#I wrote this rant in the tags bc I didn't wanna put it on people's dashes for real
vicsdeangelis · 2 years
Thank you for your tags about reader insert fics (and I'm sorry if I wasn't supposed to read it!) Because i'm with you. I have a friend who hates reader inserts fics and ranted about them - they say it's weird and wrong - which makes me feel shit bc thats what I write and it gives me comfort ajf pleasure and it's lit the reason I write but then this same friend goes on and writes fic that ships two real life people with wives and families and while I do read the fics and enjoy the pairing, I always feel like it's a bit ick? Like itself disrespectful to the people irl and their families? Idk but anyway thanks for saying what you said and I'm sorry if absolutely none of this makes sense💖
nah, don't worry, if people weren't supposed to read it i would have deleted it immediately after making the post. i just wrote it in the tags instead of making an actual post about it because i didn't want it to be reblogged
also sorry this took so long to answer. i decided to turn off my phone for a while and ended up binging the queen's gambit. great show. and yes, i know i'm late to it lmao
like, okay, i don't really care about people who ship real people together. that's always gonna happen, it is what it is. i'm just completely against it when people start harassing the "pairing" and their significant others because of it, that's where i draw the line. but like, what's the difference here? why does it become a sin, a crime against morality, when you decide to write down a fantasy starring yourself? like, people are gonna have thoughts about other people, whether they are sexual or romantic, and it's such a common, normal thing, but when you put it into words people decide that you're crazy, you're a fucking weirdo, you need treatment (all things i have actually seen being said about rpf)
it's not like i, or any other people i know who write rpf for that matter, make graphic sexual comments on the person's social media. that is an actual problem, because that's sexual harassment. you're going out of you're way to make the person see your explicit thoughts. or when the person outright says that fanfiction about them makes them uncomfortable, which i would respect because i don't want to make people upset or uncomfortable. in the specific case of måneskin, none of them ever talked about fanfiction (or they did at least once, but i don't know where, and if i remember correctly it was about them being shipped with each other, and not reader insert fanfiction, and they were chill with it. at least victoria was). i'm not making comments about how much i wanna fuck them in the comments of their insta posts, i'm not harassing any of their girlfriends (in fact, giorgia, call me!), i'm just in my own little space, living vicariously through reader insert fanfiction because truth be told, i don't have a lot going on in my life in the romance and sexual department. and by "not a lot" i mean completely and absolutely nothing, ever, in my 25 years on this godforsaken planet. so what if i want to get a little taste of it? what the fuck is so wrong with it?
and reader insert fanfiction has done more for me in regards to owning my sexuality (not in a queer way, cuz i've known i was bi since i was 14, but in a, like, being comfortable with my sexual thoughts and desires way, y'know?) and being more comfortable living inside my own body than any person, any movement, any cheerful post about Everyone Is Beautiful has ever, ever done. i still have a really fucking long way to go when it comes to loving myself, but there was a time in my life that the mere thought of touching myself disgusted me. like my body didn't deserve pleasure because of what i looked like. and those fics helped me. imagining myself being desired, being wanted, reading about it, it helped me overcome something In Real Life. so i'm literally not harming anyone as far as i'm aware, and it actually benefits me, so why am i the crazy one? why am i the gross one? i already live in enough shame in my day to day life, this is the one fucking thing i have, and the internet morality police wants to take that away from me. fuck me i guess, huh?
it doesn't matter if people "don't understand it", that's fine. my problem is when people are actively hostile about it. it's like, i'm not safe to be myself even in my only safe space. it's really heartbreaking for me, i take it very personally, because one of my biggest issues is being mocked. i know what that feels like, and i still live in that mindset of SHAME SHAME SHAME. BE ASHAMED OF WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU LIKE, WHAT YOU DO. SHAME SHAME SHAME. and that's what i feel like when i see that shit, i feel like i'm being mocked, like i should sink further into shame, and it just fucking sucks
anyways, sorry for the rant, idk if any of it made sense 😬
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