porn, I watch horror movies, I’m literally just a big ol nerd I’m such a friendly non-dangerous person that anybody who actually knows me knows I’m such a softie that I can’t even watch Pixar movies bc they always make me cry, if I appreciate suspense or shock or well don’t special effects it’s because they were pulled off in an artistically interesting way. Also I own 100s of books and of the ones that are fiction less than 10 of them revolve around CSA (I have an extensive true crime library and am especially interested in crimes committed by minors so my nonfiction library might inflate that statistic a little if i included those) but I’m too sensitive to watch ASPCA advertisements and haven’t really been deep into gore since I was a teenager (certain cases I’ll look up now out of morbid curiosity when Plagued Moth or Disturbed Reality covers something that sounds interesting from a medical reference standpoint but even then I refuse to watch gore of women or children or animals.) Like I’m literally just a fat nerd who likes horror, there is nothing threatening about me, my worst trait related to my horror consumption is that I love merch, I’d never hurt a person IRL unless they were a rapist or a nazi or a pedophile in which case u forfeit being a person in my eyes but I’m literally so mild that people saying I should be “locked up” for reading edgy literature just make me laugh. Yes, I enjoy being shocked. Some people enjoy roller coasters, that doesn’t mean they are going to dive off a building without a parachute. Enjoying disturbing media and the sensation of being disturbed and getting off on disgusting shit are two totally different methods of consumption and I literally simply enjoy feeling shocked the way some people enjoy a haunted house. Reading about something doesn’t mean you condone it, I don’t condone eating homosexuals or child sewer orgies but I enjoyed reading IT for the most part. Critical thinking, people. If everybody who likes horror was dangerous the world would be a really scary place but most of us are just harmless nerds. Y’all literally sound like the “DnD will lead your child to satanic ritual suicide” crowd.
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moonlightkitkat · 4 years
New york special
Well, I finally watched the special.
I am.. very frustrated with this special. For many reasons. I’m gonna go through a list of pros and cons though, to try and sort out how I feel about the episode.
The art!! This was a very pretty episode!
I really liked the starting scene with Ladybug and Chat  Noir, I think that it was a really good way to set up their friendship! I love how Chat was thinking of Ladybug’s boundaries while still showing how he cares for her. Probably my favorite scene besides the Luka and Kagami ones.
I really liked how Kagami reacted to Adrien. She expressed that she was sad with him, validating now he feels, but still expresses that she’s excited that this just means they get to spend time with each other. It was a genuine reaction, even if she’s a little closed off. 
I squealed when I saw Luka. The fact that when Mari learned she was late she called Luka first? And he immediately rushes to help her? My heart can’t take it. And him wishing her good luck and hoping it would give her closure? You can tell that he knows that she’s trying to stop this crush on Adrien, and he’s just hoping it works. It’s not him wishing that when she comes home she’ll go on a date with him, or expecting anything. He just wants her to have closure for her sake. I love that.
I loved the little alarm Ladybug has for Chat. How she keeps it on her and how it's a little Plagg plushie, that's so cute.
I really liked the two kids from America! Jess and AI(I still don’t know her name. Is that her name?), and their moms. I was thrilled when I saw that e had another lesbian pair, and that they were parents and mentors! I loved that the kids were POC, and that we had an ingenious heroine! 
I think it’s really cute that Sabrina got to have a little romance, though I wish we could have seen more of it.
The Kwami being an eagle and representing freedom made me genuinely laugh. Stereotypes stay strong after all.
I loved learning about Ladybug’s powers! Seeing that her Miraculous Ladybug has its limits, even though I'm a little confused about that. She’s had to have fixed things more than this, right? I don’t get why it can only fix what one specific villain does, instead of just what’s been done. I find it very interesting that she can bring people back to life.
I... actually like that Adrien gave away the miraculous. He just killed someone, a girl, who could have been Ladybug if AI hadn’t stopped in the way. It makes sense that he would be overwhelmed and filled with guilt. He just killed someone! Honestly I’d be shocked if he didn’t give up his miraculous and was okay. He’s just a kid, a kid who just killed someone, give him a break. 
I don’t understand why they didn’t just have Bustier on the trip. Or why they set up the other teacher to be jealous and feel insecure about how the students felt about her. This had no payoff, I don’t understand why it's there. Was it for the seat change? There really was no reason why this should have been in the special.
Is Bustier going to stay pregnant? Will we see her throughout her pregnancy? Or is she vanishing for good now that she's pregnant? 
I’m upset that Chat didn’t tell Ladybug he was leaving. I understand he thought he had it under control, but he really should have just called her, told her that there was a last minute change and he would be out of town, and that he wouldn’t be able to stay in Paris. They could have discussed the plan he had together, and at least Ladybug would have known that he wasn’t going to be in Paris.
The villain is very underwhelming. I forgot he was there most of the time.
HAWK MOTH ALMOST BECAME A WAR CRIMINAL. I mean, he already is, he’s a terrorist after all, but like, he almost caused another world war. How can people still find him redeemable and not Chloe, who is a TEENAGER.
I don’t like how quickly Ladybug forgave Chat. I understand her being sympathetic to what he just went through, but really, if she couldn’t trust him before, now it’s going to be very hard for her to trust him again. He gave up his miraculous, and now she knows that he had set up his cataclysm without knowing at all what he was going to do. He lied to her about where he was, left Paris in danger, and killed someone. And instead of facing the truth, he ran, where she would have never found him again. I understand why Chat did what he did, but Marinette has every right to still be upset.
Why did we have to see Marinette fall off a bike, slide on the pavement, and burst into tears while pleading for Adrien to stay? There was nothing she could have done in this situation. Adrien has no choice to stay or not. Her saying something doesn't change this. 
Gabriel really made Natalie use the miraculous while she was already in bed sick. She’s already suffering from what Emilie went through, and he had her use the miraculous when she was already weak. 
I’m mad at Alya. So mad at Alya. It's one thing to want your friends to end up together, it's another to go against your friend’s wishes and make her uncomfortable while just adding more stress to her situation. I don’t understand the extremes she went through, or why on earth she would even CONSIDER putting her friends in danger. 
I’m upset that the American superhero lesbian mom is pretty sexualized. Like it's one thing to give your character big boobs, it's another to have them very prominent and showing cleavage in her civilian form. It's a small thing, but I found it very gross for a kids cartoon. 
I like how they set up that more Miraculous heroes were going to be made in America, I don't like how rushed it was. It all took place within a minute and two breaths.
Also, other heroes exist?? Alya had thought Ladybug was so cool because she was a superhero nerd who loved comics and stuff. I didn’t think that superheroes actually existed. That kind of makes the Miraculous seem.. Pointless. Also why aren’t there any Parison heroes? Why only America? Why have no heroes come to help these two children defeat a supervillain??
I didn’t like the special. There were a lot of parts I genuinely adored, but there were too many bad parts or parts where I was cringing and wishing that it would go by faster. I don’t think I would watch this again.
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