#I’m not 100% on Liquid’s team but I’m thinking Reuniclus / Arcanine / Scizor / Mightyena / Silvally
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Possessed by this right before bed instead of, you know, studying for finals. Because I saw someone posting their lineup for the Third Child’s pokémon team and have OPINIONS. Because my doodles aren’t entirely legible:
Before accident: Abra, Fennekin (possibly shiny but I’m not decided), Espurr (didn’t make it), and Sewaddle
The Third Child: Kadabra, Fennekin, Swadloon (all his pokémon suffered burns in the accident but as a grass type Sewaddle had it worst)
With Eli: Scyther (stayed with Liquid after Mantis traded him so he’d evolve), Alakazam, Braixen (evolved late due to fire trauma), Hatenna (met while in England with Eli and appreciated his ability to make loud minds QUIET), and Swadloon
Psycho Mantis: Mega Alakazam (gained the mega stone from the soviets), Delphox, Leavanny (knows every psychic move she can to keep up), and Hatterene
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