#I’m so pale it took NO time for my slight summer tan to flee
Will You Accept This Rose? Chapter One (Queen and Beatles Crossover/Bachlorette AU!)
Word Count: 2K
A/N: Hello! She’s up! I know this idea has been done with BohRap so I thought it would be fun to try my hand! The Bachlor/ette is my ultimate guilty pleasure show!! I got a lot of inspiration from @freddiesaysalright​;s Bachlorette AU and the @bohrapbachelorette​ blog, so check them out and their beautiful writing too! Enjoy!
Warnings: swearing and some drinking.
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 Heels clicking, you took a deep breath and walked downstairs. Right outside the doors, Chris Harrison stood in his tan suit with a big smile that wrinkled at the ends of his tan skin. His large eyes sparkling as he saw you in your blue evening gown that slinked to the floor.
“Well, Y/N, are you ready for tonight?” he asked, rubbing his hands.
“I…I’m so nervous!” you confessed with a laugh. “Actually…I’m shaking I’m so nervous!”
You took out your hands to show the tremor. He took them in his and he smiled.
“You have nothing to be afraid of. The guys are all wonderful. It’s a smaller group…I’m sorry. The last Bachelorette made her decision and she is now happily engaged. Thank you so much for popping in last minute…This is a lot, but it will be fun. Do you feel ready for this?”
Taking in a deep sigh, you admitted, you did not feel ready. But honestly, when would you ever be? There was a cold breeze, and you felt a shiver despite the balmy California air.
“I…I am…” you made yourself say.
“Have you ever been in love?” Chris asked, he shepered you to walk around the rose bushes to get out the nervous evergy you had left.
“I…I honestly don’t know! Maybe a couple times, but never…never passionately. Deeply.”
“Well. Y/N. I’m about to help change all of that. In fact, your husband might be here in less than an hour. Are you ready to meet him?”
“As I’ll ever be!”
Meanwhile in Garden Lodge, Freddie let out a yelp as the credits rolled. Jim hurried in with his bowl of popcorn to see what the matter was.
“It’s on! Already! Oh-it…it’s time!” he muttered, gathering his things.
“Oh! Darling-look at her-she’s glowing!” he commented.
They got the blanket ready and sat on their places on the couch, well-reserved for Tuesday nights and The Bachlorette.
“I was so excited they announced her! Pass the popcorn, Fred…” Jim said. He made sure the wine bottles were pre-opened and ready to be poured at the right moment.
“She’s so beautiful I got chills seeing her walk out-here you go…” Freddie said, smiling proudly as Y/N beamed on the screen with a happy, hopeful smile.
“Thanks love” Jim stuffed kernels in his mouth as Miko hopped beside him, purring loudly.
The first limo pulled out slowly. You stood still, hands propped before you. Trying to slow your breathing, you made yourself look then try to flee from nerved.
The door opened. You could feel your heart pounding a mile a minute and your breathing shallowed.
You were ready to see a man, not a little boy. But at least he was cute.
Then out stepped a little boy with auburn hair and a pale, smiling face with round cheeks. He wore a small tux and held one red rose in his hand.
Behind him walked a taller man, slender, with auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a gentle smile.
“OH, hello there?” you asked, squatting down to be at the boys height.
“Will you accept this wose?” he asked, showing you the rose in his chubby, grubby hands.
“Of course! Thank you!”
“Awwwwwww,” Fred and Jim said in unision. Delilah meowed as if in agreement.
“What do you say, Rob?”
“You’e welcome!”
“This..is this your son?”
“Yes, this is Robert Deacon!”
“Hello Robert!”
“Hello Y/N! Are you gonna marry my daddy?”
The man turned the color of the rose and pushed him to the side.
“Ah…a little esoon for that, I think…
Luahing yourself, you reached out to hug him.
“I’m Y/N”
“And I’m John Deacon. It’s lovely to meet you, Y/N.”
He gently handed him away to a young assistant from the camera who guided the little boy back to the limo to go home.
“I’ll see you soon, Rob!” the man waved. He gave him a kiss on the forehead before sending him off.
Hmm, he’s already a good father… you noted.
The next limousine pulled up and you heard the strumming of a guitar. A voice with a slight twang, but light and playful sang along to it.
“Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so”
A handsome young man with long dark hair, stark eyebrows, and high cheekbones walked out, singing along to the Elvis ballad. When he smiled, you could make out slight fangs. But nonetheless, he gave you a grin you could not resist.
Cheering, you applauded and he took a playful bow before walking up to you.
“That was wonderful!”
He placed the guitar over his head, putting it away. He pulled you in for the softest hug you had ever received so far in your life.
“Nice to meet you, I’m George, George Harrison. Like the song?” he asked, gesturing to his guitar.
“I’m Y/N and I love it! You play guitar!?”
“I have for years!”
“That’s amazing!”
“Not half as amazing as the sight in front of me” he said with a wicked grin again. 
“Alright, time for the wine…” Jim announced, pouring it into the glasses.
“You know what they say about a man with a big guitar, eh?” Fred laughed before his first sip. “Y/N might be a lucky woman if she takes him to the fantasy suite, darling.”
You smiled and glanced at your folded hands, feeling yourself get hot.
“That was lovely! Please play for me some more during the party!”
“Well, if Y/N asks me, who am I to say no?” he replied with a wink. “I will If you’ll give me a snog on the cheek…”
Obliging, you pecked his soft cheek.
He then walked out, strumming a chord here or there.
The next limo that pulled up had an odd noise. You turned to the side to a camera person.
“Is…is that a bark?”
You were right. Out popped a large English Sheepdog walked over, wiggling in a happy dance as it wagged its tail in front of your gown.
“No! No Martha! Don’t get dog hair all over that gown!”
You laughed, reaching a hand down to scratch her head “She’s fine! It’s just a dress! I don’t mind a bit of hair!”
“Oh, well…that’s good.”
Looking up, you saw the prettiest pair of green eyes you had ever seen. His hair was brown and soft and his lashes were so thick, long, and dark you wondered if he used a mascara and where you could get it.
He reached down and kissed your hand gallantly, “I’m Paul, Paul McCartney. And I see you met me dog already!”
“She’s lovely!”
“She is-“
“And I’m Y/N Y//N!”
“Well, it’s pleasant to meet you. And I hope to see you in there soon…”
“Martha’s a sweetheart!”
She sat in front of you as you scratched her head.
“Martha can tell a good heart when she senses one, but I think mine has room for another lady in me life” he said with a wink.
The next man walked out. Another young man with brown hair and a square jaw and bright eyes that sparked with intelligence. His pants looked a little tight around his thighs and he smiled as soon as he saw you.
“Hello there, Y/N. I’m John, John Lennon.”
“And I’m Y/N.”
He took your hand into his and lifted it up to his lips. He then cupped yours with his other hand and kissed it so tenderly it made you melt on the inside.
“Are you enjoying your evening so far?” he asked.
“I…I am a lot more now,” you answered back.
“Well good, and Y/N….you look really beautiful tonight. Right from even when I peeked at you from inside the car, you were glowing like the sun…”
“Oh, that’s…that’s beautiful! Thank you!”
“Mind if I ‘ug you?”
He wrapped his arms around you, then lifted you up and twirled you around, you burst into laughter.
He hugged you one more time and then headed over to the party.
The next limo arrived and out walked another man. He had dark hair with a slight white streak but bright blue eyes and soft, puffy lips that burst into a charming smile when he saw you.
“Hello there!”
“Hello! And you’re…”
“I’m…I’m really Richard. But you can cuse me stage name, Ringo…”
“Oh, sure! Hello Ringo-I’m Y/N”
You naturally hugged him.
“Y/N, I hope you don’t mind but…I bought you some gum. Thought you might like it after all that drinking-alright?”
He pulled out a packet of your favorite gum. You gasped as you accepted it.
“Why…yes! Yes I do!”
“Not exactly roses, darling”
“Well, it is a little early, Fred. And she’s the one giving roses.”
“But the song isn’t fucking ‘Chewing Gum is a Girl’s Best Friend’ for a reason!” Fred huffed, downing half of his glass.
Next appeared another car and out stepped another guitar with one of the prettiest boys you had ever seen. His blonde hair glowed like sunbeams and his eyes were the color of the summer sky. He strummed his guitar and sang in a rasp that thrilled you:
“I…just wanna testify!
Whaaaat Y/N does to meeeee!”
Changing up the rhythm enough to sing your name. He then added a bunch of “doo wops” with an impressive falsetto “yeeeeeeah!”
“That’s amazing! You play and sing!”
Jim kept his face down in his hands for a solid minute.
“Doesn’t take much! You’ve already seen another guitarist!” he complained.
“Yeah-write too. I’m Roger-Roger Taylor.”
He gave a half-lidded look that made your stomach churn.
“And I’m…I’m Y/N! I mean- you know I- I am Y/N!” you began giggling out of nervousness and hugged him.
Then in drove a car…or it sounded like one. But there was a Rocketship constructed over the car like a parade float. And the door read “YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND.”
Laughing, out stepped a space suit with a different flower: a tulip. He handed it to you and you laughed.
He removed his helmet and revealed a mane of curly, dark hair. His cheekbones were high and his eyes hazel and soft. Despite the largeness of his hair and height there was a gentle demeaner on him.
“Hello there!” you said with a laugh “are you my future husband?”
“I…I mean, I hope I might be” he said with a little blush in his cheeks. You hugged each other, he was warm and soft and smelled of fresh deodorant.
“That was amazing! Who are you?”
“I’m Brian, Brian May…”
“Wonderful, I’m Y/N…”
You walked over to the main living room of the mansion, happy and a little overwhelmed. Already they were all wonderful. Though George and Roger stared at each other with fire in their eyes at the two acoustic guitars. Roger gently put his down and shoved his hands in his pockets. George took a deep breath and held onto his carefully.
You walked in, each with your own glass of wine to begin with.
“Gentlemen, to finding love!”
“To finding love!” they raised their glasses and clinked them.
“Ey Y/N, let me steal you for a minute…” Roger offered, he slinked forward, eyes bright and confident.
“Oh, sure!”
You found out that Roger had written songs before. They were all lovely. His lyrics bright and honest. Your favorite was one about being in a small town, of laziness, frustration, and ambition and hope. It made you teary eyed.
“A guitar competition…would be interesting this season….no, Lily! That’s not cat food!” Fred said, shooing her away from the bowl.
John showed you a card his kids worked on. He was a single dad, widowed. His heart had been broken by the sad passing of his dear wife, but he was ready to move on and was sure he found new love.
George strummed you a few songs he found out were your favorite. You tapped your feet and sang along. George himself smiled.
“Thanks Y/N, it’s wonderful to play for you!”
John walked over. They both began playfully “fighting” over you. Dancing each other around, doing a couple silly “fight” moves.
“Well, y/n can decide, can’t she?” John said, turning over.
“I, uh, of course!”
John then took you away as you caught your breath.
“There boys are like me brothers! What you saw was natural, was all but…Y/N, you like to read, don’t you?”
You gave your honest answer. You both wound up chatting about books and television. He was well-read, could give opinions on plot holes and the best actors, and even told you about the poetry he wrote. You both walked back inside the mansion holding hands naturally.
Brian noticed a record player in the corner and walked to it.
“Hmph, feels a little quiet…”
He placed the needle on the record and soon some jazz was crooning around the room. In a flash, Ringo was on your side.
“C’mon Y/N, let’s dance!”
He took his hand in yours and you moved away to the music, forgetting everything. He spun you around, you shook and kicked your legs and laughed so hard. You hardly cared how silly you look.
“Look at all the other blokes, they’re ready to punch him in the gut any minute!” Jim chuckled.
Fred nodded, hypnotized. He poured another glass of wine as Delilah settled on his lap for cuddles.
Brian took your hand and walked you out.
“See there, the stars are out tonight…” he said, pointing up.
“Oooo, beautiful!” you sighed. “There’s Orion!”
“Yes! He’s the easiest one! I still see him!”
“Yes! Well, he’s like my old friend: always there.”
“That’s cool Brian, that you have a friend who’s always there in the stars.”
“Pretentious, darling.”
“That way, when you look up, imagine I’m there. Even if you send me home or whatever, I’ll be there, your friend, looking after you, protecting you.”
“Bloody stalker!” Jim hissed.
It was indeed a beautiful night. He led you back as you sat on the couch with the other gentlemen.
“Oh, what did you do?” Lennon asked, sipping his wine carefully.
“It’s a starry night! You should see it-it’s beautiful!” you said.
Martha stood on the corner, panting happily as Deaky and Roger petted on her. Though you noticed Paul was looking at you. Your eyes went over to him and he paused, batting his eyelashes in false innocence, and tilting his head.
“Wha-what is it, Paul? You’re quiet?”
“Nothing, it’s just you’re looking beautiful tonight, that’s all. Can you blame me for wanting to have a look at you?”
Giggling more, you leaned your head down and smiled. The others stared daggers in Paul.
Chris Harrison walked in.
“Hello lady and gentlemen, enjoying your evening?”
You noticed he had a plate, and you froze.
The couple screamed at their television.
“Oh, now the shit starts!” Freddie declared with a wicked laugh.
“Yes, yes we are!” Paul said with a pleasant smile. “You know, drinks, a fine night, a dog, a pretty lady-what could be better?!”
He then saw the plate and his charming smile dropped.
“Well, it’s now the part of the evening where Y/N must make her first decision…”
He set a short, red rose on a silver plate before you. Looking around, you saw them swallow nervously or smile despite the anxiety in his eyes.
There was clever John, adorable Ringo, sweet Paul, dashing John, romantic Brian, hot Roger, or soft Deaky to consider.
But only one could get the first impression rose.
Reaching down, you placed it between your thumb and forefinger, other hand cupping the petals gracefully, and thought about your options before settling on the right one.
    Who should get the first impression rose? Vote in the Google Docs Poll below!!
Taglist:  @queenlover05​ @youcanbemyhoneychile​ @seraphicmercury​ @ewannmcgregor​  @gwiilymslee @cherry--coke @queen-paladin @yourlocalmusicalprostitute @isitstraightvodka @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @rhapsodyrecs
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