#I’m sorry I’m just GIGGLING every time I think about Rhaenys hunting Corlys who has a SHIP
different anon, but I love ComW, so definitely ready to plague you with questions:
- was Maegor’s unwilling hunt Rhaena, and did it involve her trying to kill him like in canon?
- was it a spur of the moment decision for Aemond when Luke walked in or is this something he’d been planning for a while? It definitely seemed like Luke could have easily been killed when Vhagar killed Arrax, so not sure how much thought went into it.
- Would Aemond actually realise the potential fallout or did he just not care?
- Is there any significance to the legitimacy of the ceremony (Valyrian-tradition wise - obviously there’s a lot else that might be queried about it from a Westeros point of view) to the fact that Luke didn’t say the words? Or is Aemond right when he says that his win is all that matters?
- Who hunted who out of Corlys and Rhaenys?
- You’ve already answered about Luke’s mother, stepdad and brother, but how would his Velaryon relatives react?
- Exactly how much stress is Alicent under rn?
(Again talking about my my dead dove Lucemond marriage hunt fic, cut off my wings (and lock me up) )
Adhsjdhshsjsjsj I’m so excited to get even more love for my fic!! ComW is really close to my heart (will you believe it’s my first mostly-explicit dead dove/nc,,,) so 🥺🥹😭 thank you!!
You’re dead right about Maegor and Rhaena 😬 she eventually had Dreamfyre surrender when the “escape by being faster” plan failed, because her dragon wasn’t a match against Balerion. Then she immediately tried to shank Maegor. (I think he also did hunts with his other Black Brides, but if only one party has a dragon it’s mostly. Uh. A very terrifying experience for the person on foot and like, a chill fun afternoon activity for the dragonrider…)
Aemond has definitely been obsessed with SOME sort of revenge on Luke for a looooong time (which lol is canon). At first those thoughts included mostly maiming and murder, but then he stumbled across an old Valyrian tome/read a lot about Maegor—and well, he got some Ideas (tm) that grew over the years. I’d say he wasn’t truly decided yet/picky, as long as he got his revenge in the end, but the Storm’s End situation—no one of their families there—was too perfect to NOT do it the marriage hunt way. (And as he said, Luke being alive but utterly miserable and humiliated is better revenge in his mind than “just” killing him.) and yes, killing another dragon without killing the rider is rather difficult, but what helped in this situation was that they were already pretty close to the ground, Luke having directed Arrax lower earlier, and also that Vhagar was so much bigger than Arrax. Though yeah Aemond was having the Time Of His Life and probably would’ve been fine with it if that had killed Luke, too.
And no, once he got into it Aemond didn’t stop to consider any potential fallout.
Technically, a hunt is supposed to conclude with the Valyrian/Targaryen ceremony that Rhaenyra and Daemon used in canon to wed each other, BUT since there were no witnesses to the actual hunt anyway and it is extremely obvious that Aemond did in fact win (and consummate), it’s still hard to question the legitimacy. The Blacks are going to do that anyway, of course, but yeah.
… I decided that Rhaenys hunted Corlys because she was the one with a dragon—but Corlys got to take a ship. He got a headstart too, and it was probably mostly hide and seek and/or they previously agreed on location that had to be reached within a certain timeframe? It was close, in the end, close enough to satisfy both their prides.
Speaking of, Rhaenys and Corlys are absolutely PISSED at Aemond, too. Having-to-keep-Rhaenys-from-getting-on-Meleys-to-challenge-Aemond-pissed. Corlys shares the sentiment but he’s trying to advocate for just wiping the floor with all the Green forces in the field.
Alicent has ALL The Stress rn. All of it. Her favourite son just did something that’s really difficult to reconcile with her own faith, also has a potentially devastating impact on the public opinion the Greens are kinda basing Aegon’s claim on, and probably made sure the Blacks are even less likely to consider terms as they would’ve been if Luke had simply been killed. They can’t even use Luke as a proper hostage because Aemond is now firmly in camp “only I may torment my pretty little wife”…. Alicent is working triple overtime to SOMEHOW try to keep a grip on public opinion. Meanwhile Aegon is throwing feasts at which everyone has to treat Luke as they would a “normal wife” to a Targaryen Prince. RIP.
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