#I’d write out the Gaelic names phonetically but
blaithnne · 28 days
Top five animals, Sadie. I trust you.
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I can’t count
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foxcroft-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Congratulations, Lex! I honestly can’t wait to have Ivy literally digging up the swamps and revealing all the secrets it holds. It’s so nice to have a researcher character in this group so we can finally unveil a little bit more about the mysterious murder scene. I’m so happy to have Ivy join the gameplay. 
Thanks again for applying! Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the masterlist as soon as you can. Welcome to Foxcroft!
Name: Lex
Age: 22
Preferred pronouns: She/Her
Time zone: EST
Activity: Right now all I have is school keeping me busy so I can write replies at least 2-4 days a week and be on daily.  Of course when school lets out my activity will be even better!
Anything else?: I’m just SO HYPE IS ALL
Full name: Ivy Murina Keller
Ivy- “Faithfulness” in the language of flowers. A name given by her mother tied with a promise to inspire her daughter to climb to the great heights she already believed her capable of achieving. As a plant Ivy spreads and affixes itself to its environment over and over making a web of connections.
Murina- Phonetically related to “muirneach” Gaelic for beloved and one letter removed from murinae the scientific family name for rodents. It is from her middle name that her father’s nickname for his most beloved “little mouse” was born.
Date of birth: February 15, 1991 - Aquarius
How long have they been in Foxcroft:
The day Ivy rolled into Foxcroft, the day Adam Foxcroft was murdered, seemed like any other. The only difference was that she was exhausted and the siren’s song of a blinking motel sign was irresistible after spending so many nights sleeping in her van. She had no way of knowing how what was supposed to be a one night pitstop would change her life…change her. The police only asked her to stick around for a few days but the swamps insisted on her continued attention so she’s been devoting her time to studying them ever since. She’s been staying in the local motel for the past few months but lately, as her work seems unlikely to finish any time soon, she’s been looking at properties by the swamp.
Sexuality: Pansexual - Ivy has traded kisses all over the globe. Like most of her actions it’s curiosity and affinity that fuels her affections she wants to understand people…to explore them. It doesn’t always work out but some of her explorations left her with a store of tenderness and understanding between souls. But then there were the goodbyes…always the goodbyes and after the first few heartbreaks Ivy learned not to tie her heart so strongly to places and people she was bound to leave eventually.
FC change: You better not
How do you interpret this character’s personality? How will you portray them? Include two weaknesses and two strengths.
Ivy is a seeker. She’s spent all of her life in search of something whether it was just the right sample or book to pull the pieces of whatever puzzle was occupying her attention or a new adventure. She devours knowledge like it’s the only thing that can sustain her and with a life spent more devoted to her work than anything else it’s often true. She made friends during her journeys and at school and some people found her enthusiasm for the natural world and all the secrets and connections left to be discovered charming but as many found her odd and rarely staying still has left her with few connections of her own. Although each discovery fills her with a sense of accomplished joy she’s never quite satisfied. She feels as though there’s still something more just out of her reach. She’s a girl who has lived all over the world but never in one place long enough to truly call it home. The country house of her youth comes close, how could it not when it was full of so many things she loved?, but it still felt more like a hideaway than a place where she truly belonged.
When she left, loading up her second-hand van with tools, plants, and her pair of rats- Daisy and Puck, she thought her mission was the same as her parents’ had been. To explore, to learn, to report. It was the life she was raised for and when she found out about the swamps in Foxcroft she thought she’d found an interesting stop on her journey. That was six months ago and instead of being close to wrapping up Ivy only feels like there is more for her to learn. She lived and breathed the swamps and filled notebooks full of sketches and figures but her curiosity has only grown fed by rumors, legends, and an odd prevailing sense of strength and belonging that clings to her like mud on her skin.
Strengths- Bright, Enthusiastic // Weaknesses- Blunt, Isolated - Custom Application for more details
How did this character react to the death of Hazel Abrams? Adam Foxcroft? (1+ paragraphs)
Ivy arrived in Foxcroft too late to know Hazel and her life overlapped Adam’s in the town by only hours but the more time she spends in town the more she can see the spaces they’ve left behind like the ripples of an extinction on an ecosystem. There’s a boy that leaves whispered trails of murderer in his wake who looks like he’s had the color bled out of his vision. Two girls who circle each other as though the thread between them is frayed from twining two snapped connections into one. A beautiful woman who holds herself as though the merest misstep might send her sprawling. Ivy is too fresh to the town to have felt the loss but she still hears the rumors. Rumors that name the dead as an angel and a prince-both roles ripe for sacrifice. Rumors that cast the blame as much on her beloved swamps as on any human culprit. As always Ivy wonders why? What happened that made the town so frightened and disgusted of the beautiful wetlands that cradle their home? What is it about the water that so repulses them while it sings to her?
How do they see the town and its people? Think about the different groups of people and prejudices the town holds about them.
Ivy is still relatively new in town and she’s seen the swamps and the inside of her motel room more than anything else. Still on the occasions she does pull herself away from her work long enough to venture into the town proper she can’t help but…notice things. Ivy has lived in all sorts of places all over the world- there were plenty of isolated places but stints in villages, small towns, and big cities were not uncommon. Still as many places as she’s seen she’s never been anywhere quite like Foxcroft. Most small town folks can hardly wait to invite you to church or bring you a welcome casserole. Not so in Foxcroft, well with the marked exception of the bakery owner who did both although the invitation to church seemed almost hesitant and the “casserole” was a beet and kale quiche, where people seemed to move in set circles and most judged her outsider without ever saying a word. It was a strange town that eschewed religion but held tight enough to their superstitions to move their children across the street to avoid the town witch and looked at Ivy as though she’d spat out a heinous curse every time she said ‘swamps.’
For non-human characters: What does this character know about what they’ve become? Have they had any experiences that made them aware that weren’t exactly human? Elaborate.
Ivy hasn’t really acknowledged the way she’s felt since the day she woke up in Foxcroft. It’s easy to write off her connection to the place as fascination with the swamps after all there’s still so much more of them she needs to see and document before she can leave, right? She tells herself the burst of strength and belonging she feels there is only because a research site is her natural element not because there’s anything supernatural about the swamps no matter what the townspeople might say. Still… some of her readings are curiously unexpected and it seems like the more time she spends in the swamps the stronger the feelings… and the plants grow. It’s just spring. But it had started before spring and even the few plants that had been doing poorly after being transplanting into the inside of a van suddenly seemed to burst back to life.
Ivy has responded as expected. She stays up late comparing notes and double checking readings. She spends full days in the swamp measuring changes and searching for potential outliers and causes. She squints through the smile that automatically blooms on her face at the sight of her recovering plants. But whatever she does she keeps circling back to one thing…
It’s something about the water.
Please include 1-2 possible plots you see for this character
Need to know- Ivy has so many questions, more than even she is aware of, and she won’t rest until they’re answered. Sooner or later she’s bound to come across something in the swamps that strongly supports the town’s general opinion that there is something off, Ivy would prefer the word exceptional, about them. I want to work with her urge to discover and how it affects things when she turns her curiosity towards the town legends or finally decides to investigate the changes in herself and the sense of belonging she feels in Foxcroft.
Like spreading vines- It’s becoming more and more apparent that Ivy isn’t going to leave the town any time soon. Between the actual work she has left with her research and resulting discoveries and the excuses she is more than willing to make to stay it’s starting to almost feel like the town is…home for her. She feels close to Dominic from their time spent tracking through the swamps together and she finds Shae interesting, even if she looks at Ivy with eyes that ask “What are you doing here?” as much…or even moreso than anyone else does, but if she’s going to put down roots and grow she needs to find a way to be less isolated and make connections. On that note I’d love to see her get close to a Foxcroft when she starts looking into the history of the town after all their family founded the town so if anyone has access to information that might assuage some of her curiosity it’s bound to be them.n
There are two options here, and you only need to complete one.
Option #1:
Sample 1 - Para-Aisling gets closer to healing the distance between herself and Ted caused by their loss of Andromeda.
Sample 2- Drabble- Alecto discovers the fate of her closest friend, betrothed, and almost lover Regulus Black.
How would you feel about this character dying?: Okay so I’d be a little heartbroken if Ivy died but lbr she’s about to go stomping day and night through a swamp that has played murder scene twice already and start digging at secrets in a town full of darkness so… if the plot led to her death I’d totally understand. As always all I’d want is some warning, a little creative input on her death, and a chance to stick around with another character.
Why did you choose this character?: It was you. You who created the swamps and lit a curiosity in me that brought Ivy to life. My precious plant-babe with her boundless wonder and unrealized desire to put down roots somewhere. I can’t wait to set her loose on a town that has as many secrets as it has plant specimens and watch her tug at the threads that connect them all together.
Extras: Pinterest
How did you find us?: Whoops I’m basically a stalker when it comes to your rps.
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