#I wrote over 7100 words today this is truly absurd
banannabethchase · 1 year
Better Vibrations - also on AO3
Matt thinks Adam and Yuta should have to wear vibrators during a match, too. Luckily Blood and Guts is right around the corner. A sequel to "Good Vibrations."
*sighs* Look I didn't ask for this. Similar disclaimers as the previous one. Actually, no. I'm copy/pasting. I cannot stress enough how much of a bad idea it is to do ANY OF WHAT'S IN THIS FIC in real life. Don't accidentally involve your friends in your sex stuff without them knowing. Don't - don't use vibrators when you're doing something for work. I just. I can't stress enough that this is a work of chaotic fiction that should NOT BE TAKEN AS REALITY and should never be replicated. This is another written retelling of the match, but instead from the perspectives of Adam and Wheeler during Blood and Guts. Without further ado, here we go. I'm ending up on a list for this fic, that's for damned sure.
“Matt. Seriously.”
“What?!” Matt asks, throwing his arms in the air. He looks bitchy and pouty and annoyed, and all Adam wants to do is throw him on the floor and fuck him into bliss. “You and Yuta made me and Mox do it. You should do it, too.”
Adam fights a smile. “Baby, if you want to use more toys, just ask me.”
“I – okay, yes, obviously, but I also think it’s fair for you and Yuta to have to do it during Blood and Guts.” Adam watches Matt squirm. “Shut up. But it’s fair.”
“You can’t make people wear vibrators during Blood and Guts, Matty,” Adam says. “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”
“I wouldn’t make anybody do anything.” Matt’s pout gets even more ridiculous. “I’m just saying it would be fair.” There’s a hint of a smile behind a pout, something Adam recognizes.
Adam laughs and sits next to him. “You think it would be fun?”
Matt nods and turns the eyes back on Adam. “I’m a mess all the time, you know? It would be fun to see you and Yuta get all…” He trails off and does some weird gesture with his hands. “You know.”
Adam can’t fight his smile. “What if it doesn’t affect us?”
Matt scoffs. “Of course it’ll affect you. Tops never know what to do with themselves when they’re not in control.”
“True,” Matt fires back. He grins. “If you don’t want to, I’m not going to push. But I figure we could bring it up, and…” He trails off, and aims huge boo-boo eyes at Adam.
“Oh,” Adam says. “I get it. You want to get fucked by Yuta again.”
“Not necessarily!” Matt says. Adam doesn’t break his stare. “But yes.”
Adam pulls him in and kisses Matt softly. “You’re doing so much better with asking for what you want, baby,” Adam murmurs against Matt’s lips. “Good job.”
Matt makes a sweet little satisfied hum as he snuggles into Adam’s chest. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Adam yanks him in close. They fall back on the bed, and Matt rolls on top of Adam. “Hi there.”
“Hi,” Matt says. He shifts, legs bracketing Adam’s hips. “So, we don’t have to be at the airport until, like, two o’ clock, right?”
Adam grins. “Jesus, you’re shameless.”
“Am not!” Matt says, face turning pink. “Just. We started talking about the match, and the vibrators, and then I remembered what happened after Anarchy.” He grinds down slowly, deliberately, and Adam’s vision goes a little blurry as he gets obscenely hard obscenely fast. “Kinda hot, right?”
Adam exhales slowly, trying to keep from grabbing Matt and fucking him into oblivion too quickly. He needs to let Matt talk it out, make him ask for what he wants. “Very hot.”
“Can – will you fuck me?” Matt asks. “And talk to me about that last time?”
“You want a play by play or the highlights?” Adam asks, settling his hands on Matt’s hips. “You want me to remind you how good you looked underneath Wheeler, or how good Mox felt around me?”
“No!” Matt says, the pout back in full force even as he reaches down to palm at his own cock. “Talk about –” He cuts himself off with a bite of his lip.
“Say it,” Adam tells him, sliding his hands up the front of Matt’s shirt. “You want me to talk about what you got to do that night, don’t you?”
“Mhm,” Matt says, eyelashes fluttering closed. “Yeah, tell me how I looked.”
Adam laughs and turns them over again, and revels in how lucky he is to be back here.
“Mox, come look at this.”
Wheeler wiggles his phone as he stretches out on the gym mat, holding it up. Mox walks over from where he was mid-squats. “What am I looking at?”
“Hangman texted me,” he says. “Look.”
Mox’s face is as confused as he reads it as Wheeler predicts his own was a second ago. “The fuck does he mean by ‘Matt is probably going to text you and I need you to be realistic about your response’ mean?” He stares at Wheeler. “Do these fuckin’ Elite idiots ever speak like normal people?”
“Doubt it,” Wheeler says, going back to his crunches. “Keep an eye out for a text from Matt, I guess. Maybe something about a stipulation?”
Mox barks out a laugh, clearly avoiding his burpee regimen Bryan’s trying to force him to do. “What, like we gotta do the match with cock rings next time?” He pauses. “Wait, that could be fun.”
“If you don’t do your burpees, Bryan’s gonna kill you,” Wheeler muses, flipping over to start his planks. Mox walks over and sits on his back, because he’s an asshole. “Hey!”
“What?” Mox asks. “Do I have to tell Bryan you can’t handle his special planks anymore?”
Wheeler rolls his eyes and makes sure he keeps perfect posture. “No. But no cock rings. That seems counterintuitive. We were trying to make each other have awkward sexual reactions, not prevent them.”
“That implies I don’t usually get boners during matches,” Mox muses. Wheeler can feel the moment he pulls both legs off the floor, and grunts. “Make noises like that and I might pop one right now.”
“I might pop you,” Wheeler growls. He pushes over and flips Mox off of him, then pins him to the floor. Knees on his thighs, hands on his wrists.
Mox licks his lips and grins up at him. “Promise?”
“Are you ever not horny?”
Mox considers it. “Probably when I’m asleep, sometimes.”
“I’ve woken up to your morning wood, so I doubt it,” Wheeler says. He glances around to make sure the rest of the gym is empty and leans down, kissing some of the stupid out of Mox. He thinks they could have been there all morning until his phone buzzes next to Mox’s head, and he’s too curious about what it’ll say to resist.
Hi! This is Matt Jackson. Adam and I were talking and I was thinking that for Blood and Guts you and Adam could wear vibrators this time. Let me know!
Wheeler blinks a few times at the text. “Mox, I think Matt Jackson might be weirder than you.”
“I could see it. Why?”
Wheler flips the phone so Mox can see it, and watches as a grin spreads across Mox’s face. “Oh, that’s good. That’s really good.” He bats away the phone. “You’re doing it.”
“Come on, I did it!” Mox says. “And this is a chance to prove you’re better than Hangman or something.”
Wheeler rolls his eyes. “That’s not what this is.”
“It’s what it could be.” Mox looks up at him. “I think it could be fun!”
“Are you trying to do boo boo eyes?”
“No!” Mox says.
“You’re a shit liar.” Wheeler laughs as he rolls off of Mox. “Alright. I’ll do it. It’s stupid, but I’ll do it.”
Mox grins. “Oh, hell yes. You’re gonna be so miserable.”
“Am not!”
“Are too.” Mox does a few burpees. “Now we’ll be able to figure out which of the four of us could put up with more.”
Wheeler snickers. “You know you lost to Matt last time, right?”
“I didn’t!”
“You totally did.” Wheeler pats his cheek. “But it’s okay. You’re old.”
“He’s older than me!”
Wheeler blinks. “Well shit.”
“Okay, so we should be getting the packages – shut up, Moxley, that is not what I meant – tomorrow around eight in the morning,” Matt says over facetime. He and Adam have been in Boston exploring for an hour or two at this time, but Adam insisted they face time with Mox and Wheeler for their answer. Adam was actually kind of surprised Wheeler agreed.
“Sure, yeah,” Mox says, waving his hand. “Put it outside our hotel room.”
“Might be better just to drop it off hand to hand,” Adam mentions. “That way nobody else finds it and asks questions.”
“I still think we should have used the other ones,” Mox says. He’s upside down. Adam doesn’t feel like he has the bandwidth to ask why. “Sanitizing is a thing.”
“That one is mine and I’m keeping it,” Matt says. “But, yeah. We’ll give it to the two of you tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, we will,” Adam says.
Matt pokes him in the ribs. “No! No sex jokes. Not yet.”
“No sex jokes about vibrators?” Mox asks. “Jackson, what is wrong with you?”
Matt shrugs. “Oh, we’re losing service. Notoriously bad in Boston. You know-it-erp okay buy!”
Adam stares at him as the aquarium line moves up. “Did you just fake the connection failing?”
“You can’t prove anything.”
“You’re gonna be fine,” Mox says. He pulls Wheeler in and kisses the top of his head, ruffling his hair. “No, you’re gonna kill it. Hell, kill them, I don’t care.”
Wheeler laughs. “I feel like that would lead to a lot of questions I don’t feel like answering.”
“What, why one of ‘em got a little frisky friend in their…pocket?” Mox winks and blows a bubble, snapping his gum.
“That maybe be your weirdest sentence yet,” Wheeler mutters, but he wiggles a little bit. Every once in a while, even when off, the vibrator slides up against that one spot and sends a distracting zing up his spine. “How the hell did you and Matt handle this when you did it?”
Mox shrugs. “Helped me focus, actually. Something other to think about than what to do next. I got off, and then I acted.” He sighs, a little dreamily. “I kind of miss it.”
“No,” Wheeler says. “I’m not doing this again. You can, in a singles match. But not with me.”
Mox grins at him. They both jump as Hangman’s music hits, and Mox pulls out the controller. “Keep an eye on the monitor, baby. This is gonna be good.”
Wheeler watches as Adam reacts to the match and the shifting vibrator. He’s not exactly sure what Mox is doing – something batshit crazy, Wheeler can only assume – until the music starts again.
“That’s my cue.” Mox leans in and kisses Wheeler hard, enough to make his head spin. “Good luck.”
Wheeler’s eyes are glued to the monitor as he waits for his music. When he hears Young Bucks music hit he freezes, expecting Matt, but it’s Nick instead. He has two more minutes before things get crazy.
And then the vibrator kicks in.
“Jesus fuck!” he squeaks, jumping half a foot.
Takeshita stares at him. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” Wheeler manages. “I’m – just excited for the match, is all.”
Takeshita nods slowly, like he can tell something weird is happening, but he thankfully doesn’t say another word.
Wheeler walks out to his music with a chair in his hands. It’s go time, whether he’s ready for it or not.
The anticipation makes him run, like the energy building inside him grows with every movement of the vibrator.
“This is fucking stupid,” he grumbles as he gets into the ring, but the chance to slam Hangman with the chair makes it easier to tolerate. He wails on whoever comes near him for a few minutes, for the fun of it.
Mox hands him a screwdriver. “A present for you. I got this one special.”
“You’re so fuckin’ weird.” But he takes the opportunity to stab Nick in the forehead with it, and it’s strangely satisfying. Not exactly the Buck he’d like to be brutalizing right now, he thinks as he suplexes Nick onto the chair, but it’s fun either way.
They get a few minutes to regroup, wailing on each other without any hesitation. At one point, Claudio’s kicking Adam in the stomach. It looks fun.
“My turn,” he singsongs, grinning down at Adam as he puts a boot into his gut.
“Dick,” Adam groans.
Wheeler’s about to say something back to him, but then the Young Bucks music hits. Shit.
“Oh, you’re in for it now,” Adam chuckles. “Yeah. Good luck.”
Yuta decides that fucking with Adam’s what will help him cope until Matt’s in the ring. He tries to hit Matt with a chair – and then he’s the one getting DDT’d on a chair. He rolls around on the ground, suddenly horrendously aware of the vibrator.
“The fuck is this?” he whimpers. Matt was right all those weeks ago – this weird waving motion is good. It’s too good.
He exhales, and thinks of eighth grade choir, and probably would have done better waiting three seconds for Kenny to punch him in the gut. “Ow!”
“Ow?!” Kenny asks as Yuta kicks him against the ropes. “We’re in a fight, dumbass, of course ow!”
Yuta rolls his eyes and manages to stand, shaking out his body. He feels overly coiled, like a spring forced together. It’s disorienting enough for Kenny to get the leverage over him, beating him hard until he shoves Wheeler’s face into the glass. He tastes blood on his teeth, and wishes it didn’t make him harder.
He rolls over, panting. He won’t give up this fast. He and Mox have been practicing for this kind of thing. Resisting it, holding it back, refusing to come until the last possible second.
His training fails him. Sitting up against a turnbuckle, Wheeler comes dry with his face in his hands. He didn’t even get a chance to say hi to Takeshita. He came before everyone was even in the ring. He sighs, trying not to feel too much shame as his body tingles back to normal. It happens to everyone, he suppose.
Or, as he watches his boyfriend pull out a screwdriver and nail board as he recovers from a televised orgasm nobody but three other people knew was even possible, maybe it doesn’t.
He checks in with Pac. “Did you know about that?” He points to the monstrosity Mox is currently grinning at.
“How would I?” Pac snarls. “I’m not the one shagging him behind the trailers, am I?”
Wheeler opens his mouth to answer. And reconsiders. “No, yeah, that’s fair.”
The two of them join in on messing with Matt and Adam, though, so at least the conversation is over.
When the countdown starts, though, he reconsiders his idea.
He’s always wanted to fight Ibushi, after all.
Before anyone can stop him, Wheeler runs out of the ring and up the ramp. The look in Ibushi’s eyes is enough to make him wonder if this was a bad idea. He doesn’t have to wonder much longer with the way Ibushi throws a forearm directly into his face.
He collapses to the floor, and wonders, just for a second, if he could stay here for the rest of the night.
And then the vibrator kicks on to high gear, and Wheeler’s vision blurs. He whimpers as he gets to his knees, scared for a second this is all going to go to shit, when he catches sight of Matt Jackson walking toward him.
“Oh, I’m fucked.” He feels the coiled spring in his lower back press tighter and tighter with every step of Matt Jackson toward him, with the way Matt licks his lips.
It’s the worst time to be reminded of the way Matt moans in bed, the way he felt around Yuta’s cock, the way – fuck.
“Yeah,” Matt says, gently. He lays a hand on Yuta’s back. It burns in the best way as Yuta pants through the orgasm. “Yeah, I know. That’s the problem with being young. You’re gonna come so many more times than you ever thought possible.”
His face is sweet, his smile is sweet. Hell, even the words themselves are sweet. But the gleam in Matt’s eyes is anything but, and Yuta is halfway to sure he’s going to die from orgasm overload tonight.
When he gets his legs under him again, Yuta stands. He shoves Matt down. “Don’t start with me,” he says, voice still sounding weak. He pretends not to notice it. He grabs Matt by the hair and drags him back to the ramp, expecting to get back in the ring, but then Matt hits him with a combination brain buster and vibrator setting shift.
“Fuck!” Wheeler yells. “Oh, god, fuck!”
Matt launches at him once he stands up and the two of them fly off the ramp onto the floor, fists and feet flying.
They yell at each other, back and forth, and Yuta doesn’t even know what he’s saying or where he is until he gets thrown into the side of the cage.
“Ow!” And then he looks up. “Matt, what the fuck are you wearing?!”
“Shark week,” he says like it’s an explanation, and shoves Wheeler’s face into the side of the cage again.
“Why are you so – stop being so strong!” Wheeler grumbles. Matt throws the hat in his face then follows it with a punch. “Jesus!”
“You’ve seen my biceps,” Matt says, shrugging. “I’m jacked, bitch.”
Wheeler crawls away to the steps, then changes his mind. He knows Matt’s afraid of heights. If he can bait him up to the top of the cage…
He throws Matt off of him with an eye rake and climbs the side of the cage as fast as he can. This only works if Matt’s more vengeful than scared, and he’s banking on it.
“Come and get it!” he yells down to Matt.
He watches the emotions scatter across Matt’s face – fear, concern, hesitation. And then Matt’s fingers are in the metal loops, and he’s climbing.
“Hey, you big baby!” Wheeler taunts. “Made it all the way up here without peeing your pants. Good job.”
“I’d make a joke about you making it into the match without coming in your pants, but we both know that’s not true.”
If anything earns a punch to the face that sure does, so Wheeler grabs Matt by his stupid perfect hair and hits him as hard as he can. Matt’s not backing down though, and they trade blows far too high up in the air.
“You think your boy’s holding out?” Wheeler scoffs. “Bet he’s come more times than me at this point.”
“More times?” Matt asks. “Like, more than once?” he laughs. “Oh, that’s great.”
Wheeler starts punching Matt in the mouth, because maybe, then he’ll shut up. It doesn’t last long enough though – Matt’s only stunned through a few, and next thing he knows he’s on the receiving end of about a thousand Northern Lights suplexes that almost send him over the edge of the cage.
“Ugh, fine,” Wheeler says. “Fuck off. I’m going back down.”
“Good,” Matt mumbles, rolled over on his side. “That way I know you won’t drag me down.”
Wheeler climbs down the side. He gets back into the ring just in time to engage with Kenny, but it doesn’t go as well as he wants – he wonders if Kenny saw his eye rake to Matt before they got on top of the cage.
He makes his way across the ring, because at least here he might have some luck against somebody, when something sharp rains down on his head.
“What the fuck?!”
“Weren’t you supposed to be taking care of him?” Claudio yells, wincing as metal pings off his shoulders.
“I thought I did!” Wheeler has more to say, of course, about Matt dropping thumbtacks on them from the top of the cage, but then Nick starts up with those stupid superkicks and Wheeler is reeling.
Reeling enough, it appears, for Adam to get him by the back of the neck and throw him into the corner.
“How are you?” he asks. It’s almost too kind, like they don’t both have vibrators inside them with their friends bloody and bruised around them.
“Fuck off,” Yuta spits. He tries to get out of Adam’s grasp, but he’s too strong. “You’re the one squirming on the ground every two minutes.”
“I’ve been out here longer than you,” Adam retorts, fire in his eyes.
Wheeler’s head spins as Adam wails on his head. He collapses in the corner again. The same corner where he came the first time, which is less than pleasant. He’s determined not to repeat history.
Matt must be busy, because the vibrator hasn’t changed in ages. It’s gentle and as unobtrusive as a vibrator in the ass can be. For the first time since the locker room, he feels okay.
He stands and gets back into the other ring, because beating the shit out of Nick Jackson seems fun. It is. They go back and forth for a few minutes until Matt sneaks up on him and gets him in a tombstone.
“What the fuck?!” he yells. He is painfully aware of how being upside down changes the way the vibrator works.
“Sucks to suck,” Adam yells to him. And then he’s dropped on the ground, and his head feels like lead.
He manages to get Matt up to the top turnbuckle and suplex him to the floor.
“Serves you right, you little shit.”
“You’re the little shit!” Matt yells at him from the floor. He spits out some of his own hair. “I’m gonna rip your teeth out.”
“Doubt it.”
Matt reaches for him, but Wheeler rolls his way to the other ring. He’s not willing to be wrong in calling Matt’s bluff. Clearly Matt’s been spending too much time with Mox.
He locks up with Matt where the rings meet, of course, because apparently he’s never allowed to be rid of this weird little gremlin, and he and Nick roll out of the attempt he had with Claudio to take them out. He’s on the floor, struggling to the ropes as he watches wrestler after wrestler get taken out and thrown to the floor. He takes the opportunity to get Nick into a stretch, and glances over his shoulder. Claudio’s got Matt in a giant swing.
“Serves him right,” Wheeler mutters. The satisfaction is short lived, though. Ibushi kicks him and he goes down faster than he’d ever admit. When he finally gets back to his feet, he’s glad the BCC has Kenny isolated. Maybe, just this once, the great Cleaner will go down without a fight.
Things go wrong more quickly than he can process. All of a sudden Claudio’s going after Pac, or Pac after Claudio. And Pac leaves. Wheeler knows, quickly, that things are about to go way downhill.
He’s distracted, and Kenny takes him out before he can do anything to resist. It’s slipping away from him so quickly. He can’t even fight off Nick as he drags him to the center of the second ring, throwing him into the tacks. All he can do is watch as Adam clocks Claudio with a Buckshot, and he barely knows what’s happened other than extreme impact. He’s kicked and hit and bleeding.
It’s Mox. But he doesn’t come.
Matt kicks him in the face with a shoe covered in thumbtacks. Nick shoves his face into the shoe. And then the cold chain wraps around him.
He won’t tap, and he won’t give up. He won’t be the reason they lose.
The sound of the bell is distant, confusing. “Didn’t tap,” he mumbles, but he can’t even tell if he can hear himself. And he can’t stop the relief as he collapses to the floor, the blood sliding down his face.
Claudio reaches him first, hands on his back, but Wheeler doesn’t want to see anyone but Mox.
“Did I tap?” Wheeler asks Claudio. “I didn’t, right?”
“No, you did not,” Claudio says. “You did wonderfully.”
He wishes he felt he did.
Claudio moves Wheeler so he’s sitting up a little more. It causes more blood to flood into his face.
Wheeler blinks the blood away from his eyes to see Mox crawling over to him, one arm unnaturally stretched behind him in the handcuff. “Hey.”
“I tapped,” Mox says. He looks anguished, devastated. “I – I couldn’t let them…they were – you weren’t going to make it.” He looks up at the Elite, who are having a conversation Wheeler can’t quite figure out. “Um, no!” Mox says in response to something from Adam. Then he points down at Wheeler.
“Oh.” Adam looks tired. “Right.”
Wheeler sits up. “Matt, you little shit, give me the key.”
“I don’t have it,” Matt says, frowning. He steps up, a little too closely, to Adam. “Key, please.”
Adam fishes around in his pocket, and something tumbles out. His eyes widen but Mox has grabbed it before Adam can go for it. Adam reaches in his pockets again and jolts a little bit. “Fuck!”
Wheeler turns to Mox, who grins. “Couldn’t resist a little more.”
“Shithead,” Adam grumbles, but he unlocks Mox’s hand without a fight. Mox stumbles over to Wheeler and practically collapses on top of him.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, face buried in Wheeler’s chest. “I should have – I couldn’t break the handcuffs.”
Wheeler puts his hand on the back of Mox’s neck. “It’s okay,” he murmurs. “It’s all over now.”
They slowly get to their feet, Yuta’s entire body aching, and Matt and Adam are standing there, staring at the two of them.
Claudio hauls Mox and Wheeler fully to their feet, and they come face to face with the Elite. Wheeler doesn’t know what they’re going to do. If they’ll tease, if they’ll mock, if they’ll attack again. Kenny takes the mic and asks to shake their hands.
Wheeler’s hesitant as he does it, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. But they shake the Elite’s hands, and Adam and Matt squeeze just a little longer than they need to.
“This is a terrible idea,” Adam says, shifting back and forth.
Matt snickers. “I think it’s great. You look all weird. I’ve never seen your face like this.”
“Shut up,” Adam laughs. “This was your idea.”
“And I’m glad I had it.” Matt bumps Adam’s hip, and Adam has to fight the urge to twitch, the vibrator shifting. “Oh. Feeling it?”
“Shut up,” Adam says again. “This is so mean. How did you handle this?”
Matt shrugs. “I guess I’m just stronger than you are.” He tosses his hair over his shoulder. Adam has to resist the urge to throw him over his shoulder. His smile is gone quickly when Claudio’s music hits. Matt practically jumps and presses himself along Adam’s side.
Matt shakes his head. “Just – I know you have to go out before me, so I want to get time with you before you go.”
“Adorable,” Adam says. “Hey. This is going to be amazing. We’re going to win, and Ibushi is going to distract Kenny enough that they won’t notice our bullshit, and then we’ll go back to the hotel and do unspeakable things to each other later.”
Matt giggles. “I wish Nick would just talk to Claudio – that would take at least one more person out of our way.” He thinks. “We could throw someone at Takeshita, too.”
Adam laughs. “Oh, god, can you imagine him and Pac?”
“Unfortunately I just got a mental image of him and Callis.” Matt wrinkles his nose. “I need to go bleach my brain now.”
Kenny’s music is cued, and then it feels like a waiting game.
“When do you think I should turn it on?” Matt whispers, up on his toes, into Adam’s ear. “Once I start it, you know Mox will start yours.”
“Not until I’m out there,” Adam replies. He tries to shake off the stress, the anxiety. “Or, I don’t know. If Yuta goes out, you set it off.”
Matt giggles.
“Just, you’re freaking out so much more than I was.” He looks smug. “I was right. Tops struggle so much more with this.”
“You try topping every once in a while, you goddamned pillow princess.” Adam leans over and kisses Matt’s temple. “All you gotta do is lay there and whimper all pretty.”
“You like it when I whimper all pretty,” Matt retorts.
Pac’s music stats.
“Could you two not talk about things like this when I’m right here?” Nick asks, turning to them a little miserably. “It’s bad enough my best friend and my brother are together again. Don’t make me hear the details, too.”
Adam chuckles into Matt’s hair. “Sorry, Nick.”
He’s on his toes, bouncing, when two things happen at once: his music hits, and the vibrator starts up.
Adam yelps and jumps about four feet in the air.
“What?” Nick asks, frowning. “What’s wrong with you?”
“He’s fine.” Matt’s grinning like a menace.
“I’m fine,” Adam says through gritted teeth.
Matt kisses him on the cheek. “Go have fun out there, Hanger.”
Adam laughs, a little hysterically. “Doing my best.”
The vibrator shifts in him as he scrambles up the stairs, but he stomps his way down the ramp with the goal of turning this energy into something productive.
Adam goes for Claudio first, then Pac. He’s caught off guard for half a second when Pac kicks him in the gut, but all it does is shift the vibrator to somewhere a little less aggressive. With the change, it’s relatively easy to keep focused, since the pattern is steady and gentle. He can focus a little like this, can take on Pac and Claudio at the same time to give Kenny a minute to rest.
The buzzing feels like another level of power running through him, adding to his fight. He can only hope the vibrator doesn’t shift again – Mox is playing with the settings. He knew it would happen, of course, but it feels a little unfair since Yuta isn’t even out here yet.
A big boot into Claudio shifts the vibrator into the wrong spot, sending the vibrator ballistic against Adam’s prostate. He goes for Pac, desperate for a distraction, but all he can do is grit his teeth. He adjusts his belt, convinced there’s some visual, some hint of what’s going on in his very tight pants.
“Of fuckin’ course,” he mumbles when Mox’s music turns on. He sends a silent prayer he hopes get to Matt: turn on Yuta’s vibrator. Making him start off kilter. It may be Adam’s only chance at survival.
Adam’s expecting Mox to come after him first as he yanks open the door to the cage. He didn’t expect the fork. Maybe, he thinks as pinpricks of pain trickle down his face, he should have.
“Having fun yet?” Mox asks, fork dug into Adam’s forehead.
“No,” Adam grumbles.
Adam manages to throw him off, but not long enough. With a wink and a grin, Mox shoves the fork into Adam’s gut. But it’s a cover, and Adam sees through it a second too late. Mox reaches down to palm Adam’s dick.
“Yeah, I figured,” Mox chuckles when he finds Adam hard. “Gonna fuck me for this later?”
“Shut up.” Adam doesn’t want to admit how good that sounds.
Adam’s stuck on the floor, feeling way too much at once, until Mox yanks him up and stabs him with a fork again.
“Oh,” Adam says, watching Mox roll out of the ring. He hears rustling. “Oh, that can’t be good.”
The bucket’s enough to worry Adam; he gets up and starts wailing on Mox as quickly as he can. Maybe, if he’s smart enough, he can get the stupid controller out of Mox’s pocket. Maybe, if he does the one thing Matt and Mox didn’t have the wherewithal to come up with in the heat of the moment during Anarchy, he can make it through this.
He grasps at Mox’s pockets while on his knees, but he can’t get to the controller. He looks up hopefully at the Young Buck’s music. He’s a little more disappointed than he should be when it’s Nick and not Matt.
It gives him the time, though, to collapse under the rings. Mox is doing something nefarious with the vibrator, turning it to some weird, intense pulsing. Adam should have figured out what was happening earlier – he’s done this with Matt a million times – but he doesn’t. He lays there, baffled, as he comes dry in his gear pants, in less than 10 minutes, in front of thousands. He only can hope that Nick is holding their attention.
He finally comes back to himself when Nick appears above him, shaking the ring ropes like a gremlin maniac. He’s not up fast enough though, his legs still jelly, and Mox gets ahold of Nick.
Adam winces, watching Nick and then Kenny get an unholy introduction to the glass. He does his best to pull himself to standing, but he’s still wobbly.
Mox wraps his jacket around Adam’s throat, reading something in Adam’s face. “Oh, shit,” Mox laughs. “You came already, didn’t you!” he gleefully declares.
“Fuck off,” Adam grumbles. He refuses to acknowledge how the vest around his throat smells like Mox. “Like you didn’t blow your load fast, too.”
“Not that fast,” Mox says. He looks almost giddy. Adam hates it. “You’ve never had one of those before, have you?”
“A vibrator up my ass?” Adam asks. “No.”
“A prostate orgasm,” Mox clarifies. “I have ideas for tonight.”
Before Adam can respond, Mox steps away from him. Adam’s about to jump up to get Mox’s ass, but Yuta’s music hits.
He grins.
“Your boy is gonna do so much worse than me.” He sounds giddy and stupid now, sure, but he deserves it. “Bet you Matt already cranked it to eleven.”
Mox turns Adam’s face. Unfortunately, Yuta looks terrifying as he walks into the ring.  
“I gotta go,” Mox says, sliding his hand in his pocket. He presses some weird button and Adam’s hips jolt. “Have fun.”
He chucks Adam into the other ring like it’s nothing, right in front of Yuta.
“Hey, Cowboy,” he says with an infuriating smirk. “How you holding up?”
Before Adam can argue or say anything, Wheeler pulls the chair back and slams it into Adam’s gut. He thinks there are far more pertinent things to be concerned about in this setting, such as the possible busted appendix or perforated gall bladder, but he’s more focused on the way the second blow is right on Adam’s ass and sends the vibrator pressing against his prostate again.
Adam can’t do anything but while pathetically, and wish this was happening in private.
He squirms, less than pleased. “No,” he tells himself. “I’m not – not again.”
“Hey,” Nick says, crawling to Adam. “Adam, are you okay?”
“Fine,” Adam squeaks. “Yuta got me good with the chair.”
“Little shit,” Nick says. His eyes are lit up a little crazy, electric blue, and Adam reminds himself by Nick is probably the scariest member of the Elite. “Maybe I’ll stab him. Yeah, I could stab him!”
Adam doesn’t get the chance to reply, because Claudio or Yuta or somebody in blue yanks Nick away. He’d feel bad about not being able to save Nick, but his ass is doing some weird things and he’s preoccupied.
He’s not afforded enough down time, though. Claudio hauls him to his feet and wails on his in the corner.
“My turn,” Yuta singsongs. He kicks Adam in the stomach.
“Dick,” Adam groans. And then he hears it. “Oh, you’re in for it now.”
Yuta makes a strange face.
“Yeah,” Adam says, grinning. “Good luck.”
Adam glances over to see Matt stomping down the ramp, but he doesn’t get a chance to do a damned thing else with the way Mox, Claudio, and Yuta take turns hitting him with a chair.
He feels almost bad that Claudio’s not in on the joke.
Matt goes after Claudio and Mox like it’s nothing, like it’s fun, and smiles a little. That’s his guy.
Matt’s presence invigorates him, and he manages to get to his feet.
“Hey,” Matt says, concern written all over his face. “How are you?”
“About the vibrator?”
“No, I know you’re struggling with that.” He grins.
“Head okay?”
“You’re still being rude.”
Matt grins at him even bigger. “Yeah.”
Adam takes the opportunity to go beat Yuta’s ass while he tries to hurt Kenny. “Hey, fuckwad,” he says by way of greeting, and punches Yuta in the back. The satisfaction doesn’t last long, though, because Pac grabs him and they wail on each other until Pac shoves his face into a turnbuckle. Every kick shifts the vibrator, and every shift threatens another one of those mind-numbing, leg jellying orgasms that Adam thinks he would like so much better at home.
Claudio tries him and it’s enough to help him get focused enough to hear Takeshita’s music.
“Shit,” he mumbles, getting to his feet to meet Takeshita in the ring. That means Ibushi’s the last one in the ring, which means –
He doesn’t have a chance to finish his thought. Takeshita slams him in the head with the chair.
“You good?” Nick asks a minute later, looking weirdly fine with being suplexed by Takeshita and his brother. “No head issues?”
“No head issues,” Adam agrees. “The hell are we going to do?”
“Wrong question,” Matt says, looking queasy as he scoots over. “The right question is what the hell did Mox just pull out from under the ring?”
Adam looks and a frantic little giggle comes out of his mouth. “Oh, we’re fucked.”
“We’ll be okay,” Matt says. He reaches out and squeezes Adam’s hand. “And, if not, we got each other, right?”
It’s sweet enough that Adam forgets where he is. It’s sweet enough that he lets himself get a little mushy over it, a little “I’m so lucky he’s my man” about it.
He should have realized the romance would make him come again.
Matt opens his mouth to say something, but he’s dragged away before Adam can tell him what’s happening. The second orgasm is less intense, more of a hit and run kind of thing, but it still makes his head swim and his muscles turn to liquid. Claudio catches him on the ground and steps on his neck which, admittedly, is better than being hit in the gut right now.
“Hey,” Matt says, draped over the turnbuckle by Yuta.
“Hi,” Adam mumbles. He’s still getting a little fucked up by the aftershocks. “I came again.”
Matt grins. “Yeah, I could tell.”
“Shut up,” Adam groans. “How did you survive all of Anarchy like this?”
Matt shrugs, as Ibushi’s music starts. “Bottoms are better, I guess.”
Everyone in the ring, BCC or Elite, pauses as Ibushi walks out. Just for a second. And then, like a switch, Yuta bolts out of the ring and goes after Ibushi.
“He’s gonna kill the kid,” Matt muses.
And he does. Adam remembers the times he’s been in a ring with Ibushi – most of the time on opposite sides. As he watches Ibushi lay out member after member of the BCC, though, he’s glad he’s here.
Matt disappears, Mox gets covered in blood, and Adam tries to figure out how much longer he has to survive through this before one or all of them collapse. Thankfully he doesn’t come again, but something in the base of his spine is overwhelmed and depleted.
It’s not until thumbtacks start raining from the ceiling that he regains clarity.
“The hell?” Claudio mumbles.
Adam just laughs. “I forgot about that one.”
It baffles Pac and Claudio long enough that Adam and Nick drop them directly into the thumbtacks. Adam’s about to join Nick in kicking the shit out of the BCC guys, but he catches Mox’s eye and the vibrator shifts. He locks eyes with Mox, determined not to react.
Adam turns and runs at Yuta. “How are you?” he asks as he throws Yuta headfirst into a turnbuckle.
“Fuck off,” Yuta growls. He tries to push Adam off, but he holds Yuta steady and starts wailing on his head. “You’re the one squirming on the ground every two minutes.”
“I’ve been out here longer than you,” Adam snaps back.
Hanger lets Kenny and the Bucks set up a spot with Pac, and, at his turn, dutifully slams Pac with a standing shooting star press.
Just for fun, he starts messing with Claudio.
“Oh, no,” Kenny says. It’s strangely polite how he taps Adam on the shoulder. “My turn.”
Adam thinks he’s about to get a break, but then Mox catches him. Mox’s attempt at a stomp fails and gives Adam enough time to slam him, back first, onto the tacks.
“Fuckin’ Christ,” Mox moans.
“You sound almost as pretty as you do when I fuck you,” Adam says casually, and walks away.
The double tombstone will be a highlight, Adam thinks, as the drop shifts the vibrator and clears his vision. A good moment. He gets to stand next to Matt. His head’s spinning a little less.
When Mox starts scratching up his back, Adam pretends like it’s not adding to the effects of the vibrator. Pretends really hard. Pretends so hard he almost starts to cry, and the suplex actually makes him feel better.
“Oh, I hate this,” he whines. “Oh, I hate this so much.”
Mox catches his eye and laughs. “Need a break, Cowboy?”
Adam fights to his feet again. “Need to break you, maybe.” Adam’s close, for the third goddamned time, and there’s only one last option: get the remote and break it.
He drags himself across the rings and watches as, on one sloppy roll, the controller slips out of Mox’s pocket. It’s too easy. It’s too good to resist. In a flash, Adam reaches out and grabs the controller. The relief he feels as he turns it off is almost too good.
“Is that allowed?” Matt asks him.
Adam shrugs, running in with the controller in his hand to punch Mox in the head. “No rules in Blood and Guts, right?”
He feels invigorated as he shoves the controller in his pocket and bounces off the ropes to throw a forearm into Takeshita’s throat. The satisfaction dies fast, though, as Mox gives him a cutter right to the floor.
“Bitch,” he grumbles as he rolls away. He grins as Ibushi kicks Mox in the chest.
He’s not sure how Mox gets ahold of him again, but he locks his legs against Adam’s head. “You took the controller!”
“I did,” Adam chokes out.
“It’s Blood and Guts! There is no cheating!”
“The vibrator isn’t part of Blood and Guts!”
“Yes, it is!”
Adam’s pretty sure they would have kept going back and forth like this for a decade or so, but then Ibushi kicks Mox in the jaw and Adam is freed.
He wants to get up to save Kenny, but his entire body aches. Now that the vibrator is off, his adrenaline is starting to wear off.
“Help Kenny,” he mumbles to Nick. “I’m stuck on the floor.”
“I don’t think we need to,” Nick says, rolling over. “Look.”
Adam watches as Pac snaps the lock off the door and walks away. Kenny goes after three of the BCC members left.
He stands, preparing. “This is gonna be good.”
First, he hits a Buckshot on Claudio. When he meets Kenny’s eyes in the other ring, he nods.
A Last Call. For the first time in almost three years.
Yuta goes down hard, his hips twitching, and Adam grins. Matt must have added a few clicks to the vibrator.
“We’re gonna win this,” Adam mumbles. He pushes himself to seated. “Matt, Nick, I have an idea.”
He slides under the ring and pulls out the handcuffs, locking Mox to the ropes. He also pulls out the end of a chain – he can end this. He can end this easy.
Matt gets to play dress up with his fun sneaker and Adam throws the chain around Yuta’s neck without a second thought. Matt comes from the side and wraps his arms around Adam’s waist.
“You’re doing great,” he murmurs. “Just – almost – ”
But Yuta doesn’t tap. The bell rings, and Yuta doesn’t tap. They let go of the chain anyway.
Carry On My Wayward Son plays. Adam feels exhaustion crash over him. “Oh, my god,” he says to Matt. “I need a nap.”
Matt pouts. “I mean, okay. Fine. But after?” He bats his eyelashes.
“We just won a blood feud match! Can you focus?!” Nick yells. “Why am I always here for these moments?”
Their hands are raises in the center of the ring and Adam feels a sense of accomplishment wash through him. They won. He came twice, sure, and probably would have done another twelve times if he hadn’t gotten Mox’s controller, but he’s okay now. He grins as their hands are raised, victorious.
“You okay, Hanger?” Kenny asks. Adam doesn’t want to admit it, but he looks like he suspects something. “You’ve been a little twitchy all match.”
Adam refuses to let himself blush. “I mean, yeah. Intense match.” He shifts. “Lots to worry – what is Ibushi doing?”
They turn to see Ibushi pushing thumbtacks into his chest.
“Why the hell – oh, come on.”
Adam laughs at Kenny’s reaction as Ibushi bumps himself into the thumbtacks like it’s nothing.
“Your boyfriend just intentionally filled his back with tacks,” Adam muses. “That’s unique.”
“Yeah, well, yours glued thumbtacks to his stupidly expensive shoe,” Kenny replies, ducking under the ropes to go get Ibushi out of there. “We have equally weird partners.”
“Who’s weird?” Matt asks, shuffling up next to Adam. “Me?”
“Yes, but also Kota,” Adam nods to where Kenny is now gently picking thumbtacks out of Ibushi’s skin. It’s somehow romantic. “He just threw himself into those.”
“I get that,” Matt muses. “Sometimes you just have to do something stupid, you know?”
“Oh, like choke out the guy you plan on fucking later tonight mid-match?” Adam whispers into Matt’s ear. He grins as Matt shivers, whole body.
“You can’t say stuff like that,” Matt mutters. “We might still be on air.”
“Aw, come on. We’ve gotta be off by now.”
“Alright, you two,” Nick says, and he smacks Adam on the back. It jostles the vibrator and Adam yelps. “The hell’s wrong with you?”
“Thumbtack in the ass,” Matt says, grinning. “It’s a tragic diagnosis.”
“I’m going to chose to believe that so I don’t have to consider any of the other weird stuff you two get up to.” Nick wrinkles his nose. “Also, how bad is my face?”
“Bloody, but not Mox bloody,” Adam says. “Let’s all get backstage and get cleaned up, okay?”
“Uh, no!” Mox yells. He gestures to Yuta, still covered in blood.
Adam blows some hair out of his face. “Oh. Right.”
Adam only has a few puncture wounds from pieces of glass and tacks, which feels like a miracle. Matt’s even luckier – bruises, yes, but so little blood it almost feels impossible. Nick, on the other hand…
“You two go off without me,” he waves off. “Me, Kenny, and Kota are planning on getting dinner later anyway, since you two. Well, I don’t know what you two do after a match, but it’s usually weird and it usually grosses me out, so.”
Matt opens his mouth to argue, because that’s his default state, but Adam slaps his hands on Matt’s shoulders.
“Well, feel better,” he says before Matt goes off. “Text us if you need anything.”
Matt’s sputtering as Adam steers him out of the medical room. “What’s that about?”
“He’s giving us a pass,” Adam says, low in Matt’s ear, “and I need to get this vibrator out of me before I lose my fuckin’ mind.”
“Oh!” Matt says. “Oh, I forgot you still had it in.”
“Lucky you.”
Adam feels weird, like really weird, as he takes out the vibrator once they get back to their room.
“You okay?” Matt asks, hovering outside the door. “I can help, if you need it.”
“Babe, I love you, but I promise I can figure this out on my own.” Adam steps out of the hotel bathroom after cleaning the vibrator. “See? All better.”
Matt nods. “You still sleepy?”
“I am,” Adam says. He licks his lips. “But a shower might wake me up.”
Matt bites his lip and half sprints into the bathroom.
Adam teases him the whole shower, lips on Matt’s neck a hand on his lower belly, a finger teasing at Matt’s entrance. Matt whimpers and presses against him, but Adam won’t give in.
“Oh, no,” he murmurs, taking Matt’s earlobe into his mouth. “You made me wait, now you can wait.”
“Mean,” Matt murmurs, pushing into Adam’s hand.
“It’s only fair.”
Matt freezes. “Using my words against me is a dick move.”
Adam laughs. “Kind of the point, baby.”
“Are you okay?” Mox whispers into Wheeler’s ear.
“Vibrator’s stopped working, so yeah,” Wheeler replies. He hopes Claudio can’t hear him.
“Not what I meant.” Wheeler turns to see Mox looking at him sternly.
Mox won’t leave his side while medical checks him out. Wheeler’s neck is fine, barely even bruised. He can speak, swallow, breathe without any problems. Doc Sampson’s shocked.
“You don’t even usually bleed like that,” Doc says, more to himself, in awe. “I expected a giant gash.”
“Takes after me,” Mox says, but there’s nothing behind his smile.
“Yeah, I’m used to you bleeding like a stuck pig, you lunatic,” Doc snaps back. “Stop teaching your young boy to be reckless.”
“I didn’t have to teach him anything. He did this one by himself.” Mox looks miserable in a way Wheeler’s never seen before.
They get cleaned up to the best of the doctors’ abilities, stitches and antibiotic ointment and bandages everywhere, and Wheeler tries his best not to react every time he shifts and the stupid vibrator moves around inside of him. He’d planned on taking it out as soon as possible, but with all the glass, screwdrivers, thumbtacks, and chains involved, medical swept him up before he could do anything.
“You keep an eye on each other tonight,” Doc says firmly. “I don’t like the idea of any of the ten of you being on your own tonight.”
Wheeler snickers.
“Not like that, you – gross.” Doc shakes his head. “Well, if you’re making sex jokes, you’re probably good to go. Off you get, you two heathens.” He smiles. “Take care of each other, okay?”
Mox nods solemnly and Wheeler steers him toward the bathroom. “I gotta take care of the thing,” he says, almost pleading. Now that it’s almost out, Wheeler is desperate to be rid of it.
“Oh! Oh, right.” Mox finally smiles for the first time in ages. “Jeez, I almost forgot about those.”
“Lucky you,” Wheeler laughs. “Give me a second, okay?”
Mox’s grin, while exhausted, turns a little dirty. “Need any help?”
“No, I think I can handle this.” He winks.
He feels a sense of weightless relief when he gets the damned thing out of him – finally free of the pressure. “Oh, thank god.”
“You good?” Mox asks. He fiddles with his fingers, thumbnail going to his mouth.
Wheeler nods, shoving the vibrator into his pocket after a quick clean off. He’ll do better at the hotel. “I’m good,” he says. “Let’s go back to the hotel.” He smiles. “And maybe call Adam and Matt?”
Mox shrugs distracted. “Okay.”
He barely speaks until Wheeler walks him to the shower. He thinks maybe the water will shake him from whatever’s going on in his head, but he doesn’t speak.
Wheeler waits to speak until the water’s the right temperature, and steps in. “Mox,” he says gently. “Come on. It’s okay.”
Mox steps in. “It’s not,” he says. “It’s my fault it isn’t.”
“It’s not your fault,” Wheeler says again, leaning back as Mox runs his hands through his bloody hair. “Stop beating yourself up.”
“It is,” Mox insists. He’s so gentle with the way he scrubs the shampoo into Wheeler’s scalp. Too gentle. “I should have – it should have been me there.”
“You’ve already been choked out by Hangman,” Wheeler murmurs. “My turn.”
“Shouldn’t’ve been,” Mox says.
Wheeler turns around to steady Mox by the shoulders. “This is part of the job,” he insists. Mox won’t meet his eyes. “Baby. Stop freaking out.” He grabs Mox’s hand and rests it on his throat. “Look. Your hand has been here a hundred times.” He grins at the way Mox relaxes. “I’ve been there before.”
Mox nods, stroking the slightly tender skin of Wheeler’s throat. “You ask me to, though,” he says quietly. “You didn’t ask them.”
“Didn’t I?” Wheeler laughs. “I mean, we agreed to a Blood and Guts match with a man named the Hangman.”
Mox laughs lightly, the stress melting from his forehead. “You’re hurt, though.”
Wheeler shrugs, brushing a thumb underneath “I’m always hurt.”
Mox lets it go, though, and the two of them wash the blood, sweat, and glass off their skin slowly. They had traded off on pulling the thumbtacks and larger glass shards out of each other’s skin earlier. Now it’s just the runoff, showering until the water runs clear and the sting is gone. Wheeler checks the brand of the hotel shampoo.
“Smells good,” Wheeler says, setting it next to his bag once they’re out of the bathroom and dried off. “I’m stealing it.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not really stealing, but okay,” Mox says. He sits on the bed with the towel around his waist, stretching himself out. “So.”
Wheeler laughs. “Already? Really?”
“We showered and you were naked near me,” Mox says, like it’s an explanation.
Wheeler rolls his eyes. “Aren’t we supposed to be meeting Matt and Adam?”
“No,” Mox says, folding his arms behind his head. “They fucked you up earlier. I get you all to myself tonight.”
Wheeler forces a pout and tries for boo-boo eyes. “Is this you being jealous or being petty?”
Wheeler sighs. “Get up. We’re going to go get laid.”
“We could do that right here.” Mox pats the side of the bed. “Well, okay, now I have an idea.”
Wheeler raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Mox sits up. “Let’s change things up a bit. Text Adam. We’re going to their room.”
Adam throws his head back and laughs. “Sure, yeah, have Matt top. See what happens.”
“I could!” Matt argues. He folds his arms across his chest.
Wheeler snickers.
“Oh, shut up.”
Adam reaches out and yanks Matt toward him, kissing the top of his head. “You know who you are, baby. It’s okay.”
Matt mutters something probably bitchy and whiny, but Adam just laughs.
“Again,” Mox says, pointing at the two of them. “You and me aren’t that cute. When you’re being a bitch I just put you in a headlock.”
“How exactly is that my fault?” Wheeler asks, exchanging a glance with Adam.
Mox opens his mouth and closes it. “Fair enough, but you’re still a bitch.”
Adam nudges Matt’s arm. “I mean. If you really want to try topping.” He gestures to the bed. “Have at it. Let’s see you do it.”
“Well, now it’s a challenge.” He stops over to Wheeler. “You. Can I top you?”
Wheeler grins at him, smarmy. “You can try.”
Matt throws a defiant look over his shoulder at Adam. “Watch me.”
Adam settles into a chair in the corner of the room. “Don’t mind if I do.”
Wheeler’s sitting on the bed, looking up at a Matt Jackson who is clearly doing his best not to pout. “You gonna top me?” he asks, fighting a grin. “Then top me. Why are you just standing there?”
“I – because.” Matt says it like it means something. “I’m making you wait.”
“For what?”
“Shut up,” Matt says. There’s a bit of a bite behind it, Wheeler will admit, but it reminds him of his mom’s puppy playing with the bigger dogs next door. “Take off your shirt.”
Wheeler pulls it off over his head. “You, too.”
Mox snickers.
Matt turns around, his hair flying everywhere. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s not you,” he says. “Wheeler sucks at being dommed, is all. Tells you what to do even when he’s supposed to be following instructions.”
“Do not!”
“Do too,” Mox replies.
Wheeler turns his gaze over to Adam, who looks content and calm in the chair. He’s still dressed in his tee shirt and jeans, watching them like a half entertaining television show. It’s not enough. Wheeler’s in the mood to perform.
“Then maybe he needs something in his mouth,” Matt says. “Get, um. Go kneel.”
“Go kneel?” Wheeler asks, fighting a laugh. “What a way to ask.”
“Just do it,” Adam says. And the atmosphere of the room changes. Matt looks over at him, and Adam nods. “You got this, baby. Just stay confident.”
Matt nods. “On your knees, please,” he says, and Wheeler obliges. The carpet is plush and comfortable, and he’s glad about it for the sake of his knees.
“Alright, I’m on my knees,” Wheeler says, raising an eyebrow. “What next?”
Matt bites his lip. “I’m going to take off my pants, now. And you’re – you’re gonna suck my dick.”
“Cool,” Wheeler says. “Yeah, I can do that.”
He licks his lips almost automatically as Matt’s cock falls out of his cozy-looking pajama pants and reaches up to pull them down to Matt’s ankles. Matt looks almost confused at Wheeler’s interference.
“Aren’t I supposed to do that?” Matt asks, eyes already big and sweet. The effect is different from the new angle.
Wheeler shrugs. “Maybe I’m helping you. You can call it that, yeah?”
Matt nods. “You, um. You can. Now.”
Wheeler leans in and licks a stripe up the side of Matt’s cock, grinning at the way Matt shudders. “Oh. Oh, okay.”
“You like that?” Mox asks. Wheeler pulls back to flick his tongue at the top of Matt’s dick and sees Mox walk up behind Matt and slide his hands around Matt’s chest, trailing designs on his skin. “Tell him.”
“It’s good,” Matt mumbles, eyes fluttering closed. “I – I want my cock in your mouth now.”
Wheeler nods and sinks down, hollowing out his cheeks, and he’s pretty sure Matt’s legs would have given out under him if Mox wasn’t holding him out.
“That’s it,” Adam says. It sounds like he still hasn’t left the chair. “Keep talking, Matty. Tell him what to do. You can do it.”
“I – keep going,” Matt says, hips twitching. “Don’t stop, okay?”
“More specific, Matt,” Adam directs. “What exactly do you want?”
“You could fuck his mouth,” Mox suggests. Wheeler gives a thumbs up to cue Matt.
“Okay,” Matt says, breathy. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’m gonna fuck your mouth now, okay?”
Wheeler gives another thumbs up and relaxes his throat and jaw, ready for Matt to go nuts.
It’s a few shallow thrusts before Matt pauses. “Wait, I -I think I need to –”
Wheeler pulls off, looking up at Matt. “You okay?”
“I’m good!” Matt says, flushed high on his cheeks. “I just – I’m not very good at this.” He looks almost embarrassed. “I keep getting all wobbly, and I’m not saying the right thing. I’m trying to top and I still have two people telling me what to do.” It’s weird to see him this insecure, even after how vulnerable he was last time. Especially after he was helping Adam choke Wheeler out earlier that night.
There’s a few quiet steps behind Wheeler and Adam comes from behind and sits on the bed. “You come sit in my lap. That way you can do whatever you want without worrying about falling over.”
Wheeler’s impressed – he’s barely involved and Adam’s got control of the room. He’s suddenly reminded of the phrase “speak softly and carry a big stick,” and he can’t help but smile.
“What’s so funny?” Mox asks, hands planted on his hips. “You’re still on your knees, baby.”
“It – don’t worry about it,” Wheeler keeps giggling. “Sorry. Sorry, I’ll stop.”
“Yes, you will,” Adam says. Wheeler’s eyes snap to him.
“Damn, Cowboy, you’re really pulling out the stops tonight, aren’t you?” Wheeler teases. He shuffles so he’s right in front of Matt. “Alright, alright, I’ll take care of your boy.”
Matt sighs all pretty as Wheeler sinks his mouth down on Matt’s dick. Adam’s whispering quietly into Matt’s ear, and it’s kind of fun to watch how quickly Matt falls apart.
“I – oh, I should stop,” Matt mumbles. “Too close. Want – don’t want it to end.”
Wheeler does one last flick of his tongue as he pulls off, laughing as Matt whines a little.
“Don’t be a bitch,” Matt whines. He looks over at Mox. “I thought you were the annoying one.”
Mox shrugs. “We exchange duties.”
Matt wiggles.
“Use your words,” Adam says. “Don’t make us guess.”
Matt presses his lips together and looks around at the other three in the room. “I think Adam and Yuta should kiss.”
Mox lights up. “I like that.”
Wheeler shrugs and stands, leaning in to kiss Adam over Matt. Adam kisses good, too, deep and unyielding, thorough and intentional. Matt whimpers between them.
“Am I squishing you or something?”
Matt shakes his head. “No. No, it’s just. This is really hot.” He slides out from under Wheeler and climbs into Mox’s lap, not even giving him time to take off his clothes. “Mox, I think you should kiss me. Or fuck me. Whatever you want.”
Mox looks over to Wheeler. “Uh. That’s not what I expected.”
“You looked good tonight,” Matt says, shrugging. “And I’ve always wanted to see if you’re as good in bed as you are wrestling.”
“Well, when you put it that way.” Mox flips them, pressing Matt to the bed. “Love this whole swapping partners thing. This is fun.”
“It is,” Wheeler says. He leans down and kisses Adam again. Mox and Matt seemed to have figured themselves out pretty easily – Matt’s already squirming underneath Mox as he bites marks up and down Matt’s neck. But Adam and Wheeler keep fighting with each other, kissing like they’re trying to win a battle, and this isn’t going to work.
Wheeler pulls back. “Look, one of us is gonna have to, like, relent or something. We can’t both be in control.”
“Why not?” Adam asks, grinning. “I think I could convince you.”
“What if I convinced you?” Wheeler asks. “Get you under me, all desperate.” He grins. “I think you’d like that.”
Adam licks his lips. “Yeah?”
“Do we need to wait for the two of you to make a decision or can we fuck now?” Mox asks. He’s already got a condom on and – oh, he’s two fingers deep in Matt already.
“Looking good, Matty,” Adam says. He winks and Matt immediately turns pink.
Matt bites his lips and directs his eyes over at Adam, big and brown and sweet as hell. “Thanks.”
“Oh, you two are insufferable,” Wheeler grumbles. “Mox, please fuck Matt into be tolerable again.”
“On it,” Mox says, saluting.
Adam and Wheeler find themselves a bit distracted, watching as Mox slowly pushes into Matt with incredible concentration. Matt’s face is blissful, angelic. Wheeler might be able to be convinced Matt’s not a total diva in real life.
“You know what?” Adam says softly. “Yeah. I could try that.” He turns to Wheeler. “You should fuck me.”
Wheeler shivers. “Jesus. I – okay. Yeah, I can do that.”
Adam looks fucking incredible as Wheeler opens him up – he takes to it more easily than Wheeler expected, pushing himself down on Wheeler’s fingers like it’s a competition.
“Turn over,” Adam demands. “I’m gonna ride you.”
“You – you are?!”
“Yeah,” Adam says. “Bottoming from the top.” He winks at Wheeler and it’s disarming enough that he gets a chance to flip Wheeler over.
“This is a great idea, yeah.” Wheeler grins. “Fuck, yeah.” He flops back against the pillows, and finds himself nose to nose with Matt. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Matt says, smiling. “Hey, Mox? That looks fun. I wanna ride you, too.”
“How is Hangman in charge of all four of us?!” Mox asks. Adam shoves him down on the bed next to Wheeler.
“Because you three are super annoying and need someone in charge, apparently,” Adam replies. “Wheeler, you good?”
Wheeler nods, finishing up the condom. “Yeah, fuck. I’m good.”
Adam gives him this searing look, something that lights Wheeler up from the inside. “Hold on tight.”
“Isn’t it save a horse, ride a cowboy?” Wheeler asks, trying to act like his vision isn’t whiting out as Adam sinks down on his dick. “This – fuck – this feels backwards.”
“Well a cowboy’s gotta ride, right?” Adam winks, and Wheeler thinks this might be even better than last time. He’d never say that to Matt, of course, but there’s something to be said about being inside someone who has this level of confidence.
Mox turns to him. “Hey, babe. Weird, isn’t it?”
“What’s weird?” Wheeler asks. He decides to settle his hands on Adam’s strong thighs where they bracket around his own waist.
“I dunno. This.” He gestures to all of them. “You know. Choked you out a few hours ago, now you’re fucking him. We live a weird life.”
“Can you focus attention on me?” Matt asks. “Not to be a brat or anything, but you’re supposed to be fucking me, not, like.” He wrinkles his nose, stilling. “Commentating with your boyfriend.”
Mox sighs. “Well then. How’s your back?”
Matt tilts his head. “Fine. Why?”
Wheeler watches, impressed, as Mox stands up with an arm around Matt’s back and shoves him up against the wall.
“That’s why,” Mox says, voice low and dangerous.
“Alright then,” Adam says as Mox rails Matt quite directly into oblivion. “If they’re gonna go with that.”
Wheeler’s vision actually does white out this time as Adam works his hips to ride Wheeler madly. He has an image of a wild stallion. “Fuck,” he whimpers. “Oh, my god.” He reaches his hand up and wraps it around the back of Adam’s neck to yank him down for a kiss. It’s more like a desperate, open mouthed press. Wheeler fucks up into Adam as best he can, but it’s more like he’s holding on for the ride.
“Fuck,” Adam mutters. “Fuck, I get bottoming now.”
Wheeler reaches his hand between them and watches, fascinated, as Adam fucks up into the circle of his fingers and grinds back down on Wheeler’s dick. He comes for the third time that night, hard and intense and so fucking good he almost cries. He feels more than sees or hears Adam come, clenched around his cock, and Wheeler’s entire body is an exposed nerve. Too much, too good, too hot, too intense.
And then Adam rolls off of him, and he relaxes.
“Holy fuck,” Adam says. “Matty, you good?”
Matt lets out a nonsensical strain of syllables, and Wheeler watches him come, head thrown back and hair everywhere.
“Good,” Adam says.
Wheeler wonders if he blacked out or something. “Did he say any actual words?”
“No, but that’s what he sounds like when he’s well fucked,” Adam says, waving it off. “I think I understand the whole bottoming thing. Two thumbs up.” He does so, but it’s almost as weak as Orange Cassidy’s.
“Is that a compliment?” Wheeler asks, turning over to grin at Adam. “I made you like bottoming?”
“I didn’t dislike it before or anything,” Adam says, putting his arms behind his head. Wheeler’s eyes are stuck on how big it makes his arms look. “I just didn’t get it, you know?” His eyes close. “I get it now.”
“Yeah, yeah, Yuta’s got a magic dick. We know.” Mox jumps in bed next to Wheeler, burying his face into his chest.
Matt walks around the bed to curl into Adam’s side, mirroring Mox.
“You’ll never bottom again with that one.” Wheeler nods at Matt.
“I could try!” Matt says. It’s almost closer to a whine. “I did okay tonight.”
“You did a great job following my instructions on how to top,” Adam corrects, pressing a kiss to the top of Matt’s somehow still great hair. “You’ll get there.”
Matt lets out a contented sigh, and throws an arm over Adam to rest on Wheeler’s stomach and tangle with Mox’s fingers. It’s sweet. It feels right.
“I think I’m getting used to this,” Wheler says, frowning.
“Is that a bad thing?” Matt asks.
Wheeler thinks for a second. He’s warm and cozy, safe. He got choked out by one of them men he just fucked, and he trusted him.
“No,” Wheeler decides. “It’s good.”
They’re almost asleep, when Mox has to ruin it.
“Hey, how many times did Adam come?” he asks.
Wheeler blinks. “I don’t kn-“
“Twice,” Matt answers. “What about Wheeler?”
“I’m right here!”
“Twice,” Mox says. “Huh. Looks like we’re tied.”
Adam and Wheeler groan in tandem.
Mini Playlist (I should write a formal apology for this one): Good Vibrations - Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys Vibrate - Petey Pablo Shake It - Metro Station
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