#I wouldn't give Jeng time to take it back or to rethink it
respectthepetty · 1 year
BUT I think we should all stand and applaud the fact that the “oh no Boss Daddy Jeng is Stressed and must intensify a Work out to get through these feelings scene” was NOT left on the cutting room floor.
Blessed be the editors. Knighthoods. The lot of them.
I do appreciate the editors for being like "Pat's parents talking? Cut. Ae going into labor? Cut. Pat and Jeng talking to their friends? CUT! Jeng working out? Mmmm. . . it has narrative value. Keep."
Because his back and those grunts were definitely giving me a whole story.
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Also, in my family, when people are upset, they either deep clean or aggressively work out, while I open a bottle of wine and plot murder, so good for Jeng being a well-balanced man and finding beneficial ways to deal with his anxiety and stress. Beneficial for him AND for us.
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Please let Man get more roles, so I can continue to objectify admire him.
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