#I’m this close to going to the lace market and buying a blouse
I hate that I like alternative fashion(not just the colloquial use of the word, as in anything alternative from mainstream), because I want to wear ALL of them.
Currently my two main styles are my everyday(pretty normie) gay ™ button downs/patterned shirts and my vintage/history inspired clothing(I don’t have as much as I’d like but when I had longer hair, a wet set and red lip went a long way).
But I also DO like alt™ fashion. I know all the cultures are different but I think goth and a little bit of punk are the ones that interest me the most! I just love the alt look of it on other people and I want to see if I like on myself! I just feel like I really don’t know where to begin for the goth stuff. Also yes ,I know the culture is more than the clothing and I’m also interested in those parts too, this post is just focusing on fashion.
I’m also interested in Lolita fashion! I don’t think it’s something I’d do for everyday fashion, but I always keep coming back to it, so I’d love to try it out! Mostly what attracts me to the style is that I already like historical fashion, but I don’t know if there’s a particular sub style I’m interested in. I like when other people do Sweet but doesn’t feel like my vibe. I could maybe see myself doing goth Lolita or more classic/traditional Lolita. Though really, in my mind there’s only one coord idea that I want to do, but it doesn’t really fall neatly into any of the mainstream Lolita styles(I guess pirate would be the closest? there are some JSKs I’ve looked at that could fit my idea).
I also really want to get more into medieval/renaissance fair fashion or more piratey/vampire/vaguely 17th century fashion. I have my vintage style that I want to expand but I do want to play around with more time periods and different ways of modernizing them!
I actually really like my current styles but there’s so much I want to try.
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biasedwriting · 5 years
God Save The King || 18||
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Find all parts here 
Jiyeon watched the queen looking at a particular physical map for a great period of time. The latter’s pen ran over paper, noting down something she believed to be a key point. She turned to her advisor, with a frown.
“Aoi is a glacier-fed river isn’t it?”
“It is, your highness,” Jiyeon replied, making Minah’s frown deepen as she looked back at the map with a sigh. The advisor looked at her Queen, confused, wondering what it was that was bothering her. She eyed the “tea estates...population...irrigation” hastily written down on the Queen’s notebook.
They had been sitting there for nearly two hours and the Queen had not yet budged. 
“If you are tired, then you can retire for the day.  Or should I ask for a pot of tea?” Minah smiled as Jiyeon shook her head.
“I’ve barely done anything except for providing you with material!”  
Minah raised her hand to call to the maid stationed outside the study “Jeongyeon!” which had the young woman scurrying in, blinking at being addressed by name.
“Would you be so kind as to fetch us a pot of tea?” the Queen glanced at the clock on the wall and pursed her lips “have you had your lunch yet?” 
Jeongyeon shook her head, her fingers tightening around the fabric of her skirts “n-no, your majesty.” 
“I apologise, please take a break for lunch. If someone else is available, please send them instead.”  Minah said before turning to Jiyeon “I hope you don’t mind.” 
“No, not at all.” the lady replied as the maid bowed and hurried out of the room. The queen returned to the map, pursing her lips before scribbling out another few words that Jiyeon to vaguely discern as “dam....displacement...regrowth?”
The first thing that Taekwoon noticed was that her hair was down when she hurried over to stand beside him. He had taken pains to look as plain as possible so as not to be identified by the people in his kingdom, but when Minah looked up at him, he could very faintly recognise his wife under the gaunt cheeks and hair parted a whole different way. She had on heavy brown cotton pants and a loose linen blouse. Her eyes met his and she let out a laugh.
“We need to make you look...less like a king, your majesty.”
Taekwoon looked thoughtful before reaching for the pair of spectacles he had slipped in his pocket and wore them. 
"How about now?" He asked, squinting through the clear glass.
Minah looked thoughtfully at him before reaching towards his hair with a soft "If I may?"
Taekwoon tipped his head forward as his wife stood on the tips of her toes to muss up the neatly combed locks over his forehead. He looked at her meticulous movements as she carefully fixed his hair in a way that would hide his features. Taekwoon’s eyes fell shut involuntarily, the gentle touch almost like a caress.
She wobbled, standing on her toes for so long causing her to lose balance. His hands gently reached to grip at her sides so she wouldn't fall over, fingers clutching at the soft fabric. He noticed the involuntary twitch of muscle under his fingers and the red creeping up her cheeks as she willed herself to focus on his (mostly done) hair. Stepping away with a sigh, she nodded.
“This will do.”
The two trudged down the path demarcated by Yixing for them to enter the heart of the city. He said it was the safest route with the least crowd least they are identified. It was a cobbled path lined on either side with double-storeyed houses and a network of alleyways through which the cold mountain breeze blew. Minah was now swathed with a heavy shawl and her loose hair held back with a colourful scarf. Taekwoon led the way, more familiar with the route than his wife who looked around, taking in the details as keenly as she could.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked, nudging at her hand with his and grasping it to help her over a particularly rough patch on the path.
“I was wondering if we could walk into the market without being identified,” Minah hummed thoughtfully. “Is there somewhere where we could buy some of the teas from the Yun Province? I heard it was one of the kingdom’s finest.”
The King’s brow furrowed. This tea was easily obtainable in the palace itself. Why would she want to go specifically to the marketplace for it? He looked around, realizing that he was mostly familiar with this path through motorcar or horseback, but never by foot. The marketplace was a short walk from where they were. 
“There is a street in the Central Market which is home to all the tea traders, I’m certain we’ll find some there.”
He squinted through the clear glass frames perched on his nose at what seemed to be a sudden movement in an alley a dark figure seemed to be hovering in the depths of it, watching them. Taekwoon’s grip on Minah’s hand tightened as the figure moved, causing Taekwoon to hurry ahead down the path towards the city square. His mind raced. Had someone been made aware of his and her outing? Was this one of Yixing’s security measures to ensure that nothing untoward would happen to them? Even if it was, the guard would have made himself known rather than acted suspiciously.
Maybe they were being followed.
“Slow down, your highness. If we move too fast we’d look suspicious.” Minah whispered when she caught sight of the familiar fountain in the middle of the city square. Shifting her gaze to her husband, she noticed that he didn’t seem to be listening, his eyes looking around everywhere seemingly in search of something. She laced her fingers with his and tugged gently towards the crowd of vehicles carrying produce, pottery, and grains leading towards the market trying to merge them into the mass of people.
The loud crack of bamboo being unloaded seemed to break Taekwoon out of his thoughts and look at his wife. Even in her attempts to remain incognito, she stood out in the crowd with her keen eyes and sunkissed skin, she was clearly from the South. But somehow, she conducted herself much like a tourist, looking around in wonder as she grasped at his hand. Suddenly, Taekwoon found himself not caring if they were being followed. There was no way they could be caught in this crowd.
“Let me take you to the tea market,” he said, gently leading her past the vegetable stalls, down the brick path which led to the potter and gem guilds before taking a sharp left turn. The street was narrow and seemed to have once been paved. Cluttered with stalls, some of which were open, there didn’t seem to be too many people within the streets. Taekwoon frowned, maybe this was the effect of the lack of water in the tea estates as Lord Yang had mentioned.
Minah paced forward, looking around the stalls with increased interest catching the attention of the merchants who sat at their stalls, looking into the distance. The sudden animation in their actions amused Taekwoon as they called for Minah’s attention, unbeknownst to them that the lady they were calling was their queen. The desperation was evident in their voices as they tried to sell the paltry varieties of tea set on the tables in front of them. Minah approached a stall and Taekwoon noticed the glares between the merchants.
“Would you happen to have any tea from the Yun Province? I’ve heard it is the finest in the kingdom,” she asked and the glee on the merchant’s face dropped, hardening before morphing into a commercial smile.
“Oh! Madam, you’ve come in at the wrong time. It is not yet time for the Yun variety to be picked yet. May I interest you in some from the Sang Province? They’re very close to each other and the flavour profile is rather similar!” the merchant replied, pointing to another bottle holding tea.
“Is that so?” Minah wondered out aloud as Taekwoon frowned. This was the season where the best tea from the Yun Province came into the capital. “Dearest, did you not say that the tea would be brought into the capital within these months?” Minah asked, turning to Taekwoon who nearly jolted at the sudden use of the term of endearment.  Hoping that the heat on his cheeks didn’t translate into a thick blush, he nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
The merchant seemed to notice that the foreign lady was accompanied by a local man. Shooting the king a glare he turned to Minah.
“We don’t have any tea from the province.”
“Does anyone here in the market have any?” Minah asked, idly looking at some of the tea leaves in front of her.
“No,” the man snapped.
“Anywhere in the city?”
“No, we haven’t had tea from the Yun Province for nearly two years. The only place you might find it is in the palace. I don’t think your husband here has been aware of the situation in the North.”  he glared at Minah before casting a sharp look at Taekwoon.
Minah maintained her unaffected tone “I’m afraid not, he has been travelling for a while. What is the situation in the North? Has there been a drought?”
There was a loud snort of laughter from another stall making Minah spin around to see who it was.
“Drought? Lady, the monsoons in the north are just fine. It’s the river that is the issue.” Another stall-owner piped up.
“How so?” Minah’s asked, curiosity piqued, Taekwoon took a step forward to join the conversation.
“The variety grown in the Yun Province needs a steady water supply,” the merchant began only to be interrupted by Taekwoon.
“Isn’t it irrigated by the Aoi River?”
“Yes, which has been dammed off and the water being denied to several estates.” the adjacent stall-owner snapped “why do you think we barely have any of the best teas here?”
“We don’t have the money to pay the Lord to let water in to irrigate our estates in the province,” another merchant sighed “most of us have lost our businesses or our lands to the Lord Kwanghee. Whoever is left has moved to the Sang Province, but the yield isn’t as good.”
“Wasn’t there a second dam built just a few years ago?” Minah wondered aloud “did that not help with the irrigation of the estates?”
There was silence and another derisive laugh “the Blue Dam was built under the recommendation of Lord Kwanghee to King Daesuk. People are still waiting for the compensation they were promised for all the lands that were flooded.”
“I’m...really sorry,” Taekwoon said and Minah’s eyes dropped to her feet.
“No point in saying sorry. With the king running off to fight wars and bringing common women as brides, we only have the court to appeal to.”
“Pft, appeal to the Lords who we need to bribe just for water?” the man rolled his eyes “there’s nothing we can do. We’ll soon go bankrupt and have to find other work.”
Minah had remained silent for most of the conversation. “If you could all be so kind as to give me a pound each from your teas, I would be grateful.” She said, looking at the King who nodded. It was the least they could do given their disguise. There was a flurry of movement as they all hurried to pack the loose leaf teas into paper packages and seal them. 
While there was some jubilation for the business in the street, the walk back to the palace was silent. They had decided that further exploration of the city could be done another day.
Minah could tell that her husband was deep in thought. Probably troubled by the news about his nobility denying his people of basic necessities. It was possible that Lord Kwanghee had tried to create a monopoly of the tea trade so he could gain through export. The dam would have easily created a power source as well as a means of controlling the water in the area. Which was probably why he was vehement about the release of the river to travel further South as a part of their negotiations.
“We should look into his financial records and send someone trusted on the ground...for now, that will be a good way to verify it, your highness.” she began slowly.
Taekwoon shook his head “that is superficial, I am worried that Kwanghee’s actions will lead to rebellion yet again… I don’t think…” he paused when the queen took his hand in hers and gave it a soft squeeze as they walked past the heavy wooden gateway of the palace. Shedding his glasses and handing over the many parcels of tea to the attendants, Minah could see that Taekwoon was visibly miserable. He had been so busy fighting his father’s battles that he couldn’t see the shambles that his kingdom was in and was actively blinded by his courtiers. He felt foolish, angry, and incapable. All he wanted was to fix everything that he could.
 “We can start there and move on to verifying if people who have been displaced have been given appropriate compensation. Right now it is important to see what exactly is happening and then taking measures for both short and long term.” Minah said, running her thumb over his knuckles as he walked her towards her quarters “I understand that it is overwhelming now, but let’s take this step by step. We have several bright minds in the court…”
“And yet, it is difficult to understand who to trust.” Taekwoon sighed when they reached the entry to Minah’s quarters. His hand was still in hers as they stood in the silence, looking at each other. 
“I’m here to support you no matter what. We will write a new chapter in this kingdom’s history together,” she said softly as Taekwoon looked down to meet her gaze. “Your majesty,” she called and he hummed in response when pushed herself onto her tiptoes to brush her lips against his.
Eyes fluttering shut, Taekwoon’s world seemed to freeze for that ephemeral moment. Just the brief brush of her lips against his sent such a spark down his spine that made him feel a deep clenching inside his chest. His palm reached out to cradle her burning cheek before meeting her gaze. Somewhere in the buzz of his mind, he knew it was an aching longing to kiss her as his thumb ran gently over the plush skin of her lips.
"Can I..." he breathed out before Minah nodded silently. At that moment, he took her cheeks into both his hands, bringing her lips to his for another moment, prolonging the kiss this time, by tilting his head to deepen his movements. The soft sound that left her lips rippled through his body as his fingers tangled in her hair and her shawl fell to the ground as her hand gripped at his coat. The longing that Taekwoon felt in his chest had now turned into a fire and his hands now moved to grip at her hips and pull her close savouring the hum that left her throat. When his lips met her neck the moment their lips parted and he took a step towards her quarters, she baulked, seemingly coming to her senses and taking a step away.
“I uh…” she panted, blushing as Taekwoon looked at her, puzzled “I’m on uh…I don’t think...uh.” she tried to construct a coherent sentence but the coloured spots erupting in her brain made it fail her. “I’ll take your leave, your majesty” she exhaled heavily, pivoting and hurrying into her chambers.
Taekwoon gaped at the spot she had occupied a few seconds ago. He looked down to see her shawl, heavy on his feet. Reaching down to pick it up, he held it in his arms, breathing in the scent that clung to it. Had he been too forceful? He wondered as he wrapped the shawl around himself, trying to ignore the desire bubbling up within him. He had promised he would wait till she was comfortable and he would keep that promise. When he turned to leave, he saw a figure slink away. Blinking, Taekwoon saw that the spot was empty. Yet he was reminded again of the panic that had gripped him that morning.
He would have to speak to Yixing about the possible security breach.
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tag-list : @animeotakupooh​ @tomatoholmes​ @squeallyeel22​ @roses-and-absinthe​ @strwalight​ @tanithrea​ @blossomtearsleo​ @k-craze-97​
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Heejin (Loona) - Paris, Baby
Request: “Hello~ Long time no see ❤ Will you write a scenario with Heejin of LOONA, maybe cute trip to Paris? Thank you ❤”
Word Count: 1,749 Words
Warnings: Nothing NSFW, just fluff, enjoy :)
A/N: guys the XX TEASERS i can’t
- C
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Your leg bounced up and down with excitement as you say in the back of one of Loona’s managers’ vans. Your other leg was being held down by Heejin, whose hand was resting on your thigh, her thumb absentmindedly drawing circles that gave you little butterflies as she went. That was nothing new though, everything Heejin did gave you butterflies, and you loved it.
Your cases that had been packed yesterday were stowed away in the boot (trunk, if you’re American lmao) of the car as you headed towards the airport. For your one year anniversary, your girlfriend was doing the one thing you’d always dreamed of, you were going to Paris. The called the city of love, and you couldn’t wait to spend a week there with the girl you were so in love with.
The flight process was easy enough, you got through security and boarded your plane with little hassle. Even if something did go wrong though, you probably wouldn’t notice. You felt like you were on cloud nine, your fingers linked perfectly with Heejin’s as if your hands were made for each other to hold.
Before you took off, you smiled at Heejin, leaning over and kissing her temple. She shot you finger guns like the dork she is, ya know, the dork you fell in love with.
“Let’s go to Paris, baby,” Heejin said soon after, buckling her seatbelt and wiggling around in excitement as you laughed at her.
Your eyes fluttered shut quickly after the plane took off, feeling comfortable with Heejin beside you. You stayed asleep for a while, and when you woke up, a beautiful sight of Heejin sound asleep on your shoulder awaited you. Without waking her up, you managed to wrap an arm around her so she was comfortable, and she easily slept for most of the flight.
You were exhausted getting off the flight, and it was night time in Paris when you landed. You hopped into a taxi that took you right to your hotel, which you were grateful for because you felt like you needed the sleep.
The hotel room was spectacular, with a balcony that gave the most amazing views of Paris. You could see all the wonderful architecture around the city, and the Eiffel tower that overlooked everything around it. There was a grand king-sized bed in the middle of the room, it’s intricately detailed headboard resting against the wall. The clean sheets looked ever so inviting, and you would have fallen asleep in the clothes you travelled in if it weren’t for Heejin making you change into pyjamas.
Though your girlfriend had slept for most of the flight, she was just as tired as you were. You came out of the bathroom to see her changed, sitting on the bed on her phone. Her long hair cascaded down her shoulder, glasses perched perfectly on the bridge of her nose as she scrolled through whatever app on her phone. You thought she looked ethereal, and you smiled at the thought that she was yours, and only yours.
You strolled out onto the balcony in your sock-clad feet, breathing in the fresh air. Though it was night time, the night was still warm as you took in the sights of the city.
Heejin padded out behind you a few minutes later, her arms wrapping around your waist from behind as she kissed your neck softly. You leaned back into her, breathing in her familiar scent that made you feel so at home, no matter where you were in the world.
“The view is beautiful, isn’t it? Almost as beautiful as you.” You blushed at Heejin’s cheesy words, her flirting still affecting you as much as it had since the first time she ever spoke to you. You turned around in your girlfriend’s arms, your hands coming up to cup her cheeks as you pressed a soft kiss to her welcoming lips.
“Stop being so cheesy baby. Come on, let’s go to bed.” And with that, you both strolled back into your room, your fingers loosely laced together as you headed straight for bed.
The next day was an action-packed one. You went for breakfast first, before making your way through the city, visiting every museum and art gallery that you saw. You weren’t going to have an opportunity to do this stuff again for a long time, so you both wanted to make the most of it.
By dinner time you were both incredibly hungry, and definitely tired out from all your tourist activities during the day, a lot of which involved getting lost down little side streets or stopping to take aesthetic pictures together so you could show off to your friends when you got home.
The week passed way quicker than you ever wanted it to, and soon it was two days before you were supposed to head home. You had spent the day at the local market, and basically trying as many different types of food that you’d never had before as possible. Your camera roll was filled with pictures of Heejin, and it was in the taxi home that you found yourself looking through them, a little smile on your face as Heejin’s hand rested on your thigh, a habit that she’d gotten into soon after you had started dating.
You pulled up at your hotel a few minutes later, getting out and paying the taxi driver. Heejin thanked him in her broken French, making you smile. She turned and saw you smiling at her, hitting your shoulder lightly as she knew what you were giggling at.
Your room was on the 4th floor, and you hopped in the elevator in the lobby to get there. Since it was empty apart from you guys, Heejin took this moment to wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you close as you waited for the doors to open. Your head instinctively moved to lean on her shoulder, and you could’ve honestly stayed like that for the rest of the evening.
After both of you had gotten changed, you flopped down into bed. Heejin turned over so she was looking straight into your eyes, and your breath caught in your throat.
“How are you always so breathtaking?” You asked, moving a stray lock of hair behind her ear as she giggled; it was like music to your ears.
“I’m not baby, you are.” She replied, leaning in and kissing you. She pulled back, but only enough so your noses were still touching. You kept on with your little conversations until you both fell asleep, Heejin wrapped up tight in your arms.
Your last day in Paris was your favourite one of all. You went to a little café in the morning, having one of the best coffees you’ve ever had, and a croissant each. The rest of the day was spent wandering around the city, and unlike the other days you’d spend in the city, you had no plans for most of the day.
You and Heejin laughed and joked as you wandered around the quaint little streets, stopping to shop in the little boutiques, bookshops, and those small little shops full of random things that you definitely didn’t need, but you were tempted to buy anyway.
Heejin was dressed in a white blouse and patterned skirt, with knee-high socks and boots. She looked like she was straight out of a book, especially because she was wearing the little beret that you had bought her earlier in the week. You couldn’t help yourself throughout the day as you stole kiss after kiss, your lips always looking for more.
The sunset and the moon rose as you still wandered the streets with your girlfriend, neither of you wanting the day to end. You passed a pizzeria that looked enticing, and you both agreed to go and eat there. When you pushed open the door, a wonderful smell of food hit you, and both you and Heejin realised how hungry you both were.
You shared a big pepperoni pizza, both of you feeling stuffed to the brim after eating so much food that you couldn’t even move. You giggled at Heejin over the table who was leaning back, her hands patting her stomach as she felt so full.
After you paid the bill, and Heejin protested, you headed back out onto the street, the warmth of the French summer still in the air. You strolled down the main street, watching all the couples in love walk past you, just as you were doing.
“I have a surprise for you, let’s go,” Heejin said suddenly, breaking your comfortable silence. You followed as Heejin pulled you down the street, and suddenly you were beside the one thing you hadn’t managed to visit yet the Eiffel Tower.
“Come on, let’s go right to the top,” Heejin said, not even giving you a chance to reply as she pulled you towards the queue for the elevator. It only took you up halfway, so you had to walk the rest of the way.
Your legs were aching by the time you reached the top, but it was so worth it. If it wasn’t the views from the top of the tower that took your breath away, it was the way the wind blew Heejin’s hair as if she was in a professional photo shoot that did.
Your hands shook a little from how high you were, but being with Heejin made you feel so safe.
You pulled your girlfriend close, holding her as you both took in the lights of Paris. Heejin turned to look at you, her perfect features being lit up by the bright lights decorating the tower. Her hands came to wrap around your neck as yours moved to her waist. Your eyes moved from her lips to her eyes, and Heejin was the one to close the gap first, your eyes fluttering shut at the feeling.
If your life were to stop then and there, you wouldn’t mind. You could live in this moment forever if you were able to. The feeling of Heejin’s lips on yours, the way she moved her head to get closer, it was all perfect; everything was perfect.
You pulled away, feeling breathless as hell. Heejin giggled and leaned into your neck, her cheeks heated as she leaned against you.
You wanted to spend the rest of your life with this girl beside you, no matter what.
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bbbrianjones · 6 years
Dedicated Follower Of Fashion, Part 2
Let’s continue our shopping trip with Brian !! (Here’s part one if you haven’t read that already)
“Our sharpest dresser, Brian spent a small fortune at boutiques. Collecting clothes might have been his kind of therapy, as he shopped more frequently during times of stress: the day after his court case was adjourned he went to Chelsea Antique Market for a spree typical in its list of exotic purchases: a mandarin coat, a pink fringed coat, pink velvet cape, a flannel-and-lace jacket, embroidered and velvet jackets, two velvet scarves, four pairs of trousers, two kimonos and two scarves, two strings of bells, a blouse and a pink beaded belt. In New York, too, Brian had indulged himself in expeditions to the ladies jewellery departments of such stores as Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman. A New York journalist friend commented: 'If he gave nothing else to the world, Brian was the first heterosexual male to start wearing costume jewellery from Saks Fifth Avenue.'" - Bill Wyman, Stone Alone, 1990
I'm not sure where to start exactly, because as one could already read in the quote by Bill Wyman, Brian had lots of clothes, but I'll try.
So let's start with this:
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Brian's outfit at Monterey Pop Festival, 1967 is maybe one of the most known and is definitely one of my favourites. I'm not sure what he's exactly wearing, because it's not just one thing, but several layers combined... or like Eric Burdon said in his song Monterey: "His Majesty, Prince Jones, smiled as he moved among the crowd" A lot of his outfits definitely had a certain extravagance...
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They're definitely not something everyone could pull off without ending up looking totally ridiculous. (In my opinion: You either have style or you don't, that's not something you can learn nor you can buy.)
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Maybe not that known, but they're no words to describe how much I love his boots and coat.
Same with this jacket:
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If somebody ever sees a similar one, pls tell me, because I need it very desperately. Thank you.
Ehhh.... sorry for this. Now back to the real thing:
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It's hard to make out the key items about his clothes at this point because there's a lot of variety, but a few things are always coming up, for example, scarfs, jewellery and hats (can't forget about his awesome hats)
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In the British GQ Style's fall/winter 2014 issue, you can find a Brian inspired photo-shoot (or you can just google it)
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And well to close this thing (or else I'll talk about this forever and I don’t wanna bore you guys forever with Brian’s fashion):
"Together they (Brian Jones and Anita Pallenberg) forged a revolutionary androgynous look, keeping their clothes together, mixing and matching not only fabrics and patterns, but cultures and even centuries. Jones would parade the streets of London wearing a Victorian lace shirt, floppy turn-of-the-century hat, Edwardian velvet frock coat, multi-coloured suede boots, accessorised scarves hanging from his neck, waist and legs along with lots of antique Berber jewellery. According to journalist Al Aronowitz, 'Jones was the first man I ever knew to wear costume jewellery bought in the ladies' department at Saks'. At Courtfield Road (Brian's London apartment), Chelsea's power pair played host to a constant stream of beautiful people from John Lennon and George Harrison to Sonny and Cher, Donovan and Jimi Hendrix. Trendy filmmaker Donald Cammell, heir Paul Getty, and Britain's bright young thing would gather at the South Kensington flat to smoke dope, drop acid and discuss the issues of the day. Observed Anita: 'Brian was very interesting socially. He dealt with the fame and all that. He picked the best, the cream, Dylan, Terry Southern, Warhol. Brian set the pace'." - Geoffrey Giuliano, Paint It Black - The Murder Of Brian Jones, p 47-48.
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"One of the best things about visiting Anita and Brian was watching them get ready to go out. What a scene! They were both dauntless shoppers and excessively vain. Hours and hours were spent putting on clothes and taking them off again. Heaps of scarves, hats, shirts and boots flew out of drawers and trunks. Unending trying on of outfits, primping and sashaying. They were beautiful, they were the spitting image of each other and not an ounce of modesty existed between two of them. I would sit mesmerised for hours, watching them preening in the mirror, trying on each other's clothes. All roles and gender would evaporate in these narcissistic performances, where Anita would turn Brian into the Sun King, Francoise Hardy or the mirror image of herself." - Marianne Faithfull and David Dalton, Faithfull, Penguin Books, London, 1994, p 90
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Someone asked somewhere what happened to his clothes after his death...And because I thought it was important, here's the answer:
Some of his things are with different people like Anna Wohlin, but most of them like clothes and photographs have been taken by Tom Keylock who destroyed most of them as far as I know.
Like always if there is something you want me to add or talk about, just message me and I will see what I can do. Requests and questions are welcome too.
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justforthisicon · 6 years
AN: Secret Santa fic for Persephie! I’ve been wanting to write a story for this underrated pair for years, and I’m glad I finally can. All the characters are in their correct grades, except for Gil, who had to be aged down a year to join them, being a college student and all pfft. Happy Holidays!
What Are Friends For
Maggie notices Odin and Ava standing across the hall. She skips over to them, grabbing each of their arms, chirping, “Ready to go?”
Ava nods, smiling, “Hey, Maggie!” “You s-seem happy a-about something,” Odin says, beginning to walk.
“It’s a Friday night, you think I’m not excited?” Maggie tells him. “I’ve been so bored the whole week, we need to get out and do something. Actually get out there!”
“So, the mall?” Ava asks.
Maggie pulls Ava close, pressing her cheek to hers, “You know me so well.”
Ava’s face tints a slight pink, “Heh, sure.”
Odin unlocks his vehicle within a few feet, Ava taking the passenger seat and Maggie in the back. Yawning, Odin gives his head a quick shake before starting the car.
“You tired?” Ava asks.
“S-Stayed up late. My b-brother had people over and, apparently, n-no one understands the c-concept of sleep. Had to c-clean the fucking kitchen this m-morning.”
Maggie leans forward, “I keep telling you, I can go in, seduce him, and then wha-bam—” Maggie slams her fist into her palm. “He’ll fall so in love with me, he wouldn’t be able to do anything to bug you.”
“You know Olai doesn’t w-work like that. And dammit, put y-your seatbelt on Mags,” Odin chastises. Once she buckles up, he asks, “What about Gil anyway?”
Maggie’s expression shifts to dreamy, sighing, “Ah, Gil… I’ve been thinking about asking him out.”
“H-Have you?” he asks, aware of Ava’s sudden tension.
“Yep, I thought about asking him to go to the movies or something. Just a casual date.”
Odin wonders if it will ever click into her head that Gil is gay. It’s something he’s wanted to bring up, on numerous occasions, that Gil has, and never will, have an interest in girls. It’s so apparent to every single person on the blasted earth, except one Maggie Lacivi. She either has a strong sense of denial or she simply has never considered that possibility. He knows Ava has wanted to bring it up as well, but the two of them know that trying to convince Maggie of anything, especially before she’s ready to learn, will make her more resistant.
She has to learn the hard way.
Arriving at the mall, Odin finds a parking space not too far from the entrance. The trio head inside the cool building, that odd smell of perfume, purses, and clothes never worn, in the air. It permeates the entirety of the vicinity, extending from store to store to store. Odin’s never quite understood how malls can have such a distinct flavor, but it does. Maybe it has to do with marketing. Like with food. Where retailers have smells going around to bring customers in, and then wha-bam, you’re spending two hundred dollars on a random item you don’t want. He should look that up.
“Hey, Odin?”
He breaks from his trail of thought, turning to Ava, “W-What’s up, babe?”
Ava blanks for a moment. She feels her face grow warm, and she tries to not think of how easy he said that. Nonchalantly, she holds up a blouse, “Do you think this looks good?”
Odin’s brows furrow, “I g-guess.”
“What’s wrong with it?” she asks, suddenly self-conscious.
He puts up his hands, waving them, “N-Nothing, I t-think red is m-more your color.”
Ava sifts through the blouses, finding a similar cut at the top, though with a bit more frill around the sleeves and hem, colored in a deep red. She holds it up to her chest.
“M-Much better,” Odin says, approving.
“Yeah, you don’t think it’s too much?” Ava asks.
“N-No, you should get it.”
Maggie suddenly appears, grabbing Odin and Ava’s hands, “Hey hey hey, guys, can you tell me whether this outfit I found is cute enough?”
She pulls them forward, Ava clinging the blouse to her. Maggie releases them, and Odin catches Ava by the shoulder to keep her from tripping. Maggie whips out a flowing dress: the straps are razor thin, held up by a prayer, with a gradient of dark blue at the bust, to a light sky color at the hem. Maggie presses it to her frame, waiting for appraisal.
Ava says she likes it at the same time Odin says he doesn’t.
Maggie frowns. She holds it up, “If you two don’t agree, it must not be that good.”
Ava looks at Odin, “How come you’re not into this one?”
“Mags, c-come on, you can get a better d-dress than that.”
Maggie hangs it back, “Then what would you suggest?”
“N-Not that.”
Groaning, Maggie folds her arms.
“It’s a giant s-shopping center, you’ll f-find something more suit-t-ted for you.”
Resigned, Maggie heads off in a different direction. Not finding much else, they decide to leave, after Ava made her purchase of the red blouse.
They decide to go into another department, the clothes appearing a little more high-end. Maggie insisted, as there’s a sale. Ava and Maggie inspect the pants, trying to decide whether this cut was better than this. Odin hangs out in the front, judging their lack of decent jackets. Disappointed, they exit and walk on until they come to a lingerie store.
“Hey, Odin, your favorite place,” Maggie teases.
“Only i-if you and Ava model f-f-for me,” Odin answers.
Ava and Maggie laugh, all three grinning as they head inside.
Maggie immediately zeroes in on a bright blue bra, lace covering the front and leaving nothing to the imagination. She finds a matching set of underwear and goes to get fitted. Ava is asked by staff if she’d like to try on anything, to her much flustered apologies.
“Must be fun to go shopping with your girlfriend, huh?” asks an employee.
Before Odin can answer, Ava shakes her head, “Oh, he’s not my boyfriend!”
The employee blinks, trying not to be confused; smiling, they ask, what they hope is not a terrible question, “Oh… a relative, then...?”
“He’s just my friend.”
The employee watches Odin enter the seventh circle of hell. Yikes.
Maggie comes out, pleased, and makes her purchase of the bra, panties and a bottle of lotion with a sweet, floral scent.
Continuing on, Ava pauses. She asks, “Hey, Odin, don’t you need to buy anything?”
Odin mulls the questions. “I don’t know, s-socks?”
Maggie shoves him lightly, “Dude, that’s not a fun purchase.”
“I do n-need socks, though.”
Groaning, Maggie grabs his arm, “Odin, that’s not a cool, fun gift for a suave, debonair gentleman like yourself—”
“—I know y-you’re mocking me—”
“As your friends, we can’t stand by this. You are going to buy yourself something nice.”
Sighing, Odin allows Maggie to drag him off. Ava watches them go, moving at a slower pace. She had never expected Odin and Maggie to become so… close. Odin was the reason she and Maggie even started being friends again. After their falling out several years ago, it had been a difficult thing to imagine Maggie opening herself back up. She hadn’t blamed her for not wanting to be her friend anymore.
Then Odin came and somehow… fixed it. It was slow, incremental.
He knew Maggie from their shared group, and he knew Ava from a class involving all grades. One day, he had invited Ava to join them at the table and upon arriving, the atmosphere shifted. Neither girl had known Odin was friends with the other. Needless to say, that was the coldest, awkward lunch she’d had in a while.
After that, from her perspective, she’d explained to Odin that Maggie and she used to be close. He hadn’t prodded, and she’d been grateful for his respect for privacy. But he continued to express desire to hang out with both of them, even it wasn’t together.
Ava was aware that her being involved in Odin’s life nearly caused his relationship with Maggie to become unstable. Maggie went a whole month without talking to him, where before they would hang out whenever they could.
“I’m sorry about this,” she said.
“Sorry f-for what?”
“For making this about me, like usual…”
Odin looked at her through a screen of smoke, sighing, “If Maggie d-doesn’t like me hanging out with you, that’s h-her issue.”
“I’d ruined my friendship with her… I don’t know if I’m okay with me destroying this too.”
“Maggie is ve-very important to me, but you’re important to m-me too,” Odin explained. He got closer then, their arms brushing each other’s, and she felt her heart race.
She gave him a smile, shrugging, “That’s sweet of you… but you haven’t known me as long. It feels unfair to Maggie, and…” Ava clenched her hands into fists, the knuckles white, “I’m not sure how I feel about this.”
“Ava, I’m telling y-you here and now: Maggie c-can make her own decisions. If she d-doesn’t like the idea of you and I h-hanging out, that’s her problem.”
“You don’t mean that,” Ava insisted.
“I do m-mean that. Maggie’s my b-best friend. But if she’s g-going to be possessive of m-me, I’m n-not good at bei-i-ing friends with someone like that. Friendships r-run their courses too, like anything e-else, and if that’s how it g-goes, you can o-only accept someone’s c-choice.”
Ava’s brows furrowed, trying not to cry. She was ruining everything. Everything always gets ruined because of her. She never did the right thing. She always hurt people. She always caught people up her mess. She could never do the right, smart thing.
“Do y-you want me to s-stop being a-around you?”
Odin tilted his head, and their gazes locked. His expression had been so sincere. Whatever she said, he would do. He’s so much nobler than people expected him to be. Something about that look made her rethink what she said. That this was different. That this was a change for the better this time. And it was selfish, but…
“No, I don’t want to stop being friends.”
Ava’s always known she can be.
“Ava,” Maggie calls, waving her over into a store. “Come on, we gotta find a leather jacket for our boy!”
She closes the distance in small skips, content.
Odin shoves his hands into his newly purchased leather jacket. His sisters tried to hide it this morning, but he knew what to expect. He’d been called by Maggie to tell him she’s coming by to pick him up for school, so he got up and dressed. They alternate who drives when and Mondays are her turn.
“Lookin’ good,” Maggie says at the door, patting his back. She wipes away any imagined dust from his shoulders. “Aren’t you glad we made you get it?”
“N-No one makes me d-do anyt-t-thing.”
She raises a brow.
“But yes, I’m g-glad you encouraged m-me.”
“All the way to the register, I might add.”
Rolling his eyes, he wraps his arm around her, giving her a firm side-hug. Maggie leans into it, grinning at this display of affection from him. Walking to her vehicle, Odin slides into the passenger’s seat, pushing back the seat to make room for his legs. Maggie flips through the radio and lands on a pop music station.
He asks, “When are you go-going to ask Gil o-out?”
“I’ll be asking him out today, I have the whole thing planned out. I was going to ask him on Sunday, because I know which church he goes to, but I decided to opt out on that.”
Odin gives a simple nod.
Maggie glances at him, “I know you don’t like him.”
“W-What ever gave you t-that idea?”
“Glad you’re not trying to lie to me. But I don’t understand why you don’t like him.”
Odin sighs, rubbing his temples, “Mags, he’s just… he’s a p-prick.”
Affronted, Maggie frowns. She says, “Odin, I know he can be exasperating, and he’s a little crazy with all that religious stuff, but he’s not a prick.”
“He’s a c-complete fucking id-d-diot, and he acts l-like he’s so much better than the r-r-rest of us.”
“So do you.”
“Maggie, I’m n-not like him and you know that. D-Don’t insult me. He a-acts the way he d-does because he thinks it’ll get him b-b-bonus points with whoever i-is up there,” Odin exclaims, pointing at the roof of the car. “But he’s g-genuine asshole, I know you c-can do better than that.”
Maggie narrows her eyes, hands clenching the wheel, “You don’t know him. He’s always kind to me.”
“Because h-he thinks it��s how he should act. That d-doesn’t mean anything. You don’t act-t-t-tually know h-him either.”
Glaring at Odin, Maggie waves him off, “Look, I don’t want to get into an argument before school. Are you going to keep this up?”
Odin drops it, despite his reluctance.
They arrive at Ava’s place, and she comes out wearing her new blouse. Ava gets in the backseat, smiling, “Hi, guys!”
“Super cute, Ava!” Maggie says, looking at her in the rearview mirror.
“You l-look great,” Odin tells her, smiling.
Ava blushes from the compliments, hands on her cheeks.
The rest of the morning builds up in anticipation of Maggie’s plan. She normally doesn’t have problems asking boys out, but this upcoming one is making her palms sweaty, and her palpitations are a little quicker.
She walks around the courtyard and notices Gil in his preferred spot: a table nestled under a tree, his lunch to the side as he reads his book. Maggie takes a deep breath. Careful not to scare him, Maggie makes sure that she’s in a good line of his periphery to notice her. She stands there, waiting to be acknowledged.
Gil’s eyes remain fixated on the book. Maggie clears her throat.
He jerks his head up, surprised. He gives a smile, “Hello, Maggie.”
“Hey, Gil,” she says, waving her hand at him.
“Did you need to ask me a question about homework?”
“No, I wanted to ask you something else.”
Gil waits on her, book held open in front of him.
“Gil, I…” Maggie swallows, nervous. Butterflies in her stomach. She clasps her hands behind her back. “I think you’re a really great person… You’re always nice and considerate, and I feel you really listen to me. I know that you’ll be graduating soon, but I thought that, maybe, you and I can… go out? On a date?”
Gil’s brows furrow, confused.
“I know this may seem sudden, but I’ve liked you for a long time. And I wanted to ask you out before that. Will you… go out with me?”
“Thank you, Maggie, that’s sweet of you to say—”
She doesn’t like that tone.
“Gil, I know this might be weird for you. But I just want to know… if you’d like to.”
“Maggie… I appreciate your feelings but… I don’t feel the same way.”
She feels her thoughts slow.
Gil rises from his seat, “I’m sorry, Maggie, but I don’t have an interest in you like that.”
Maggie bolts after him, stopping in front of him, “No, wait! Gil, I swear if you just give me a chance, I think we can be really work.”
“No, please,” Maggie says, frantic. This wasn’t how she thought it would play out in her head. He’s supposed to sweep her into his arms, and tell her that he’d love to go out with her. And even without that romantic fantasy, she’d been hoping maybe, maybe, that they can try. He can accept her and she can try to get him to love her.
She reaches out for him, feeling the butterflies drift up into her throat, choking, “I know we don’t hang out all the time, but I think if we got to know each other better, you can… like me.”
Gil pulls back, “No. I’m sorry this isn’t the answer you want, but I don’t want to go out with you.”
“But… can I know why?” she asks, voice thin.
Gil looks at her. Looks at her without seeing her. Distant. Trying to ignore her.
“You’ll never be someone I want.”
Maggie’s chest rises and falls quickly, watching him leave.
Odin searches for Maggie, feeling a mild panic bloom in his chest.
Ava came to him asking if he’d seen her, since she went to where the car was this morning and didn’t find it. Odin called her numerous times after the final bell, only to get the same voicemail.
Ava jogs up to him, looking more worried by the minute, “Did you get through?”
“N-N-No, she’s s-s-still not ans-s-swering me,” he replies, trying to remain calm.
Rubbing her hands together, Ava glances around. Helpless. She gives a slight jump when Odin puts a hand on her shoulder.
“We’ll f-find her. I’m s-sure she’s okay,” he assures her.
“Something must’ve happened between her and Gil…” Ava says.
Frowning, Odin wonders. She’d been so excited to do it beforehand, he knows it has something to do with this. It’d be one thing if it went well. If it did, he can imagine her leaving in a tizzy because she got so engrossed with joy that she’d leave them. And that’d be fine. The problem is that if it was a good encounter, even with her leaving, she would’ve answered one of their messages and apologized but, “you know me, I gotta plan a week ahead for this!” and all that.
This isn’t like her. She should be bragging about this.
Odin feels a hand on his arm. He looks down at Ava, her expression concerned.
“Hey, I know you’re worried too.”
He lets out a rush of air.
“It’s okay to admit that.”
“I k-know it is… I just d-don’t like to.”
Ava pats his arm, giving him a smile.
He can’t help but return it with his own.
Then he remembers something.
“Hey, w-why did you tense in the car on Frid-d-day?”
Ava blinks, “What?”
“When Maggie m-mentioned Gil… why did you te-tense up about him?”
Her expression changes, reserved. Her hand tightens around his forearm.
Odin leans down a little, closer to eye level. His heart quickens as he asks, “Is it be-because you s-still have feelings f-for Maggie?”
Ava whirls to look at him, shocked. She shakes her head, “No, that’s not it.”
Odin’s brain falters for a moment.
“But I… I t-thought that…”
“I liked Maggie a long time ago, but I made peace with that. She’s never going to want me back, and I only want to be her friend,” Ava explains.
Odin, in the midst of whooping with glee, dropping dead from relief, and the growing anxiety of Maggie’s whereabouts, delivers a single, brilliant, “What.”
“I haven’t liked her that way for a long time. She’s always going to be important to me is all. I want to have her in my life, even if it’s not what I thought it’d be as kids.”
Odin squeezes her shoulder, understanding how it feels to not know where one stands.
“The reason I tensed is because… yeah, I don’t like Gil much either.”
“H-How’s that?”
Ava’s expression contorts, a grimace of contempt twisting her features. He never thought she could look so… fearsome.
“A couple weeks ago, I’d been in the hall. I was walking past Gil, and he’d been hanging around with those other people. I don’t remember two of their names, but I know Prudith. She normally picks on me,” Ava informs him. She feels Odin’s hand shift onto her back, comforting, “When they saw me, they all looked at me like I shouldn’t be around. Prudith whispered something to Gil that I couldn’t hear. Next thing I know… my books are smacked out of my hands and on the floor…”
Ava’s eyes well with tears, sniffling.
“I never had problems with Gil before.”
No doubt hanging around with the wrong crowd, Odin surmises. It doesn’t excuse his behavior, but he’s normally so anti-confrontational that the fact he went out of his way to bully Ava is something else.
“...Then he told me that’s what I deserve.”
“He s-said what?” demands Odin, voice sharp.
“I don’t know why he said that, or what I’ve done but…” Ava says. She looks at Odin then, eyes watery, but burning. “Whatever he said to Maggie probably wasn’t good either.”
Odin draws Ava close to him. She gasps when he pulls her up to his form, one hand cradling the back of her head.
“I d-don’t know if this is something you w-want,” Odin whispers, face burning. “But I w-want you to know I’m h-here for you. Whenever y-you need it.”
Ava nods, comforted. She allows herself to be held for a moment, then she withdraws.
Odin wipes a tear from her face, “C-Come on, let’s go find Maggie.”
It feels awful.
This aching pain ripping into her chest.
She wants it to stop, but it gets worse the harder she cries.
Every part of her is shaking. The tears keep flowing—dark streaks on her cheeks, nose is becoming plugged, throat is tight.
She’s so stupid. She’s stupid. She’s stupid, she’s stupid, she’s stupid stupid stupid stupid—
Sobbing, Maggie blindly reaches for the glove compartment. Feeling for the tissues, she blows her nose. How could she have been such an idiot? Maybe she should’ve tried harder to get him to agree, but he seemed so adamant about saying no.
His stare had been so cold.
She didn’t think her Prince Charming could be this way.
Sniffling, she dabs at her eyes. Releasing a shaky sigh, Maggie tilts back her head.
She wasn’t sure why this one hurt so bad. She’d been told no before.
But Gil was supposed to be different. He felt so safe, and she gravitated to that. He was always sweet, it never dawned on her that he would…
Maggie’s eyes burn, the tears coming out again.
She’s been such a fool…
The phone vibrates beside her. Glancing at it, she bites her lower lip. She drove off to the park without telling them… she’s not sure if she wants to deal with Odin telling her that he knew all along.
The phone stops vibrating. It starts up again, this time Ava.
She lets it ring, looking at her shoes. Was this how Ava felt? When she’d turned her down all those years ago?
What a horrible feeling. To feel like you didn’t matter. And the chance to gain importance doesn’t exist.
Odin moves in the direction of the park. Carrying Ava on his back, he asks, “You c-comfortable?”
“Yeah,” Ava says. “I’m sorry you have to do this.”
“D-Don’t worry about it. Those s-shoes you have a-aren’t exactly built f-f-for walking.”
Sighing, Ava wraps her arms around him a bit tighter. Resting her head on his shoulder, she realizes how good he smells. His neck is so close, it takes a surprising amount of effort to not bend an inch and trail kisses up that exposed skin.
She hadn’t been sure how to react at the store—all she knew was she didn’t want to embarrass him. Someone thinking they’re together might not appeal to him. She knows he likes her, but if wasn’t in the way she wanted it to be. She’s not sure if she could take that. Not again.
What he said earlier about Maggie had got her thinking. She used to like Maggie, and a part of her will always treasure Maggie as her first crush. First love, even. Maggie is one of the most important people in her life. That won’t ever change.
In the absence of her, Odin made his way through. Found her groping in the dark, and they were both lost, but they had each other. He has become so important.
Possibly above everyone else.
Ava tilts her head onto his, closing her eyes. She hopes Maggie’s okay.
She wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, not like before. It’s why she can’t let Odin know how she feels. If he did… their relationships will change. Maggie might feel like she’s losing friends once more.
Odin stops, and she looks up. Sliding off his back, the two of them rush over to Maggie’s car.
Ava knocks on the window, startling Maggie. She drops her shoulders when she sees it’s them. She opens the door, feeling tired.
“Hey…” she murmurs.
“We’ve been worried!” Ava exclaims, hugging her.
“I’m fine, Ava,” Maggie tells her.
Odin stands in front of her, relief sinking into his gut. Shaking his head, he sticks his hands into his pockets, “Y-You’re such a pain in the a-ass.”
“Odin!” chastises Ava.
Maggie glares at him, “I didn’t feel like having you tell me that you told me so.”
“Mags, that’s n-not it,” Odin says. “You left us w-w-worried sick about where y-you’d gone, and w-what happened. The l-least you could’ve d-done was answer your phone.”
Maggie sighs. Tears flow again, “I’m sorry… I didn’t want you to see me like this…”
Odin squeezes beside her, all three of them standing against the car. Odin wraps an arm around her shoulder, “Maggie, y-you can talk to us. You d-don’t need to shut y-yourself out.”
Fast, she brushes her eyes. She groans when she keeps crying.
Odin pulls her into a hug. Maggie sobs into his chest. Ava hugs her from behind, and she feels their bodies shift so that they’re all hugging each other.
“I… I felt so fucking dumb,” Maggie blubbers. “I thought— I really thought th— That’d he’d give me a… shot…”
“I know… I k-know…”
Maggie feels Ava’s hand stroke her hair, whispering that it’s okay.
She lets herself cry in this little cacoon. Safe.
Finished, Maggie pulls back. Odin pats her shoulder as Ava rubs her arm.
“He… He didn’t want to go out with me. I thought he would… but I guess I fooled myself.”
Ava shakes her head, “It’s okay, this stuff kinda happens. You run away with an idea and then you don’t know where it went. But it’s really gonna be okay.”
Maggie turns to her, “I’m sorry, Ava.”
“What for?” asks Ava, surprised.
“It must’ve been hard for you to tell me you liked me… I really hurt you then too, and I never apologized for that.”
“Oh, Maggie… that’s okay!” Ava tells her, hugging her tight. Pulling back, she smiles, “We’re friends again, and that’s more than I could’ve wanted.”
Maggie smiles back, “Thanks, Ava.”
“He w-was a jerk anyway,” Odin says.
Laughing, Maggie grabs onto his arm, “I know he was rude to me, but it’s not that bad.”
“Well…” Odin starts, meeting gazes with Ava.
Maggie’s curious eyes turn dark. Grappling with the idea that not only Gil could be so cold towards her, but Ava as well. In another time, that might’ve made her a little happy. Might have.
“That’s horrible... I know I’m one to talk but... I can’t believe he’d do something like that. Although, I guess after today, I don’t know him at all.”
Odin steps forward, “You l-ladies wanna key his car?”
Ava giggles while Maggie throws her head back in a loud laugh.
“Odin, we can’t do that,” Ava says.
“As much as I’d feel better doing it, admittedly” Maggie states, crossing her arms. “I don’t think I have it in me to do that.”
“D-Doesn’t have to be us.”
“Man, they really took off,” Maggie comments.
“Yeah, wow. Look at them go,” Ava agrees.
“B-Best part is, they’ll be t-too tired to be up a-all night,” Odin says.
They watch as his three sisters throw toilet paper over Gil’s car, all of them writing obscenities and doodling on the windows.
“Will any of this damage the car?” questions Ava.
“I l-let the girls have free rein so… I told them the basics: d-don’t slash his tires or b-b-brakes. Don’t t-throw rocks into the windows. Don’t steal anyt-t-thing. Car s-should be fine after a wash. M-Maybe new paint.”
“Those are the basics?”
“For t-them, yes.”
Maggie smirks, “Gotta hand it to ya, you’re raising those girls to be something else.”
“T-Thanks, I think,” Odin says, pulling out his pipe to smoke.
Ava holds out her hand after he takes several puffs. He hands it to her, automatic.
Maggie stares at them out of her periphery. Hopefully, they’ll take the plunge to date one day. Otherwise, she might have to push that.
“Hey, I’m glad you two are here with me,” she gushes. “You two are the best.”
“A-Anytime,” Odin says, nudging her. “After all, n-nothing says camaraderie like m-messing with someone’s property.”
Maggie snickers, “I’m so lucky.”
“But seriously, Maggie. We’re always here for you too,” says Ava, beaming. “What are friends for.”
“Right,” she agrees.
They’re an odd little group, but they’re always looking out for each other, hearing one another out. It’s always difficult to work around other people. But if someone matters enough, you learn to adapt and mold around them. Their trio is so full of good things, she is grateful to have friends around who actually care about her.
Well, adding a boyfriend wouldn’t hurt. She looks up at the stars. He might be out there somewhere still.
For now, she has them. Until then, Maggie can’t think of anything better than to have people like this by her side.
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