#I’m taking an Arachnid biology class rn so hit me up for arachnid photos it’ll help me study
doctor-direst · 9 months
For bug tax I have one tiny spider (the thing its on is hand sized)...
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...a live butterfly...
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...and a dead one
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If you know what species any of these are I'd love to know!
I’m in undergrad still so take everything I say with a grain of salt
1. Definitely a jumping spider so it’s in the family Salticidae
2. Family Nymphalidae (feels like the most common butterfly family), but cross referencing BugGuide.net and the iNaturalist app could place it into the Junonia genus aka “buckeyes” butterflies from their false eyes pattern. The suggested species is Junonia grisea but I cannot 100% tell you for sure.
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^example photo I’ve cross referenced
3. That is a very dead swallowtail butterfly (family Papilionidae)! Trying to ID them any lower is a tough time for me due to their similarities.
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