#I’m so sorry for adding my Taglist of all tlc mutuals ahsjdhhdhdjd
shellyseashell · 2 years
These are just some of my headcanons for how I think district 4 works so
- starting with location and stuff, I think it’s canon that District 4 is what’s left of California and part of southern Oregan. Most maps have that at least, so I just went with it.
- there’s 12 docks, so I’d imagine each dock has its own little town with their own factories. Dock 1 is where all the government buildings are, like the Justice Building and Victor’s Village and the Children’s Home and the Academy. It’s also where the largest market is, though each dock has its own market. Probably where the more wealthy live.
- the farther down in docks you get (so the higher the number), I’d imagine the conditions would be worse, and they would get poorer. It’s not exactly like, Dock 1 is in wonderful condition and Dock 12 is horrible, it varies from Dock to Dock and what location of that dock, but I’d imagine there’s a lot less wealthy people in Dock 10 than Dock 2.
- most people have some sort of job to do with fishing, and it’s a really bad job, as in dangerous and doesn’t pay much and only poorer people really have to do it. If you’re wealthy, you can train at the Academy or work at the market or be some sort of marine scientist or something like that.
- speaking of the Academy, I do think 4 is a full Career district, but maybe not as intense as 2. When people are 6, they begin training at the Academy, and graduate after their last reaping. After they graduate, they probably go back to whatever job they would have had before, which is usually fishing. Most people attend the Academy for the food and water their family would get, so a lot of them come from poorer docks.
- when attending the Academy, you live in the dorms, though traveling to other docks isn’t hard and can be done often. I’d imagine the district is big enough for some form of public transportation, like buses, or even just sailing. If you live in the Children’s Home while attending the Academy, you’d probably just live there since it’s close enough.
- I do think the Academy would try to enforce some sort of “be strong show no weakness have no friends” type thing, but with more mixed results than in 2. Some people follow it exactly, and other people ignore it. It really depends on the person.
- at the Academy, they’d learn stuff like math and English and history and whatever, but most of their classes would be stuff like weapons training (everyone probably has to take at least one class in each weapon, and then later can choose which weapons to specialize in), fitness classes like running and strength training and climbing and swimming, and survival classes that teach first aid and survival skills and such. They’d also show past Games and have kids examine what mistakes last tributes made and what they could have done differently so they don’t make the same ones.
- I don’t know if they’d have any sort of system for figuring out who volunteers? Tbh in canon it doesn’t say whether any career district chooses their tributes ahead of time, as far as I can tell, and Finnick was 14, so for district 4 at least, I’d say they don’t. So tributes just volunteer when they want, and hope to be lucky enough to be the first one to.
Taglist: @salt-warrior @yeah-asbestos @cinderswrench @shadymcsilverbangs @cindersassasin @healing-winston-pratt @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @thestarryeyedsapphic @zephyr-thedragon @that-glasses-dog @sudecayr
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