#I’m literally in college. why is his happening NOWWW
ozzo-the-wozzo · 3 years
Hi I'm sorry if this comes as too invading but I'm kinda curious about your crush. What happened between you two for you to misjudge him? How is like, semi famous? Or what made you lkke him? If you don't mind, a little spotlight on your crush pleaseee?
Anyway feel free to dodge this question if it makes you uncomfortable in any way or if you just don't feel like sharing any kind of personal info! Love ya and have a great day! 💖
Awww you’re ok anon, I feel comfortable in sharing!
It’s a pretty long explanation so look under cut, but it includes a semi-love square hidden identity moment that I never mentioned so 😳
So basically, we are in the same film program of like 28 kids, but last semester we had no classes together. I only knew of him because his name was on my editing computer (we shared it bc you had to share with the other cohort, but I had never seen him before since we were always in the editing lab at different times) and because my classmates that did know him told me about him, saying that he was always talking about his short film and that he has a foot in Hollywood already. Oh, and about that…
What happened for you to misjudge him?/Semi-Famous….huh???
His mom is a very famous Broadway star (wont disclose for privacy LMAO) and his dad has a foot in Hollywood already, and on top of that has already won several festival awards for his films. I also heard that he missed class sometimes to do work. This wouldn’t have been a problem, but the rest of my class made it seem like he always bragged about it and thought he was better than us. This of course painted a VERY bad image of him in my mind, especially since my imposter syndrome was very high at this point and I just thought he was another film bro that would judge me. It also didn’t help that he was friends with this girl that I got pretty weird vibes from.
Lil “secret identity” thing worth mentioning lmao
One day, I saw this very VERY cute boy in the film store and it was like love at first sight. I knew he was a freshman because we were working on the same project but I had no idea who he was since I didn’t catch his name, and he was in and out of my mind every now and then. I really wanted to see him again. You can prolly guess who this ended up being.
Identity reveal LMAO
For production day, I knew my soon to be crush was gonna join us because he missed his production day to work on a set, and I was already rolling my eyes because this would be my first time seeing him and, again, I had a very bad image of him in my mind. Anyway, he shows up on production day and GASP: HE WAS THE CUTE FILM STORE GUY!! These were two VERY different people in my mind and ofc this was a bit of a shock, but since I had no real attachment to my silly little crush, I had no real problem letting it go and just went on resenting him, until…
Our teacher was putting this cute little umbrella on one of the lights to show a way to bounce light, and at this point soon to be crush is standing next to me. I say “aww” at the umbrella very quietly thinking no one would hear me, and he goes “who the hell said aww?” really loudly and made everyone laugh. Ofc no one knew what he was talking about and I laughed along too, but I felt a tad bit embarrassed and was already resenting him more over it. But then he turns to me, and, probably noticing I’m laughing weirdly or something, or that the aww can from right next to him, he asks very silently “wait, was that you?”.
Playing it off for laughs, I give a long “nooooooo” while grinning so that it was obvious it was actually me rather than flat out denying it when it was obvious, and while I was cringing waiting for him to bring all the attention back on him/us, he instead gives a really quiet “oh.” There’s a pause, and after a bit he giggles quietly while turning his head to the side at the umbrella and goes “I guess it is pretty cute, isn’t it?”
Aftermath/me clowning/finally admitting to crush
Now ofc this wasn’t a full turn around, but my eyes definitely widened because I did NOT expect that in the slightest. It made me wonder if I misjudged him, and so I started playing closer attention to him. He turned out to be very sweet and goofy, and when I actually saw one of his films I saw that he had a very similar sense of humor to me.
At this point, my opinion of him changed and I wanted to be his friend next semester (since I knew we were gonna have classes together), but I felt some feelings there that I pushed down and ignored because I was still wary about his fame. Then I see we have an identical schedule next semester, and got ready for that.
My first full class with him, it was basically over for me LMAO. I found out he was very nervous about people bringing up his fame and work outside of him promoting new projects, that he still had the same imposter syndrome freak outs like the rest of us and was just overall very humble. Apparently the class explained that they were just kidding about him always bragging and didn’t realize I didn’t get the joke, and overall he was just such a sweetheart and cute and goofy and, after suppressing feelings for so long, I fell HARD lmao. And yeah, here I am.
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