#I’m just feeling… bleh tnight
I kinda feel like there’s no point being on tumblr anymore. I don’t mean it in a emo, exaggerating way. I just… I’m rarely active any more and even when I am/try to be… I get almost nothing. I’m not blaming anyone for this, by any means. I know real life comes first for everyone and I’ll never blame anyone for that. Hell, I’m still struggling hardcore IRL myself to get a job- which is the main reason I’m not active here these days.
I do still want to be here, but when you have nothing to work with or do, it can be discouraging 🤷‍♀️
I dunno. Maybe I should just transition to discord. Make a separate discord just for RP. But I still want to create new OCs! Plot stuff! Writing with my friends! It’s just… not really happening anymore. I reboot meme stuff, but rarely get things. Maybe my time on tumblr is coming to an end; I think it’s been about 15 years now tbh I just don’t want to let go…
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