#I’m cursed and I like beer and my interpretations of Alfred & Matt are cursed so now they must all like beer
ask-nyc-boroughs · 2 months
ok gang I just need to know, what beer do you think Alfred drinks regularly?
I’m arguing PBR just cause it’s so iconically American imo more so than Coors, or Budweiser. But also maybe this is cause the version of Alfred that lives in my head rent free is has the vibes of a male manipulator who listens to dad rock and country with a sprinkling of toxic masculinity (Ik I have cursed thoughts). However I think in regards to favorite beers, Alfred is a Masshole to me so he’s gotta represent so he’s partial to a Sam Adams larger.
Also while I’m here spewing my cursed ideas, what beer do you guys think Matt drinks regularly? I think Matt’s go-to would be a Molson just cause it’s like the Canadian beer. However in terms of favorites, I think Matt is an IPA type of guy cause in my head he’s lowkey a bit of a male manipulator but in this outdoorsy Toronto hipster ass way so I think I he likes a good Amsterdam Boneshaker.
Also if you’re not a beer person, like what alcoholic drinks do you think they drink and why?
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