#I’m now inspired to finish my library fic lmfao
amberlynnmurdock · 1 year
my friends and i did the group photo op with him and Vincent and it was quick but they both made it a point to make sure they greeted us :’) such a treasured moment.
the real juice for me was meeting Charlie at the autograph table. i wanted a pic with him but since i met him and got one in 2016, i thought having an actual convo with him would be more fulfilling this time around. and it sure was 😭💘
fanexpo was not organized at all. they oversold his tickets but Charlie was gracious enough to honor each one!! he is an ANGEL. i waited for 6 hours to get his autograph! and you wouldn’t even know if he was tired or annoyed, he was SO NICE to everyone and was smiling the whole time. he shook everyone’s hand and held eye contact. he was amazing.
so i wore a shirt i got from an Etsy shop called MustardYardPress. it has a pic of Matt on hearts and says “Matt’s Girl”. i was hesitant to wear it but decided it was fun and casual enough for the con. I’M SO GLAD I WORE IT! one of the staff at his booth said he’s going to love it and i was like really?! i didn’t want it to be weird. so finally it comes my turn. he smiles at me and asks how i am, says it’s nice to meet me and SHOOK MY HAND FJFJDHHDHD. there was a mom and daughter before me and idk why but he asked if i was in their photo op LOL. i said no i was in a different one, and he smiled and was like ohhh okay did you have a good time then?! i said yes !!! then he asked if i want this personalized (i got a daredevil season 3 print) and i said yes please he asked my name and then he saw my shirt. HE POINTED AT ME AND WAS LIKE THAT’S SUCH A GREAT SHIRT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. YES HE SAID IT TWICE FOR EMPHASIS LOL. I said thank you I wasn’t sure if I was going to wear it! And I didn’t know what to say after that so I thanked him for still being here after all this and he was like ohhh no worries it’s totally fine and I complimented his bracelets and he goes “people have been giving me shit all day” LOL I said well that must be nice to get free shit and he laughed LMAO then he shook my hand again and I was like thank you so much and I wanted to make sure I got to say bye so I waved and said bye!! Be safe!!!! And he waved back saying bye as well 😭 IT WAS A SMALL BUT MEANINGFUL MOMENT TO HAVE !!!!!!!!! I love him so much he’s seriously one of a kind and I can’t wait to keep supporting him when Daredevil: Born Again comes out ❤️❤️❤️
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seihun · 4 years
writing quiz/interview!
i was tagged by the lovely @j-pping!! i know i don’t write much on this blog, but i do write a lot... privately 🤗and my current smau might demand a written part or two
1. what is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
in theory my ideal setting is very cliché: a library or cafe with a comfortable desk and/or seat, but my inspiration never comes when i’m comfortable LOL. i usually find myself scrambling to write when i’m the busiest or in between classes or on public transportation, but generally it never gets done when i’m at home rip 
2. what is your favorite genre to write?
this is fluff and established relationship au household only 😤 i’m not really good at anything else, plus i spend all my time yearning so this is an outlet for it 
3. do you prefer to write on paper, or digitally?
writing stories/fics digitally ofc, but sometimes i make general outlines on paper, but that’s usually when it’s hard to format digitally or i’m in the middle of class and i need to write something down LOL
4. it’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. what do you do?
like miss jae i don’t really wake up in the middle of the night, unless it’s after a dream! i don’t usually dream about the exos and when i do it’s always really fucking weird LOL i do write them down but not for fic purposes, just for keepsakes. i do have ideas right before i knockout tho but i just have to pray i remember it by morning
5. who is your favorite person to write about?
well if you go off of my texts, it’s clearly sehun.......surprise, surprise. but it changes! at first, i had more focus on minseok, and even now i find myself thinking more of chanyeol than anyone
6. do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
they’re characters based (kind of) on real people? obviously they’re about/of exo but they’re exo in the 2894528 daydream aus in my head 
7. have you ever written a book, or a story with more than 15 chapters (or 100k words)?
no lmfao i can barely update this smau who do you think you’re talking to 
8. how often do you get ideas?
i think i get an idea every other day then i go to do it and i’m like oh...i’ve...already done this LOL so maybe i’m not as creative as a i thought
9. do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
all the time LOL like i said everything i do is kind of from a rotating list established relationship/fluff aus i have floating around in my head for each of the boys; so sometimes, i get ideas for somebody’s au and it ends up being a bunch of scenes in that au but i never really string them together......did that make sense 
10. what is your least favorite plot?
anything with noncon/any kind of abuse and/or glorification of something i think is unhealthy or am personally uncomfortable with. i despise yandere aus in any way, shape, or form. on a less intense note, i don’t like to try and do things that have been continously spouted out before (i know i know all i do is fluff), and also harry potter aus bc i don’t know anything about harry potter
11. tag 5 or more people
because i am a shell of a ghost on this blog and never Speak to anyone i will not do this part, but again, feel free to do it or talk about it to me in my inbox if you wish!! i’m trying to get better at uh being a Person on this blog LOL
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