#I’ve been holding in this one since last year LOOL!! 🤣🤣
thewillowtree3 · 3 months
Y’all, I have read…SOO much Wenclair fanfiction lol. I’ve read like at least 30-31% of all the fic, last I calculated ;_;. I don’t remember being THIS obsessed with a ship for a while but I kinda get why lol.
I first heard about the show on Twitter like 6 days after it came out. I wasn’t gonna watch it, but then I saw posts about it and I was like “OMG THEYRE SOO FUCKING CUTE LOOL.” And I kinda get why?
I’ve never really been into enemies-to-lovers but I TOTALLY GET IT NOW LOOL. It’s the eventual understanding of one another, the breaking down of barriers to really understand one another, and I think that’s SOO fucking sweet lol. And I’ve never really been into the goth-sunshine thing either, but I GET IT. I get why opposites attract and it’s adorable to see them overcome it.
But I think why I love Wenclair SOO MUCH is because of how ADORABLE they are. I think it’s SOO fucking adorable how one is a goth, and the other is a sunshine and they have to work together. I think it’s SOO adorable that they HAVE to compromise and really find out what they love about each other. I think it’s SOO adorable that they grow to love each other, that the girl who was literally born to love, but fucking hates it, is with a girl who LOVES SOO MUCH, but DESPERATELY needs some of her own and doesn’t have it. It’s a story of a girl who was born to love, but hates it, and a girl who loves to love, but doesn’t have it. They both provide what the other needs- love and understanding.
And I LOVEE that they have to make it work. I haven’t read many ships where they HAVE to make it work- where they’re almost complete opposites where it’s almost impossible for them to get song. But they DO. They DO get along. They have to make it work, but they DO. And it’s SOO ADORABLE when they do lol.
I LOVE that they create something new out of their friendship- a relationship where Wednesday is softer and Enid is more understanding. It’s achingly adorable how they have to change SOO much to adapt to the other, but it’s SOO cute because they WANT to make that change.
Wednesday wants to understand Enid, so she becomes kinder, softer. She tries to understand her through all the ins-and-outs, all the color, the music. And Enid wants to accept Wednesday. She has to look past all the darkness and gore and find the hidden, sweet soft center inside.
And it’s ADORABLE because they try SOO hard. They try SOO FUCKING HARD to really find the things they adore about the other, and maybe it’s hard at first, but it becomes easier after time. It’s ADORABLE to see them trying SOO fucking hard and making SOO much effort to love one another, and it’s worth it :’)
Also the confession scenes AHH!! THEYRE SOO FUCKING ADORABLE LOOL AHH!! THEYRE SOO FUCKING CUTE!!! I’ve read SOOO many fics in which Wednesday confesses and it’s SOO FUCKING CUTE LOOL!! She says the most, all these flowery poetic beautiful things and I can’t imagine anyone else but her saying them. Like I can’t IMAGINE ANY OTHER SHIP I READ to say something so flowery and dramatic and poetic.
Wednesday Addams is such a SPECIFIC character to write for. You have to get her EXACT tone to write down- you have to write her as morbid, as serious, cold, cutting, sarcastic, and there’s a very specific way she acts and it’s honestly really hard. If you veer off course, I feel like it’s really easy to make her OOC lol. And that’s why the confession scenes hit so hard!! Because she’s this way, it only makes sense if SHE’S the only character to confess this way hehe.
So yeah- my thoughts on Wenclair and why I’m so obsessed with them. It’s 2:16 AM LOOL!! 🤣🤣
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