#I’ve been juggling around a couple from a different fandom so I don’t wanna add more to my plate but… I’m tempted… thoughts?
sunsetserenade · 2 years
what is your ideal love confession scenario between mike and will?
oooooh… i haven’t really thought this through before!
im thinking i want it to sort of be gradual… if that makes sense. i want them to slowly both realize during the course of season 4 that they’re in love with each other, enough that we as an audience can tell that’s what’s happening.
i can’t decide whether i want mike to confess or will to confess… there are advantages and drawbacks for both.
but... here’s what i want to happen: [warning: this got a lot angstier than I thought it would be akdjksjd. sorry. and also a lot longer. I’ll put it under a cut!]
hiya so this accidentally turned into. sort of a ficlet i guess. enjoy?
tensions been building up. it starts with little moments; mike catches himself staring at will a little too often. will catches his gaze a couple times, but they turn away in sync. will blushes; mike wonders why he keeps looking in the first place.
and then, in moments of panic, mike keeps reaching for will’s hand. and every time, he’s shocked when will’s hand is already there, reaching for him too.
over the course of the season, we see them get closer. glued at the hip; where one goes, the other follows soon.
but then they get separated. by what or how, i have no clue; but… as terrifying as it would be, i want there to be a near death experience. (i say is if there hasn’t been multiple near death experiences already). i want mike to see will at deaths door for himself. sorry </3 but! here’s why:
i want it to be a life-flashing-before-your-eyes moment for mike.
i want mike to realize, in that moment where time seems to stand still, that if he lost will for good… there would be no such thing as moving on. he realizes before it happens that the hole that would be left where his heart should be is bigger and more painful than the wound of a late friend.
…like how it was in season one, when mike thought will was dead. but this time, mike is there. mike sees it as it happens and can’t move a muscle. maybe he’s injured, maybe he’s been immobilized by something. but all he can do is watch.
el comes to the rescue like the badass she is, but at this point, will is still gravely injured. (poor kid can’t get a break. #givewillabreak2022). once mike can move again, he crawls over to will as fast as he can. he shakes will awake, holding him in his arms, feeling his pulse. will wakes up and mike heaves a sigh of relief. maybe some tears are shed when mike begins talking. “I thought i lost you, i thought that was it…” and will, being as selfless as he is, would weakly gesture to a wound on mikes face, asking if he was okay. mike would tell him to “stop worrying about me, this is about you.” he’s still talking, still pouring out his heart, finishing it with “i can’t do this without you…”
“do what?” will would ask, dazed, exhausted.
“live.” It’s an answer and a request. “i love you, will.”
will is shocked, from both the injuries and the confession, but his hand finds its way to mikes, and he finds mikes eyes, holding the gaze with no reservations now. “i love you, too. i love you, too.”
mike pulls will into a bone crushing hug, injuries be damned. they’ve got enough adrenaline to feel weightless and pain free.
over will’s shoulder, mike sees el standing not too far away. she’s looking at him, a tear rolling down her cheek. but she isn’t sad. she gives mike a watery smile. she nods at mike, putting as much sincerity as she can into the motion. she gets it now; what it means to love.
mike smiles at her, a twinge in his heart for a first love now faded. but they both know it now; love is surprising, terrifying, and found in the most unexpected places. it grows, changes. it’s one of the universe’s many mysteries.
together, they unveiled the surface. but they smile at each other now, knowing the answers to love that lie beneath its surface is different for both of them, found elsewhere.
there’s nothing more strange than love, is there?
whoops. i didn’t mean to get sidetracked there but my fingers started typing and i had to obey. my bad?
thanks for the ask!! <3
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