#I’m thinking some sort of spy v spy shenanigans could work
corvids-corner · 6 months
I need to rework my OCs’ lore 🤔
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Well, my lovely @fireballs777 decided that I was to be tagged in what I’m calling the Alphabet tag, ‘cause why not? So, yoohoo and all that jazz; let’s get started! A-Age: I am the Dancing Queen! Newly titled at the ripe something age of 17. B-Biggest Fear: Probably just not remembering. I dunno, man. I got nothing. C-Current Time: 12:21 A.M. D-Drink You Last Had: Italian Ice. It’s totally a drink. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Other than that, water. E-Everyday Starts With: “Was that dream real? Was I hallucinating? Wait, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET TO WORK IF I DON’T HAVE MY OWN CAR?!? Nevermind. I don’t work in the CIA. I’m a high schooler. F***! School!” F-Favorite Song: Every time! Does no one know how hard this crap is to fill out already?!? ‘Here, just take your already unfocused brain, and sort through a gallery of thousands of songs that you like. Pick one.’ Let’s do this; Favourite Song (For Dancing): Jump Jive 'n’ Wail G-Ghosts, Are They Real?: I mean, sure! You can’t really prove the absence of them, so I don’t see why not. H-Hometown: Someplace in Virginia. Do I know where? Nope. Do I care? Nuh uh. I-In Love With: My beautiful, fantastic girlfriend, who’s willing to be associated with me when in public. (I’m a little off my rocker. XD) J-Jealous Of: Just anyone that can enjoy the taste of tuna. My mother LOVES tuna, so it’s always in the refrigerator, and it’s just nasty. K-Killed Someone: I mean, I hope not. I stabbed the air in front of me once, because I was super tired, saw something move on my left, and stabbed it with the knife on my dresser. It was a lit up dust particle. L-Last Time You Cried: Like today. I got 33 questions out of 40 right on the NLE. Basically, super nerd moment. M-Middle Name: Lauren N-Number of Siblings: Only one, praise Zeus. I’d praise Ilythia, but she wouldn’t be making the kid, so… . O-Order of Operations: The 'O’ question was missing from the post I copied off of, so this is what you get. PEMDAS. It’s a thing, peeps. P-Person You Last Called/Texted: Sadly, my Latin teacher, so that I could find out what time I need to be at school for the nerd-off tomorrow. Q-Question(s) You’re Always Asked: -Are you dating? -Are you crazy? -Are you drunk? -Yo, you got that charger? -Okay, what it up with your Mom Bag? R-Reasons to smile: Legitimately anything. Usually, because my girlfriend is adorable and I love my group of friends. S-Song I Last Sang: Uh, probably Pie Jesu, although I sang a lot today, so it’s a little fuzzy. T-Time I Woke Up: 1:57 A.M. And then some time later (I don’t actually know!) U-Underwear Color: Rainbow! Just like my brain. V-Vacation Destination: Just somewhere that I can go and learn a cool language that I can use to be a spy. W-Worst Habit: Witchcraft! Actually, I think most of my habits aren’t bad, they’re just kinda neutral. X-X-rays You’ve Had: Teeth. Also, the doctor thought that I’d gotten something lodged in my stomach, so that too. Y-Your Favorite Food: Just like anything Korean. Bibimbap especially. It is my love, although I can’t always spell it right… . Z-Zodiac Sign: I’m a Pisces! Which apparently makes me a fish. Actually, it makes me two fish! Like the Ying-yang symbol! Dunno what that means, but okay.
So, that’s the end of my presentation. I hope you all enjoyed it, and just a forewarning, while most of the answers were true, they’re also super ridiculous. Please do not take me seriously! I’m not tagging anyone because it’s too late -early?- for these shenanigans. If you want to do it, go right ahead! It’s fun. (I think?)
That’s all folks!
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