#I’d join the artists in doing whatever with Springtrap
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 5 months
So, with the Y/N and Springtrap plan/Rabbit Restoration Project, I was already like: “I’m not really going to make a full fic for it.” But, then, I thought of the endings...
Then, I got a fun idea for the third option that I mentioned, and then it just kind of progressed immediately after that moment. So, y’know. Anyways.
Here it is- I’m not that certain if it’s all that great, buuuut...
Y/N hadn’t understood why Springtrap had gotten up and abruptly left—it was strange. He wasn’t explaining.
They remembered him telling them: “I’ll never leave you, love.” And... with how he had sounded, he seemed genuine.
It wasn’t that strange of a set up—they’d already been living together ever since they chose to bring him back for restoring.
Now though, it had been a bit different—not too much, but just slightly... due to the fact that they had chosen to get together.
They tried to keep him away from some people, though—considering one of the last times, someone broke in, wanting to steal his parts.
‘Only Max and my viewers seemed relaxed about him... now, at least.’ Y/N had thought. It had definitely taken a bit of time—even them.
Throughout the whole walk, they’d tried asking him questions—and the rabbit would speak, yet, he wasn’t revealing much.
Forty minutes ago, he’d finally mentioned *something*—at least they were getting somewhere. Literally and figuratively.
“A pizzeria...” Came the smooth, British voice from the restored rabbit. “There’s someone I... need to pay a little visit to, Y/N.”
Thirty minutes ago, they’d both stopped to rest. Or, Y/N did, and Springtrap simply waited alongside them.
Twenty minutes ago, Springtrap revealed that he knew they were getting closer. “You should go home.” He’d said.
They’d refused. “I’m staying with you, Spring. We’ll go back together after this.”
Ten minutes ago, the both of them had finally reached the pizzeria that Springtrap seemed insistent on going to.
From the outside... Y/N wasn’t sure what to think. It was a Freddy’s location—and until this moment, they’d never actually been to one.
Entering the building, the first things that the two of them had been able to see was a massive stage—as well as a smaller one to the side.
There were a lot of games, too, and Y/N had almost been tempted to go and play one—but they chose not to.
Two minutes ago, the building had started to heat up. Y/N wasn’t sure if it was their imagination or not—they always felt a little hot.
After glancing at Springtrap, he hadn’t seemed to notice. They still weren’t very certain on what he could or couldn’t feel.
A few seconds ago... the building went up in flames.
“Oh my God!” Y/N hissed, eyes widening. The flames danced around, as smoke quickly rose.
They stumbled backwards, hitting Springtrap’s side. Looking up at him, he seemed to be far more focused on something else.
They could hear a new voice—an unknown voice—beginning to speak from somewhere. Yet, they paid no attention, only focusing on Springtrap.
The entrances and exits were closing. They could see that from the corners of their eyes.
Springtrap’s attention finally snapped back to Y/N. “We need to get you out of here! Now!” He said.
Before Y/N had the chance to say anything, they were lifted up by the rabbit, who began running through the flaming pizzeria.
There was the entrance that they’d both gone through—Springtrap started hurrying over to it.
However... just as the rabbit and the human reached it, something abruptly closed over it, blocking the doors.
Growling in annoyance, Springtrap set Y/N beside him, and grabbed at the doors tightly.
The rabbit started pulling and tugging—and then he started slamming his fists into it—even kicking at it.
Yet, nothing happened. Growling again, Springtrap started to look around further, trying to find a different way.
A little distance away, in another room of the pizzeria, seemed to be a much smaller exit door. It hadn’t been closed yet.
“Woah-!” Y/N was picked up by the rabbit once more, and he started making his way towards the exit.
“Shush, Y/N.” The fear slipped through the rabbit’s voice. It was starting to close. “You’ll get-“
A good distance away from the exit door—a good distance from the two of them—a new, sudden voice rang out. “Daddy?!”
Y/N watched as the rabbit suddenly went still, the pair of ears atop his head twitching. He looked around. “...Elizabeth?”
Y/N frowned. “...Springtrap?”
For a few seconds, the rabbit looked around further—towards where the voice had come from, back at Y/N, and the door.
He set Y/N down in front of him, his grey glowing eyes gently staring down at the human. Y/N’s frown grew.
“Springtrap, what-“
Springtrap placed his giant, metal hands on Y/N’s shoulders. “Y/N... go. I love you, my dear.”
“W- Springtrap, I-“ The restored rabbit pulled them closer, placing his lips against theirs for just a moment, before releasing.
Before Y/N had the chance to do much else—still processing the fire situation—Springtrap moved closer, and shoved them.
They gasped in surprise. His shove was enough to get them through the exit door—and, just in time, too.
As Y/N stumbled out of the door, landing on their bottom, it snapped just a second or two later.
They sat there for a moment in silence, eyes wide.
“Springtrap...?” Their voice cracked. They could feel their heart beginning to quicken. Y/N got to their feet.
“SPRINGTRAP!” They hurried towards the door, and started banging on it. “W-What are you doing?? Why did you do that?!”
Y/N kept banging against it. “I... we were going to leave together! I love you, too!” They’d heard that voice... who had it been?
Their fists began to hurt, so, Y/N stopped for a moment. Only to grab at the edges—attempting to pry open the door.
In those moments before the fire, when they’d both simply been looking around... Y/N hadn’t noticed many entrances and exits.
They could feel their eyes becoming watery. “Come on, come on!” They kept trying to pry open the door—although, it seemed useless.
After continuously trying for over two minutes, Y/N finally stopped, backing away. “I... I’ll get something! I’ll get something! Hold on!”
Y/N ran off.
They considered going back to their house to grab something to help—but, that would have taken far too long with the circumstances.
So, rather than that, they ran a good distance from the burning pizzeria—ignoring anything that may be happening around them.
They weren’t keeping track of how long they were gone for—yet, Y/N had assumed with, how fast they were going, it was only a few minutes.
...It wasn’t.
After finally managing to find *something* that could potentially help with getting inside, and getting the rabbit, they hurried back.
The item fell out of their hands as they arrived. Y/N stared up at the sight.
There was no longer a fire—it didn’t seem like it. For however long Y/N was gone... the building was already in a horrible condition.
One of the more noticeable things to Y/N, however, was that there seemed to be a large hole in the wall. ‘A way inside...’
Hurrying through the wall, Y/N started running, trying not to trip and fall over anything laying around.
Those animatronics were still on the stage—though, some of them were fallen over. All of them didn’t look the greatest now.
“Springtrap!” Nothing.
“SPRING-“ Just as they entered another area, they tripped and fell. Confused, Y/N looked back. ‘A metal wire?’ It looked like it belonged to an animatronic.
Getting back to their feet, Y/N continued running around, calling out for the rabbit—and simply getting no response.
Their eyes were starting to become watery again, but Y/N quickly started to wipe before anything managed to fall.
Entering the next room in their search, Y/N sighed. “SPRING-“ Getting a full look in the room, they gasped.
To the back of the room, there was a broken clown girl animatronic on the ground. Bits of the destroyed pizzeria were on top of her.
‘She must have gotten stuck...’
Not too far from the clown girl... was a rabbit—Springtrap. He was laying face down, motionless, and burned.
“Springtrap!” Y/N yelled. A second passed, before they managed to get their feet to start moving again.
After a moment, they reached Springtrap’s side, falling to their knees. “S-Springtrap?!” They shook him.
He remained still. Unmoving. Grabbing the sides of him, Y/N managed to move the animatronic rabbit, so that he was on his back.
So that Y/N could see his face.
His eyes were opened—normally, his gray eyes had a sort of glow to them. But, now? There was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Y/N could feel themself starting to shake. They could feel the tears, finally beginning to spill. “Hey... hey! Wake up! Do... something!”
They let go for a moment, before reaching over, and gently grabbing the sides of his face. “This... this isn’t funny, Springtrap! Say something! Move!”
A moment later, they dropped him again—albeit carefully. Through their tears, they looked around the room—just for a moment, before their focus fell back onto him.
“Why... why would you-“ Y/N started, only to be interrupted by their own sob. The human shut their eyes tightly.
They inched closer to the motionless rabbit—more than they already were, before wrapping their arms around him, and their head fell onto his chest.
“I love you...”
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