#I’ll go ahead and say Cassandra has mommy issues-
muffinsin · 9 months
Hiiii! Could I ask for fluffy hc between Bela and Cassandra? When Cassandra feels under the weather and is hurt after a hunt but is too embarassed to tell anyone but her older sister? I luv the dynamic between them you indirectly referenced in your other fluff hc post^^ about their family dynamics^^ (especially about Bela knowing as the only one that Cassie paints)🫶
Thank you so much if you decide to do it! Also take your time^^ and lastly- I wanna say I really luv your posts and it’s amazing how fast you get them out!
Absolutely! Mommy issues are hitting soooooo imma randomly give them to Cassandra because why not, hope you don’t mind! XD😬
thank you hon! I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts and appreciate the support immensely! :)
Let’s get into it! :)
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Cassandra curses quietly under her breath when her leg gives in every few seconds. She bites her lip to keep from crying out in pain, as well as shedding a tear.
It isn’t much farther to her room.
She swarms brokenly, flies disoriented due to the pain she’s in. Blood drips down her ankle and runs down the side of her heel. Cassandra then hisses and whimpers under her breath.
Upon finally reaching her room, she closes the dark, wooden door quickly. She can’t make it quite to the bed even as she swarms, and instead falls to the floor.
Red, angry bite marks hug the pale skin around her ankle. Stupid bear trap! And stupid her for stepping into it!
Cassandra whimpers as she attempts to clean the dirt from the wound. It hurts more than it should, in her opinion.
Then again, she knows she’s always been squeamish. Something she is very adamant about keeping to herself
She thinks for a moment, as pain shoots through her entire body again: maybe she won’t need to clean it out? No matter, she decides. A new problem already caught her attention.
Upon undoing her corset and lifting the ripped stomach piece of her dress, she winces. There is a large bruise decorating her torso, and another, smaller one, next to it. Purple rings adorn both
She grits her teeth as she moves to sit up. It hurts!
She should’ve gutted that damn deer for kicking her this hard instead of merely cutting its head and dragging it with her
With a jolt, Cassandra’s eyes widen and her hands tap the wooden floor next to her. The head! She had dropped it when she stepped in the bear trap!
For a moment she felt tears welling up in her eyes, frustrated how all her injuries are in vain. She is fast to dig her sharp nails into her own arm- a bad habit she has never quite grown out of- to stop herself from doing so
At last, she feels around her shoulder blades, hissing when her fingertips catch the cuts and thorns in her backside from when she fell into the rose bush
Today really isn’t a good day for her!, she thinks pitifully.
Cassandra feels overwhelmed as she attempts to plug one of the thorns out, yet seems to only push it in further. It hurts when she brushes her fingertip over her irritated skin.
For a long while, she sits in silence. Then, to her relief, she hears a familiar hum from down the hall. Bela! Cassandra didn’t expect the woman to be in her room, instead off doing Mother’s business somewhere in her office or the dungeons. She feels relieved to hear the woman nearby.
The brunette considers her options for a moment, eyeing the ugly, purple bruises and feeling the prickle of sharp thorns in her skin, hissing as she brushes over the swollen, red part of her ankle.
At last, she decides. Bela won’t tell anyone if she comes to her- she knows this. She trusts her.
On wobbly legs she pulls herself up, hissing and whimpering as she pulls her dress down properly again. She brushes any tears that slipped from her eyes away from her cheeks, then focuses her remaining strength on swarming out her room.
Bela jumps as her door is pushed open, her humming pausing momentarily as she notices one of her sisters move in her room.
As the door is closed behind the swarm of flies, she turns her back to it again, resuming her book eagerly. A small smile plays on her lips as she hears Cassandra’s shy “Hi”. The blonde is quick to set her book down again, slipping her bookmark inside to mark the page.
When her sister turns around, Cassandra can’t help but blush in embarrassment.
She feels Bela’s hands on her immediately, wide, golden eyes scanning her. The older woman smelt the blood even before she saw her sister’s injury. When she does, she gasps loudly, which merely adds to Cassandra’s embarrassment.
“It’s n-nothing bad. Not a huge deal”, she grits out in pain.
Yet, tears of relief well in her eyes when Bela kneels down, gentle hands cupping her lower leg as she takes a look at her wound. Clearly, her sister isn’t impressed with her fake reassurance, and Cassandra is silently thankful for it.
“How did this happen?”, the blonde asks, golden eyes set on the wound. It’s dirty and at a high risk of infection, dirt and dried blood sticking to it. Cassandra avoids her sister’s eyes even when the blonde looks up at her. “Bear trap…”, she mutters quietly, yet it is loud enough for her sister to hear.
“Did you go out hunting on your own again?”, Bela scolds softly, and Cassandra nearly feels tears dropping at this. The blonde notices her younger sister’s sudden tension. She sighs, bright golden eyes meeting Cassandra’s dark golden ones.
“It’s alright, we can fix this.”, she says instead. “Don’t tell Mother”, Cassandra pleads quietly. The blonde nods once, acknowledging and confirming this. The brunette knows her sister dislikes keeping things from Alcina, ever the Mommy’s Girl, but feels pride and happiness within her as she knows Bela will keep her promise.
She feels her sister drag her heel from her injured foot, and whimpers when the woman gently blows on the wound, removing the small dirt and sand that sticks to her skin.
“We’ll need to clean this out, Cass’”
She tenses. “Are you sure? You know we heal fast! We won’t need to-“
Bela’s stern look has the brunette shut her mouth again.
She watches silently as her sister moves about the room, collecting tissues and rags, disinfectant and water.
She allows herself to relax. Bela will help her- Bela will take care of her. She feels partly embarrassed for needing her big sister to take care of her- it’s been long since Bela had to look out for Cassandra and Daniela this way. Still- this feels nice…
Cassandra jumps when her cheek is cupped gently, but eagerly leans into the warm touch. She would never admit that she purred quietly as Bela stroked along her bloody cheek, comforting her despite the pain Cassandra was in.
“I’ll be right back. I’ve got to get some more rags and bandages”, Bela speaks softly, adamant on keeping her sister calm and comfortable. After centuries of living together, she has learned how to deal with her siblings.
Cassandra nods, watching as the woman flies off.
She looks around her sister’s room instead, her fingers sliding alongside Bela’s soft, red bedsheets. She remembers curling up here during thunderstorms as she was younger, Bela’s calm voice lulling her to sleep as she read Cassandra a story.
She blushes when she finds the portrait peeking out of Bela’s closet- she recognizes it immediately, it’s a portrait of the eldest sister, drawn by her ages ago. She had lifted it to her with the small plea of keeping it a secret. Knowing her sister keeps it in a secret, yet common place has Cassandra feel pride in her chest yet again- Bela must like her painting so much, she looks at it every day, yet keeps it hidden away in case Daniela is to walk into her room and find it.
She smiles at this.
On her table, a book is sprayed out. Cassandra can’t make out the title, nor does she care.
She reaches backwards, hugging one of her sister’s large pillows to her chest. The pain is becoming a lot, her ankle aching and burning. She forces back another wave of tears.
As she holds the pillow close, and inhales the blonde’s scent on it, a raw, almost forgotten need spreads within her: for a moment Cassandra wishes she was little again, able to simply hide away with her older sister protecting her.
Now she is an adult, and a fierce huntress at that. She can no longer expect her sister to look out for her, it would be embarrassing!
Yet, she yearns to cuddle up with Bela again, feel so safe and protected as she normally just used to feel as a child in Mother’s arms.
She smiles involuntarily when Bela returns, hands full.
“You like that? Dani too, I had to steal it back from her”, Bela comments with a small laugh, pointing at the pillow in Cassandra’s hands. She doesn’t seem to mind the blood her younger sister smears over it; or at least doesn’t show it.
Cassandra doesn’t answer, although giggles a little. It sounds just like Daniela to sneak off into their rooms and take what she likes.
She watches curiously as a bucket is placed under her leg. When bela lifts a glass of water and pours it gently down her ankle, she can’t help the surprised yelp of pain.
The blonde grips her fidgeting sister’s leg, gently, yet firm.
“Cassandra, we need to wash away the dirt. If this gets infected, we will need to tell Mother”, she argues. The brunette grumbles for a moment, yet stops squirming. She instead squeezes the pillow tighter as Bela continues pouring the water down her ankle, and with it dirt and some of the dried blood.
After a few minutes, the blonde seems done. Instead, Cassandra feels her gently dab a cloth against her ankle, mindful of the swelling and the angry marks the bear trap left behind. She whimpers in pain occasionally, yet stays still for her sister.
Another memory crosses her mind;
They were barely children, and Bela already was the most mature out of the three. Cassandra was crying as she clutched her crystallizing elbow. She had stuck it out the window for just a second, just to see what would happen. The pain was unbearable.
Yet, Bela was there, holding her in her arms as she put her own hands over the elbow. Cassandra wasn’t oblivious to how it made her sister’s palms crystallize a little bit as well. Eventually, all was well again. “Promise you don’t tell Mama?”, she whispered, to which she only received a small smile and a nod.
Bela had never told.
She is brought back to the current moment when she feels soft gauze wrap around her ankle. Bela’s movements are steady and gentle. The bucket and rag stands in the corner of the room.
When the ankle is wrapped, her sister rises from her kneeling position, smiling at the brunette.
She can’t help but whimper, alerting Bela something else was up. She can’t help but want her sister to take care of her other wounds too. Cassandra has no idea what is up with her, she craves the comfort the eldest sister offers, and had always offered.
Bela frowns at the mute woman. Without a word, Cassandra raises the broken part of her dress, exposing the purple marks underneath. Yet again Bela gasps at this.
“Deer”, Cassandra answers her silent question. Her lip wobbles as her sister hugs her. Despite the pain she feels at having the other woman’s hands right on the thorns, she embraces the comfort and love she is given.
“Can you lay on your back? I’m sure I’ve got some cream somewhere…”, Bela asks, worry written all across her face. What has her little sister gotten herself into?
Cassandra considers this for a moment. Strangely enough, she doesn’t want to disappoint Bela. At the same time, she knows the blonde wouldn’t be happy if she laid down with the thorns poking deeper into her.
“My back kind of…”, she trails off, unsure what else to say.
Bela raises an eyebrow at this. In the blink of a moment she swarms behind her sister, gently pulling her hair to the side to access the zipper of her dress. Cassandra blushes as it’s removed with ease and Bela studies the thorns in her back. She holds the front of the dress to her chest to cover herself.
“You’ve got to be more careful, Cass’”, Bela whispers. She sighs as she stares at the many thorns inside her sister’s soft skin. Some peek out a lot, others will take more to take out. She knows Cassandra won’t enjoy those.
Still, the blonde knows how to deal with the younger woman.
“Can you hold this for me?”, she asks gently, guiding another of her pillows to Cassandra’s hands. The woman nods eagerly.
Cassandra, would she not feel so safe and protected, would surely scold herself for being so vulnerable and soft around her sister. Yet she can’t help it. She knows Bela won’t hurt her, will always look after her the way she always has.
Cassandra, to her greatest shame and embarrassment, wishes she was a child again, able to hide away in her sister’s neck after a scary storm. She knows she isn’t supposed to act this way anymore, expected to be more mature now. Yet, she can’t help but feel so small and safe, vulnerable and happy with her older sister.
She barely notices when the blonde begins her work, sharp nails carefully pulling thorn after thorn from her back. The ones sticking out are easy. Bela drops them on the pillow held by her sister.
16 in total, she had counted; nine out already. There wasn’t a lot more to go!
The seventh was a tricky one. Cassandra squirms and whimpers, but eventually gasps happily when the little devil is out and dropped on the pillow too.
“Just six more, bug”, Bela promises when she notices Cassandra’s distress. The woman freezes for a moment- it’s been centuries since her sister used this nickname for her.
She feels comfortable and safe yet again. Cassandra had forgotten how dearly she missed being this close to her older sister. Bela was so often so busy with the wine business now, she missed spending time together. All three sisters are inseparable, yet Cassandra likes to think Bela likes her better.
When asked, the blonde insists she likes both her sisters in a unique way, how she treasures them differently based on their qualities and talents.
Cassandra doesn’t notice when number six and five are removed.
Tears fall down at number four and three, and she bites down on the soft, large pillow on her lap at number two.
Only one remains, the one she had accidentally pushed deeper. She whimpers as she feels Bela’s sharp nails dig in her skin for a mere moment. Then, with a triumphant smile, the blonde holds the last of the little bastards between her fingers. Cassandra smiles relieved. She allows Bela to clean her back too, purring quietly at the nice feeling of a warm rag against her. She blushes when Bela is kind enough to press a quick kiss to the wound number #1 left.
At last, Cassandra lays on her back, her dress pulled up, the bruises on her stomach and torso exposed.
Like promised, Bela retrieves and applies cream to it even as Cassandra laughs at the ticklish feeling.
“Is there any other wound, Cass?”, She asks, worried eyes taking in Cassandra’s body and searching for anything out of the ordinary. The brunette smiles tiredly. “All taken care of”, she promises. Her eyes feel a little heavy.
A question sits at the tip of her tongue. The blonde can tell; her patient eyes are set on Cassandra, until the younger woman eventually spits it out.
“Can I sleep here tonight?”, she questions. The blonde confirms this. “You know you and Daniela are always welcomed here, Cassandra”, Bela confirms for her again. She removes the pillow with thorns and smiles as the younger woman moves in her bed properly.
“Will you also…cuddle me?”, Cassandra asks quietly. She wishes for once there was a loud rainstorm in sight. It should embarrass her to ask for her sister’s comfort a lot more than it does. Bela agrees to this all too happily. She’s missed using her little sisters as teddy bears, hearing their silent purrs when they felt so safe and happy.
It’s such purrs that she receives when she turns off the lights and climbs in bed too, Cassandra’s head on her lap, her fingers in brunette curls. “Scratch”, Cassandra whispers, as she often did as a child.
Bela laughs at the fond memory, her sharp fingernails settling against Cassandra’s scalp as she scratches gently. The woman’s purrs increase in volume.
“You’re not bad with the whole bandaging stuff”, Cassandra says awkwardly. Thankfully, the older mutant understands. “You’re welcome, Cass”
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sisterlelianas · 6 years
all lady companions from da games (except for Leliana 'cause that's obvious) for the ask meme ;)
hehe i love u DAOmorriganlooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - morrigan in dao wasn’t really my thing cause she was almost like… ancient looking bc the game is old and i couldn’t find good mods for her but da: i morrigan? oofdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i can relate to how aloof she is. i am friendly to most people but if i don’t personally know them or dislike them then i won’t hide my disapproval jsjsj also i relate to her mommy issues even though i don’t have them myself and i uh don’t want someone to kill my mother!!!would i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - i really like morrigan but if i met her during her dao phase then we would certainly not be friends. like i said, i am, generally speaking, a friendly person and do not enjoy rudeness!! if i found myself around a group of people i had to socialize with then i would do my best to make friends/allies/connections BUT if i met her during her late 30s then i’d def date her. she’s more grounded and kind even so we LOVE character development 
(the rest is under the cut bc it’s long)–> give me a character (video games) in my ask and I’ll ratethem!
wynnelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - to be fair, this isn’t wynne’s fault. bioware made her look like an 80 year old woman when she was only 47… do i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - if i lived in the dragon age universe i wouldn’t be as tame as her regarding mage issues AND i wouldn’t be pro-templar. HOWEVER, the fact that she joined the warden even when she knew she was living on borrowed time is extremely brave and a noble act, which i can relate to. also, i’d probably be the mom friend in the group as well sjsjsjsjwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - overall i like her as a character and i think i’d look up to her given the situation that she’s in. i’d take her advice and life lessons to heart as well so yeah, we’d be friends!shalelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - i love my rock gfdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i, too, hate pigeonswould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - go big or go home, ladsDA2isabelalooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - …. yes… that’s all i have to say… just. yes.do i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - not to sound cheesy but i’m definitely not too comfortable with the thought of someone having romantic feelings towards me/actually caring about me jsjsj but you didn’t hear that from me!!would i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - i would be best friends w her and would only be in a relationship if she wanted to settle down, if she wouldn’t want that then we’d just stay friends (im saying this bc in da: i a romanced hawke apparently says they don’t know where she is or something? i may be mistaken but i hate that idea)!merrilllooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - i’m sorry, merrill stans, but that’s all i can give you. she looks/sounds like a young teen to me which makes me a little uncomfortable jsjsjsdo i relate to this character on a personal level?:no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i like merrill as a character but there’s also a lot that she did that i did not agree with, during her personal quests, i mean, so… no would i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - i’d be her mom friend and i’d punch anyone just to keep her safe and unharmed, but no, i wouldn’t date her because of what i said above!!avelinelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - ARMS… SHE COULD BENCH PRESS ME AND I LOVE THATdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - um, first of all the way she treats isabela makes me uncomfortable and i’d never speak to another woman like that… i guess the only way i can possibly relate to her is bc she cares for her friends and i can respect that but other than that i’m proud to say HARD PASSwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - this is hard bc i’d def tap that at least onCE in my lifetime but like. as isabela’s best friend? NO JSJSJSJS i wouldn’t be her friend bc she sounds like she would bully ppl at school and slut shame every girl who was different than her rip also she said shemlen is an elvhen slur for human,,,, a SLUR… OK bethanylooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - bethany is like… an angel but she could like also get it you know? she’s so beautiful we love a mage queendo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - besides leliana, viv and josie she is probably like one of the only da ladies that i can actually be like “oh…. that’s me”. i hate conflicts and i prefer to be kind to people whenever possible and i also care about my family a lot. also, if i was a dragon age character i’d be pro-mage and anti-templar as wellwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - what can i say.. she has my heart but like in a soft way and i would love to take care of her i really would.. we’d be unstoppable togetherDAIcassandralooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - dark eyes… sharp jawline.. good eyebrows…good cheekbones and muscles? yesdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me - i don’t think i do? the only thing that we have in common is that we’re both romantics but other than that, no, nothingwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - oh we would become best friends alright, and also.. since i am a giver she would DEFINITELY be perfect for me. i’d court her to hell and back and then we’d get married, the apocalypse has been delayed and solas needs to sit tf downseralooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - i feel like this is mean but i prefer to look at sera in dragon age fanart..  she’s not ugly or unattractive, she’s beautiful and i love my daughter but she’s just not really my type, you get me?do i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me: i am grounded, i make no rash decisions and i always try to be one step ahead which is… Not what sera does sjsjsjs i like her as a character but she is too chaotic, also, i really do not relate to how disconnected she is from her people, sowould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - like i said above, sera is too chaotic for me. i love how silly she is but i don’t really like childishness in a relationship and while i know she loves the inquisitor, no matter how horribly written that romance was, all the fooling around would really turn me off jsjsjs but yeah as friends we would hit it off right away even if we disagreed on some topics viviennelooks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY - no you don’t understand, vivienne is LITERALLY what i would want in someone… she’s got it ALLdo i relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me: vivienne is at a disadvantage with the court for being a mage. the tables could turn at any moment if she was not be able to get things under control and, even though i am not a mage jsjsjs, as a closeted lesbian who is trying to become a politician, i can see where she’s coming from and i can understand why she does what she does and says what she says. “a leash can be pulled from either end”… i’ll never forget thatwould i date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady girlfriend | neither | i don’t know - we would spoil each other rotten and everyone would WISH THEY HAD WHAT WE HAVE… THAT’S IT. also, as i’ve said before.. we are similar, personality wise, so i think we would really hit it off and understand each other and communicate rather easily.. so yeah my marriage has been scheduled 
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