#I’d rather watch claudio wrestle himself
cajunroe · 2 years
really? claudio and…..hager???
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (106): Mon 27th Jun 2022
While I have been enjoying my new job very much I knew that today was going to be a bitch because there was an AEW pay per view last night and not only was I going to have to wait 12 hours to see it but I would have to keep my phone off all god damn day so that I didn't have anything spoiled for me. AEW, Impact and NEw Japan are the only wrestling promotions I watch now and of those AEW is the only one that I don't read spoilers for to see if there's anything worth watching. I spent most of the day contemplating the possible outcomes of the match and while I was excited to see who would emerge victorious in the various title matches AEW had booked for the match the main thing I was hoping to happen was the debut of Cesaro which most people seemed to think was likely to happen. As soon as half six hit I sprinted downstairs to clock out and zoomed off on my bike to get home. If I'd have passed a motorhome and saw through the window that they had a TV in there and they were watching the pay per view on it then I would have followed the motorhome wherever it was going and watched the show on that TV, that's how desperate I was to watch the show. My new diet was supposed to start today which was to involve me having only cereal, breakfast bars, soup and water for six days of the week and then treating myself to a meal on Monday but I was going to need some sort of snack to watch the wrestling with. I made myself a vegan shawarma wrap with mayonnaise which was fucking delicious. I never even tried regular shawarma when I used to eat meat but since I know that meat free stuff never tastes quite as good as the actual meat, real shawarma must be fucking tremendous. I think they might have named it "Shawarma" because that's the food orgasm noise you make when you're eating it as it's that damn good. I stuck on the pay per view and was not disappointed with the great show they managed to put on despite being marred by numerous injuries. Moxley vs Tanahashi was brilliant although seeing how Tanahashi has started to wobble rather than run lately due to his knees is telling me that if the guy doesn't take a year off to rest his knees up then he probably doesn't have that much longer left in the ring. I was surprised to hear the live crowd turn on Moxley towards the end and chant "Go Ace!" as he was trapped in the bulldog choke. Just goes to show how good of a wrestler Tana is that he can get a hometown crowd to switch sides and cheer on the opposition. The four way for the IWGP title was a bit of a let down to be honest, mainly because of the finish but I'm hearing that this sloppy finish may have been because Adam Cole was legit injured during the match so they had to improvise a different finish to what they had originally planned. The biggest pop of the night came when Zack Sabre Jr beckoned his mystery opponent to show himself and the crowd erupted when Cesaro indeed made his AEW debut now going by his old ring name Claudio Castagnoli. I genuine thought that after the giant running uppercut at the start of the match that this was going to be the finish but thankfully Zack kicked out and they had a really good match. Vince McMahon frankly should be fucking kneecapped for doing fuck all with Cesaro for the entire time he was there. Hopefully AEW push the guy to the moon and we finally get to see some great matches out of him.
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