#I’m supposed to be studying for exams
yogurtlid10000 · 5 months
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newt from pacific rim
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hell0jon · 4 months
My Theories for Where the Fuck Colin is:
• was eaten alive the second he climbed out the window after saying bye to Celia in episode 10
• Jmart kidnapped him for reasons I can’t reveal
• was eaten alive by computer wires that weren’t actually wires, but snakes
• got bonked on the head and now shits himself every time he hears his accent to the point of insanity
• slipped in the shower
• accidentally locked himself in the IT room and has been eating wires to survive, resulting in multiple unexplained power cuts, piling up the OIAR’s workload to the point where they’re staying over time
• was eaten alive by his therapist
• found a hole, jumped in it for shits n gigs, and ended up on the other side of the universe
• was eaten alive after asking a 7-Eleven employee for a longer straw
• bonzo
• got married, had a family, they got eaten alive, bought a private property out in the country with their life insurance, suffered from intense social isolation and retired all in the span of three weeks
• was probably eaten alive
• kidnapped by an evil russian clown mannequin and moisturised for a month after having his skincare routine roasted by said evil russian clown mannequin
• asthma attack
• batman
• turns out he’s actually okay and has been living in Brisbane, Australia for the last few months
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mapletine · 6 months
delgal supportive brother
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+ original tweet under cut
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sunsburns · 8 months
I was wondering what oral sex with Luke Castellan , would be like I really like your writing a lot.
y’all need to send me more brain rots cause 🥴🥴 phew [nfsw 17+]
with luke, you already know it’s hot, wet and loud. and maybe a bit rough around the edges where his nails dig into the skin of your hips, or he’s holding you so tight that light bruises are painted on the plush of your thighs, or when he likes to suck and bite on the inside of your thighs, leaving marks for you to find the next morning.
basically... he’s a munch!
he’s so eager to please you and make sure you’re enjoying this as much as he is. giving you head is like, a fixation of his, strangely enough. and it’s nice to think that he loooovveees to moan and spit at your cunt, making such a big mess while he grinds against the covers to find some kind of release at the sounds of your moans. especially when you pull at his hair and scrape your nails against his scalp. he’s a sucker for that shit.
he’d go at it until his jaw locked. even when you’re squirming and whining and crying out his name, it all spurs him to keep going, maybe even adding a finger or two into the mix while he tugs at your clit with his teeth and lets out the most erotic groan you've ever heard, making you even wetter than before, if that was even possible.
“one more. you can give me one more, please,” he’d mutter against you, only pulling away to look up at you with his beautiful brown eyes and pouty lips covered with your slick. how could you possibly deny him what he wants? when he's looking at you so pretty?
oh yeah, you give him whatever he wants, and you take whatever he gives you because you know you’ll get the chance to return the favour sooner or later.
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viyprospektt · 16 days
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personally i think these two are insufferable when they’re alone actually
@bubblehshrubbereh i couldn’t get the cuddle art to look good no matter what i did so i hope a kiss will suffice instead
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squidd-ink · 10 months
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The saga continues!
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i promise to finish whatever this is after my exams 😭
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talgra · 11 months
As somebody who’s played RDR2 before I played RDR1, it sincerely feels like, (because of his circumstances,) John Marston becomes almost an antithesis to his character in RDR2 - all because he loses his family
Last we see of John in RDR2, he’s made sure his family is safe, he’s made sure Micah is dead and revenges Arthur (something he unknowingly sets the agents to find him and begin RDR1)
But here’s my deal!! He’s changed since the start of the game, no longer is he angry towards Abagail and Jack for his situation as he was divisive over his feelings for having a family, he’s kinder, sweeter towards his family and is TRYING!!! he’s trying his best to be a better husband for Abagail and a father for Jack!!
and then RDR1 starts, and (at least where I last left off,) he’s brash, he’s violent, he’s unruly - he’s doing everything that Abagail had expressed extreme distaste for - but this time he’s not doing it because he can (like in RDR2, as he held up his persona of the violent low honor cowboy), he’s doing it BECAUSE he loses his family, which is such a change in character for him almost?
he’s not being brash and violent because he can - he’s being brash and violent because that course of action, in his eyes, can get him back to his family the fastest, something that he never would’ve expressed or hell, done in RDR2 (other than rescuing Jack and escaping with Abagail, and even at that point had to be forcibly pushed to leave the gang by Arthur)
The whole RDR2 to RDR1 arc for John Marston just shows how he finally embraces his act as a father and a husband and though he has to pick up the gun n hat again, does so in order to protect his family
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mollyrolls · 2 days
omg i forgot to tell you guys but i was fully dying last night roommate storytime
for context: my roommate, let’s call her cece, is the most cliche tiktok theatre kid girl you could ever imagine. we did random roommates so we don’t have that much in common; she likes to go out to clubs and frats and shit and i spent my night last night doing a puzzle. dichotomy of man
anyways, i was back in the room getting ready to gts and she comes BURSTING into the room and immediately starts stripping 😭😭 i’m like “hi cece….whatcha doing..” and she jumps a foot in the air bc she didn’t see me. keep in mind i am not doing anything secretive or hiding, like i’m just standing there.
she starts going on this crazy tangent abt how she’s a horrible person and is abt to do this horrible thing and i immediately clock that she is drunk off her ass 😭 she’s also just standing there in her bra and underwear and i am looking so hard at the ceiling bc wtf am i supposed to do in that situation
and idk if i misheard her but i swear she said to me “i’m going to fuck my best friends boyfriend” 😀🤨 she’s also changing into like a lacy babydoll??? like hello!!!!??
so i’m thinking : ok this girl has been on a self sabotaging streak recently (another story for another day) and she is in no position to be doing anything like that rn so i guess it’s my job to talk her out of doing this disastrous thing
so i say “cece don’t fuck your best friends boyfriend. that’s crazy.” and she goes “nononono not fucking, eye fucking. i eye fuck everyone when i’m drunk.” which i can confirm bc she was doing it to me at this exact moment, i am still staring at the ceiling
so i’m like ok fine that’s ur prerogative as long as ur not compromising urself do what u want. but she’s conscious enough to know that if she keeps eye fucking this guy her best friend is going to be paranoid abt it?? and like have a horrible night?? but she’s not gonna stop!!!??? whatever
and then this is where i start dying bc she starts comparing herself to ME 😭😭😭😭
she’s like “ugh molly you’re so cute and wholesome, like spending ur night with ur game group and ur puzzle ugh i want to be like youuuuu” full drunk girl whining and like spinning around and i straight up had to bite my fist
bc i was doing the aforementioned puzzle bc she had sexiled me abt 2 hrs before
but she’s in this like playboy cover lingerie set going BACK OUT to her friends room, full sprinting across our room bc she keeps forgetting shit, has not said a coherent sentence once, and is talking abt how i’m a cute little wholesome person and she wants to be like me. i feel like i’m tripping on something
and then this is the best part i’m quoting this verbatim
“and while i’m about to go do this HORRIBLE thing because i’m a HORRIBLE person YOUREEEE gonna be in here in the room probably writing some cute fun story which by the way you should probably post on AO3 bc if i ever figure out how to work AO3 i bet i’d find ur stuff and i bet it’s be so good but i’d never tell you i found ur stuff bc i wouldn’t know but i would know because you look like you’d be a good writer okay BYEEEEE!”
and then she slams the door and is gone until 3 am. this was in a span of abt 4 minutes
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compaculaaa · 2 years
You know what?
*reverse age your sparkling siblings au*
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Still incredibly wholesome ☺️💕💕
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hysterotic · 5 months
when u read a rly good incomplete fic series n now ur brain is too incompetent to write anything bc it’s rotting around the series u just read n it refuses to let u write anything until the series gets updated this is pissing me ooofffffff omg
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emmebearpaw · 2 days
God I hope the work-fun balance kicks in soon. Need it to balance. Please please balance. It happened last year please please
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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So I’ve been wanting to make this character ever since I saw @ennywashere Choco Cream Cookie and thought “Dark Choco having a dad arc would honestly be really interesting for his character”, so I decided to take my own stab at it and made Hazelnut Cookie, Dark Choco’s recently adopted daughter
I made her hazelnut because I heard hazelnuts go well with chocolate. But also because I remembered Nutella, and hearing back all those years to when I first saw those ads that they were made with hazelnuts, and I remembered it tasting a lot like chocolate, so I thought hazelnuts could be a chocolate substitute. Granted that wasn’t really true, it seems Nutella is made from both hazelnuts and chocolate, but after finding out hazelnuts and chocolate work well together, I decided to just stick with Hazelnut
Also side note, I was double checking whether or not there was already a Hazelnut Cookie, and while there wasn’t, I did find some ocs and one of them was supposed to be a love interest for Dark Choco. If the name has the same reasoning as here, that’s very clever, that
So I’ve been flip flopping about her age while making her. Originally, she was just going to be like a baby—my notes said she was no older than 2–but then later on, I realized that made Hazelnut less of a character and more like just a living prop, as she would have no real character. So I decided to age her up a bit, but she was still supposed to be very young, my top limit being “younger than Custard III”. When designing her here, I think I stayed closer to that upper limit, but I hadn’t really thought about how old she is, because I also want her to be a really little kid, that was kind of the point of her. It’s only now as of writing this that I think I’ve come up with a definitive age range for her, that being ~4 ish. I’m not entirely sure she looks that age here, as I feel like she looks too old, but if I draw her in the future, I’ll keep that in mind
Speaking of her design, I’m not too sure I’m happy with it. I wanted to design her after a hazelnut, since that’s what she’s made of, but did I go too far? And I’m not sure about her hair. Again, I was trying to design it like a hazelnut, specifically the inner cream colored part, but I couldn’t get it to look right. I think my current 2 is probably the one I’m most satisfied with (it’s actually my 3rd, but I didn’t have room for all 3, so I deleted my original 2nd in place of it. I dunno, maybe I’ll work on it. Should I lose the hood? I put it there to reference the shell of a hazelnut, but I’m not sure about it
So anyways, talking about her, so basically her story is that Dark Choco finds her in the forest one day all alone and scared (I haven’t actually worked out why or how she was there. It’s kind of a holdover from when she was a baby, where that didn’t need much explanation. A possible idea I had is that she was just baked in the Witch’s Oven and escaped, ending up there in the forest). After helping her out (maybe she was being attacked by beasts), he tries to help her find someone she knows who would be looking for her, like a family member or something. When he finds out she doesn’t really have anyone, he decides he can’t just leave her all alone out here and decides to take her with him, at least until they can find somewhere good for her to stay; they aren’t father and daughter yet. During their travels, Dark Choco starts teaching her things about the world she doesn’t understand yet, helping her with whatever’s confusing, and just generally being a caring figure towards her, as he can’t help but become emotionally attached to the little girl. And Hazelnut becomes very attached to Dark Choco. One day, when they’re passing through a town, they see a kid and their dad, and Hazelnut later asks Dark Choco what exactly a dad is. He gives what explanation he can: someone who takes care of you and protects you, teaches you about the world and how to live in it, someone who’s always there for you and loves you no matter what (during this explanation I feel like he might reflect on his own father and what his father was trying to do for him or what might have gone wrong, as he does explain to Hazelnut that not every dad is like this, but it’s what they’re supposed to do). After his explanation, Hazelnut thinks on it, and asks if she can call Dark Choco “dad” (or some form of that), since he basically already does all of that for her. He’s shocked by the question, but he says yes, she can call him that if she wants, and so then they (unofficially) become father and daughter
I’m not sure Hazelnut would be a “playable” character, in this hypothetical scenario where she or an adjacent character is somehow canon, but if she was, I’d probably put her in the Healing class, since from what I’ve been able to gather, hazelnuts have quite a few health benefits, and I wanted to incorporate that in some way
I think that’s all about Hazelnut, I hope you like her!
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muirneach · 4 months
its my schools prom tonight so everyone is skipping this afternoon to get ready. i too am not at school this afternoon but this is because i have to do an entire fucking sewing college exam in 13 minutes. we are truly not the same
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forgotten-daydreamer · 3 months
Took twice the max dose of melatonin before the final revision for tomorrow’s exam, I’m shitting my pants and I genuinely don’t know anything as thoroughly as I should but if I sleep less than 4 hrs before it I just know I’m gonna do even worse somehow
#don’t take twice the max dose of anything btw#genuinely don’t do the shit that I do#i only did it bc I know my limits and haven’t had any other substances in over 24 hrs but don’t ever try it#always talk to your gp before taking any meds and supplements at all#anyway psa aside#I want to revise for two hrs so until 1.30am circa but I genuinely hope I pass out sometime in the next hours and a half#godspeed ig#uni#melatonin#I have super high expectations but I genuinely prepared this exam in like 4 days and my brain has been all over the place#haven’t had the chance (economic too so please please consider sparing a couple of bucks for my ko-fi?) to meet my therapist in 2 weeks#been super suicidal super busy dealing with stuff and people and my family and uni and ah oh how I wish I had a brain able to focus#also the ‘visions of horror’ as I call them have lowkey turned into auditory hallucinations that never stop and it’s… tough#genuinely so tired of everything in general#I’d promised to hang with my uni friends after the exam bc I should be done my midday tops but I know im gonna be super sad and underwhelme#so I hope I can be at home by 4 pm tops with one excuse or the other#I love them all so much but I need a break. also bc I got another exam in less than a fucking week and I still haven’t started studying for#it because it’s objectively easier than tomorrow’s and because when was I supposed to study for it#I spent 3 good days working on a paper that isn’t even mine for a subject I don’t even take#a favor for a friend which turned into 3 more friends asking me if I could help them with theirs#and you know me#I never say no. unfortunately. but also I’m super glad they want my help bc they know I can write at least (one good thing)#but. that’s still -3 days available#then. the demons#wasted so many hours just pacing and biting my nails raw and being pathetic#so yeah. in a little under 15 hrs I want to be in bed again. resting until the 19th when the cycle will begin anew#also math ain’t mathing. my exam is in 12 hrs only now 13.
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m0thlegs · 5 months
me when I remember people can perceive my blog and I haven’t updated or posted this blog as much so it doesn’t match my new and improved super cool funny hot awesome talented personality
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