#I’m still avaible if anyone needs me!
kitfyy · 6 months
hello, good time zone!! ^^ (you say it, ima say it too ^^)
i hope you slept well, drink some water and eat enough food today<3 but if you are not hungry, don’t force feed yourself, alright?
i hope your day is super awesome sauce, have fun!! ^^ stay safe<3
been a little since we talked, wanted to make sure you remember that i’m here for you as well as you are for me <3 i love you, have a wonderful day!!
stay hyped 🔥💪
Good Time Zone!
this is so sweet and I appreciate it a lot. thank you so much for the nice words🧡 you too! take care of yourself the best you can <3
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the-scooby-gang · 4 years
Us... But no quite
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Part 4
Summary: After falling thought a portal while they were being chased by their most horryfying monster yet, The Scooby Gang finds themselves in a place they never been before. A place called Crystal Cove
Now also avaible on Ao3
“What are you guys doing?”
The question broke their walk down memory lane like a bullet in a quiet night.
The vampire looking waitress was standing over them, one eyebrow up questioning, a hand in her hip and the other lazily holding the notepad.  
They held harder to each other prompting the other eyebrow to follow the first.
“Like, we are connecting, dude” Shaggy shrugged, a mask already plastered on his face. “Like, getting more in tune with each other, you know? After all, I have to trust this danger prone mystery lovers, to like, not let me die. This creates bonds stronger than blood, man”
“Rit ralso relps rif ranxiety” Scooby head emerged from under the table, causing the waitress to take a step back. The waitress chuckled softly her previously rigid posture melting away.
“Well, it is certainly a way to deal with things” she giggled, shaking her head. Getting a pen out of her dress pocket, she angled herself towards Shaggy “Yours is the biggest one Shaggy, so what is going to be?”
Quickly taking a look at the menu, Shaggy ordered a little bit of everything. While the stream of highly detailed food order was being made, the hand that was not holding Velma’s was taping the table. They collectively thanked whatever God or Goddess that could hear them for the week where Fred and Velma decided that knowing Morse code was an indispensable skill in mystery solving.
She knows about us .
Ok don’t panic was the response the purple nails had to offer. The waitress was diligently still writing down the stream of dishes and sides with the practised ease of someone that had done it a thousand times.
What do you mean don’t panic? That’s the only thing to do when vampire looking ladies address you by name!
We already established that they are not vampires, love taped the red shoes That confirms my theory. These people know us, or at least a version of us. Jinkies, this must be a different dimension entirely for all we know. They started a meaningless conversation over the tapping, never letting go of one another for a second. Something about a new dress in need to be bought, new books in need to be read, new ropes for traps to be built. All while the food order glowed larger by the second.
Well, at least we can say we are not that different from us from this reality. We talked about traps, books on corrosives, mysteries and whatnot and she is yet to accuse us of being serial killers  the brown boots tapped their two cents.  
Which either means she is used to us or SHE is also a serial killer frantically tapped the lanky man. His fingers were the only visible indicator that he was one “I’m actually a killer waitress” away from bolting out of there and running his way across the ocean. It was a real trip to find out that, if frightened enough, Shaggy could run over large bodies of water as if he was sprinting in concrete. Useful. Made Fred question if he was dating Jesus for a while, but useful not the less. Especially when inside boats without motors and a monster coming behind you. Those arms really were stronger than they looked.
His voice was, however, as stable as a rock. Order after order, it never vacillated or lost its volume. For anyone watching without knowing him and the small ticks that betrayed his nervousness, it would appear as if it was just another day in the diner making the same order he did every day.
They were really proud of how good of an actor Shaggy was.
Finally, the order was made. The waitress and the surrounding patrons didn’t even blink at the size of it. A normal part of the routine. Daphne's nails were already working in overtime. The longer she stayed there, the creepier the feeling got. She may not be as good an actress as Shaggy (she still hade to convince a monster to dance the macarena after all) but her face and marble could as well be the same. She wanted a map or the book on the history of the town. Something tangible under her fingers for her to explore and dissect instead of this constant uncertainty of trying to act like your normal self in a place where your normal may as well be the farthest from the norm possible. The smile now plastered on her face was so far away from the anxiety consuming her heart that it should be carved on the moon.
Feeling her silent distress Fred squeezed her hand, a reassuring smile on his lips. He nodded towards the waitress, who had just finished her five pages long order turning towards her, an expectant look in her face.
"And you Daph? What's the order for today?"
Shag? the boots asked again while Daphne was placing her, in comparison, far smaller order. The boots owner was engaged in a discussion with the sweater-clad woman in front of him about the uses of cybernetic enhancements in a van and “How long do you think it will take for the van to gain sentience, Freddie?” "I'm not creating Skynet on my van, Velm" "Give it time"
Yeah? answered the long fingers, their owner now engaged in a conversation with their Great Dane about horror movies to watch later.
Do you have the mystery machine with you?
Frowning, the young chef removed his hand from the table, looking for the world as if he was going to search for something in his back pockets. After a minute of looking he removed a familiar key. Pressing the looking button, the gang collective turned their heads for the outside when the familiar beep made itself know. The daisy covered van parked on the front as if it was always there was shining on the sun, clashing phenomenally with the unicolored cars outside.
“Like, sorry Freddie. I, like, completely forgot about looking at the van” he gave the keys back to the blond, looking to the world as if he hadn’t just removed a whole car from the void. A good actor indeed.
“No problem, Shag” he took the keys, smiling while his boots worked overtime.
We are going to eat and act like this is just another day at the weird vampire diner. Then we are getting the hell out of here.
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broadwaycutie16 · 5 years
Meet the Addams: An Adrien Addams Fanfic
Based on @awholelotofladybug ‘s awesome AU! Check it out! I do not own MLB or the AU.
They're creepy and they're kooky
Mysterious and spooky
They're all together ooky
Adrien's family!
It was a typical day at Francios Dupont College.  The students in Madame Bustier's class were gathering their belongings and supplies to begin the first lesson of the day.  Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the class representative, sat among her friends, chitchatting about trivial things.
All of the sudden, there came the sound of much squeaking and squealing coming from down the hallway that see,ed to grow louder and louder, accompanied by shrieks and screams of horror.  Before any of the class could figure out what was going on, in swept Adrien Addams, the exchange student from America, pale blonde, and wearing black from head to toe.  Under his feet was a hoard of wet, beady-eyed sewer rats, carrying him on their backs like a Greek God on a cloud.  A very creepy Greek god, on a very creepy cloud.
Almost everyone in the room cried in terror, climbing on top of their seats and desks avoid making contacts with the rats, should the vermin choose to scatter around the floor of the classroom.  Adrien stepped off the hoard of rats, as casually as stepping off the stairs.  "Merci, my little friends.  Au revoir!"  And with a wave of his hand, Adrien sent the mice scurrying back towards wherever they had come from.
Adrien noticed the strange looks from his classmates.  "What?  I couldn't get any bats to bring me in.  Daylight and all."  Alya frowned heavily.  "I know I've asked this a hundred times before, but...heck, I'll ask it again."  She turned to Marinette.  "Girl, what do you see in that guy?"  Marinette sighed dreamily, like a fangirl sighing at the image of her teen idol.  "I can't explain it, Alys.  There's just got something about him that makes me swoon."
"Cara mia!"  Adrien bounded up the steps to Marinette and took her by the hand, trailing kisses up her arm.  "I come here with wonderful news!"  Marinette smiled at yer boyfriend.  "What is it, mon cher?"  Adrien grinned.  "As ypu know, I have been an exchange student here for many months.  Sadly, that would make my time here temporary."
"Not temporary enough.", remarked a nasally, cynical voice.  It came from none other than Chloe Bourgeois, the daughter of the Mayor of Paris.  She couldn't stand Adrien Addams, and had made that clear from the day he showed up.  Everything about him, from his pale skin and dark clothes to his passion for all things dark and spooky, gave her the creeps.  She couldn't wait for him to go back to America and stop scaring her.
Adrien ignored her snide comment.  "But no need to cry, my darling!", he cooed to Marinette.  "I have spoken with my mother and father, and they tell me that instead of me returning to New York, the family shall instead join me in Paris, so that I may continue to study and mingle with all of you!"
There was a thump, and every head turned to where the noise had come from to see Chloe fallen on the floor on her side.  She looked terrified.  Her blue eyes had doubled in size, and one was twitching as she spoke, not daring to look anyone in the face.  "Your...your family is moving here?  To...To Paris?"
"Well, nothing's set in stone.", Adrien said. "They are still sort of on the fence about it. They first must find the right house before they even think moving the whole family here. Sadly, we can't find a company that can ship our beloved family home overseas. So they will only seriously consider the move if they find a house that meets our family standards. But I have high hopes."
"Oh, Adrien!  That's wonderful!", exclaimed Marinette.  "That means you'll get to stay here, right at my side."  Adrien grabbed his girlfriend, brought her to her feet, and dipped her, before locking his lips with her own.  Chloe watched the  happy couple through glaring, narrowed eyes, growling under her breath, so that no one but herself heard, "Over my dead body."
"Yes, Mousier Addams.", said Mlle. Sophie Ranchi, filing through the documents, holding the phone against her ear by her shoulders to leave her hands free to sort. "I assure you, this is the best house on the market. Every family in Paris practically bidding on it." She paused and listened on the other end. "Oh, you want to see it first? I guess I understand that. I'll send you the address and meet you there for a tour first thing tomorrow morning. But you better be quick, before someone makes another offer."
She hung up, and kept shuffling through the documents. "They seem like lovely people.", she said to her assustant, Simon, as he handed her her morning coffee. "I hope they move in. But this is the last avaible house in Paris. If they don't snatch it up, I'm not sure how they can male the move." She started to sip her mocha as Simon tapped his chin and asked innocently, "What about that house up the hill? 29-16 Blacks Row?"
Sophie spit out her coffee in shock, then looked at him with wide eyes. "That old abandoned manor that's practically caving in on itself? Goodness, Simon, no! They'll never want that house! It looks like something out of a horror movie! Its even been rumored to be haunted! Almost everyone who's lived there has claimed to hear ghosts in the walls and eerie, unusual things happen in the empty rooms!"
She sighed as she set her coffee down. "I appreciate your input, Simon, but I gave up on that house a long time ago. No one's going to want to buy it. Heck, if I even try to sell it to the Addamses, I bet it would even dissuade them from moving here altogether!" Her alarm went off. "Time for my next showcase! Be a dear and send the address of the good house to Mousier Addams! His number's on the paper there!" And with that, she left the office.
Simon did as he was told and sent the right address to the number. "And...there!" He finished his work and quickly exited the office for his break. As soon as he closed the door behind him, two young ladies, one short with red hair and big glasses, the other blonde and menacing-looking, crawled out from under the desk.
"Come on, Sabrina! Before they get back!" The redhead sighed as she watched her friend/master sit in front of Sophie's computer and start typing on the keyboard. "Chloe, are you sure we should be doing this?" "Do you want Mousier, Dark and Spooky haunting our school until we graduate?", Chloe asked sarcastically as she typed up a new message to Mr. Addams.
Oops, wrong address. I really meant 29-16 Blacks Row. I promise, once you see it, you'll know whether or not you want to move to Paris.
With a scheming grin, Chloe then deleted the conversation so the miscommunication could not be corrected. "Its done." She rushed Sabrina out of the room, but stopped a moment to bask in her premature triumph. "Have a safe trip back to America, Addams." And she shut the door behind her and booked it out of there before she was caught.
Chloe sat proudly in her desk the next day in class, secure in her victory, confident that this would be Adrien Addams's last day at Francois Dupont College. Marinette walked into class, saw the look on Chloe's face, amd recognized it instantly. "Chloe! I know that smirk! What did you do?"
Every eye in the room turned to Chloe, who smiled devlishly at her schoolmates. "I pulled a string or two...to make sure Adrien's family went to see the wrong house to buy." "Huh?", came Nino's response. "I sent them the wrong address from their realtor.", the blonde explained. "To that creepy old house up on the hill! I heard Sophie say that seeing it might make them decide not to move at all!"
Marinette gasped. "But that would mean...Adrien would have to go back to America!" "Exactly!", Chloe scoffed haughtily. "Now I don't need to worry about that little freak invading my perfect world!" Marinette looked as if she did not know whether to yell at Chloe or cry for her beloved.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, she was dipped by a pair of arms, a pair of lips pressed firmly against her own. Adrien pulled back with a wide grin. His romancing made Marinette forget her sorrows for a moment, forget that she would soon lose him forever, thanks to Chloe. "Well, someone's in a good mood."
"For good reason, my darling!", he said, pulling her back to her feet. "I come here with wonderful news! Mother and Father have found the perfect house to reside here in Paris!" Chloe jerked upright. "Wait, what?" Adrien nodded. "Yes! 29-16 Blacks Row!" Alya blinked. "The creepy old house on the hill! No one wants that house!"
"Its hideous!", cried Max. "Its horrible!", exclaimed Rose. "I heard that it's even haunted!", said Nathaniel with a shudder. Adrien faced them all with a beaming smile. "I know! Its almost as if it was made to be our home! Mother and Father adored it from first glance!" Everyone looked at Adrien like he was crazy. Then again, they all already sort of thought that.
Slowly, but surely, Marinette's lips formed a smile. "Wait...if your parents found a house, does that mean..." He faced her with a grin. "Oui, my darling! We shall remain together in Paris after all! My parents are in the principal's office right now, signing the paperwork to permanently enroll me in this school!" Marinette beamed from ear to ear. "Oh, Adrien! I'm so happy!" She boldly kissed him on the lips.
Ivan stood up. "Wait a minute...I don't wanna interrupt your moment, but let me get this straight...your parents actually liked the creepy house?" "Indeed, we did!", said someone with a thick Italian accent. Every head turned in the direction of the doorway. In stepped two people.
One was a man of short stature and roundish build. He wore a navy blue-and-white pinstriped suit, under a crisp white shirt with a red tie, with a tiny gold knife of some sort sliced through the material in the center. His black hair was parted in the center, his tiny mustache curling with his wide smile, that had something in it that sent chills up and down one's spine.
The other was a woman, tall and slender, so slender, in fact, that the outline of her skeleton could be seen poking from underneath her skin. And that skin! It was whiter than the first snow of winter. Her dress, clinging tightly to her body as if sucking on it, the neckline plummeting all the way just around her breasts, the skirt pooling around her feet, was as deadly black as her long, shiny raven tresses that flowed smoothly around her shoulders. Even her eyes and lips were as black as a starless night.
Adrien faced the two proudly, giving them firm hugs. He then faced his classmates, seemingly oblivious to their shellshocked expression. "Everyone! Meet my dear parents! Mousier and Madame Addams." Mousier Addams stepped up to Mme. Bustier with a creepy grin. The poor schoolteacher looked like she wasn't sure whether to cower or greet the man. Finally, she stuttered out, "Greetings. So...you're Adrien's father?"
"Gomez Addams, in the flesh, miss!", he confirmed, taking her by the hand shaking it with energy and enthusiasm. His voice was laced with a thick Italian accent. "I thought we could take the opportunity to meet all of Adrien's little friends!" He looked towards the second row. "Hark! What is that I see? In the pigtails? Is that the exquisite young lady who has stolen my boy's heart? Marinette!"
Marinette looked at Alya, uncertain how to react, until Madame Addams called to her, "Come on down, so we can properly meet the girl who has enchanted our dear son." Her tone was low, slow, and smooth, like she was trying to seduce everyone she spoke to. Marinette rose from her seat and walked down the steps in front of Mme. Addams, who examined her with a critical eye. Finally, she gave a firm nod and said, "You are quite an attractive young lady."
Marinette smiled, a little more at ease. "Merci becoup, Madame Addams." "Oh, darling,", said the woman, taking Marinette's hand in one of her own and giving it a gentle pat on the back with her free one. "You are dating my son. We're practically family now. No need for such formalities. Call me Morticia."
"Morticia?", piped up Juleka, giving the pale woman an odd look, glancing back and forth between her and Rose. "Your name is Morticia? Like...mortician?" "That is correct, dear." Marinette smiled. "Goodness, your...your hands are...very cold." "Super pale, black lips, cold hands...", Kim trailed off, then looked at Adrien. "Dude, is your mom dead? Like, the living dead?" Morticia smiled. "If only, child. If only."
She looked down at Marinette. "I heard you're quite smitten with my boy. He's told me all about you. Hoiw you followed him everywhere after you first met, how you kept his shedule in your own, how you plastered pictures of him all over your walls..." Marinette flushed in humiliation. "Madame, I can explain..." To her surprise, Morticia smiled at her. "Its utterly charming! Reminds me of how I acted when I first met my darling Gomez! You're a keeper!"
"Ah, yes!", exclaimed Gomez. "I remember when I first found out you were clipping off pieces of my hair to keep in a little box! How you planned to perform a voodoo ritual to make me lust after you." Morticia smiled as she went up to her husband. "Well, turns out there was no need." "Yes...", Gomez purred lovingly. "The moment I found your shrine with my toenail clippings that you had stolen from my home, I knew that you were the one for me."
"Did he say toenail clippings?", squeaked Mylene uncomfortably. Adrien nodded, seemingly unnerved by his parents' so-called "love story". Alya gaped at Gomez and Morticia, lost in each other's dark, soulless eyes, then looked back at Adrien, pointing to his mother and father. "These are your parents?" Adrien nodded again. Alya gave a deadpan look. "Well, there's that mystery solved."
"Hiya, kiddos!" In walked a tall, chubby man with a bald head and big nose, wearing a dark overcoat. His voice was squawky, like that of a parrot. "Ah! My brother, Fester!", announced Gomez. He walked over and threw an arm around his brother. "These are friends of Adrien's!" "Ooh, friends!", cried Fester. "I made some new friends in Paris, too! Look!"
He opened up his coat, and a huge murder of black ravens flew out, spreading their wings and flying towards the students, cawing and shrieking as the kids screamed in fright. One of them perched itself on top of Chloe's head, tangling it's talons in to her blond hair, and started pecking away at her forehead. "Aw, that means she likes you!", said Fester.
"That's my boy!" In walked a short, fat woman, with sickly yellow skin and mismatched eyes. The right one was a normal dark brown, while the other one was translucent, like it was blind. Her mud-brown clothes were ragged and tattered, her gray-white hair was a tangled, matted mess all around her shoulders, and her strange beaded necklace jangled around her thick neck, shining like the sweat on her long, witch-like nose.
"Mama!", cried Fester. "Everyone, meet Grandma Addams!", Gomez declared, gesturing towards his mother. "The heart and soul of our family." "Grandma,", said Morticia. "Come meet Marinette. Adrien's girlfriend." "Ah, yes!", cried Grandma, in her thick Italian accent, identical to Gomez's. "The future Mrs. Adrien Addams!" Marinette blushed deeply at that.
Grandma hobbled over to the teenage girl and looked closely at her slender figure. "Oooh, but she's awfully skinny! No good for popping out babies!" Marinette's whole face turned red. Grandma reached into her floral carpet bafg and pulled out a covered plate. "I have the cure for that." She pulled back the tinfoil to reveal a pile of golden-brown cookies. "My speciality! One for each of you!"
"Sweet!", Nino said , grabbing one and taking a big bite. Kim and Max came over and took some, too. Max had an intriqued look on his face as he sampled the flavor. "Moist, chewy cookies...hint of dark chocolate..." He crunched his teeth on something. "There's something crunchy...can't place the flavor." "Me, neither.", said Nino. "Is it nougat? Peanut?" Grandma smiled. "Oh, those must be the beetles."
All at once, the boys stopped mid-chew to stare at Grandma with wide, hollow eyes. "Beetles?" Their eyes cast downwards to the little black chunks in the cookies that they had assumed were chocolate chips. Not that they were looking more closely, they could see the little legs and spots of blood from where they had been bitten.
All three bits screamed in horror and disgust, spitting the remains of cookie out of their mouth and wiping the crumbs from their tongues. Marinette noticed Grandma holding the plate out towards her with an expectant look. As politely as she could muster, she said, "Um...no, thank you, Madame. I...don't want to spoil my appetite for supper."
"Hello." Everyone jumped as they noticed how a little girl had mysteriously appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, at front of the classroom, wearing a blank resting face. She had on a dark-colored dress and pitch-black hair arranged in twin braids draped over her shoulders. "Wednesday! My little sister!", Adrien exclaimed fondly. He noticed the strange unknown object wrapped in a white shroud that she held in her arms. "And what do you have there?"
"I found it on the curb outside the school.", she said in a creepy monotone, like one of those eerie twin girls in The Shining movie. "It was run over. Squished beyond recognition." She turned to her mother. "Can I keep it?" The class looked disturbed. "Uh...what are you gonna do with roadkill?" Wednesday turned her emotionless gaze in his direction, and Nathaniel felt a chill go through him. "Bring him back to life." Nate gulped. "I'd ask how, but something tells me I don't wanna know."
Marinette approached the little girl. "Bonjour. My name's Marinette." She touched one of Wednesday's braids, noticing how the ends had been tied into slim loops. "I like what you've done with your hair." "Thank you.", said Wednesday, monotone still in tact. "I drew inspiration for the style from the nooses they used to hang people for witchcraft in the seventeenth century." A disturbed expression flashed across Marinette's face, but she quickly replaced it with an anxious smile. "Oh...that's so...creative. Never would have thought of that. How original."
"Now, Wednesday,", tsked Morticia. "We already have a pet. Remember? Kitty?" "Oh, did you bring Kitty to Paris, Mother?", asked Adrien giddily, like a child getting a puppy for Christmas. "Indeed!", said Gomez pulling out his phone. "If you want to talk to him, I have his intercom." He dialed a number. "Kitty! Adrien's here!" Adrien took the phone from his father and put it on speaker. "How is our little sweetums?"
Seconds later, the room was filled with the sound of a wild roar, the ferocious sound echoing off the walls and sending almost everyone into shock. Everyone who wasn't an Addams looked stunned. "Was that a lion?", asked Nino. Adrien nodded. "I know that roar! He missed me! Don't worry, I'll see you soon, Kitty." As soon as he hung up the phone, there was a BOOM coming from down the hall.
Everyone went running to the source to see smoke wafting from the science laboratory. The door had been blown clean off, the wood black and burnt in most places. Seconds later, Mlle. Mendelivez staggered out if the smog, her purple hair and white lab coat singed, her face covered in ash, her glasses cracked and broken over her wide, terrified eyes.
Seconds after that, out walked a pudgy little boy, as casually as could be, wearing a red-and-white striped short and little black shorts, the space around his bellybutton exposed. He slipped his goggles over his hair, atop his short blond hair, and looked up at the science teacher with dark, devilishly-gleeful eyes with dark bags underneath. "Nice workin' with ya, lady."
"Pugsly!" The boy looked in the direction of his family. "What did your father and I say about blowing things up for fun?", asked Morticia sternly. Pugsly sighed. "Only do it at home." "Exactly!", said Gomez sharply, earning him strange and surprised looks from the others. "Sorry, Pop.", said Pugsly. "This ol' hag didn't believe I could make a grenade from some hay, carbon monoxide, and an old thermos. I had to put her in her place." Gomez looked at the principal. "We shall cover the damages." Poor Damocles was in such a state of shock, he could only nod as his mouth hung open, still gaping at the scene.
"Eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh!" All heads turned to the school entrance. Students and teachers screamed in terror, scattering away like frightened chickens from the ten-foot-tall, sickly-green-skinned man stomping slowly through the doorway. He had a dead face on, bolts on his neck, and staggered with each step like a zombie. He looked , sounded and acted like he had stepped right from the pages of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
Before anyone could really panic, a young woman walked to his side. Unlike the last few people who had appeared, she looked completely normal. No ghostly pale skin, no scars, no bald spots, no extra limbs, nothing strange about her at all. Just an average middle-aged woman wearing glasses, her dark hair pulled back into a bun with one strand of her bangs dyed bright red. "Lurch says its time to go. We still need to enroll Wednesday and Pugsly at their respective schools."
"Oh, of course!", exclaimed Gomez, heading towards the stairs. "Family! We must be off!" Morticia kissed Adrien on the head before following her husband. "Supper is at six, my little tarantula. We're having your favorite. Black beans and brew." Alix gave her a funny look. "Uh...don't you mean beans and stew?" Morticia shook her head. "No. We're having witches' brew. We found the perfect coven to get it from, right here in France."
The entire class watched as Adrien watched goodbye to his creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky, all-together ooky family as they slithered away like a nest of slippery snakes out the doorway of the school. Chloe frowned deeply. Her plan to send Adrien packing had backfired spectacularly. Now she would have to out up with not only him, but his insane family as well.
Marinette tried to lighten her friends' spooked moods with a nervous laugh. "Well...they seem nice. In their own way." Nino smirked. "One thing's for sure. Now that the whole Addams clan is on the scene, things are gonna be a whole lot more interestin'!"
So grab a witch's shawl on,
A broomstick you can crawl on,
Its time to pay a call on
Adrien's family!
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asaxophony · 7 years
This the huge ass letter/script I’ve been using if anyone wants to recycle it for their own calls/emails/messages to congress. I’m putting it under a cut if you’re interested.
Dear Congressmen,
I urge you to take a stand against Ajit Pai's and the FCC's attempt to dismantle the Net Neutrality rules put in place during the Obama Administration. Net Neutrality is a crucial and core concept of the internet, and was at the heart of its creation. What the FCC plans to do would severely limit the inborn Freedom of Speech of the internet, and would hamper the ability of American's to innovate, learn, help each other, share ideas and communicate with another, and not just within America, it would hurt communication around the world.
This new plan could also severely undermine small businesses and artists. As a freelance artist myself, I know just how badly this could effect me. I use multiple websites and social media to network, advertise and display my work, especially since I am still a student and still new to the art world. Without easy access to these sites my work will get no views or traffic, making it extremely hard for me to get commissions and freelance jobs. There are small business' that absolute rely on traffic to their website, or small business, specifically business' you'd find on websites like Etsy, that don't have a physical store, they rely solely on the traffic of their website to collect orders and advertise what they produce or sell. Ultimately what the FCC has in mind will only harm business' and their consumers. 
Students, and in large academia could also be harmed by the FCC. It could  limit what students have avaible to use in research along with limiting the tools teachers and professors use in their classes. Almost every professor or teacher relies on the internet to help them teach, whether it's showing informative videos, online reading or textbooks, free source programs, websites for submitting homework, or online tutoring (such as Khan Academy). The Internet  has now become a crucial part of education. While this  may not be a problem for large colleges and universities, it could increase the price of tuition if the college or university has to pay for more access to the internet. It could become a huge problem for public schools who may not have the funding for extra access, or whose students families may not be able to afford the extra access. 
I grew up with free access to the internet and it has become an incredibly important part of my life. I use it  daily. I talk with friends I've met in college but have since graduated, along with talking to friends I've met through the internet itself. I use it to learn new things, sometimes I google up reference photos and images to use in a drawing if I'm struggling with anatomy or what the background should look like. I us it to keep with the latest news. And again I use to share my art work. Honestly it's difficult to describe exactly how important it is to me, it's just become a part of our lives and more importantly it needs to remain a free part of our lives. I shouldn't have to worry about my own government or a corporation taking away my access of something that is part of the American belief of free speech and equality.
Thank you for you're time and consideration,
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All My Asks I Answered On My Blog Deleted, So I Decided To Make An Ask Meme Thingyy.(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or ClosedWho the fuck sleeps with it open (2) Do You Have Freckles?Yep(3) Can You Whistle?Nope(4) Last Song You Listened To.Adams song(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?Black and red (6) Relationship Status.Happily in a relationship with my beautiful girl friend (7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?To fucking cold (25°)(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?Yeet(9) How Many Followers?(10) Zodiac Sign.Gemini(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?Blue(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? Nah(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? When im home alone (14) What Books Are You Reading?I haven't read a book in months unfortunately, I read fanfic tho(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.(16) Favourite Anime?Death note (17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? (18) Do You Collect Anything?Rocks, knives , figurens(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?Nothing (20) Do You Dance In The Car?(21) Favourite Animal?(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?Sometimes (23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?Whenever I fall asleep (24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?Nah(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?Pool(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?@partofthisinternetworld(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?Filtered (28) What Makes You Happy?Talking to @partofthisinternetworld or my girlfriend (29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? Or(31) Dogs Or Cats?Why not both(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? FLESH(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.Whatever's avaible (34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? Ehhhhh(35) Do You Believe In Magic? Fuck yeah (36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?Grey and red (37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Nah(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Kinda both (39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Nope(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? My friends (41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? Yep(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Kinda I guess (43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? Yep(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? Nipe(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. 'monsters inc'(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Eh(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?My chemical romance (48) Are You A Picky Eater? Eh(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Eh(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Terrified of thunder (51) Do You Like To Read / Write?Yeah, but I'm not good at it(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yep(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Both (54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?'Smile'(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)Cold(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? Companionship(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.(58) What Is Your Gender?Constant depression(59) Coffee Or Tea?Depends on my mood(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?Too godamed much (61) What Is Your Sexuality?Anyone who shows me attention and isn't a dick(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?Nah(63) Favourite Pokemon?Ghastly or unknown (64) Favourite Social Media?Tumblr(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?Idk what they are?(66) Do You Get Homesick?Kinda(67) Are You A Virgin?I mean , not dick wise, but a girl ate me out once (68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?The cheap kind(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?Depends if im alone or not(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Eh(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Eh(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?Yeah, I still love her. But my mom made it impossible to actually be together (73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?'Sometimes you just gotta fake it till you make it'(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Brown(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? Fuck yeah(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? I don't remember (77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?I got fanfic apps(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?Yeah, everyone deserves to live. Treat people how you want to be treated . or in others words , don't be a dick(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Yep(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? I stalk @partofthisinternetworld Tumblr sometimes (81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Kinda (82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.I will in another post (83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?If its open the monsters can get in you fool(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?Work, take a shower, make brownies (85) What Do You Wear To Bed? Nothing(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.Uhh, I have cosplay makeup and lotion?(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?Or(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.Portal 2Borderlands the pre sequelFallout new VegasFallout 4Tony hawk skate proAnimal crossing new leaf(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.I had a dream where captain hook tried to kill me with a canon ball when I was like five (90) Favourite Soda Drink?Rootbeer(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?Cats purr/ cat sounds in general(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?Jeans during the day and sweats as soon as I get home (93) How Do You Look Right Now?The same sweatpants and 'gone crabbin' shirt ive worn for the past few days (94) Name Something That Relaxes YouMy hair being played with/ listening to my cat purr(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?A semi colin on my wrist(96) Favourite YouTuber?Game grumps or Cryotic
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