#I would smooch Sonia with no regrets
snailtaco · 9 months
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If y’all ever needed proof for the inconsistency of my art style, uh, here it is. (this is why my art never has more than one person in it)
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crownvestige-blog · 5 years
❣ [Would Sonia want to smooch tall dark and broody?]
Send in a ❣ for a random kiss.8- a dying kiss. ( wtf this number generator is definitely mocking me )( list / not accepting !! / @the-taboo-king )
          Numbness overtakes the princess’ body as those terribly cursed words are spoken by Monokuma. “ That’s right, the one who killed the robotic Nekomaru in the amazing Funhouse… was Gundham Tanaka! ”
          Suddenly, it gets hard to breathe. The world is spinning either too fast for Sonia to stand or too slow for her to be able to maintain balance. It is extremely difficult to know which option is the truthful one & it’s even more difficult to hide that violent shiver that runs down her spine. They were right … those painful words were the ones she hated to hear. She didn’t want to hear them. Gundam could have never killed Nekomaru !! All this game was most certainly just another silly play being put up by their Headmaster & carried out to an insane limit. They guessed it all right … ? Even after the boy confirms his actions & explains how it all happened … it’s hard to believe. It stings. It sucks !! He played the role of a killer & finished off one of their classmates all for the sake of a dumb challenge that started between the two. Bravery, pride & greed should have been thrown out the window the moment a battle was even proposed by them. Running away would have been ( for once ) the smartest, most admirable choice … Someone should have stopped them before it was too late … before Gundham decided to take the matter into hands & bring a damned solution to their starvation problem.
          So instead of fighting to gain her strength back & breathe, Sonia decides to hold her breath, hoping that if she stays like that for long enough, everything will be over & she’ll wake up from that nightmare. Once her eyes open from that false dream, she will get up from bed, get dressed & meet her colleagues outside their respective bedrooms, all of them ready to start exploring the funhouse yet again !! 
          But minutes pass & nothing happens …           Punishment time draws near.
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          ❝ P-Please wait! This… this is just too much! Please, Monokuma! Please help Gundham! ❞     Desperation echoes in her voice, tears never once ceasing to stream down her cheeks. Fingers tremble on their grip against the wooden stand that keeps the princess in place. It’s all that is able to stop her from moving while the bear remains silent, waiting for the perfect moment to attack & tear Gundham’s body apart so then it is burnt to ashes right before their eyes. Sonia would not allow it !! That’s precisely why her tone rises exponentially:     ❝ Please! I beg of you! ❞     But it’s to no avail.
         If there is no avoiding it … there will be the last moment of solace & hope amidst the heartbreaking despair. There will be a goodbye. His Four Dark Devas do fear this moment, as well as the foreign princess does.
         The blonde escapes from her seat, rushing on her red heels in the direction of the Breeder without a trace of hesitation. Rules be damned. Even if she was supposed to remain in her seat as he marches to death, there is no way she would. Her life meant nothing in comparison to the act of love he went through: to save them all … to stop their hunger … he now faced death in the eye. His sacrifice would never be in vain or forgotten. It would live on towards eternity in the heart of those who adored him the same way Sonia did.
          But there is no time to lose when there is so much to be said. The girl practically throws herself at him, wasting no time to hide her face in his chest. Drawing in his scent & feeling his body as he accepts her shaky embrace. All of her dreams echoed louder inside her heart thanks to him. To live on without his presence … would be intolerable. It would be unbearable. It would be IMPOSSIBLE !! & She cries. Cries until she can’t breathe, hiccups stopping her from being able to talk. Now, that’s frustrating, too … but there’s no hiding all that pain. All that regret & sorrow as her hands travel up his arms, tracing every detail of him that she can gather until they reach his face.     ❝ Why… why did you do it? ❞
         Even if there is an answer about to be given, Sonia doesn’t exactly want to listen. With her hands gently cupping Gundham’s face, thumbs sweetly moving in a gesture of affection, her mouth unites to his in the most anxious of kisses. Their last one. After this … he would be gone forever. That makes the kiss all the less romantic & pretty to be seen by their classmates. For all the blonde cares, they are not in the room anymore. The world lays in the palms of her hands, seconds about to be destroyed & all she cares about is him. It’s the heat of her tears mixed with the breath she can’t recover along with the vibrant sensation of his hands that, too, don’t seem to want to leave her for the briefest moment. As soon as they let go, it will all end & that is something neither of them want.
         Time comes to a halt now that they’re in each other’s tight embrace. Lost in their own silent conversation shared one kiss after another. In the touching of their hands & bodies. Clouding their judgment is that affection towards one another & suddenly …
          “ Let’s give it everything we’ve got ! It’s … PUNISHMENT TIME ! ”
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          He is gone.
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anifangor · 7 years
xanthe 3 7 13 23 27 30
3. Biggest regret?
As of current campaign status? They kind of regret leaving their hometown, Xenia. They may be distant and dislike social interaction, but there’s still a tiny bit that misses home.
7. What fictional character are they most like? Was this an intentional or accidental influence?
I didn’t base Xanthe off of anyone but alba (the person asking this) has sent me gifs of Rosa from b99 and honestly? Most of them are Xanthe
13. If they can use magic, what’s their favorite spell?
It was never addressed in the campaign, but Xanthe has only recently started studying magic. (Before that, they were just like *shrug*, and before that they were running with a kitsune thief/rogue Sonia who nearly convinced them to be a thief/rogue, before that it was *shrug*, and then when they were in Xenia, they were actually taught politics and stuff for government) Xanthe’s v bad at remembering they know spells because they were used to meelee before, so they usually charge in first. They like using Detect Magic though, small feeling of pride because they can recognize magic.
Their patron is occult magic, and they’re not at it just yet, but they’re very excited to be able to cast Twilight Knife soon. (Enchants a knife to follow around and attack same target the player chooses)
23. Thoughts on death?
As of right now, “everyone dies.” They have very few people in their life who they would actually mourn if they died (they would for their mother Xanthippe, even though they’re currently not on good terms right now; and even though it’s been a while since they’ve seen Sonia, they’d mourn for her) and they currently aren’t scared of death. They’re hesitant to get close to other people though, knowing very well that they’ll most likely outlive anyone else they bond with. Even though they believe that death is inevitable and should not be feared, they don’t want to get hurt if someone they cared for died.
27. They’re at a tavern. They bump into a big burly angry drunk with a combative attitude. What happens?
Oh Xanthe would definitely fight the dude. They aren’t THAT strong but they’d totally try to swing for the face. Xanthe’s pretty agile considering they’re 6′0″, but they can probably hold their ground for a bit before getting hurt. Not sure if they’d win though.
30. Would they smooch a ghost?
If there was a way to smooch a ghost? And if it was their future SO? Depends on which SO ;) First spouse, they’d probably try, second spouse, uhhhhhhh, if he went in for it first. (Xanthe loves both of their future spouses but first spouse was their first love ever, so obviously more feels)
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